Claimed Scores 2016
  11857 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
20/12/16 1.3GHz UKAC
13/12/16 432MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 144MHz CW Marconi

(23 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G8X JO00 203 90,702 447 7S7V 1014 400 2x17 + 4x3 ele South Coast CG & Pembrokeshire CG
6S 2 G3MEH IO91 81 24,810 306 DA0FF 752 400 2 x 9el M2 Station operated by Jeremy, G3XZG.
6S 3 G4ZTR JO01 55 18,790 342 HB9FAP 794 400 8 ele G4CQM Terrible conditions !  
6O 4 G4RGK/P IO91 57 15,451 271 TM0W 757 200 7el YU7EF Lousy condx, site no good to the east, only wkd two DL's. Last year scored 56k points, this year 15k - says it all...
6S 5 G3TCU IO91 38 8,752 230 DF0MU 556 400 9 ele Short session giving points away from home this time. Condx seemed poor
6S 6 G4HGI IO83 26 7,176 276 F6HPP/P 627 100 12 ele i0jxx Only on for 2 1/2 hours Poor Condx Poor Activity and Poor CW on my part ! (Use it or lose it !)Cant wait for the ubn's :-) thanks to all
SF 7 G0OOG IO91 27 6,313 234 DL6IAK 714 23 6 el LFA Band flat and G activity very low. Some of the prominent operators not which was a huge disappointment. Wx vy cold here.
6S 8 G4NBS JO02 21 6,109 291 TM0W 761 200 12ele Poor condx in 3 hrs I operated. Tnx to those that slowed to my speed and put up with my poor sending! Wonder how much I copied correctly?
6O 9 M1EYP/P IO83 23 5,335 232 ON7RY/P 619 5 SOTAbeams SB5 - 5Y From SOTA summit The Cloud G/SP-015 - all contacts with me worth 1 point in the SOTA awards programme.
6S 10 G3RLE IO83 24 5,277 220 F6HPP/P 615 90 5 El yagi  
6S 11 G4BRK IO91 19 4,771 251 DF0MU 597 50 7 el Condx poor. A struggle to even hear any DLs, let alone any further DX. Many sending 599 but unable to copy my info, time-wasting repeats.  
6S 12 GM4PPT IO75 12 4,514 376 G8X 595 400 2x 12 ele M2 Poor conditions and very low UK activity, I worked all I heard.
6S 13 M0BUL IO82 15 3,853 257 F6HPP/P 547 100 5 ELE LFA Giving points away between hanging wallpaper :-(
6S 14 G4XPE IO92 15 3,824 255 ON7RY/P 471 25 Jaybeam 10-Y 10-element Yagi    
6S 15 M0AFJ IO92 12 1,960 163 F6DWG/P 371 250 7 ELE DL6WU Just gave a few points away, poor activity though
SF 16 G0CDA IO83 10 1,846 185 F6HPP/P 608 50 15 ele Cushcraft Junior Boomer Only QRV for limited time Sat to give pts away.Worked all I could hear but gotaway was F6DWG/P.  
6S 17 G3USE IO80 6 1,641 274 F6DWG/P 436 50 5el yagi Only able to do a short session on Saturday. 73 de Steve.
6S 18 G4VFL IO84 5 1,557 311 F8KIH 544 100 9ele Tonna Sorry G3RLE, G3MEH, G3OHH and G3ZOD I wasn't quick enough to work you before you faded out or changed direction.
SF 19 OK1RP JO60 22 1,507 68 OM3KII 320 5 1/4l vertical Nice to work few QSOs even with 5W into whip
6S 20 G4RYV IO91 12 1,408 117 F6DWG/P 315 10 9 ele Tonna Dire conditions, S9 noise to South East and Deep QSB at times. Low level of Activity. One less contact than Last Year! 73 all.
6S 21 G3YRZ JO01 4 457 114 F6DWG/P 291 25 Homebrew indoor slim jim Dipping my toe in the water with an elderly IC-290H and a homebrew slim jim in the attic! Hardly optimum but pleased to make a few QSO's.  
6S 22 G3ZOD IO83 7 256 37   0 50 Indoor dipole    
6S 23 M0NRD IO93 1 13 13 M7A 13 25 4-Element LFA Yagi  

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