Claimed Scores 2017
  13783 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
21/12/17 70MHz UKAC
21/12/17 70MHz FMAC
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Claimed scores for 144MHz CW Marconi

(36 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 F1AKK/P JO10 297 129,175 435 OE1W 977 120 82el  
6S 2 G3MEH IO91 86 27,218 316 HB9EWY 770 400 2 x 9 ele M Squared  
6S 3 G4DHF IO92 72 23,546 327 DR9A 765 400 4x9DHF Cndx dire on Sat eve, far better during pm. On Sunday heavy scattering of signals confused beaming. Many EU regulars missed this year.
SF 4 G5B IO92 50 21,958 439 TM0W 816 400 2x12 el M2 Pt time S&P only between chores. Decent activity.  
6O 5 G4RGK/P IO91 61 20,553 337 HB9EWY 778 200 7el YU7EF Some problems with sticking ant relay at start, very little G activity these days
SF 6 G4ASR IO81 62 18,338 296 DA0FF 914 400 17-element Conditions poor, UK activity very poor, a handful of GM's but nothing else above IO83/IO93. Most activity in mainland Europe obvs.
SF 7 M0BTZ IO90 60 16,954 283 DA0FF 805 100 9ele F9FT Condx OK, UK Activity Low, Awful local noise. Enjoyed contest despite problems in shack. No rotator(armstrong!).Nice sigs from DL.Sri GM4PPT
6S 8 MM0CEZ IO75 46 16,273 354 F8KIH 684 400 2 X 2M12 by M2 Conditions up and down, bursts of activity, more activity on Sunday than Saturday. Thanks to all who called
6O 9 G4KZY/P IO91 57 15,922 279 DA0FF 806 250 9 ele Tonna Rather cold but mostly dry. Condx a bit disappointing. Many thanks for the calls.
SF 10 M0HOM IO93 47 14,616 311 DA0FF 802 90 10el CQM enjoyed a cw contest, shame condx were about normal for a contest weekend, and low activity. thanks for all the Q's, 73 GL
SF 11 G4RQI IO93 38 13,240 348 DR9A 875 250 10ele LFA  
SF 12 G0OOG IO91 37 10,639 288 TM0W 730 23 6 el LFA Hard work - sigs seemed down this year. As usual wx very cold Saturday night (2C on the balcony) Thanks for those that wkd so hard to copy
6O 13 M0KBW IO93 37 9,917 268 DR9A 870 50 Quadlong A short report can be seen here:  
SF 14 GM4PPT IO75 31 9,597 310 M5D 525 400 2 x 12ele M2 Poor conditions & low activity, sporadic operating by me, I think I worked all I heard.
SF 15 DL4FCH JO40 39 8,874 228 OE1W 542 25 9el Yagi    
6S 16 G3PHO IO93 33 8,372 254 DL0LN 613 50 9 el Tonna yagi Interesting conditions with incredible multipath effects on all Eu stations making some sound auroral. Some amazing signals from F and ON4.
O 17 G4FAD IO82 29 6,873 237 IQ5NN 1492 50 8 ele beam  
6S 18 G4HGI IO83 28 6,818 244 F6HPP/P 627 250 12 ele I0JXX Very little time we wll under 2 hours operating thanks to all. Condx didn't seem to great 73
SF 19 G3RLE IO83 33 6,736 204 DL0GL 651 50 5 El yagi  
6S 20 G4BRK IO91 18 6,391 355 DA0FF 802 60 9 el Another disaster, K3 and transverter died after 2 QSOs. Put FT847 on for the morning but condx not great. Poor UK activity.  
6S 21 G3UVR IO83 23 6,145 267 F6HPP/P 633 25 Magic Dipole Far too much inappropriate use of 599 on VHF
6O 22 M1EYP/P IO83 26 5,275 203 F6HPP/P 576 5 SOTAbeams SB5 (5Y) Operating from SOTA G/SP-015.
6S 23 G0MCV IO92 28 5,176 185 F6SPP/P 494 50 sandpiper beam  
6S 24 G3UKV IO82 21 4,396 209 F6KRK 614 20 8 ele yagi Some strong sigs. from nearby continent. Just spent a cxouple of hours in this CW contest  
6S 25 G4XPE IO92 19 3,680 194 F6HPP/P 519 25 Jaybeam 10-Y 10-ele Yagi    
6S 26 M0BUL IO82 14 3,540 253 F6HPP/P 547 400 5 ele lfa Just giving points away where I could. 73 Craig
SF 27 G0CDA IO83 14 3,481 249 F6HPP/P 608 25 15ele Cuschraft Junior Boomer Very little UK activity as is usual.Most time QRV Saturday in between other jobs.  
SF 28 G7WHI IO92 19 3,026 159 F6HPP/P 480 25 5 ele yagi  
6S 29 G4BEE IO83 10 1,828 183 F8KIH 435 40 5 ele Yagi  
6O 30 GM4DIJ IO74 6 1,706 284 M4J 505 50 8 ele Heard lots of tantalising M/S pings , UK activity low. Condx reasonable.
6S 31 G4JED JO01 7 1,367 195 PI4MAX 348 50 9 ele  
SF 32 G8XYJ IO82 5 610 122 MM0CEZ 395 100 6 Ele DK7ZB Token effort from home! 73 to all those that had patience with my poor sending!!  
6S 33 G4VFL IO84 2 516 258 G3MEH 359 100 9ele Tonna  
6S 34 G3TDH IO83 4 371 93 MM0CEZ 305 100 3 Ele. Only restricted time available, so a token entry to show my support for this event.
6S 35 G0PJO JO01 3 282 94 G4DHF 141 5 Vertical Dipole  
SF 36 GM4IGS IO75 2 66 33 MM0CEZ 49 50 5 ELE YAGI Just giving away points. Worked all I could hear. Using indoor antenna. 73's

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