Claimed Scores 2009
  5762 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/09 70MHz UKAC
29/12/09 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/09 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/09 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
28/12/09 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
22/12/09 50MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 144MHz Trophy

(74 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G8P JO01 816 338,850 415 ED1R 1003 400 8x10 Very enjoyable weekend, even the wx was good for once. Ops G4CLA, G0HFX, G4IRX, LY3MM.
O 2 G4ZAP/P JO02 705 259,741 368 EA1FDI 1179 400 2x12 2x12 4x12 Nice to have good Wx all weekend!
O 3 G8T JO01 655 250,561 383 LY2BAW IN KO25KA 1639 400 2 x 2 x 10el Started off slow got better, some good DX to EA, OK and mixed MS/tropo to LY2BAW
O 4 G0VHF/P JO01 517 187,518 363 EB1LA/P 1085 400 2x17+1x16+1x12 A fair start dried up quite quickly. Out of the ES mostly. Nothing broke! de CCG
O 5 OK2KYC JN99 513 176,530 344 I1AXE 985 1200 2x13+10+2x6 From the other side again,great fun.Jiri M0ITY -
SF 6 G4DEZ JO03 333 120,244 361 ED1R 1177 400 4 x 12e Late start and 5 hours watching TV with XYL, but good fun, now to bed ! Thanks all for points.
SO 7 GM4ZUK/P IO86 231 114,496 496 EE1URO 1649 400 4 x 13ele Yagi Nice condx to EA and DL/HB9. Activity poor. WX better than 2008!
O 8 LZ9X KN32 190 111,320 586 S53D 1017 800 2x15el DJ9BV  
O 9 M9T IO80 270 110,160 408 DF0YY 1154 400 10Y + 10Y Very enjoyable contest. conditions good & nice to be told we were the best DX for several DL stations. Moors CG Ops: G4WFR & G0KYS
O 10 UW5Y ?? 226 98,580 436 IQ5TT 1074 120 2x17 f9ft  
6O 11 GM6MD/P IO75 184 79,525 432 EA1FDI 1373 400 2 x 9 ele Yagi Good conditions and plenty DX worked. Weather- wet and windy, but great fun. Thanks to all who worked us.
6O 12 G5LK/P JO02 222 79,456 358 TM0W 774 400 64 ele Better condx on Sunday
SF 13 G4RRA IO80 80 59,654 746 DM5D 1195 400 2 x 10ele Good conditions for a change,enjoyed giving points away and digging out the distant ones
6O 14 MW0MAT/P IO81 156 54,185 347 DF0YY 1067 100 9EL DK7ZB Good conditions.
6O 15 M2F JO02 132 51,232 388 HB9GT 827 400 64 ele Vy poor conditions at start of contest
6O 16 MM0GPZ/P IO85 130 49,507 381 TM0W 1203 400 12 ele M2 Great tropo. Missed the best of it however. Thanks for points.
6S 17 GM4AFF IO86 86 47,763 555 HB9EME (JN36GU) 1266 400 17ele @ 45ft    
SF 18 G0JJG JO02 112 41,382 369 F6KPC/P 733 300 11 ele Tonna Good activity, EA tropo didn't make it to here - thanks to all.
SF 19 2E0NEY IO81 139 40,186 289 EB1LA/P 932 50 17 ele Very good condx this weekend, some nice DX and good distances covered. Good activity and thanks to all for the points. 73 de 2E0NEY  
6S 20 G4HGI IO83 123 38,329 312 HA5KDQ 1659 400 12ele i0jxx Great activity nice condx Sunday morning - nice one burst qso
SF 21 GW8IZR IO73 48 34,291 714 EB8BRZ 2961 400 9y Spent just a few hours spread over the contest giving points and working some dx.  
6S 22 G3ZVW IO80 115 31,897 277 ED1R IN IN73TA 868 400 13-el Cushcraft    
SF 23 PE1EWR JO11 112 30,617 273 OL4A 701 80 10 el. Parabeam Jaybeam  
6O 24 G0EHV/P IO84 64 26,419 413 TM0W 1074 160W 13 Element Yagi Goop tropo into Europe but low activity from UK noted. Pleasant Sunday out /P.
SO 25 G8BGV/P JO01 86 24,556 286 DL0GTH 718 10W 6 Ele DK7ZB Main Entry in Hilltoppers contest. 3 hours operation only with 10 watts
6O 26 G8CQA/P IO81 81 22,950 283 EE1URO 1137 100 8 Ele Low UK activity, some nice DX.  
O 27 G3RCM/P IO93 73 20,882 286 DF0OL 720 50 9 el yagi  
6S 28 G8HGN JO01 37 20,149 545 F1USF/P 826 50 2x15 ele @ 13M Exclusively search & pounce,2 hrs Sat eve & 4 Sun morning. Missed the EA's. A few poor signals again, not exclusive to UK.
6S 29 G0TPH IO92 60 20,064 334 HB9EME 852 25W 9-ele Tonna  
6S 30 G0HVQ IO81 69 19,969 289 EB1LA/P IN IN63IM 1012 200 9 ele Vargarda Hard work, deep QSB but some nice DX in there, couldn't quite get DR9A in JN48 & HB9EME in JN36  
6O 31 G0PKT JO01 82 19,522 238 EI5FK 659 150 9 element beam Conditions reasonable, missed the good DX but had a good time. Martello Tower Group  
6S 32 GW8ASD IO83 43 19,440 452 DL0GTH 986 100W 12 ele yagi Nice to see some good tropo. Just on for a short while giving points away.
SO 33 G0CLP/P IO84 89 18,710 210 F5SGT/P 661 80W 2X10 ELE YAGI PLS CAN WE HAVE A 6HR SO SECTION?
6S 34 G6NHU JO01 77 18,342 238 TM0W 680 100 9 ele Vargarda Rotator failed costing 40 minutes. I could only turn the beam by stuffing two screwdrivers into the control box which made lots of sparks!  
6O 35 GW8ZRE/P IO83 72 17,763 247 DR9A IN JN48 954 10 7 Element ZL Yagi Main entry B/P.Good EU DX.
6S 36 G1KHX IO81 54 16,569 307 DK3EE 796 180 9 ele tonna very enjoyable thanks to all stations worked.
SF 37 GM4JR IO85 50 14,932 299 OQ4U 729 100 M2x12 Weather ruled out /P. Aerial problems at home. Reduced power. Plenty on, turn those beams! F4ARU/P 56 couldnt break through. Good fun though
O 38 M0T IO93 68 14,538 214 F8KTH/P 643 100 9 ele m2  
6S 39 G8LZE IO91 44 13,535 308 HB9EME 732 100 9 element Actually chose the best 6 hours for once!
6O 40 G0BWC/P IO83 59 13,280 225 F4CQY/P 797 80w 12 el zl Thx from Bolton Wireless (Sunday team)  
6O 41 G0UTT/P JO01 51 13,192 259 DR9A 630 50 12 ele ZL Dengie Hundred ARS club station. Pleasant contest with great weather. Very strong signals in the SE from both Europe and GM.
6S 42 G6KWA JO02 47 12,969 276 TM0W 753 100 2- 9ele Tonnas switched conditions good at times, heavy QSB and splatter from loud local station made things difficult at times
6S 43 G3YDY JO01 37 11,993 324 DF0XX 697 100W 9 ele Yagi  
6S 44 G4VPD IO92 29 11,445 395 DF0OL 796 30 19 ele good fun for the 1 hour opperated
6O 45 G8IB/P IO91 52 10,989 211 TM0W 775 160 16ele tonna Oxford & DARS  
SF 46 G3BNE JO01 32 9,595 300 HB9EME 688 30 9 EL TONNA  
SF 47 G3RHH IO90 24 9,492 396 EA1FDI 974 200 9 el Yagi    
SF 48 G3RLE IO83 31 8,498 274 F1ISM 540 100 5 El Yagi  
6S 49 G4XPE IO92 34 8,480 249 PI4HGV/P 539 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10 element yagi    
6S 50 G4BRK IO91 31 8,094 261 F4CQY/P 603 50 7el DK7ZB    
6O 51 G1ONE/P IO83 42 8,002 191 F1ISM 549 80w 12 ele zl Thanks to all from Bolton Wireless Club, hard going at times , weather didnt help  
6O 52 G0GJV IO91 26 7,813 300 HB9EME 738 100 9 ele  
6S 53 G4GTH IO90 22 7,747 352 DF0OL 704 95 9Ele M2 Yagi Good conditions especially to the east.  
6O 54 G4PDS/P IO80 20 7,712 386 EA2DR/1 840 50 7 ele yagi Late start and just 3 and a half hours for fun. Didn't get wet !
SF 55 G1TST IO81 28 6,999 250 F6HPP/P 951 50W 5 ELEMENT  
SF 56 G8ONK IO83 22 6,836 311 DK0ZB 801 100 9 Ele Yagi Giving away some points in spare moments
SF 57 G3CKR IO83 24 6,663 278 EA1FDI 1212 25 11Y CUSHCRAFT Giving pts away thru wkend,good to wrk EA from low qth with low pwr
6S 58 2E0BMO IO83 25 6,157 246 EA1FDI 1226 45 4Y Good Conditions but Activity Low.  
6S 59 G4LBH IO91 32 5,705 178 F4CQY/P 565 50W 7 Element Yagi    
SF 60 M0GGO JO01 21 5,241 250 DR9A 576 50 5 element yagi    
6O 61 G0LMV/P IO93 25 4,764 191 DR5A 565 50 4 ELE TONNA Only on for about an hour due to work, good conditions to the south.
6S 62 G4RYV IO91 13 4,722 363 GM4ZUK/P 632 10W 9 ele F9FT Tonna Interesting contacts. My operating time limited due to other commitments.
SF 63 G0BSU IO83 18 3,791 211 F4ARU/P 463 25 11Y Popped on to five a few points away. Great openings to Scotland and JO01/01/03
6S 64 G7PVZ IO91 15 3,157 210 DF0MU 450 5 9 Ele Tonna    
6S 65 G7SKR IO83 20 3,025 151 GM4ZUK/P 398 100 5el ZL Special    
6O 66 G4FUR/P IO91 17 2,988 176 GM4ZUK/P 644 1 2 ele Quad Operating at just 1 watt!!
6S 67 G3MEH IO91 14 2,864 205 PI9A 501 25 Fixed dpole @7m Just giving pts away for 45mins Sunday morning (other commitments). UK activity seemed poor.
6O 68 2W0VAG/P IO81 16 2,707 169 G8P 347 50 9 ELEL TONNA Chers for the points , hard work, weather against me
SF 69 M0CES IO93 10 2,476 248 GM4ZUK/P 436 80W 12 ELE BEAM  
6S 70 G4JSR IO82 15 2,346 156 MM0GPZ/P 353 40 W COLINEAR  
6S 71 G0GWI IO83 12 2,103 175 PA6NL 460 45 5 Element yagi Great conditions, took a leisurely approach to the contest, a nice relaxing 6 Hours, thanks & 73's to all stations worked.
SF 72 M0OXD IO91 12 2,084 174 PA6NL 373 25 JayBeam 7050 Great fun. Only had couple of hours to chase, but lots of fun on 25W and a folded dipole.
6O 73 M0JBA/P IO93 3 669 223 M9T 419 5W 3 el beam  
SF 74 2E0JWJ IO81 6 512 85 G4ZAP/P 199 10W Watson 2000 Tri-Band Vertical  

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