Claimed Scores 2010
  6849 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/10 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/10 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/10 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/10 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
28/12/10 50MHz UKAC
21/12/10 UHF UKAC 2.3 GHz
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Claimed scores for 144MHz Trophy

(65 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G8P JO01 915 389,500 426 OK1KCR 1031 400 4x12+4x10+17 Great wx and conditions made for a very enjoyable weekend. Everything worked well especially the new aerials.
SO 2 M6T JO02 663 270,720 408 ED1R IN IN73 1113 400 2x2x17Y + 16Y Op G4PIQ. 1st 2m contest in 4yr! Lost last 2 hrs with switching fault too tired to think how to fix Ave condx-slight lift to South Sunday am
O 3 G8T JO01 701 270,437 386 EA1DVY/P IN IN81TX 1076 400 4x10el + 4x 9el Not bad for average conditions - some good DX to EA, OK, OE. New DK7ZB yagis worked well. Nothing broke.
O 4 G4Z JO02 591 208,496 353 EA1AAA/P 1117 400 2x12 2x12 4x12 Some good Dx but generally disappointing, seems like those on the coast had much better propagation.
O 5 G0VHF/P JO01 503 188,107 374 EA2DHJ/P 1007 400 4x6 LFA + 2x12 Condx avg to poor at times. LFA stack proved more useful than expected. MS pings (only!) from HA YO 9A late Saturday perked the ears up.
O 6 G5B IO92 461 164,549 357 ED1R 1130 400 6 x 12 ele Good overnight activity-lost quite a lot of Q's when PA blew  
SF 7 G4DEZ JO03 314 121,213 386 F1USF/P 983 400 4 x 12e Poor conditions and no real DX, thanks everyone for points.
SO 8 GM4ZUK/P IO86 257 110,402 430 DM1CG/P 900 400 4 x 13 ele Yagi Condx fairly flat. Very windy....again.
O 9 G3PYE/P JO02 309 95,797 310 AO2A 1026 400 17-ele  
O 10 GM3HAM/P IO74 231 73,273 317 EE2W 1294 400 2M5WL Conditions good at times - especially Sunday
O 11 M9T IO80 180 63,838 355 HB9FAP 1036 350 10Y + 10Y Slow going from Dartmoor. Condx up a bit on N/S path - S9+ signals from EA & GM. Thanks to all for points de G4WFR & G0KYS
6O 12 GM6MD/P IO75 163 53,805 330 EE2W 1336 400 2 x 9 El Yagi Conditions were not too bad, with some good DX. UK activity seemed low. Thanks to all who worked us.
O 13 G4FZN/P IO94 166 50,824 306 DR9A 904 100 9 ele Tonna Tnks to all who worked us. Missed EA & HB9 although both heard. Pse more UK stations beam North!
SO 14 G3XBY/P IO81 125 48,459 388 DL0GTH 1011 100 2 x 17el F9FT Good to be back after a 20 year lay-off. Conditions good to the South, average elsewhere.
SF 15 G6NHU JO01 182 45,375 249 TM0W 680 200 9 ele Vargarda Conditions weren't great but there were lots of stations about. An enjoyable but long session. Sorry to the getaways. Martello Tower Group.  
6O 16 M4W IO91 107 35,806 335 F4APR/P IN JN25 884 100 5 ele beam Fun weekend testing new site.
SF 17 PE1EWR JO11 103 31,559 306 F1USF/P 760 80 10 el. Parabeam Jaybeam  
O 18 GM2T IO86 74 31,391 424 F5SGT/P IN IN88KD 905 400 4x7ele DK7ZB P/T entry, main effort in SSB Field Day.
6S 19 GD8EXI IO74 90 31,382 349 TM2A 837 400 18 ele Probably chose the wrong 6hrs, missing the best DX Sunday morning.
6S 20 G0JJG JO02 77 24,027 312 TM0W 721 300 11 ele F9FT Only able to be qrv on Saturday, so missed the EA openenng on Sunday morning! Thnaks for all QSOs
6O 21 G0EHV/P IO84 74 22,555 305 F6HPP/P 716 160 13 Element Yagi Activity not as high as expected but some reasonable dx worked.
SF 22 G4DBW JO01 69 20,547 298 EE2W 934 50 6 ele yagi DK9ZB    
SO 23 G8BGV/P JO01 67 19,708 294 DL0GTH 718 10W 6Ele DK7ZB Main Entry in Hill toppers
6O 24 GW3Z IO81 70 19,006 272 ED1R 999 50 9 Element Tonna Had a great time some dx
6S 25 G0HVQ IO81 74 17,658 239 HB9STY/P 855 100 9 ele Condx seemed pretty good here at times with a fair amount of DX about, distinct lack of UK stations though.  
SF 26 G4HGI IO83 57 17,207 302 TM0W 986 25 12 ELE I0JXX Condx seemed good - major water leak in kithcen and un expected DIY after made S & P only option :-( thanks to all
SF 27 GW8ASD IO83 40 15,686 392 TM0W 1076 100W 12ele M2 Reasonable conditions with an unusual number of French stations heard here. Just giving a few points away as time allowed.
6S 28 G0TPH IO92 62 15,495 250 HB9STY/P 836 25w 9-ele Tonna Great MS pings from OM/OK on Saturday evening
SF 29 GW8IZR IO73 31 15,420 497 ED1R 1149 400 9 Y IZR MFST checklog -active for just a few short periods  
SF 30 G1TST IO81 60 14,164 236 TM0W 799 50 10 element  
6S 31 M0VRL IO70 41 13,630 332 ED2T 857 300w 2x17 yagi  
6S 32 GM4JR IO85 49 13,068 267 G8P 546 200 12 element M2 Hard going. Lots BIG guys, but where were all the regulars? Tnx all points, great fun.
6O 33 G0UTT/P JO01 50 12,899 258 F5PSC/P 827 50w 12ele Yagi Nice to work into LX. Good contest, but very windy. Thanks for all QSOs. Dengie Hundred ARS.
6O 34 G8DOH IO92 52 12,811 246 HB9STY/P 819 120 8ele Jaybeam Some good condx, but strangely few PA/ON heard.
6O 35 G8IB/P IO91 54 12,686 235 HB9BA 798 50 19 Element Yagi Hard work but fun. Thanks to all those at ODARS that helped run the VHF station on field day
6O 36 G8ZRE IO83 61 12,637 207 DF0MU 719 10W 8 XY YAGI Main entry in Backpackers good contest.
6O 37 GW8ZRE/P IO83 61 12,637 207 DF0MU 719 10W 8 XY YAGI Main entry in Backpackers good contest.
6S 38 G4BRK IO91 38 12,483 328 TM0W 779 50 9 el DK7ZB Just working a few S&P. Surprised to get 59 from so many weak ones.  
SF 39 2E0BMO IO83 53 11,755 222 F6HPP/P 636 50 WIMO 7Y Decent condx. Wrkd a few continental. Not quite enough for TM2A.
6S 40 M1FUR IO91 65 11,720 180 TM0W 690 100 7 ele ZL Special Best ever distance for 144 MHZ. Backpackers seemed thin on the ground though
SF 41 G4VPD IO92 35 11,237 321 DF0MU 1108 100 19ele  
SO 42 G4ARI/P IO92 57 10,892 191 F5SGT/P 521 3 MET 6 Element Yagi  
6O 43 G1ONE/P IO83 36 9,081 252 F6HPP/P 625 80 12 ZL better activity but not an ideal vhf site but we enjoyed it immensley and got the club members together
6O 44 G0PKT/P JO01 47 8,993 191 TM0W 687 100 9 element Tonna Martello Tower Group  
6S 45 M0MCV JO01 21 8,840 421 HB9STY/P 698 100w 9 ele yagi Only about 4 hours and just cherry-picked.
6S 46 2E0VXX/P IO82 24 8,813 367 HB9STY/P 898 50 4 Ele Just giving point away , good conds here
6O 47 G8IBL/P IO91 34 8,080 238 TM0W 713 50 5 ele SOTA  
6S 48 G0GJV IO91 25 7,676 307 F4EIZ/P 810 100 9 ele  
SF 49 G0CDA IO83 22 6,850 311 DF0MU 672 20 11Y Giving pts away to all I could hear in between other tasks.  
SO 50 G4HUN/P IO92 29 6,766 233 LX/PA1TK/P 553 5w 3ele SOTABeam Just giving away a few points whilst camping near Rutland Water
6O 51 G0BWC/P IO83 26 6,629 255 F6KCZ/P 538 80 2x 6-ele loads of big guns heard but very low inter G activity, resorted to BBQ and beer
6S 52 G4XPE IO92 28 6,396 228 GM4ZUK/P 459 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10 element yagi    
6S 53 G3MEH IO91 27 6,313 234 DF0MU 544 400 2 x 9el S&P Sat. 1910-2005.. Some strong sigs from across the N Sea & Channel, poor sigs from N & NW.
6S 54 G1MZD IO92 29 6,248 215 GM4ZUK/P 554 50w 13 ele Boomer limited time, conditions seemed reasonable considering antenna is at 3.5m
6S 55 G0LGS IO81 24 6,125 255 GM4ZUK/P 562 100 8 Ele PowaBeam    
6S 56 G3SPJ JO01 22 5,440 247 GM4ZUK/P 631 100 11 el Yagi 2 hours only
6S 57 GW3ATZ IO83 18 4,135 230 GM3ZUK/P 419 50 6 Ele short time only. wkd all I could hear...!
6S 58 G4GTH IO90 14 4,064 290 GM3HAM/P 470 95 9Ele M2 Yagi    
6S 59 2E0XBF JO01 25 3,724 149 TM2A 394 40 12ele ZL Special  
6S 60 G3HIU IO91 17 3,344 197 GM4ZUK/P 564 100w Log Periodic Reasonable cond. Just a short time while operating at GB2BP
6S 61 G7PVZ IO91 17 2,623 154 F6HPP/P 383 5 9 Ele Tonna    
6S 62 G4HHJ IO91 14 2,555 182 TM2A 446 20 HB9CV Token entry from about an hour's operating.
SO 63 2E0TXT/P IO83 12 2,295 191 G8P 377 20w Moxon  
6S 64 M0DSZ IO82 6 1,642 274 F4ARU 433 20 Hentenna  
6S 65 M3HSJ IO94 3 452 151 G5B 220 10 MR777S 144/70 First contest..

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