Claimed Scores 2011
  7946 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
27/12/11 SHF UKAC 10 GHz
27/12/11 SHF UKAC 3.4 GHz
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Claimed scores for 144MHz Trophy

(59 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G8P JO01 773 324,131 419 OE1W 1046 400W 4x10 3x12 17 Good conditions, better than last year, but score down, not really sure why, mains problems, thunderstorms and static rain didn't help!
O 2 G8T JO01 765 316,672 414 F6KEH/P IN JN02XR 1105 400 4 x 10 4 x 9 7 all DK7ZB yagi Good start, then weather front, thunder and static rain. Activity seemed low.
O 3 TM2A JN18 554 233,279 421 IK4WKU/6 JN63 863 ? ? Interesting to hear the RF world from France. Merci pour les contacts
O 4 G4Z JO02 479 175,685 367 EA2BFM/1 1034 400 4x12 + 2x12 Condx av. Activity a bit down  
O 5 G0VHF/P JO01 430 157,631 367 OE5MKO 995 400 2x17 + 2x12 Mike was away, stayed dry.
SF 6 G4DEZ JO03 349 118,604 340 OL3Y 980 400 4 x 12e M2 Very poor UK activity thanks all for the points.
O 7 G5RS/P JO00 299 97,918 327 5P5T 929 400 2x 17ele Tonna Conditions average. Mainly very good weather except for a few showers which luckily didn't fall when setting up or dismantling  
SO 8 GM4ZUK/P IO86 219 94,432 431 5P5T 962 400 4 x 13 ele Yagi Dire condx. Activity poor too. WX nice on Sunday.
O 9 M0B JO02 226 73,630 326 OL4A 924 400W 2x17el Nice level of acitivity from all over the UK and Europe. ZUK strong throughout. Chose this event over HF SSB FD. Preferred it actually.  
SO 10 G3XBY/P IO70 200 73,392 367 HB9FX 960 400 2 x 17el Tonna Generally flat conditions with patchy lifts to the SE and North. Rained most of the time especially when most inconvenient.
O 11 G3PYE/P JO02 251 69,682 278 HB9Y/P 855 400 17-ele 9-ele  
6S 12 GD8EXI IO74 93 30,817 331 TM2A 844 400 18 ele Some very strong signals from N France, otherwise flat band
SF 13 2E0NEY IO81 113 30,814 273 DL0GTH 912 50 17 ele Some excellent condx both days, with some very nice distances worked. 73 de 2E0NEY  
6O 14 G0EHV/P IO84 96 26,813 279 TM2A 805 160 13 Element Fair band conditions, good activity from Backpackers. WX very pleasant! Thanks for QSO's.
6S 15 G8CUL IO91 109 25,656 235 HB9DUR 772 150 17 element Nice conditions into EU on Saturday evening.  
6S 16 G8HGN JO01 51 24,099 473 DL0GTH 729 50 2x15ele CueDee Nearly all Europeans plus GM &GD using S&P tactics. Heard 5P5T but couldn't raise them.
6S 17 GM4AFF IO86 50 22,329 447 5P5T 950 400 17ele @ 45ft Awful condx. Abandoned 24hr entry and settled for 6hr. Sanity maintained.  
6S 18 GM4JR IO85 77 20,966 272 F5KKD/P 648 300 12 element M2 Hard going, Few people beaming north. Apologies to M3WDS...we nearly made it several times. Thanks for all the points
SF 19 G4HGI IO83 76 20,315 267 F1AZJ/P 788 25 12 i0jxx 2 x 6 hr stints mainly s&p long periods of zilch hi
6S 20 GW8ASD IO83 61 18,894 310 DK0ZB 800 100W 12ele M2 A lack of UK stations, particularly locals, which, at least, allowed me a chance to work some of the Continentals. :-)
O 21 G3RCM/P IO93 70 18,700 267 DL0GTH 899 100 2 x 17    
6O 22 G3NYY/P IO92 71 16,011 226 HB9DUR 836 10w 5 over 5 slot fed yagi Quite good tropo condx to Europe, especially N. France. UK activity very low. I was only active for the final 3 hours of the contest.  
6O 23 GW0IRW/P IO72 61 15,697 257 PC5T 616 10 9ele F9FT Very wet Sat PM, Sun better but flat conditions  
6O 24 G8IB/P IO91 63 15,691 249 HB9FX 796 50 Tonna 16 El Yagi ODARS dipping its toe into VFH contesting...
6S 25 G8DOH IO92 53 15,249 288 DL0GTH 870 160 8ele Jaybeam Good conditions to SE and S, nice to hear plenty of French stations
6S 26 GW8IZR IO73 31 13,974 451 DL0LN 807 400 9y Checklog. - poor condx ODX 800KM = flat band  
6S 27 G8DTF IO83 49 13,233 270 TM2A 698 10 9 ele DK7ZB  
6O 28 2E0VXX/P IO82 54 13,170 244 F1AZJ/P 708 50 6 ele Sandpiper Where was the UK Activity?
6S 29 G1MZD IO92 41 12,941 316 HB9DUR 785 40w 13 ele boomer Very little activity in UK especially to the north, good tropo to EU. Tnx for points
SF 30 2E0BMO IO83 65 12,410 191 TM2A 716 50 WIMO 7Y Condx patchy, some DX Sat. PM and Early Sunday. UK activity seemed down on last year.
SF 31 G4VPD IO92 38 12,220 322 DR9A 832 50 13Ele InnovAnt LFA LOW ACTIVITY HEARD
6O 32 M0DDC/P JO01 52 12,081 232 TM0W 678 100w 12 ele yagi For us in JO01 Europe and the west were best directions..and then the rain came! Thanks for all contacts. Blackwater Contest Group
6S 33 G8APB IO83 57 11,466 201 DF0MU 646 400 17 ele Yagi Plenty of Distant stuff, but lacking in G activity sad really
SF 34 G4HHJ IO91 39 10,440 268 TM0W 736 110 11 ele Limited operation time, but great fun.
6S 35 G6AHX IO82 37 10,196 276 DF0MU 648 100 8 el ZL Special Two 3 hour sessions. Most enjoyable.  
SF 36 G8EOP IO93 39 9,926 255 DF0MU 624 100 9el m2  
6O 37 GW4EVX/P IO83 58 9,815 169 ON4KHG 568 10 9 Ele Yagi Token entry from the three hour overlap with the BP contest.
SF 38 G8ONK IO83 51 9,653 189 PA6NL 640 25 12 ele DL6WU Conditions flat with deep QSB, thanks for all points
6O 39 GM4VVX/P IO78 27 9,599 356 G3XBY/P 793 300w 9 ele WX perfect - RF abysmal ! = 2hr40min before the 1st answer to my CQs. Many Thanks to those who tried to beam into GM.
SO 40 G0KDV/P JO01 49 9,367 191 GM4ZUK/P 642 50 7 ElL ZL Had a problem getting the SWR down at the start.  
SF 41 G0LGS IO81 34 9,083 267 GM4ZUK/P 562 100 8 Ele PowaBeam    
SO 42 MW6OXO/P IO82 48 9,053 189 PC5T 571 1w YAGI 12 ELE WILD NIGHT torential rain then 2 big gusts of wind see's off my rotator GOT DROWNED thanks for the points 73s all
6S 43 G4RYV IO91 35 9,040 258 GM4ZUK/P 632 10W 9 ele Tonna Flat conditions Deep Qsb at times, Poor UK activity. 73
6O 44 2E0HRD/P IO84 30 8,621 287 TM6M 646 20w 9 Element Tonna  
6S 45 M0KZC IO90 27 8,363 310 HB9DUR 759 300 9Y  
SF 46 G1SMI IO83 25 8,269 331 TM6M 582 100 17 ELE  
SF 47 G0CDA IO83 32 7,421 232 TM6M 571 20 11y Cushcraft Only QRV Saturday on and of but dire UK activity up here.Its a JO01/02 costal contest again!Need a re-think on this to attract interest back  
6S 48 G8LZE IO91 33 7,210 218 GM4ZUK/P 609 24 9 element  
6S 49 G1SWH IO83 25 6,986 279 TM6M 592 400w 12ell just giving pts away tks
6S 50 G4BRK IO91 23 6,830 297 DR9A 768 50 9 el DK7ZB Several stations were 59+ but couldn't hear me!  
6S 51 G3RLE IO83 23 5,862 255 TM2A 696 100 11 el yagi  
6S 52 G4XPE IO92 25 5,830 233 TM6M 531 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10 element yagi    
6S 53 G0GJV IO91 21 4,627 220 DF0MU 561 100 9 ele  
SF 54 M6XJP IO83 26 4,267 164 TM6M 584 10W 5 ele Very difficult at times Hvy QRM and QSB. Tnx for all the perseverance.and the ponts.
6O 55 G7SAC/P JO01 21 3,857 184 DF0MU 488 100 4 element    
6S 56 G3MEH IO91 20 3,784 189 TM2A 469 3 2 x 9el Just giving pts away for an hour S&P. Torrential rain dissuaded me from extending mast so QRP to protect neighbours' tv's.
SF 57 M0BGR JO01 24 3,358 140 TM6M 450 25 5el beam in loft Conditions good and worked some DX. Thanks to all.
SF 58 G1EVR IO83 10 2,170 217 GM4ZUK/P 376 100 W 15 ele yagi  
SF 59 M0GGO JO01 8 1,752 219 DF0MU 428 50 7 element yagi  

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