Claimed Scores 2013
  9614 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
17/12/13 1.3GHz UKAC
10/12/13 432MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 144MHz Trophy

(57 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G8P JO01 760 322,262 424 OE1W 1085 400 2x17 4x10 3x12 Great fun as always. Fair conditions and some good DX contacts, several over 1000Kms. Thanks to all those who called in.
O 2 G5RS/P JO00 276 109,780 398 EA4KR 875 400 2X17 + 1X17 Flat conditions for most of the contest. Weather OK for set up and take down
O 3 G0VHF/P JO01 237 81,076 342 DL0HTW, JO60 853 400 1x 11 ele Propagation pretty ordinary. Band occupancy pretty poor.
O 4 G3PYE/P JO02 250 67,994 272 5P5T 875 400 17-ele 9-ele Tonnas  
6O 5 M2F IO90 162 59,810 369 DL0GTH 846 400 2 x 15 Poor conditions, weather and activity but thank you for the qsos
O 6 G2AS/P IO93 177 56,401 319 DR2P 936 350 2 X 12 ele  
SF 7 G3MEH IO91 208 51,050 245 DL4OL 738 400 2 x 9el Average conditions, deep QSB forced lengthy exchanges with weaker signals. No IO71, IO94 or IO95 QSOs. I beamed N & worked M6SRZ :)
SF 8 GD8EXI IO74 123 40,534 330 DF0MU 831 400 18 ele M2 Not much to show for 8 hrs operating back to the 6 hr section next year.
6O 9 M0DXR JO01 120 33,327 278 HB9AHD 787 200 16 ele LFA Conditions seemed to be fairly flat. Enhanced tropo conditions in eastern Europe didn't make it as far west as the UK. Great fun - tnx QSOs!
6O 10 G9W JO01 120 33,327 278 HB9AHD 787 200 16 ele LFA Conditions seemed to be fairly flat. Enhanced tropo conditions in eastern Europe didn't make the UK. Great fun - tnx QSOs! de M0DXR
SO 11 G3XBY/P IO70 76 33,049 435 HB9FX 931 400 2 x 17el Tonna Conditions back to normal, weather back to normal, thanks to all for qsos.
6O 12 G1KAR/P JO00 96 30,494 318 DL0GTH 740 400 16 ele DL6WU yagi Not as busy as we had hoped, some DX worked when we managed to attract attention in Europe. Not many continental stations seemed to be beaming towards the UK.
O 13 G3WM/P JO01 101 26,069 258 DL0GTH 674 400w 2x13 Cushcraft, 2x7 ZL Good signals, good weather, Shame Main amp let go, Spent most of contest on back up brick, First time out for us in trophy contest,
SF 14 2E0NEY IO81 97 25,887 267 TM2W 778 50 17 ele Good fun and nice condx. Condx better on Saturday this time around. Heard a DL in JO50 and HB9 in JN36 yesterday but did not work. 73  
6O 15 G3PIA IO91 79 22,833 289 DL0GTH 850 400 12 ele Poor conditions combined with lack of UK activity made it slow going. The Club Barbecue was good!  
SF 16 GM4JR IO85 77 22,636 294 ON4KHG 707 250 12 ele M2 Think will be back to 6hr next year if at all. Very slow, poor activity, soul destroying
6O 17 G0EHV/P IO84 82 21,641 264 F6HMQ 755 160 8 Element DK7ZB Indifferent propagation and low activity, however the backpackers woke me up a bit! Probably picked wrong 6 hour slot. WX fine, dry for /P.
SO 18 M0ICK/P IO93 71 19,686 277 DM5C 779 50W 9 ELEMENT VARGARDA Very slow, flat conditions
6S 19 GW8ASD IO83 59 16,591 281 DP4D 773 100 12 ele M2 Very variable conditions with deep QSB, and many repeates. Poor activity led to very long quiet spells. The inevitable panic at the end. Sorry to M0TJU/P for running out of time!
6O 20 MW5A IO81 76 15,113 199 DK0GL 690 50 8 ele yagi Odd rule. Not having to add "/P" to our MW5A call, when we were of course very portable.  
6O 21 GW4EVX/P IO83 88 14,895 169 DF0MU 719 100 9 Ele Yagi Perfect timing with the wx, glorious sunshine for most of the contest then poured with rain when I got home!
6O 22 G8AXZ/P IO93 79 14,460 183 DF0MU 601 100 9 Ele Tonna Lovely day on the hill, didn't get rained on at all. Condx seemed a bit flat bit slow going. Glad I only did 6 hours. Good fun as always :-)
SF 23 G4HGI IO83 64 13,958 218 TM6GMF 736 25 12 ele i0jxx Numerous distractions conspired here and too many "chunks" to go in 6 hr slot.Condx seemed poor- low Thanks to all for piints.
SF 24 G0HVQ IO81 50 11,489 230 PA1T 629 100 9 ele Hard work as condx seemed right down, apart from a short peak into PA late Sat night. Worked everything I heard apart from a few DLs.  
SF 25 2E0BMO IO83 63 11,050 175 DF0MU 692 50 10 LFA Hrd more than able to wrk in EU. Cdx seemed avg. with QSB on some sigs. Pity the WX broke after UKAC Nice to wrk DF0MU.Tnks for the pts.
SF 26 M5MUF IO92 51 10,928 214 DF0MU 580 25 10 el Yagi Flat & noisy band, low power & self-immolating pre-amp - bit of a slog. UK activity seemed very low, and near continent mostly working east.
SF 27 G4APJ IO83 61 10,793 177 F5SGT/P 615 25 9ele Only managed Sunday slot. CNDX not brilliant: hard going at times. Lots of QRM, from a backpacker I think!
6O 28 M0HCY/P JO01 41 10,184 248 DL0GTH 702 100 17 ele Yagi Good cndx, but a bit short on UK stations. Flutter on EU stations poss. caused by new wind farm. Thanks for all points. Blackwater ARCG.  
6O 29 GM1CNH/P IO85 31 8,761 283 G8P 576 125 8 El, I0JXX  
6O 30 G0BWC/P IO83 53 8,706 164 F5SGT/P 609 50 ZL special, 12-ele then 9-ele Bolton Wireless Club on Winter Hill. Snapped antenna boom, so 12-ele became 9-ele! Thanks to G4CFP for loan of IC7100.  
6O 31 MW0TBI/P IO81 30 8,262 275 DF0MU 740 100 9 ele tonna Very slow going in wales but thanks for the points....MW0TBI (2W0VAG)
6O 32 M0LEX/P IO83 44 7,671 174 DL0ZR 723 50 9 Ele Tonna Popped onto to give a few points away, sounded great. No QRM and strong signals from Europe. 73
SF 33 G4HHJ IO91 33 7,613 231 HB9FX 737 100 11 ele Very limited operation time-wise, reasonable tropo and great fun.
O 34 G1WKS/P JO01 34 7,425 218 F6HJO/P 523 40 9 ele Tonna  
SF 35 M0NST IO83 49 7,416 151 TM2K 524 50w 8 element innov yagi lost of qsb flat conditions  
SF 36 G3ZUD IO92 27 6,854 254 DF0MU 571 80 9 ele Too much gardening to do at the weekends,only on during tea breaks and X factor!
6S 37 GW0IRW IO72 26 6,339 244 PC5T 612 130 9ele M2 + LNA Limited time so just popped in/out shack, band seemed flat? But some loud MS pings and very please to work PC5T (JO23) @ >600km... Tnx all!
SF 38 G8ONK IO83 29 6,174 213 DF0MU 710 25 12 ele DL6WU Thanks for all points, please look north.
SF 39 GM6JNJ IO75 17 5,761 339 G5RS/P 611 300 M2X12 Poor conditions here , but still good fun.
SF 40 G8EOP IO93 21 5,742 273 DF0MU 624 75 9 el Beam  
SF 41 GJ7DNI IN89 15 5,450 363 TM0W 696 100 9 ele yagi  
6S 42 G4XPE IO92 27 5,114 189 PC5T 425 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10-element Yagi    
6S 43 M6SRZ IO83 29 4,873 168 PA6NL 490 10 9el LFA low activity, would be nice if some southern stations beamed north :) 73
SF 44 GM4VVX IO78 10 4,786 479 F1VJQ 1416 400w 10 ele Very poor activity. I am too far out on the fringe. Had to resort to arranged MS qsos
6S 45 M0HLB JO01 36 4,409 122 GD8EXI 465 50 9el Tonna Yagi Very enjoyable evening with great conditions for a change...Many thanks to all for the points.
SF 46 G1MZD IO92 28 4,324 154 PA6NL 343 50w h/b Halo Operational for odd times,fairly flat conditions with qsb, but pleased I could be heard with Halo.tnx.Dave MKARS
6S 47 G8ZRE IO83 18 3,980 221 F5SGT/P 561 100 8 XY Element Yagi Token entry work commitments. Very quite on the band.
6S 48 G0TAR JO01 22 3,738 170 DF0OL 488 80w 6 ele vagarda TX broke down with antenna fault and unable to continue, very sad as condx were very good.
6S 49 G3RLE IO83 18 3,721 207 PA6NL 463 100 5 el  
6S 50 G0GJV IO91 14 3,099 221 DF0MU 561 200 9 ele  
6S 51 G4TUP IO83 17 2,973 175 PA6NL 513 80 dipole Wicked QSB and not many on. Disappointed. S&DARC.  
6S 52 2E0XJP IO83 17 2,830 166 PA6NL 508 40W 5ele in loft conx not good here but good fun as always. Tnx for the points. 73
O 53 2W0HRO/P IO72 15 2,388 159 G8T 379 2w DK7ZB 15 ELE Hard work static rain S9 of noise winds got up had to reduce to six elements on antenna. Tnx for points 73 all.
6S 54 G0CER IO82 11 2,135 194 G8P 332 80 7 ele only had a short time on-air
SF 55 2E0MSI IO81 11 2,101 191 ON5LL 546 50 5 element OWL Yagi On air to give some points away.
SF 56 GM4DIJ IO85 8 1,158 145 G5B 408 50 9ele conditions not good. Even GM4JR was a struggle
6S 57 GM8IEM IO78 2 434 217 GM4JR 370 400 9 el Vine Gave up after a short time due to a faulty masthead preamplifier.

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