Claimed Scores 2015
  11145 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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29/12/15 70MHz UKAC
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
15/12/15 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 144MHz Trophy

(74 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G8P JO01 812 345,125 425 SN7L 992 400 4x10+4x5+2x17 Condx better on Sat than Sun. Great WX. Thanks to the EI9E/P team for travelling over to be with us, it was a great craic!
O 2 G8T JO01 699 271,931 389 OE2M 967 400 4x10 2x14 2x14 Conditions flat or poor, high winds at times, no tropo. Harder work than usual with deep QSB on some QSOs. Thanks to all that called us.
O 3 G3M JO01 471 168,780 358 SN7L 1010 400 2x15,4x6 Condx pretty flat all round but amazed to work 45% more G stations than during VHF NFD from sites a few km apart. Thanks for QSOs
SO 4 G8XVJ/P IO93 420 148,213 353 DL0GTH 917 400 2 x 17 el M2 1 x 9el M2 no tropo just out poor activity on sat in uk condition in uk n/s was very good thanks for sunday hard going, my old 8877 work well 17elx2
O 5 M0VCT/P IO90 363 131,399 362 EA2BFM 849 400 1x7, 4x5 Conditions flat but improving. Lowish G activity but good activity elsewhere, particularly from France. Thanks for QSOs!
O 6 G5RS/P JO00 381 128,863 338 EA2BFM 916 400 4off 3ele @12m, 2off 17ele @14m, 2off 9ele @14m, 12ele @8m Flat. Good weather. Thanks to all who helped the club.
O 7 GM3HAM/P IO74 192 69,075 360 F6APE 874 400 2M5WL 17 element Nice to have little wind and sunshine throughout - but v cold at night. Propagation above average. Activity Saturday poor - Sunday better.
O 8 M0WAF/P IO92 222 67,106 302 DL0GTH 790 400 2x 11Ele / 1x 11Ele Very poor conditions during the contest. Thanks to all who took part.
SF 9 G3MEH IO91 221 58,273 264 TM0L 812 400 2 x 9el M2 Low UK activity Saturday, better Sunday. Average conditions generally but good to W +/- Sun. morning. HB9FAP (870km) got away.
SF 10 G4NBS JO02 171 42,407 248 DL0GTH 765 400 9ele Slight change of plans- last did this contest from home 28yrs ago. Strangely enjoyable! Good UK activity Sun. Mostly S&P Sat for the Dx.
6S 11 M1MHZ IO92 137 41,972 306 5P5T 860 300 12 ele Generally conditions seemed up a little. Pleasing EU activity. UK activity normal. Thx all QSOs & points.
O 12 G2XV/P JO02 164 41,141 251 DL0GTH 764 300 17-ele Tonna Considering expected local QRM, thought we did really well, and enjoyed ourselves as always.
6O 13 GW0IRW/P IO72 134 37,518 280 GM4VVX 645 140w 9ele @ 6m AGL This one's always tough this far from the main EU activity, although I worked 19 coastal continentals which was very good from 72# :O)
SF 14 G4HGI IO83 126 31,636 251 F8KID 801 25 12 ELE I0JXX Better than last year :-) Thanks to all for points 73
O 15 G3WM/P JO01 90 29,198 324 HB9FAP 723 200 2 x 13 Ele Cushcraft Low UK activity, Noisy Sat, Better Sun, Entry Mainly a Test to prove Kit from VHFNFD Failures, Better DX lots 500km+, But Deaf towards West
SF 16 2E0NEY IO81 106 26,578 251 TM0W 808 50 17 ele Really pleased with score, not bad for a single operator entry! Some nice dx, although a few were missed. Great UK activity this time!  
6O 17 M3P IO91 105 25,828 246 DL0GTH 844 150 17 element UK activity seemed poor. Lots of continental activity and conditions were quite good. Thanks to all for points. Harwell ARS  
6S 18 GW8ASD IO83 103 25,698 249 DF0MU 706 100 12 ele Just the Sunday morning. Not sure I saw the best of the activity.
SF 19 M0OMB IO83 108 24,773 229 DK0PU 681 85 10 LFA Cdx gud and fairly consistent. Activity seemed better than last Yr.Hrd a couple more EU stns but no QSO. Highest pts score ever achieved.
O 20 G8QR/P jo02 83 23,500 283   0 100w 11 ele beam  
O 21 G4ATH/P IO83 92 23,391 254 PA6NL 1156 100 17 ele tonna  
6S 22 M0WYB IO81 88 22,571 256 DK1VC 690 400 9ele DK7ZB Luke warm entry of 2 hrs Sat & Sun. Some good dx with good eu activity - but dried up later Sunday.Thanks to all. Russ
6O 23 G4RUL/P JO00 75 22,529 300 DK0NA 802 80 10 ele yagi Entry to 6O section as only 3hr 15min operating time. Good to EU on Sunday morning.
6O 24 G4LPD/P IO93 81 20,981 259 TM2W 787 150 11y On site for SSB FD so operated 2m when off-duty!  
6O 25 M7W IO93 90 19,922 221 DA0FF 776 150 11y Entered as a side-show to SSB FD. Condx quite good, plenty of activity  
6O 26 M0HCY/P JO01 88 19,715 224 DA0FF 649 100 2x 10ele Yagis Great weather. New antenna works well, quite busy. Good path to GM. Thanks to all for the points, Blackwater ARCG.
SF 27 G4DBN IO93 70 19,500 279 F5SGT/P 640 300 9-ele LFA Just testing new antenna on a short pole with bad feeder and no preamp. Spent most of the time DXing. Huge fun.
6O 28 M0ICK/P IO83 67 18,849 281 F6KUP/P 736 70 9 lfa h/brew Some nice dx reached 83 for a change, nice afternoon in the sun, thanks for the points
O 29 G3V IO91 113 18,094 160 F6FTB/P 635 400W 9 Element Tonna Good contest, lot of French stations worked and Sunday lots of Portable worked.Looking forward to the next year to use the linear.  
6S 30 G7LRQ IO91 66 16,580 251 DF0GEB 739 400 4x9 ele LFA All 6 hrs on Saturday due to commitments on Sunday, possible not the best day as low UK activity, Plenty EU. But fun and thanks.
SO 31 G4HUN/P IO95 44 16,250 369 F6KCZ/P 709 100w 9el Tonna Holiday-style DXpedition. Thanks to all we worked. Best comment was from last QSO "We've been pointing your way all day hoping to get you!"
6O 32 M0VXX/P IO82 64 16,230 254 TM0W 894 100 9 ELE Testing 9 ele after major repair! from 71 sq. thx all
6S 33 G8DTF IO83 56 15,320 274 DL0GL 664 100 9 ele Also heard DK0PU and TM6T. Good cond during parts of the contest.
6S 34 G0HVQ IO81 71 14,924 210 F5SE/P 531 400 9 ele    
6S 35 GM4AFF IO86 32 14,805 463 DK5DQ 879 350w 17ele Tonna Pro UK activity seemed quite poor. Tnx for the QSOs.  
6S 36 G3YDY JO01 34 14,293 420 DL0GTH 730 100 7 ELE DK7ZB Almost exclusively S&P. Just looking for DX obtaining Points/QSO of 420.
6S 37 M0CGL JO03 67 13,805 206 DO1RWM 506 100 9 Element LFA H/B Didn't have much time to play due to family commitments. But good fun. many thanks for points, Spalding & DARS.
SF 38 M5MUF IO92 66 13,360 202 TM9A 709 25 10 el Pretty flat with deep QSB - IO92 felt like fly-over country... again local noise made some important directions unusable  
6S 39 G8EOP IO93 55 12,878 234 F6KRK/P 636 100 9 el M2 Beam Thanks all for points, it was nice not to have the Tuesday IO93 wall of QRM to beam through 73 Mel
6S 40 M6ESV IO92 43 12,840 299 F6HPP/P 490 10w Log Periodic  
6O 41 G3WKS/P JO01 52 12,566 242 DL0GTH 733 100 11 ele Yagi  
6S 42 G8FMC IO91 69 11,685 169 GM4AFF 547 80W 9el Tonna Noisy & hard work, but did manage to work a few EU stns. 2.5hrs Sat + 3.5hrs Sun. Good spread of squares.
6S 43 GD8EXI IO74 18 10,577 588 F5SE/P 800 400 18 ele M2 Only on briefly Saturday evening calling the more distant stations hence the high points per QSO. Conditions up slightly even hear an OK.
6S 44 G8LZE IO91 51 10,267 201 TM9A 611 24 9 element S7 noise to North for 3 hours thanks to near neighbour deciding to trim his hedge with a very electrically noisy hedge trimmer, still, bette
O 45 M0NDA/P IO92 53 10,058 190 TM9A 720 100w 19 Ele Tonna    
6S 46 G8REQ IO83 40 9,717 243 F5SE/P 666 75W H/b 5 Ele DK7ZB Just giving a few points away in between other duties? Better Cdx. on S/day the B/packers helped activity, Tnx. and gud luck to all 73.
SF 47 G0TAR JO01 60 9,219 154 GM0HAM/P 465 80W 6 ele vagarda Hard going but some nice DX. Thanks for patuence and points. 73 de Brian
6O 48 GU6EFB IN89 21 8,202 391 TM2W 730 150 9 Ele LFA Slow going not much activity and not much spare time from me
6S 49 G4XPE IO92 38 8,136 214 F6APE 612 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10-element Yagi    
6O 50 GW8ZRE/P IO83 43 8,050 187 F4GYG/P IN JO10 503 5W 45 ELEMENT ZL SPECIAL YAGI Main entry in B/P. Fair conditions 2 EU DX worked on 5w. Missed 2 GM stations.
6S 51 G4RYV IO91 37 7,763 210 DF0MU 563 10W 9 ele tonna Conditions nothing special with QSB.With high noise level.But it is taking part that counts.Well done to /p stations. 73 all op David
6S 52 G0GJV IO91 36 7,606 211 DF0MU 561 100 9 ele  
6S 53 G0KYS IO80 21 7,138 340 DF0MU 765 50 5Y Just 3 hours S&P. Conditions up a bit for me.  
SO 54 2E0RTY IO91 37 6,396 173 G1WAC 1314 35W Homemade YAGI  
SF 55 G1PPA IO93 35 6,379 182 F6KCZ/P 450 25 3 ele beam upgrade on antanna needed thanks for all contacts and hope to work you again
SF 56 G3SQQ IO93 31 6,193 200 F5SE/P 555 100 9 ELEMENT LFA  
SF 57 2E0XJP IO83 34 6,112 180 G8P 399 50W 5 ele in loft Good fun as usual. Rather limited to South Coast and N.Wales. A bit noisy and QSB at times. Thanks for the points. 73
6S 58 GW3ATZ IO83 28 5,855 209 PC5E 528 50 6 ele LFA Limited time, and not a lot of activity. Enjoyable anyway.
6S 59 G7ICV JO01 32 5,514 172 GM3HAM/P 502 50 5 ELE LFA hour and a bit on Sunday, highest qso rate for me in this space of time. Other commitments on the day.. thx all  
6S 60 M0HLO IO92 33 5,475 166 PA1T 497 25 10el Diamond    
6S 61 G8FKH IO91 35 5,433 155 GI4SNA 498 50 4 ele fixed in loft Enjoyable contest with my fixed antenna in loft!
6S 62 M6XAK IO93 28 5,328 190 F6KCZ/P 441 10 5 ele LFA    
SF 63 GM4VVX IO78 18 4,898 272 GW0IRW 645 400w 10 ele HARD GOING ! 15hr QRV. Only 2 gotaway. Big TNX to Nigel GW0IRW who came looking for me
6S 64 G3WJG IO91 30 4,414 147 GM3HAM/P 433 25W 10ele Jaybeam Noisy band with many High Power EU stations but could not work them as only Low pwr on Sat, and QRT on Sun.
SF 65 2E0EMU IO91 24 4,376 182 G0VHF/P 1348 35 HOMEBREW 6 ELE The yagi worked better then the vertical I used last time!  
6S 66 G8HGN JO01 15 4,223 282 TM2W 631 50 11 ele LFA Last hour & quarter only. Average condx. Tnx to all.
6S 67 G3TDH IO83 14 3,649 261 PC5T 466 100W 3-Ele Only part time, but great fun
SF 68 G4GTT IO91 14 2,717 194 F6HPP/P 385 8 6 ele yagi  
6O 69 M0WID/A IO83 19 2,381 125 G3M 383 5W Homebrew 3 el Just a few hours. Good fun operating from a different area to normal.  
6S 70 M6LFL IO92 7 1,679 240 M4A 1264 10 VERTICAL  
6S 71 GM8IEM IO78 7 1,556 222 GI4SNA 415 400 9 el Vine Fairly quiet. Thanks to all who beamed north.
6S 72 G0MCV IO92 12 1,457 121 GM3HAM/P 312 50 VERTICAL great contest but conditions noisey
SF 73 M0HRP JO01 13 825 63 F6KCZ/P 240 10 3 ele yagi Just a few points shared, 73
6O 74 M0BUL/M IO82 3 491 164 G0VHF/P 289 10 ATAS100 Moving house so everything packed away, only 20mins or so from the car, sorry I couldn't give more points away. G0VHF/P amazing ears!

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