Claimed Scores 2016
  11857 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
20/12/16 1.3GHz UKAC
13/12/16 432MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 144MHz Trophy

(72 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G8P JO01 843 374,000 444 OE1W 1085 400 4x17+4x10+4x5 Good conditions on Saturday gave us a fast paced start. Wx OK, only one shower during set-up.
O 2 G8T JO01 769 317,640 413 OE1W 1125 400 4x10 2x14 6x3 Good start but overall activity appeared down on previous years... some decent DX QSOs in to OK/OL/OE, EA and southern France.
O 3 G8W IO90 419 152,805 365 EA3LA 956 400 4 x 7, 2 x 5 Slightly elevated condx at the start, flat otherwise. Weather overnight was somewhat sporty...
O 4 G5RS/P JO00 356 122,066 343 F6HTJ/P 958 400 2off 17ele Tonna @ 14m / 4off 3ele DK7ZB @ 15 m Wx good except Fri Ae erection. Good before start but went flat shortly after, then dire. Tnks to all who helped the club. Fab weekend. GDRS
O 5 M1BQY/P IO81 350 106,214 303 OZ1BEF 948 400 2 x 12 ele DK7ZB 9 ele DK7ZB Had a great weekend, good food, good company and good dx! Pity about the rain, but dry to pack up. 73 TDARC  
O 6 M9T IO90 283 73,212 259 EA1MX 869 400 2x9ele + 4x5ele An enjoyable contest. Condx slightly enhanced to South. Thanks all for QSO's de G4WFR & G0KYS
O 7 GM3HAM/P IO74 194 72,893 376 F6APE 872 400 17 element M2 Average conditions and dull chilly wx Saturday. Much better wx and propagation Sunday
O 8 M4A JO02 234 62,623 268 5P5T 873 400 17-ele Tonna 2 * 11-ele YU7EF  
O 9 G2XV/P JO02 202 60,205 298 DL0GTH 764 400 2 * 9 element Tonna stacked Gale, rain, good team effort, lucky to have sun for pack-up. Still room for improvement, must try harder.  
SF 10 G7LRQ IO91 193 47,066 244 DL0GTH 787 400 12 ele owl Thanks for the points and the /P stations. A real struggle to hear some, not sure I don't have a issue or just poor conditions?
SF 11 M7T IO92 169 43,334 256 DL0GTH 836 400 Yagi    
SF 12 G3MEH IO91 155 39,515 255 DL0GTH 805 400 2 x 9el M2 Well down on last year and several gotaways, but some good distances. Thanks for the QSOs.
SF 13 G4NBS JO02 154 39,088 254 DL0GTH 765 400 12ele Some pleasant chats in between the odd contest QSO! Nice Eu sigs despite my QRN, 40 locators without trying hard.....
SF 14 F1CBC JN09 99 36,010 364 DL0GTH 770 80 16 els/ 9 els 73 at all. Philippe
6S 15 G8DOH IO92 128 30,181 236 DL0GTH 870 400 2x8ele Static rain on Saturday evening. Radiated noise problems from some /P stations, but some DX amongst it all.
O 16 G0OLE IO93 106 29,808 281 DR9A 852 300 9 ele LFA Huge fun doing pseudo /P with the club in my conservatory!
6O 17 G1ONE/P IO83 88 23,166 263 F6KUP/P 736 50 8 ele DL6WU HB Decent condx into EU, hope my signal was ok and not like a barn door :-)
6S 18 GW8ASD IO83 78 20,311 260 F6KUP/P 727 100 12 ele Yagi Interesting spread of activity, although not very busy. Tried and failed with DR9A. Just not enough power here!
SF 19 G4HGI IO83 89 19,427 218 F6KUP/P 736 25 12 ele I0JXX Nice to have an Au QSO on CW with Gm4VVX thanks to all for points pretty slow affair bad wx here lots rain most of the time 73
6O 20 M0MDG/P IO91 90 18,916 210 DA0FF 774 150 14 ele beam Great day Thanks for all the contacts  
6O 21 G4LPD/P IO93 61 18,558 304 DL0GTH 822 150 11 el Tonna    
6S 22 G8HGN JO01 53 17,623 333 DL0GTH 728 50 11 ele LFA Reasonable DX at times(09-14Z)Sunday. Hampered by TVI from 1200Z(F1 GP was on)so nothing between E and SE after that. Tnx to all.
O 23 G5BK/P IO91 78 17,226 221 TM0W 824 50 9 Ele We decided to have a dabble on VHF whilst taking part in our first HF SSB Field day for several years - only 50W and 9 Ele @6m AGL.  
6S 24 GW9T IO83 65 17,011 262 DK0GM 776 100 12 ele Powabeam One very strong station in 93 square caused me major QRM, could here him the entire band!
SF 25 M0UKR IO91 85 16,957 199 TM0W 743 150 2x8 BV02 Plagued by tech problems. Too windy to raise mast properly. Operated only 8 hrs. Very enjoyable while the kit was working! 73  
SF 26 G3SQQ IO93 59 15,727 267 DR9A 832 100 9 EL LFA  
SF 27 M0OMB IO83 70 15,302 219 F6HPP/P 637 25 10 LFA Despite the wet WX cdx seemed quite good on Sat so v. enjoyable. Sun. worse, only 21 stns wkd and very hard going. Ant. was still there tho!
6O 28 G4FUR IO91 72 15,213 211 DL0GTH 773 100 17 ele Tonna Opportunity to air CATS callsign and demonstrate 2m contesting to club members. Tnx QSOs & 73 M1CCF,G0JOS,G4GFI,G6DFM,2E0DYV.
SF 29 G1PPA IO93 69 14,852 215 F6KRK 586 80 9 ele beam Good contest thanks for all points a bit noisy my end so sorry for any i missed strong station in 93 did not help sunday
O 30 G5T IO92 50 13,727 275 DL0GTH 789 400 2x9ELE YAGI Giving a few points. Poor conditions and some deep qsb.
SF 31 M6VPW IO91 59 13,609 231 DA0FF 825 10 6 ele homebrew yagi  
6S 32 GW4EVX IO83 50 12,489 250 F6HPP/P 624 100 9 Ele Yagi Did a 6hr block Sunday morning, nice level of activity from EU.
6O 33 G1WKS/P JO01 51 12,276 241 DA0FF 677 100 11 ele Yagi Fair conditions with good support by EU stations.
6S 34 G3WJG IO91 61 12,060 198 F6HJO/P 595 25 9 ele Tonna Good Cnds to Europe but difficult with low pwr. Best was BEFORE the contest. Thanks for patience with many repeats.
SF 35 F4VQX IN87 33 11,250 341 G8XVJ/P 580 100 11 ele Tonna Very enjoyable not many UK qsos but plenty of continental activity. Tnx for the QSOs
SF 36 GM4VVX IO78 23 11,123 484 SK7MW 1099 400 10 ele yagi Condx good but little activity. Strong Au for 2hr but again little activity. Sunday very quiet. QRV for 14 hr to keep North GM active.
6S 37 G3YDY JO01 30 10,715 357 DL0GTH 730 100 7 ELE DK7ZB Just giving points away and looking for DX Saturday afternoon and evening.
SF 38 G4YHF IO92 21 10,593 504 DK0BC 826 400 12el Set myself a target of one station per hour and didn't make it. Doh! :-)  
6S 39 M0NVS IO91 72 10,145 141 GI4SNA 485 150 8 ELE LFA Seemed better conditions on Sunday, seemed good activity overall and nice to work so many French stations. Points to Luton VHF Group.
6O 41 G4TSQ/P IO91 51 9,463 186 DF0MU 549 50 9 ELE PORTABLE TONNA  
6S 42 G8FMC IO91 55 9,270 169 DF0MU 559 25 8el G4CQM Trying for the 25W Cert. VERY painful & slow. Managed a couple of D stations though which is miraculous from this QTH!  
SF 43 M0HOM IO93 36 9,119 253 DA0FF 802 50 9el Tonna  
6O 44 G1WOR/P IO91 42 8,347 199 TM0W 685 50 9 ELE PORTABLE TONNA  
6S 45 G8ZRE IO83 40 8,330 208 F1EZG IN JO10 505 100 8 XY YAGI Much DX heard not worked.Bad WX & neighbour who blocked garage exit stopped B/P today.
SF 46 G4LKD IO93 31 8,154 263 DA0FF 816 100 13 Element Yagi  
6S 47 G4CRF IO91 22 7,920 360 DL0GTH 818 90 10 Element Yagi  
6O 48 2E0KVJ/P IO80 34 7,706 227 PA1TK/P 629 50 9 el innov  
6S 49 G4B IO91 28 7,392 264 F6HJO/P 633 50 7 el Average condx, some stations seemed to have very poor RX (59 with me and not even a QRZ). 26 claimed scores and I only hrd 1 of them!  
6S 50 G8REQ IO83 34 7,322 215 F6HPP/P 637 75 H/B 5 Ele DK7ZB Just on to give points away during other duties...Tnx...73.
6S 51 G8VPE JO02 23 7,178 312 DL0GTH 670 50 9ele Tonna  
6S 52 G0GJV IO91 33 6,479 196 DA0FF 760 150 9 ele  
6S 53 G1MZD IO92 38 6,268 165 PA1T 533 50 5 ele G4CQM Average conditions reasonable activity that i could hear.tnx.
SF 54 M0WBG IO83 30 6,106 204 F6HPP/P 640 50 6 ELE OWL  
SF 55 G0TAR JO01 36 5,806 161 GM3SEK 503 50 9 ele Tonna Gd DX when noise level reduces. Nice to wrk 2 GM's but missed GW. Thanks for patience and points. 73 de Brian
6S 56 G4XPE IO92 31 5,576 180 F6HPP/P 518 25 Jaybeam 10-Y 10-element Yagi    
SF 57 G0JRY IO91 35 5,294 151 PC5T 431 50 tonna 4e  
6S 58 GM4TOE IO87 12 5,036 420 G8T 729 250 9el Vargarrda ODX proves that if operators would beam North they could achieve high scoring contacts
O 59 2E0EMU/P IO91 35 5,012 143 F6KCZ/P 835 50 Homemade 7 ele YAGI  
6S 60 G4PDS IO80 19 4,697 247 PA0EHG 552 80 6 ele yagi  
6O 61 G0OIW/P IO91 28 4,405 157 PC5T 434 25 9-ele yagi Weather a bit chilly and gusty but condx not bad!  
6S 62 G0MCV IO92 21 3,937 187 F6HPP/P 494 50 beam  
6S 63 M0HLO IO92 24 3,779 157 PA1T 497 25 10el Diamond    
6S 64 G0C IO82 15 3,311 221 F1EZG 468 80 9 ele LFA short entry but worth it
SF 65 G8ONK IO83 15 3,276 218 G8P 411 25 12 ele Just giving away points this time, very noisy band.
6S 66 G1DFL IO91 24 3,253 136 PA1TK/P 447 50 6Y G4CQM Just 50 minutes to work both Trophy and Backpackers. Nice to hear 2M super crowded, lots of G + EU signals! Thanks for the QSOs.
6S 67 G7ICV JO01 20 2,908 145 DF0MU 473 50 5 ELE LFA 1hr 3/4 entry over Sat eve and Sunday morning. reasonable conditions  
6S 68 GM8IEM IO78 9 2,676 297 G8XVJ/P 605 400 9 el Vine Enhanced tropo to the south. Thanks to all who beamed my way for a QSO, even if unsuccessful - very much appreciated! Missed the AU on Sat.
SF 69 M6YTU IO90 17 2,518 148 PC5T 421 5 VPA Systems 5 Element Yagi    
6O 70 G8EEM/P IO93 9 1,684 187 M8T 334 100 9 ele.  
6S 71 M1CJE IO91 5 510 102 G8T 186 100 Co-Linear  
SF 72 2E0DKY IO93 4 232 58 G8XVJ/P 101 10 7 Beam  

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