Claimed Scores 2018
  13461 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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29/12/18 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/18 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/18 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/18 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
20/12/18 70MHz FMAC
20/12/18 70MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 144MHz Trophy

(95 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G8P JO01 1001 444,347 444 OL9W 1207 400 6x10+8x5 Great fun, just made it to 1000 QSOs :-) Many thanks for the calls.
O 2 G8T JO01 814 351,051 431 OK2EZ IN JN99 1229 400 4x10 2x14 6x3 Nice to have some tropo for a change worked lots of QSOs over 800Km to OK, OL, SM, OZ, EA etc. Thanks for the QSOs
O 3 G8W IO90 574 241,447 421 DG1VL 1059 400 5 x 7 ele OWL Enhanced radio condx, some useful ducts but probably best on east coast. Good wx again :) Tkx for all QSOs, much appreciated. 73, Vecta CG
O 4 F6KCZ/P IN99 502 194,117 387 OZ1BEF 1010 400 2 X 9elts TONNA - 1 X 17 A(c)lts TONNA    
O 5 G5RS/P JO00 494 185,278 375 EA2AGZ 1018 400 2 off 17ele Tonna/ 4 off 3ele DK7ZB Poss slightly up.Abt 100 QSOs more than 2017(B4 adjudication):)Fab WX Fab wkend.VERY LITTLE support from club memb. Tks all who did help 73
O 6 G3YDD/P IO82 526 175,324 333 F6KEH/P 1137 400 2x17 3x9 4x9 Conditions were average here. 1st HARs outing in years in trophy. Lots of pros, need to improve rx, sorry to to those called and we missed u
O 7 G5B JO03 412 150,760 366 EA3LA 1208 400 18el + 3el Fun weekend. Pleased with result given miniscule station, voice keyer forgotten and no internet! Thanks to all.  
SF 8 G3XDY JO02 316 121,281 384 EA2AGZ 1152 400 12 el M2 Yagi Good conditions and activity, 5 QSOs over 1000km. Solar panel QRN made QSOs to the East hard in daylight hours.
SO 9 GM4ZUK/P IO86 247 114,103 462 DR9A 1172 400 4 x 13 ele Yagi Condx not great but enjoyed my first 2m contest for more than 5 years.
O 10 G2XV/P JO02 296 94,096 318 F6KEH/P 1057 400 2 * 9 ele Tonna Another good club weekend with balance between social and contest about right
SF 11 G4ASR IO81 285 83,792 294 DL0GTH 966 400 4 x 9-el Vargarda Yagis I wish I lived on the east coast! Conditions in the west were uninspiring but I managed to eke out a few QSO's. 73 David
O 12 GM3HAM/P IO74 232 80,612 347 OZ1BEF 850 400 17 element M^2 4ele CP yagi Conditions average to good with some openings to near parts of mainland EU. Mist,drizzle and rain showers persisted for the whole weekend.
SF 13 G3MEH IO91 251 77,309 308 F5DYD/P 994 400 2 x 9 ele M Squared Wow, a contest and good conditions at the same time :)
O 14 M0RDK/P IO91 254 70,485 278 DK2LB 840 300 2 x 17 element tonnas Lot more activity, thanks to all 73 Phased Array DX club
6S 15 M1MHZ IO92 140 51,417 367 EA1SA 1093 400 2x12e~20+yr old 4h+2m ops only on Sun. Family commitments. Reasonable activity & a little tropo. No LNA. Tnx all QSOs
6O 16 G8NEY/P IO81 161 47,814 297 DR1H 975 400 17 ele Tonna Really excellent contest, good conditions and loads of dx and the weather was great too. 73 David & Pete
6O 17 MM2N IO85 134 47,773 357 F6HMQ 876 350 9 ele M2 5 hours managed on Sunday morning.
O 18 G3WM/P JO01 171 47,250 276 5P5T 873 400 3 x 9 ele LFA, 2 x 6 ele LFA Great Score for Us, shame kiled pre-amp on 2nd array
6S 19 GD8EXI IO74 131 44,262 338 F5AOL/P 804 400 18 ele M2 Slightly better conditions on Sunday.
6O 20 F/G4FZN/P IN88 94 40,781 434 GM4ZUK/P 960 150 9 ele Tonna Our chosen site turned out to have a high QRN noise level to the North. Pity because take-off was good. Thanks for QSOs.
SF 21 F1CBC JN09 111 40,460 365 GM4ZUK/P 835 80 9 els Thanks for QSO. 73 de F1CBC
6S 22 G8DOH IO92 148 39,783 269 DL0GTH 870 400 2 x 8ele Classic tropo., built as it got dark and faded as the sun warmed the land on Sunday morning. Amazingly strong GMs.
O 23 G4ATH/P IO83 154 38,717 251 DG1KDD 728 300 17 Element  
SO 24 M1W IO84 117 37,167 318 F1PYN/P 1033 50 9 vargarda Good conditions N/S, poor to DL PA from 84 square, good fun as always, will pay the price at work tomorrow :-)
SF 25 G4PLZ JO02 56 33,421 597 F5DYD/P 1099 400 4x12JXX2 Judicious S&P and thanks to all. Brief good patch to the S on Sunday, otherwise average.
6O 26 F1BHL/P IN98 91 33,145 364 DL0GTH 816 100 9 ele DK7ZB Ideal day for portable. Good conditions. Harwell ARS.
6S 27 M3A IO91 125 31,586 253 DL0GTH 788 400 2 x 9 LFA 1st VHF for years. Slow going at times. Thanks for the QSOs and repeats! 73 Alex
6S 28 G0ODQ IO91 129 28,206 219 DA0FF 775 400 9 ele M squared Really great conditions to the continent made it a very enjoyable 6 hours.
6O 29 G3TBK/P IO93 104 27,492 264 DL0GTH 822 120 11Y Good Condx. 100% real Amateur Radio, no internet.  
SF 30 G4RRA IO80 52 26,520 510 F6KEH/P 998 400 10ele Enjoyed myself giving points away whilst in and out of the shack.Condx seemed pretty average
SF 31 M0IEP IO91 104 24,968 240 DL0GTH 878 50 12 element Yagi  
6S 32 G3NPI IO92 96 24,591 256 DL0GTH 830 300 8 el Powabeam Good fun with very strong signals overloading the RX at times....  
6S 33 M0GAV IO93 75 24,080 321 DR1H 971 350 12 Element M2 operated for 5 hours. good conditions and activity.
6S 34 M0WYB IO81 112 22,707 203 DR9A 827 400 9ele Bit of a slog. Condx very average with no sustained openings in my chose 6 hours! Tnx all, Russ, TDARC
SF 35 M0OMB IO83 100 19,201 192 F6HPP/P 637 25 10 LFA More QSOs than last year but fewer pts. Struggled with the DX this time.Cdx to E/SE on the poorer side of avg. maybe? Act. low.16:00-18:00.
6O 36 G4RUL/P JO00 58 18,963 327 DR1H 786 75 10 ele Yagi Out for 2h 15m on Sunday morning, high levels of QRN as carpark filled up = S9++ wideband noise from Campervans!Good DX in other directions.
6S 37 G0GJV IO91 65 18,743 288 DL0GTH 814 200 9 ele  
6O 38 F4VSO IN98 45 17,953 399 PA1T 718 80 16 element Token entry to try out new aerial system in between travelling back and forth to contest site of F6KCZ/P. Harwell ARS  
6S 39 GW8ASD IO83 72 17,512 243 DL0LN 715 100 12 ele M2 Just popping on and off as time allowed on Sunday morning. Tropo not making it here, conditions flat.
6S 40 G4HGI IO83 86 17,286 201 F6HPP/P 627 25 9 ele Hard Going didnt hear much of all this DX ! 5 hrs op ..thanks to all 73
O 41 M0NDA/P IO92 91 14,749 162 PA1T 571 400 17ele Yagi    
6S 42 G3PHO IO93 65 14,353 221 DL0GM 672 50 9 el tonna yagi Good conditions into the Continent enabled me to put 4000 points on last years' score.It's always vy hard here to work east of 130 degrees.
SF 43 G3SQQ IO93 58 14,121 243 TM0L 965 100 9el LFA Just a few hours, but a pleasure in this contest with plenty of continentals.
6S 44 2E0NEY IO81 49 14,057 287 DR9A 815 50 17 ele Tonna 6 hours of hard work! Condx pretty good, some nice contacts made and some good dx for a change!  
6S 45 GD6ICR IO74 50 14,047 281 F6KCZ/P 608 10 12ele CQM  
6O 46 M0HCY/P JO01 60 14,032 234 GM4CCC/P 579 100 2x10 ele yagi Good conditions and excellent weather, a very enjoyable contest. Thanks to all for points. Blackwater ARCG.
6S 47 G4PDS IO80 49 13,746 281 TM0W 811 100 7 ele Plenty of activity. Great fun.
6S 48 G8LZE IO91 57 13,692 240 TM9A 611 24 8 ele DK7ZB Tough breaking through the mainland Europe QRM with QRP
SF 49 GU6EFB IN89 39 13,606 349 GM4ZUK/P 834 80 5 Ele Beam Just giving away points good level of activity over the two days
6S 50 G4LKD IO93 35 12,390 354 DA0FF 816 100 13 Element long yagi  
6O 51 G1KAR/P JO00 43 12,388 288 HB9EWY 651 30W 10 Element |Yag Enjoyable event with good activity from the continent. Reasonable band conditions. Heard OB9CQL (Peru) Sat afternoon. Can anyone confirm?
6S 52 G0GDA JO01 42 11,933 284 DP9X 669 10 H/ Made 11 ele Good conditions, good distances, problem with QRM from a station on Sheppy  
SF 53 G0CDA IO83 61 11,782 193 F6HPP/P 608 25 15 ele Cushcraft Junior Boomer In and out of the shack over the weekend.No conditions here.  
6S 54 G4BRK IO91 45 11,454 255 DL0GTH 855 100 9 el Condx up a bit (Sat evening), don't usually hear DL0GTH let alone work them. CW to thank for this and other DX QSOs. Limited time due to oth  
6S 55 G3YDY JO01 21 9,807 467 DL0GTH 730 100 7 ele DK7ZB Yagi Just giving points away to DX. Didn't intend to put an entry in.
6S 56 M0NVS IO91 41 9,631 235 F5DYD/P 988 250 8 ELE LFA Only operating for a little while whilst toddler morning nap. Conditions up North to South. Thx for qso's, 73 Phil
SF 57 2W0JYN IO83 53 9,594 181 F1CXX/P 588 50 3ele Yagi good 2 day cotest conditions good saturday had qsb sunday good conditions good into europe thanks to all i worked 73
6S 58 G8EKG IO92 44 9,197 209 PA1T 569 400 13 ele  
6S 59 GM4BYF IO85 22 9,137 415 F6KCZ/P 747 400 14 element Just on to give a few points
SF 60 F4VQX IN87 23 8,893 387 F6KEH/P 703 100 11ele tonna thanks for the contacts not many uk contacts this time around
6S 61 M0WID IO91 41 8,712 212 PA1T 521 30 LFA    
SF 62 G1MZD IO92 44 8,613 196 TM9A 659 50 5 ele G4CQM Lots of activity, average conditions all S & P only a few minutes Sat. more time Sun.
6O 63 G1KFB/P IO92 32 8,267 258 TM0L 904 35 1x6 DK7ZB Lightweight  
6S 64 G8REQ IO83 43 8,187 190 F6HPP/P 637 75 H/B 5 Ele DK7ZB Cdx. about average here, but a nice spread of QSOs....73.
6O 65 GW8ZRE/P IO83 40 7,666 192 F6KCZ/P IN IN99 465 5 7 ELEMENT ZL SPECIAL Main entry B/P. Good to work F & MM0ZFG/P in IO76 on 5w.Many other stations heard.Good activity from GD today but missed GI4SNA.Dave G8ZRE
6S 66 GW3ATZ IO83 36 7,649 212 DF0MU 707 50 6 ele LFA Average conditions.
O 67 M6OXO/P IO93 57 7,146 125 DF0MU 635 4 MOXON Massive QRN off local station 25Kc's either side of transmitting frequency only managed two on continent worked a lot on FM ty for points 73
6S 68 G7T IO92 38 6,990 184 F6HPP/P 490 300 9ele Tonna Quick part time entry to test rig
6S 69 G3UVR IO83 34 6,892 203 F6HPP/P 633 100 3 Element DK7ZB Saturday evening only.
SF 70 G0LGS IO81 42 6,846 163 GM4ZUK/P 562 50 8Ele    
6S 71 GM4TOE IO87 19 6,700 353 G8T 729 250 10 el WAXXX10 Not a serious entry but great fun with some outstanding contacts (for me!)
6S 72 GM4AFF IO86 15 6,412 427 F6KCZ/P 833 400 12ele PowaBeam Just giving away points.  
SF 73 G4AQB IO83 30 6,248 208 F6KCZ/P 482 50 5 ele yagi Very enjoyable, lots of strong stations coming in from JO squares.
6O 74 G4JED/P JO01 25 6,167 247 DA0FF 677 20 11 ele Yagi Limited entry
6S 75 CT7ACG IM57 8 6,093 762 EA8EY 1303 50 10 Element yagi fixed North  
SF 76 G8ONK IO83 28 5,645 202 F6HPP/P 658 25 12 ele DL6WU Conditions seemed good, time limited entry.
SF 77 M0JND JO00 27 5,043 187 TM9A 521 50 LFA Quad yagi  
SF 78 G0MJW IO91 18 4,967 276 DR9A 761 100 17 Element Only a little bit of operating while doing more fruitful activities  
SO 79 M0OSA/M IO93 20 4,191 210 F6KCZ/P 481 50 Diamond SG7200 On the half-wave vertical this year rather than the Elk so that could account for not making as many QSO's. Pleased to work F6KCZ/P and 3 GM  
SF 80 G8NVX IO93 20 3,900 195 F6KCZ/P 456 50 5 ELE LFA Had a good weekend, managed to work France and Holland for the first time from my goldfish bowl. Cheers all for the points....
SF 81 G8CMU IO81 30 3,877 129 GM3HAM/P 346 100 Colinear  
6S 82 2E0OLG IO83 17 3,764 221 F6KCZ/P 494 10 Create CLP5130-1N Hour and a half to give some points away. Thought I'd experiment with 10w. Thanks all.
6S 83 2E0DGP IO83 15 3,685 246 F6KCZ/P 496 25 9el LFA 1st hour due to illness. thanks
6S 84 GM8IEM IO78 11 3,469 315 G4ATH/P 511 400 9 el Vine Conditions up. In and out of the contest as visitors/chores permitted. Tnx to all for the QSOs.
6S 85 G3UBX IO82 16 3,223 201 GM4ZUK/P 488 10 Diamond 10el  
6O 86 G6MXL/P IO80 15 2,958 197 F5SGT/P 396 50 6-ele Only on for 90 minutes.  
SF 87 PH2LB JO32 12 2,685 224 F6HPP/P 416 20 9 elm tona  
6O 88 GB2EMF IO82 17 2,580 152 F5SGT/P 435 50 9-ele Thanks for being a part of the Electromagnetic Field festival in Herefordshire!  
O 89 MM0GYX IO87 12 2,254 188 GI6ATZ 398 300 5 element What I stuck around for was hard work, station improvements required
SF 90 G0GRI IO81 13 2,062 159 G5B 259 50 x50n Time out between packing boxes - new QTHR looms. 73
SF 91 G4XTF IO82 10 1,729 173 GM3HAM/P 332 10 10ELEMENT BEAM  
6S 92 2E1HNK IO81 12 1,395 116 GM3HAM/P 357 50 8-Element Yagi    
6S 93 G4XPE IO92 8 1,211 151 GM3HAM/P 287 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10-element Yagi My sincere apologies to those stations affected by my poor audio and my grateful thanks to the two stations who advised me.  
SF 94 G0EHG IO83 3 160 53 G3YDD/P 97 18 Dipole    
SF 95 G3WAG IO82 2 67 34 G3YDD/P 47 50 9 Element Yagi Interesting

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