Claimed Scores 2014
  9981 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
30/12/14 70MHz UKAC
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
16/12/14 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 50MHz UKAC

25 Nov (127 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
AO 1 GI4SNA IO64 85 27,781 327 18 500,058 G4RUL/P 601 300 7 Ele Yagi G4CQM  
AR 2 G3PYE/P JO02 134 21,187 158 18 381,366 GM8OEG 523 100 6-ele Homebrew YU6EF Thanks all!
AR 3 G4CLA IO92 130 17,319 133 18 311,742 GM8OEG 463 100 6ele Reasonable conditions, thanks for all the QSOs this year, see you in 2015!
AR 4 M1MHZ IO92 110 16,607 151 16 265,712 GI4SNA 430 100 6 ele Thanks for all QSOs, points & repeats. Missed 4 mults at least so not the best evening.
AR 5 G8AXZ/P IO93 118 14,559 123 15 218,385 GI4SNA 330 80 Tonna 5 ELE Fairly average conditions lots of activity and not much rain. Thanks to all the stations that called in. It's lonely on the hill if you don'
AO 6 G3ZVW IO80 80 13,484 169 15 202,260 GM4NFC 520 400 5-ele Truly awful condx - with deep QSB for good measure!  
AL 7 M0IRQ/P IO93 104 12,606 121 15 189,090 GM7EEY 323 10 3 Element Yagi Freezing, fog and rain.. the joys of /P!. Thanks all for the points :)  
AO 8 G3MEH IO91 106 13,259 125 14 185,626 LX1JX 505 250 2 x 5 el Vargarda Good activity, conditions above average to IO83/93.
AR 9 GW4BVE IO82 74 10,786 146 17 183,362 GM8OEG 427 100 4 4 KSC Dualband *TWCG* Reasonable conditions but slow QSB on many stations. Ran out of stations that I could hear.
AO 10 M0WLF IO81 82 12,892 157 14 180,488 GI4SNA 416 400 7 ELE    
AO 11 M1DDD IO93 111 12,572 113 14 176,008 G4RUL/P 314 400 21 ele LPA 5/8 vertical Good activity from S/SE facing hill slope at home- Missed a lot of N. squares. SRI GD8EXI missed. At least I stayed warm!. Thanks all! Nick
AO 12 G4ELJ IO91 81 11,069 137 13 143,897 GI4SNA 505 400 6/6 Terrible QSB like last month. Very difficult to find locators and stations. Many thanks to GD8EXI for his patience. Tnx for the points.
AR 13 G8WUY IO83 41 19,649 479 7 137,543 G3ZVW 286 100W 6el LFA Yagi  
AX 14 G7DWY IO93 71 7,602 107 16 121,632 G4FJK 332 400w Vine 5 ele 6 4m "Black hole" QSB, not as much noise as last time, good acitvity but hard to find DX. TNX for QSO's in 2014, everyone.
AL 15 G0HEL/P IO81 72 9,737 135 12 116,844 GI4SNA 447 10w 5ele LFA Wet cold, mist you cold cut with a knife.FT100 now ok 10w QRO not 2w Qrp.Good fun short on mults though.Tnx fer points 73 Alan T&DARC  
AR 16 G4VFL/P IO84 47 7,978 170 14 111,692 G3ZVW 395 70 6ele G4CQM Wx: Clear and Calm. QSB I could hear JO00 and IO91 for odd 1 min lifts. Once again didn't hear IO94/5 An enjoyable evening.
AR 17 GW4ZAR/P IO83 74 8,980 121 12 107,760 G3ZVW 274 100 3 ele OWL QSB swift and deep at times. JO01 missing for me but 'hit' several IO91s. Thanks for Nov contacts and those during 2014 on 6m. 73 Dave
AR 18 G3WIR/A IO91 68 8,523 125 12 102,276 GI4SNA 495 100 5 ELE m2 Terrible problems with noise to west and QSB. Tnx GW0WIR for trying so patiently. Also trouble withTX. Tnx all.
AR 19 G0BFJ/A IO93 63 6,736 107 14 94,304 G4RUL/P 346 100 5el lfa-vr  
AR 20 M0WYB IO81 61 6,619 109 14 92,666 GI4SNA 431 100 5ele Many weak stations plus qsb and a real struggle for last hour. Thanks to all, Russ, TDARC
AR 21 M0CES/P JO03 62 7,587 122 12 91,044 GI4SNA 426 100w 5 el tonna thks for the points.don.
AR 22 M0GAV io93 65 6,748 104 13 87,724 G4RUL/P 325 100 5 Element  
AR 23 G8NVI IO91 43 5,831 136 14 81,634 GI4SNA 458 100 5 element Noisy to the North but plenty of activity. Tnx for QSOs. Harwell ARS  
AX 24 G4RUL/P JO00 42 8,136 194 10 81,360 GI4SNA 601 75 5 ele Yagi Average conditions with QSB. Thanks for pointing beams to JO00. Back in 2015. Work you on 2m next week? WX permitting
AL 25 M1EYP/P IO83 64 6,255 98 13 81,315 G4RUL/P 320 5w SB6 - Moxon Drizzle. Worked IO84 15 mins before contest, but never found it between 8 and 10.30pm!
AR 26 2E0VPX IO91 60 6,239 104 13 81,107 GI4SNA 464 50 4 element vine =most QSO's to date on a 6m UKAC, but still room for improvement. 73 de MKARS
AR 27 G1SWH IO83 61 5,661 93 14 79,254 GM8OEG 325 95w 5ell .m2 qsb qsb lost 4 sr ,for bolton
AL 28 M0RKX/P IO92 53 6,326 119 12 75,912 GI4SNA 393 10W MOXON **TWCG**  
AR 29 G0HGH IO92 56 6,885 123 11 75,735 GI4SNA 436 89 4 ele very noisy band for me with high QRN. Tnx fer all points
AR 30 GW8ASD IO83 52 6,016 116 12 72,192 GM4NFC 273 100 5 ele Poor conditions and high level of local noise! There must be some way of splitting the 6M, and SHF, contests?
AR 31 GD8EXI IO74 30 7,693 256 9 69,237 G4ELJ 411 100 5 el G4CQM Yagi Poor conditions for last hour.
AR 32 G3VCA IO93 58 6,207 107 11 68,277 GI4SNA 388 100w 4el hb yagi  
AR 33 G8REQ IO83 54 5,382 100 11 59,202 G3YOA 306 70W H/B 3 Ele DK7ZB Mixed bag with Cdx, heavy rain etc, good activity in the middle hour, slow at the end. Tnx to all..73.
AR 34 G4RQI IO93 39 4,925 126 12 59,100 G3ZVW 348 100 4ele dual band yagi Slow going especially calling CQ...
AR 35 G4YHF IO92 30 4,568 152 12 54,816 GI4SNA 433 85 5el That'll be enough 6m for me until at least March next year! Thanks for all QSOs. Julian
AR 36 G3YOA JO02 26 5,232 201 10 52,320 GI4SNA 523 100w 5 ele LFA Thanks for points to Bittern Dx Group
AR 37 G0CER IO82 40 4,680 117 11 51,480 GM0EEY 677 80 3 ele Yagi sorry for ones I lost - evil QSB
AO 38 G0LGS IO81 31 4,417 142 11 48,587 GI4SNA 392 400W 4 Ele LFA    
AO 39 G3TCT IO81 33 4,212 128 11 46,332 GI4SNA 444 400 5 ele 1.5 hours only, mast lowered
AR 40 G4YUP/P IO91 35 4,600 131 10 46,000 G4VFL/P 393 100 AAA 3 el Yagi A cold, wet, miserable night and QSB  
AR 41 G8BUN IO93 41 4,562 111 10 45,620 GI4SNA 303 100w 11 element yagi  
AR 42 G4GFI IO91 34 4,654 137 9 41,886 G8BUN 281 100 Dipole  
AR 43 2E0BMO IO83 44 3,907 89 10 39,070 G3ZVW 316 50 3 LFA Rain throughout the contest.Sigs down so struggled on some QSOs.No GM/EI or IO7* squares.Tnks all for the pts this yr.
AR 44 G8ZRE IO83 46 3,720 81 10 37,200 GI4SNA IN IO64 256 100W 3 ELEMENT YAGI Good 1st hour & 2 mults last 30mins. Deep QSB.Missed GD8EXI for mult.Heard G4JQN.
AR 45 G8DOH IO92 36 4,040 112 9 36,360 GD8EXI 314 30 4.3 dBd Log Periodic Just on for the last 70mins. Poor conditions.
AL 46 G0EAK/P IO93 33 3,574 108 10 35,740 GI4SNA 363 10 Delta Loop Lots of activity tonight and great to hear JO00 - thanks G4RUL  
AR 47 G4NDM/P IO92 43 4,409 103 8 35,272 GI4SNA 385 100 3ele Spider Beam Foggy, cold & drizzle. Difficult to find the mults.
AR 48 G7LRQ IO91 35 3,267 93 10 32,670 GW8ASD 237 100w G0KSC 4m/6m 6/5 element Dualband Yagi  
AL 49 G8HXE/P IO83 46 3,920 85 8 31,360 G3ZVW 317 10 3 el OWL **TWCG** A bit noisy tonight. No sign of GD/GI/GM despite beaming that way.  
AL 50 M0ICR IO91 37 3,395 92 9 30,555 M0GAV 215 8W Moxon  
AR 51 G4JED JO01 32 3,626 113 8 29,008 M0MDY 256 100 4 ele Yagi S3 static to the NW and QSB made the contacts difficult at times.
AR 52 G3TDH IO83 38 2,892 76 10 28,920 GI4SNA 288 90W Dipole Conditions about average, and much better than last month for me.
AR 53 M0KJR IO81 35 3,064 88 9 27,576 M0IRQ/P 231 90watt 4 el sorry to the two lost contacts lot of qrm and qsb
AR 54 M0XII/P IO91 39 3,420 88 8 27,360 G4FJK 222 100 5 Ele Tonna F9FT Not great Condx tonight, lots of QRN / QSB Weather very Damp and Wet, It's my last UKAC for a while, Thanks to all for the points! 73's
AR 55 G4NTY IO83 39 2,965 76 9 26,685 G3ZVW 309 100w H.B. Super Moxon  
AX 56 GM4VVX IO78 9 4,246 472 6 25,476 SM7MBH X 15W 1172 80w 4 ele yagi Worked all copied again. Quickly ran out of locals so resorted to MS. Many Thanks to those who came looking for me.
AL 57 G3SQQ IO93 39 3,026 78 8 24,208 GD8EXI 257 10 3 Element LFA Conditions started fairly poor in north direction for first hour, improved later, Still enjoyed contest. Many thanks for all points.
AL 58 G0PEB/P IO90 20 2,687 134 9 24,183 M0IRQ/P 308 10w 2 El Yagi ** TWCG ** Very wet .... finished early.
AR 59 G5MW/P JO01 22 2,615 119 9 23,535 M1DDD 277 100 3 ele Heavy QRN/M to the W prevented us using that area. Did pick up a little towards the end. Hard work but fun. Thanks to all. 73
AR 60 G4JQN IO81 33 2,831 86 8 22,648 GI4SNA 444 100 3E, h/b  
AR 61 G4CRF IO91 28 2,783 99 8 22,264 G3ZVW 202 100W 2 element Moxon  
AR 62 G0EUN IO93 39 3,095 79 7 21,665 GI4SNA 385 50w 3Ele Beam  
AR 63 G3ZUD IO92 39 3,030 78 7 21,210 G4HUP 177 80 2 ele DK7ZB For the first time S7 continuous noise from the south.
AR 64 G4CXQ/P IO81 23 2,929 127 7 20,503 GI4SNA 413 100 DELTA LOOP Thanks contacts for Weston super Mare RS.
AL 65 M6EKI/P IO93 37 2,864 77 7 20,048 GD8EXI 286 10 3 element beam    
AR 66 M0VDC IO93 27 2,468 91 8 19,744 GI4SNA 385 80 beam  
AL 67 G8FMC IO91 24 2,456 102 8 19,648 GW4ZAR/P 214 10w Moxon Local noise less tonight. Solar powered garden lights went out quickly as little sun lately! 10w only to get more normalised points?
AL 68 G4APJ IO83 28 2,338 84 8 18,704 GI4SNA 264 8 5ele  
AR 69 G4CLB IO91 25 2,318 93 8 18,544 GW4ZAR/P 256 100 3 ele Y Local high QRN wondrously disappeared half way through the evening to yield an equally wondrous lack of audible sigs here.
AR 70 G0GDU IO93 26 2,304 89 8 18,432 M0WLF 214 100 5-ele Yagi very slow, some rapid QSB at times  
AR 71 M0RHS IO80 19 2,071 109 8 16,568 GI4SNA 484 100 3ELE Yagi  
AL 72 G8LZE IO91 23 1,976 86 8 15,808 G4LKD 233 9 5 element Poor evening, technical problems my end. Sorry to those I didn't complete with.
AR 73 M0HAZ IO93 20 2,229 111 7 15,603 GI4SNA 420 100 3ele yagi Thanks for all QSOs & Points throughout 2014. Happy Christmas All.  
AL 74 M6XAK/P IO93 22 1,871 85 8 14,968 GI4SNA 363 10 Delta loop    
AR 75 G8AJM/P IO91 30 1,816 61 8 14,528 G8AXZ/P 161 50 4 ele beam Cold, wet and foggy. The band could have been better too, but still good fun.
AR 76 M0LNE JO01 27 2,410 89 6 14,460 M0IRQ/P 270 100 5 element beam It was a slow night. Still great fun. Points to MARTS
AL 77 G1MZD IO92 22 1,983 90 7 13,881 G4RUL/P 169 10w 3 ele Wall of Noise!!very hard going, some usual multis missing. tnx.MKARS
AR 78 G6XHF IO83 29 1,981 68 7 13,867 GI4SNA 236 90 3 eleBeam    
AX 79 GW0IRW IO72 11 2,126 193 6 12,756 G3PYE/P 290 90w 5/5 Duo Quiet + cliff edge QSB tonight... Took 3 attempts to work G7DWY & lost G4JQN completely, several regulars missing from my log this week. N  
AR 80 M0COP IO82 17 2,075 122 6 12,450 GI4SNA 310 100 Delta Loop From home, too cold and foggy for /P
AR 81 G4RYV IO91 15 1,544 103 8 12,352 G0NEY 237 100W 4 ele DK7ZB Homebrew Deep QSB and high local noise made conditions very difficult tonight. 73 to all
AR 82 G4WUA IO83 20 1,566 78 7 10,962 GI4SNA 229 10 WAT 3 ELE OWL YAGI  
AL 83 G3UVR IO83 24 1,763 73 6 10,578 GI4SNA 234 8w 2ele fixed loft Need more Tuesdays a month to split 50mhz from SHF.
AR 84 G3YDY JO01 13 1,731 133 6 10,386 M1DDD 234 100 2 Ela LFA  
AL 85 G4ODA IO92 8 1,246 156 8 9,968 GD8EXI 338 10W 5el m2 Regret little time available for 6 tonight  
AR 86 G8DTF IO83 27 1,618 60 6 9,708 GI4SNA 260 25 Supermoxon  
AR 87 G3ORX IO81 19 1,613 85 6 9,678 M0IRQ/P 217 100w Indoor wire dipole Reasonably good considering ant has 3 fixed positions. tnx to all and 73.
AL 88 G8XVJ IO83 17 1,335 79 7 9,345 GI4SNA 254 10 3el lots of qrm no time tonight
AR 89 G0VOF IO83 14 1,255 90 6 7,530 M0WLF 265 100 2 fixed dipoles Local noise very bad tonight so not a very good result. Thanks for all QSO's. 73, Mark.
AR 90 2E0MSI IO81 20 1,192 60 6 7,152 G3PYE/P 196 50 3 ele LFA Weather too horrible to go /p so stayed at home where I can only see half the country.... Points to TDARC  
AL 91 G4HYG IO83 23 1,404 61 5 7,020 G3PYE/P 236 5 G4HYG log periodic 50 - 144 MHz Thanks for all the contacts.
AR 92 G0TAR JO01 16 1,302 81 5 6,510 M1DDD 266 80W 3 ele beam (fixedNNW) very high noiselevel varying thru the evening. Thanks for patience. 73 de Brian.
AL 93 G4XPE IO92 18 1,236 69 5 6,180 M0WLF 181 10 Dipole in roof space    
AL 94 G1SCT IO92 10 1,005 100 6 6,030 G4VFL/P 272 10 Horizontal Dipole Thanks for all QSOs & points. Happy Christmas.  
AR 95 2E0WBL IO83 14 988 71 6 5,928 GI4SNA 231 50w Homebrew Rotatable dipole  
AR 96 G3WCB IO91 16 905 57 5 4,525 G8AXZ/P 191 50 w Indoor dipole Conditions pretty flat with sharp QSB. I'd worked all the stations I could hear in the first 90 minutes.73 and tks for the points, Dave G3WCB
AL 97 G3TJE/P IO81 15 1,029 69 4 4,116 M0IRQ/P 241 5W DELTA LOOP *WSMRS* Struggled with local qso's and missed mults with 5w! Also cold and wet !Thanks points+
AR 98 G4WEY IO90 12 797 66 5 3,985 G4CLA 197 100w Moxon Rectangle    
AR 99 G2ANC IO83 20 994 50 4 3,976 G4CLA 147 50 dipole  
AR 100 G8YMW/P IO93 8 911 114 4 3,644 GI4SNA 351 100 4 ele Only on for last hour, still got aerial problems
AR 101 G8NVX IO93 18 801 44 4 3,204 G3PYE/P 172 50 HB9CV Very wierd condx, band wend flat early on then peaked towards the end. Thanks for the points folks.
AR 102 G0BNC IO91 11 771 70 4 3,084 M1MHZ 151 50 3 ele yagi Very poor and noisy conditions at my location
AL 103 M0WBG IO83 13 755 58 4 3,020 GI4SNA 229 10 2 Ele LFA Lots of noise and QSB. Worst when beaming south
AR 104 G0AZE IO81 12 754 63 4 3,016 G3PYE/P 223 100 5 ELEMENT YAGI  
AR 105 G8JUT IO81 9 690 77 4 2,760 M0IRQ/P 218 100 5 ele  
AL 106 M6JCQ/P IO91 11 648 59 4 2,592 G3VCA 163 10 6m Moxon  
AR 107 2E0XJP IO83 11 646 59 4 2,584 GI4SNA 228 50W W2000 triband Local noise again. Conditions deteriorated towards the end. Thanks for the points. 73
AR 108 G0HAS IO81 12 512 43 5 2,560 M1DDD 210 50 vertical    
AR 109 M1CNK IO90 9 556 62 4 2,224 G3ZVW 114 60 3 ele yagi Better than last month but still very quite.  
AL 110 M6KNI JO02 5 284 57 4 1,136 M0MDY 123 5 Di-pole  
AL 111 G6CBX IO84 3 302 101 3 906 GI4SNA 162 10W 3ele  
AL 112 M6SFQ IO93 10 375 38 2 750 M0IRQ/P 79 10 v3000x 6m 2m 70cm  
AR 113 G6TXB JO01 7 212 30 3 636 G3PYE 96 80 w Sigma HF 360 Vertical  
AR 114 M0STT JO01 8 252 32 2 504 G4CLA 177 100W Wire Dipole    
AR 115 M0KCA IO92 6 207 34 2 414 M0IRQ/P 56 100w Colinear  
AR 117 G0FVH IO80 6 181 30 2 362 G3ZVW 65 50 INDOOR OCFD Very quiet on the band, only did til 2200.
AL 118 M3RNX IO83 8 324 40 1 324 GW8ASD 75 10 5 ELE YAGI  
AR 119 G0GRI IO81 7 156 22 2 312 G3ZVW 77 20 Loft Fan dipole Another huge score! 73
AL 121 M6CFW IO91 2 103 52 1 103 G4ELJ 62 5w 6m Beam  
AO 122 GD4FKI/P IO74 1 79 79 1 79 G4VFL/P 79 25 DIPOLE Many stations heard but mostly around 54, they couldnt hear me ?  
AO 123 GM8IEM IO78 1 64 64 1 64 GM4VVX 64 400 6 el Vine Only active for the last hour of the contest. Conditions rather poor.
AL 124 M0HLB JO01 6 35 6 1 35 M0STT 8 10w sigmav2000 vert hard work with a verticle plus noisy conditions for the first hour. many thanks for the points.
AR 125 G1ZPU IO92 1 30 30 1 30 G3PYE/P 30 100W Dipole First ever UKAC operation. Trying station, not very successful! Need better aerial.  
AR 126 M0KLK JO01 1 13 13 1 13 M0LNE 13 100w Wire dipole N/S in loft Hardly any stations heard, shut down at 20:30hrs
AR 127 G8VJU JO01 3 13 4 1 13 M0HLB 6 100 40m Inverted V!  

28 Oct (128 scores)

23 Sep (106 scores)

26 Aug (114 scores)

22 Jul (127 scores)

24 Jun (120 scores)

27 May (128 scores)

22 Apr (130 scores)

25 Mar (139 scores)

25 Feb (138 scores)

28 Jan (118 scores)

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