Claimed Scores 2016
  11857 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
20/12/16 1.3GHz UKAC
13/12/16 432MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for 70MHz Trophy

(53 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Mults Total Points Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G4SIV/P JO03 123 28,362 231 83 2,354,046 EA6SX 1538 160 2x11,6+1/2w ver Missed start, coax/mike faults. QRN to SE. Gt activity, tnx for points. Shame "DX" stuck on .2, hope this bad habit will not spread to 4m  
SO 2 GM4ZUK/P IO86 87 35,618 409 65 2,315,170 EA6SX 1984 150 8 ele Yagi Conditions quite good for first few hours. Activity not too bad. WX wet in the morning, dried in the afternoon and rain again packing up.
SO 3 G8XVJ/P IO84 125 26,843 215 80 2,147,440 EA6SX 1668 160 8el 5el Dj9bv lost 35 min high vswr old ldf450 in the bin.wx very warm lots on FM this year
O 4 G3TCU/P IO80 102 26,233 257 74 1,941,242 PA0VHF 684 160 2 * 6 ele Very slow early on, improving in the afternoon.No Es hrd at our site. Also no FM. FB Wx, tnx for all the QSOs
SF 5 G4BWP JO02 93 19,948 214 69 1,376,412 GM4ZUK/P 550 150 7ele PowAbeam  
O 6 GW4FRE/P IO81 98 20,405 208 67 1,367,135 PA4VHF 653 140 5 ele Powabeam Drizzle and Rain for duration. No SP-E, but Nice to have many stations up North to work for a change. Bad QSB to East. GJ DXpedition needed?
O 7 M0HNA/P IO91 89 16,853 189 63 1,061,739 GM4ZUK/P 648 160 8Y Thanks for all the QSO's but surprised not to hear EI or GI. G4SJH and G1EHF.
SO 8 G0EHV/P IO84 76 18,604 245 57 1,060,428 EA6SX 1747 160 5 Element Above average conditions at start, reverted to normal as the day wore on. Single Es contact near end. Duration OK, maybe an early start?
O 9 M0HYX/P IO93 89 14,388 162 61 877,668 PA4VHF 601 60 7ele + Dipole Thanks to all who took part.
SO 10 G8LED/P IO92 72 11,910 165 72 857,520 EA6SX 1460 160 8 Element LFA Got on late due to faulty balun. Good initial UK activity with some tropo and Es later on. WX poor at the start but turned out excellent.
SF 11 G7LRQ IO91 71 13,684 193 56 766,304 EA6SX 1383 160 5 Ele LFA  
SF 12 G3NPI IO92 81 12,692 157 58 736,136 GM4ZUK/P 557 150 6 over 6 LFA FAIR TROPO BUT NO Es HERE!!
SF 13 G3MEH IO91 80 12,783 160 55 703,065 GM4ZUK/P 588 160 2 x 5 el HB Variable conditions with deep QSB.
SO 14 G8HQW/P IO84 55 14,581 265 45 656,145 EA6SX 1697 25 5 ele Windy and Cold. Late starting. Thanks for the QSOs.  
O 15 G4RFR IO90 62 12,736 205 46 585,856 GM4ZUK/P 687 150 12 Ele Yagi  
SF 16 G8DOH IO92 62 10,269 166 50 513,450 PA4VHF 570 160 4.3dBd Log Periodic Deep QSB, slow going. Es at end produced only weak signals here.
SF 17 MW0ATI IO83 59 10,913 185 47 512,911 PA2J 562 25 6 element Powabeam Yagi My first ever 4m contest really enjoyed it, thanks to all for the points
O 18 M0SNB/P JO01 59 10,098 171 50 504,900 GM4NFC 518 50 6e beam Quite busy in the UK, no E's fur us but pleased to work GM and GU  
SF 19 G3PHO IO93 52 9,690 186 45 436,050 EA6SX 1571 60 4 el yagi Very little Es apart from EA6SX in last half hour Inter G variable + deep QSB. EI beacon audible all day but did not hear an EI contester!
SF 20 G4FJK IO80 45 10,803 240 39 421,317 GM4ZUK/P 675 160 7ele@10m  
SF 21 G3LVP IO81 51 8,441 166 41 346,081 GM4ZUK/P 562 160 6y Started late (1130),hard going from the 'wrong' side of the Cotswolds. Psed to wk some new calls but nil from EI,GI,GD,GJ or London area  
SF 22 GM4JR IO85 39 9,390 241 36 338,040 G0VHF/P 480 150 6 ele yagi LONG LONG day - FAR TOO LONG and I wasn't on all day!
SF 23 G4BVY IO82 47 7,122 152 44 313,368 GM4ZUK/P 534 100 4 ele    
SF 24 G8LZE IO91 43 7,611 177 40 304,440 EA6SX 1375 20 5 element LFA I was wrong - I predicted Es would start at 16:02.
SO 25 G4FZN/P IO94 42 8,840 210 33 291,720 PA4VHF 633 160 5 ele First 90 mins only. Just reminding myself why I stopped using this /P site!
SF 26 GW8ASD IO83 43 7,447 173 39 290,433 GM4ZUK/P 433 40 7 ele Yagi Seemed to be in a black hole here!
SF 27 G3WJG IO91 47 7,098 151 39 276,822 GM4ZUK/P 603 25 6ele homebrew Good tropo to North and West but no GI/EI heard. - had PC glitches throughout srry. Nice to work ZUK/p again - v strong signal at times.
SF 28 G3OVH IO92 45 6,818 152 40 272,720 GM4ZUK/P 485 100 6 ele NBS Band pretty flat, and activity fell off in the aftenoon
SO 29 G1PPA/P IO93 38 6,959 183 35 243,565 GM4ZUK/P 419 40 3 ele beam lfa thanks for all the points shame about the qsb
SF 30 M0OMB IO83 38 6,540 172 36 235,440 GM4ZUK/P 371 4 6 Y PowAbeam Cdx seemed better at start but overall fairly flat. No Es so very slow after 1st couple of hours.
SF 31 G8ONK IO83 33 6,293 191 33 207,669 GM4ZUK/P 358 25 6 ele YU7EF Thanks for all points, good activity today.
SF 32 G4VFL IO84 28 6,547 234 29 189,863 G0VHF/P 435 25 7 Ele Yagi by G4CQM  
SF 33 G4GFI IO91 38 5,576 147 33 184,008 GM4ZUK/P 644 40 4ele LFA Activity good at the start but dropped away towards the end. Condx a touch above average, no Es heard.
SF 34 G4CRF IO91 38 4,951 130 34 168,334 G0EHV/P 326 120 5 element LFA  
O 35 GW4JQP/P IO81 26 5,128 197 28 143,584 G0VHF/P 361 50 Halo A really good day, with a lot more English stations heard. Visibility only 30m all day!  
O 36 GW4TTA/P IO73 18 4,837 269 21 101,577 G0VHF/P 437 25 4 el yagi Great fun, but no sporadic e noted. We do need to find a better VHF location. Good WX until sea fog arrived mid afternoon.
SF 37 GU6EFB IN89 17 5,242 308 19 99,598 G8XVJ/P 510 160 5 ele beam Very hot too hot amp kept tripping due to over temp 30+ in shack and 25 outside. Part time effort thanks to all for point.
SF 38 G4RYV IO91 26 3,776 145 26 98,176 G0EHV/P 394 20 5 Ele DK7ZB Homebrew Very high Urban noise level.Deep rapid QSB at times. All S&P contacts. 73 all David OP G4RYV
SF 39 G4BAO JO02 25 3,753 150 22 82,566 G0EHV/P 320 100 5el YU7EF dual band Usual wall of local noise to contend with. Apologies if I didn't hear you
SF 40 G4FKK IO91 24 2,960 123 24 71,040 G8HQW/P 358 100 5 ele hb LFA Only able to operate intermittently. Condx seemed reasonable. Thanks all.  
SF 41 G8AXA JO01 26 2,708 104 23 62,284 G8XVJ/P 342 50 6El 4/6M Yagi Poor conditions.
SF 42 G6TGO IO83 19 3,028 159 20 60,560 GM4ZLK/P 395 49 4ele x 4 ele Dual band Yagi Mild Tropo peaks noted to the North East and South East Coasts  
SF 43 G8EEM IO93 16 2,700 169 16 43,200 GM4ZUK/P 364 50 Log periodic  
SF 44 G3UVR IO83 14 1,911 136 14 26,754 M0HNA/P 291 150 4 ele Jaybeam  
SF 45 GM6CMQ IO86 8 2,277 285 11 25,047 G3TCU/P 576 40 5 ele Thanks to all for contacts. Busy doing house DIY, only on for part of contest.
SO 46 GM4DIJ/A IO74 9 1,980 220 12 23,760 G4BWP 453 60 dipole local SMPS noise made copy difficult conditions improved slightly late afternoon
SF 47 M1CJE IO91 12 1,650 138 13 21,450 G4SIV/P 232 50 Innov 3 ele  
SF 48 G0GRI IO81 10 1,491 149 12 17,892 G4SIV/P 259 50 4MBA Minibeam Loft mounted 4MBA mounted at 35 degrees, pleased to work what I did. 73 Ian
SF 49 G1DFL IO91 11 1,233 112 13 16,029 G4SIV/P 196 20 3Y Inside Fixed West Just a happy half hour in-between the Reading Rally and Gardening! Wx fab and great to work so many /P! Thanks for the QSO's.
SF 50 GM4VVX IO78 5 1,467 293 7 10,269 G8XVJ/P 461 80 6 ele yagi VERY quiet as usual from my QTH. A few aircraft reflections to brighten a hard slog
SF 51 M0GXZ IO92 10 797 80 11 8,767 GW4FRE/P 170 25 4/6 3/3 ele  
SF 52 G7ICV JO01 3 373 124 4 1,492 G4SIV/P 203 10 wire dipole 15min enrty  
SF 53 G3ZOD IO83 1 12 12 2 24 G6TGO 12 25 Indoor dipole    

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