Claimed Scores 2010
  6849 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/10 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/10 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/10 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/10 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
28/12/10 50MHz UKAC
21/12/10 UHF UKAC 2.3 GHz
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Claimed scores for March 144 432MHz

144 MHz (45 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G5B IO92 292 98,300 337 DR1H 861 400 4x12 ele Poor activity with several hours sub 10 Q's. Little more than a UKAC over 24hrs - Good to contest together again!
SF 2 G4DEZ JO03 246 84,244 342 DR1H 868 400 4 x 12e As usual fell asleep at desk in middle of night! Low UK actkivity and not a great deal of DX either, thanks for points everyone!
O 3 M0MDG/P JO00 236 74,939 318 DK1VI 874 400 2 X 17 Tonnas very cold, low activity good fun
O 4 G0VHF/P JO02 183 55,559 304 DR1H 753 400 1x17 MET MNI Tnx to IRC for use of shack. Got us on the air following theft of heliax
SF 5 G0XDI IO91 129 30,364 235 DK0IZ 723 400 17 ele Tonna Conditions Flat but some DX worked. Thx to all for the QSOs :)
6S 6 G0BBB IO91 112 28,499 254 DD1OP 682 400 17ELE M2 Mike failed after 4 hours. Vy disappointed! Tnx for points.
6O 7 MM0GPZ/P IO85 76 25,181 331 G6HIE 565 400 12 ELE M SQ Very flat condx and QSB. Great weather for 1st /P of the year. Thx fer points all
SO 8 G1ONE/P IO83 103 19,230 187 DF0MU 681 80 7 ele Good conditions from S & E, good activity, new antenna and feeder worked well. Thx from M0ick Bolton Wireless Club
6S 9 G8HGN JO01 50 16,668 333 DR1H 789 50 2x15 @ 13m 6Hrs Sunday, flat condx, tnx to all.
6O 10 G8NEY IO81 71 16,007 225 DF0MU 658 100 17 ele Tonna Good fun, some good dx but condx poor 73 2E0NEY & M0GHZ TDARC  
O 11 G8SRS IO93 78 15,932 204 TM57M 781 50w 9 Ele M2 No Linear No Rotator No Warm Weather but we still DX! 73's Will M0GYZ
6O 12 M0BAO/P IO80 71 15,052 212 PA5MS 577 180 13 ELE TONNA    
6O 13 G0PKT JO01 71 14,154 199 GI4SNA 560 180 9 ele LFA Yagi Six hours on Saturday, was very quiet from 20:00 onwards. Thanks to all for points. Martello Tower Group  
6S 14 2E0NEY IO81 61 11,934 196 DF0MU 658 50 17 ele Good activity and some nice DX, but condx generally poor  
6S 15 G6NHU JO01 47 11,570 246 GI4SNA 567 100 9 ele Vargarda Conditions were fairly flat but it was an enjoyable six hours despite low activity.  
6S 16 GD8EXI IO74 38 11,423 301 M0MDG/P 493 400 18 ele Surprising few stations on in my chosen 6 hrs
SF 17 G1TST IO81 69 11,066 160 MM0GPZ/P 474 50 10 element  
6S 18 M0DJW JO02 49 10,840 221 D4PD 550 250W 11 el Tonna    
6O 19 M9T IO80 38 10,445 275 DK4K 738 50 10Y 0
6O 20 G0RAF IO93 48 9,712 202 DK5EZ 560 100 9 ele Tonna  
SF 21 G3BNE JO01 50 8,519 170 F6HJO/P 545 30 TONNA 9 Conditons variablewith heavy QSB on some
SF 22 G0JJG JO02 28 7,538 269 DL6IAK 653 300 11 ele F9FT  
6S 23 G8ZRE IO83 45 6,544 145 F9ZG/P IN IN98 487 80 8 XY ELE YAGI Fair DX but not many stations active,Thks to /P braving the cold.
6S 24 GM4JR IO85 21 6,187 295 M0MDG/P 529 100w 12 ele M2 DEEP QSB, usual problem hear more than I worked.Please beam north guys!
6S 25 G3UUT JO02 23 5,909 257 DR2010O 504 100 9 el  
SF 26 G0EJQ IO93 35 4,895 140 F6EAS 479 100W 9 ELE TONNA  
6S 27 G8LZE IO91 26 4,474 172 DK4K 486 23 9 element Just 3 hours or so, activity seemed less than usual.
SF 28 G8ONK IO83 25 4,235 169 M0MDG/P 385 100 9 Ele Yagi On air between other commitments
SF 29 G3SPJ JO01 28 4,231 151 MM0GPZ/P 516 100 11el Tonna  
SF 30 G3CKR IO83 27 4,152 154 M0MDG/P 335 20 11Y CUSHCRAFT V.low activity Sat as most QRV Sun for 6hr comtest .Hard wk with 20w as most will not beam up here as working continent
SF 31 G0LGS IO81 39 3,939 101 ON7RY 471 100 / 45 9 Ele Tonna / Watson W300 Activity low - you would hardly know there was a contest on.  
SF 32 M1FUR IO91 35 3,528 101 DF0MU 518 100/50 7 ele dual band yagi  
6S 33 G4GTH IO90 15 3,407 227 PA0WMX 549 95 9Ele M2 Yagi    
6O 34 G0UWS/P IO91 30 3,077 103 G4DEZ 227 40 5ele Very bad QSB but first portable contest I have done myself for many years.
6S 35 G4XPE IO92 17 2,612 154 PA5MS 488 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10 element yagi    
6S 36 M6XBF JO01 20 2,575 129 PA0WMX 370 10 12ele ZL special on 2  
6S 37 GW3ATZ IO83 18 1,952 108 G0VHF/P 310 50 6ele yagi Very very quiet........5 hours only
6S 38 G4RYV IO91 9 1,134 126 G1ONE/P 277 10 9ele tonna Just giving a few points away 73
SF 39 G1MZD IO92 9 753 84 M0MDG/P 149 25w 5 ele in loft (fixed) restricted with fixed antenna,but still fun
6S 40 G0GWI IO83 8 638 80 MM0GPZ/P 251 40 5 Element Yagi It can't get worse than this can it??, next to nothing heard at my QTH, though MM0GPZ/P was a welcome catch. 73's to all stations wkd
SO 41 MW0DSZ/P IO83 4 637 159 G5B 209 2W Moxon  
6S 42 M0CNP JO02 3 270 90 G5B 96 80 Log Periodic  
6S 43 2E0TYC IO93 8 260 32 G7HOAP 95 45w Halo Thanks to everyone for perserviering with me.
SO 44 G0EHV/P IO84 2 170 85 MM0GPZ/P 141 25 5/8 Whip Just popped on to check if conditions were similar to 432MHz - Yep they were!
6S 45 GM4DIJ IO85 2 109 54 MM0GPZ/P 70 50W 9ele only 2 stations heard - conditions grim

432 MHz (35 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G0VHF/P JO02 120 40,817 340 DK2GR 745 400 2x21 F9FT reduced rig and change of site made for an interesting weekend. Conx very odd, much QSB and multipath.
O 2 G5B IO92 120 34,700 289 DL0EE 709 400 6 x 28ele Lots of kit issues after a 2yr lay off. Many hrs with 0 contacts and many more sub 10 Q's. Normally our best band of the two - not this time
O 3 M0MDG/P JO00 67 19,643 293 DK4VW 682 400 2 x 21 tonnas Very Cold low activity good fun  
SF 4 G0XDI IO91 80 17,907 224 DR3M 720 150 2 x 19 ele Vargarda Conditions Flat but some DX worked. Pretty hard Work! Thx to all for the QSOs :)
6O 5 G8NEY IO81 42 11,307 269 DF0MU 658 400 21 ele Tonna Very poor condx, deep QSB 73 M0GHZ & 2E0NEY TDARC  
SF 6 G0JJG JO02 31 9,047 292 DK0IZ 607 300 17 ele yagi  
O 7 G8SRS IO93 46 8,536 186 DF1JM 635 80W 7 Ele Jaybeam Freezing cold and Bad QSB 73's Chris 2E0CBS
6S 8 G3XDY JO02 23 8,006 348 DR3M 594 250 28ele Msquared Yagi Poor conditions and low activity
6S 9 GD8EXI IO74 28 7,722 276 PA6NL 636 400 38 ele  
SF 10 G4DEZ JO03 31 6,709 216 DK2MN 487 400 4 x 28e Very low UK activity and poor conditions. Thanks for points everyone.
6O 11 G0EHV/P IO84 26 6,587 253 PA6NL 516 120 21 Element Hard going but worked all I heard bar 1. Weather made up for lack of activity!
6O 12 MM0GPZ/P IO85 24 5,841 243 G7RAU 553 90 28 ELE M SQ Tnx to all for QSO's. Very hard going.
SF 13 G3SPJ JO01 25 5,431 217 GI6ATZ 521 30 21el Tonna  
6S 14 G8HGN JO01 15 5,169 345 DJ6BS 596 50 2x21@13m Hard going, tnx to all.
6O 15 G0RAF IO93 27 4,273 158 DF3MU 543 50 29 ele Tonna Hard work on 70 and poor conditions. Only 20W at the antenna so a bit more power and a masthead pre-amp will help next year.
6S 16 G3YDY JO01 18 4,068 226 DD0PX 528 100W 19 ele Yagi Operating 2 hours only on Saturday evening. Conditions poor
6S 17 GM4JR IO85 13 3,894 300 M0MDG/P 529 100w 21 ele tonna DEEP QSB! Lots more heard than worked. PLEASE try beaming north guys!!
6S 18 2E0NEY IO81 12 2,728 227 DF0MU 658 50 21 ele Abysmal condx, but nice to work JO32 on the band for 1st time  
6S 19 M6XBF JO01 14 2,722 194 DF0MU 461 10 19ele yagi  
6O 20 M9T IO80 9 2,675 297 PA6NL 580 20 21Y Antenna only just above the car:-) Struggled with just 20W. Bob G0KYS
SF 21 G3CKR IO83 18 2,649 147 PA6NL 471 15 21Y F9FT Worked further on 70cm than 2m! as PA6NL beams to NW.Very low activity and most were QSY from 2m .
6S 22 G4APJ IO83 13 2,627 202 PA6NL 470 25 19ele  
6S 23 GM4DIJ IO85 9 1,220 136 G5B 408 50W 21ele  
SF 24 G3BNE JO01 11 1,147 104 PA6NL 284 30 TONNA 9 in loft  
6O 25 M0MAT/P IO81 6 1,124 187 PA6NL 450 30 13EL DK7ZB Just popped out to test a new antenna which seems to work well.
6S 26 GW3ATZ IO83 12 1,087 91 G0VHF/P 310 50 12 ele yagi very low activity. 5 hours only
SF 27 G0LGS IO81 7 690 99 G4DEZ 206 75 9 Ele Tonna Activity low - you would hardly know there was a contest on.  
SF 28 G8ONK IO83 4 653 163 G0XDI 280 50 19 Ele Yagi Very quiet on 70 cms
6S 29 G8LZE IO91 6 635 106 PA6NL 318 22 9 element  
6S 30 G8ZRE IO83 7 571 82 G0VHF/P IN JO02 299 20 17 ELE YAGI Could not complete G0XDI sorry.Very quiet on UHF.
SF 31 G0EJQ IO93 7 360 51 G8VHI 101 100W 19 ELE BEAM  
SF 32 M1FUR IO91 11 341 31 G5B 162 100/50 7 ele dual band yagi  
6S 33 M0CNP JO02 1 96 96 G5B 96 80 Log Periodic  
6S 34 G4XPE IO92 2 93 46 G8SRS 56 25 Watson W2000 tri-band vertical colinear    
SF 35 G1MZD IO92 1 91 91 G5B 91 5w 12 ele ZL (faulty) poor antenna, conditions & activity did not help

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