Claimed Scores 2011
  7946 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
27/12/11 SHF UKAC 10 GHz
27/12/11 SHF UKAC 3.4 GHz
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Claimed scores for March 144 432MHz

144 MHz (70 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G4DEZ JO03 294 107,649 366 OK2M 1029 400 4 X 12e Antennas not locked to controller, thanks for the points.
O 2 M9T IO80 219 90,228 412 OK2M 1263 400 10Y + 10Y Good condx & some very nice dx, enjoyable contest & the weather was very good on Dartmoor for March. Thanks for points de G4WFR & G0KYS
SF 3 G0XDI IO91 241 72,412 300 DM7A 967 400 10 ele DK7ZB Great Conditions for most of the contest. Great fun and a new square (IO97) Thx to all for the QSOs :)
O 4 G7HOA/P IO93 239 62,701 262 DK5LO/P 1173 50 12 ele Yagi Lessons learnt from last year - didn't run out of gas this time and Kaths stew went down nicely thank you. Tnx to all
SF 5 GM8OEG IO86 83 59,456 716 OL3Y 1310 200 9ele F9FT strange conditions. Most stations quite weak, just a few exceptions. More like Es, very localised with sigs here one moment, then gone.
6O 6 MM0GPZ/P io85 146 58,860 403 HB9G/P 1223 400 12 ele S7-9 noise beaming SE. We had to beam either south or east and work everybody of the sides. But great conditions. Last 5 hours on Sunday.
6S 7 G0BBB IO91 169 55,990 331 DK5LO/P 1023 400 17 ELE M2 vy good condx.Tnx all.  
SO 8 G3XBY/P IO70 152 55,840 367 DF7ZS 1037 400W 17el Signals appeared out of the noise from great distance for 10 mins then disappeared without trace
6O 9 G3PYE/P JO02 171 49,540 290 DL6NAA 838 400 17-ele Our first entry in this contest. Very good fun, and pleasingly little trouble operating both bands on the same mast.
SO 10 M0ICK/P IO83 131 43,876 335 DA0Y 1019 40w 7 ele G0KSC H/B Best ever on 144, cracking condx and activity, just got to thaw out my feet :-)
O 11 G4FUR/P IO91 144 43,261 300 OK2M 991 100 17 element Tonna Good level of activity from Europe
SF 12 G4HGI IO83 98 37,213 380 OK2M 1214 25 12 ele i0jxx Super dx just on S & P Mix of radio, qrl, family,diy Thanks to all
6S 13 G3MEH IO91 122 36,770 301 OK1WT 1006 400 2 x 9el Quiet at times. Power intermittently down to 75 watts.
6O 14 G4G IO94 132 34,646 262 DF5GZ/P 948 400 9 ele Tonna My 6 hrs missed the best tropo but still v. enjoyable. Thnx for the points.
SF 15 GM4JR IO85 62 30,495 492 OK2M 1318 300 12 element M2 Cracking fun - Started as 6SF over 2 carried away on Saturday! Tnx to all for points
SF 16 GW8ASD IO83 54 29,658 549 OK2M 1225 100W 12ele M2 Conditions very good. Just giving away points over the full period.
6O 17 M4W IO91 87 26,205 301 DF5GZ/P 803 100 5 ele Beam Issues with Pre-amp but good DX once bypassed.
6O 18 G8APB IO83 144 25,903 180 DF5GZ/P 919 400 17Y Good Dx to continent for a change, seems like we chose the best 6hrs
6S 19 G8HGN JO01 38 21,821 574 DK5LO/P 953 50 2x15ele CueDee Some super DX about, 1.5 hrs on Sat & 4.5 on Sun. All S&P due to bad voice.
SF 20 G8DTF IO83 48 21,171 441 OK2M 1199 100 7ele DK7ZB  
6S 21 2E0NEY IO81 58 20,863 360 DF0HF 974 50 17 ele Fantastoc condx for a contest, some v nice tropo and a few new squares, 73  
6S 22 G0VVE IO91 90 19,906 221 GM8OEG 605 400 14y Quite lively for the 3 hrs I was on
SF 23 G0JJG JO02 37 18,334 496 OK2M 940 300 11 ele F9FT nice condx!
SF 24 G4VPD IO92 40 17,841 446 OK2M 1133 50w 19ele some good dx but not very busy
O 25 GU6EFB IN89 42 17,837 425 DR2X 860 200 8 Ele Beam Thanks to all for the points good cdx to east what happened to the UK stations lots of regulars missing from the log Tom MU3ZLQ 1st contest
SF 26 G1MZD IO92 55 17,006 309 DR1H 884 50w 13 ele boomer  
6S 27 G4T JO01 60 16,626 277 OK1DSX 864 200 9 ele Vargarda Changed entry from 24 hours to 6 due to feeling poor. Nice to work two new squares and a new country and good to use G4T for the first time  
6O 28 G8NEY IO81 72 16,491 229 DF7ZS 879 100 17 ele Tonna    
6S 29 GM4AFF IO86 16 14,859 929 OL3Y 1306 70 17ele @ 30ft    
SF 30 G3BNE JO01 38 14,519 382 DR1H 807 30 TONNA 9  
6S 31 G4JED JO01 40 13,154 329 DF7ZS 716 50 9 ele Yagi Tnx all for the points, some good DX for my station
SF 32 GM3PMB IO75 28 12,472 445 DR1H 1244 200 13 El Boomer  
SF 33 G8ONK IO83 36 11,867 330 DR1H 1075 25 12 ele Yagi Too many new squqres and personal bests to list !
6S 34 G4LBH IO91 85 11,850 139 DF5GZ/P 743 250 7 Ele Yagi    
SF 35 G3CKR IO83 38 11,366 299 DR1H 1032 25W 13Y Cushcraft Could not get through to OL3Y with low power.Some good contacts on low power from this low QTH.  
SF 36 G4XZK IO93 28 10,745 384   0 50 7 element yagi  
6S 37 G8DOH IO92 25 10,623 425 OK1XFJ 1010 125W 8ele Jaybeam  
6S 38 M0MCV JO01 30 10,420 347 DF0HF 818 100w 9ele yagi  
6O 39 M0BAO/P IO80 36 10,066 280 PI4GN 719 180 13 ELE    
6S 40 G8ZRE IO83 55 9,866 179 DF5GZ/P IN JN47 963 80 8 XY ELEMENT YAGI Excellent conditions thansk to all stns for points.
SF 41 G3SPJ JO01 38 9,448 249 DF0HF 813 100 11 el Tonna  
SF 42 G4HHJ IO91 38 9,289 244 OK1XFJ 921 100 11 ele Only intermittent operation - about 4 hrs spread over 24. Great fun.
6S 43 2E0BMO IO83 37 8,585 232 DF5GZ/P 979 50 WIMO 7Y Avg.Cdx Sat. but super on Sun.. Best ever contest DX.Tnx to all for points.  
SO 44 M6OXO IO83 80 8,528 107 DR1D 673 1W 9 ELEMENT BEAM ONE COLD NIGHT Brrrrrr.  
SF 45 M0BPQ io91 22 7,991 363 OL7C 860 25 6 el    
6S 46 G4APJ IO83 27 7,373 273 DF5GZ/P 960 25 9ele Very pleasing to work that ODX!
6S 47 G8LZE IO91 22 6,335 288 DF5GZ/P 731 20 9 element Good fun for a couple of hours.
SF 48 G8EOP IO93 29 6,016 207 DR2X 782 100 9el m2  
6S 49 G6NHU JO01 16 5,628 352 OK1XFJ 821 200 9 ele Vargarda Checklog.  
6O 50 2E0VXX/P IO82 17 5,247 309 DF5GZ/P 886 50w 4 ele Thanks WRAA
6S 51 G1SMI IO83 25 4,749 190 F8BRK 508 100 17 ELE  
O 52 G0LGS IO81 25 4,407 176 ON4MCL 483 100 8 Ele PowaBeam Not much activity heard (as usual) in IO81  
SO 53 2E0TXT/P IO83 27 4,356 161 F6APE 709 17w Moxon rectangle Homebrew Thanks for the points I managed to work for 80 mins
SF 54 GM8IEM IO78 10 3,994 399 DR5A 1144 400 9 el yagi Just a few short openings to the continent from here
6S 55 G4XPE IO92 24 3,662 153 F8BRK 412 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10 element yagi    
6S 56 M0CES IO93 14 3,480 249 DR1D 585 50W beam  
6S 57 G8KQW IO91 16 3,384 212 DF0MU 569 400W 17el  
SF 58 M0DSZ IO82 13 3,162 243 ON4WY 451 30 Hentenna  
SO 59 GW0PEB/P IO72 7 3,065 438 PE1RLF/P 676 10W 3 el homebrew yagi On Moel Hebog SOTA GW/NW-014
6S 60 M0XBF JO01 15 2,379 159 M9T 336 40 12 ele yagi  
SF 61 G3TTC IO92 5 2,165 433 DF5GZ/P 833 100 8ele yagi  
SF 62 GM4VVX IO78 8 1,900 238 G8APB 561 400w 10 ele yagi No lift at my qth. Many regular contest qso missing
6S 63 G3HIU IO91 14 1,741 124 G3XBY/P 285 100w Logperiodic Just a short time while at GB2BP
6S 64 M6XJP IO83 13 1,461 112 M9T 327 10W 5 Element Yagi  
SF 65 2E0DHT IO83 13 1,404 108 G0VHF/P 319 50 DIAMOND X-30  
6S 66 G0CER IO82 7 1,184 169 MM0GPZ/P 298 50 7 ele Yagi  
SF 67 G4GTH IO90 5 1,051 210 MM0GPZ/P 524 95 9Ele M2 Yagi quiet quiet
6S 68 G3TCT IO81 5 860 172 F8BRK 270 2W 50MHz yagi! An amusing outing for my fleapower rig
6S 69 M0JBA IO93 3 368 123 M1BXF 181 5W 3 element SOTA Beam  
6S 70 M0UAT JO01 4 195 49 G3MEH 72 5 5e Jaybeam  

432 MHz (52 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G0XDI IO91 94 28,304 301 DM7A 967 120 2 x 19 ele Vargarda Nice conditions for a change :) Great fun. Thanks to all for the QSOs :)
O 2 M9T IO80 83 28,018 338 DF0MU 796 150 2x21Y Our best ever effort on 70cm from this site on Dartmoor. Good condx, good wx. Thanks for points de G4WFR & G0KYS
6S 3 GD8EXI IO74 44 23,944 544 DF0HF 1186 400 38 ele Excellent conditions Started by handing out a few points but got carried away
6O 4 MM0GPZ/P IO85 54 23,010 426 F6DUL/P 1125 35 28 ele Small amp blew at start so 95% of Q's were made with 35w. Seemed to be waves of (in)activity. Amazing conditions and great fun.
6O 5 G0EHV/P IO84 62 22,533 363 F6DUL/P 991 200 21 Element Good conditions and wx wasn't too bad. Quiet in last 2 hours, UK activity could be better but thanks to all who called in.
6S 6 G3XDY JO02 48 19,419 405 DL5DXS IN JO71HA 934 250 28ele Msquared Yagi Nice conditions, challenge judging when to start in 6hr section
SF 7 G4HGI IO83 40 16,745 419 HB9G/P 1005 20 21 ELE TONNA FB on S & P Thanks to all great condx
O 8 G7HOA/P IO93 81 15,763 195 DL8VK 728 35 Yagi    
SF 9 GM4JR IO85 34 14,633 430 OK1XFJ 1223 100 21 element Tonna Cracking fun - Started as 6SF over 2 carried away on Saturday! Tnx to all for points
SF 10 G0JJG JO02 40 14,096 352 OK1XFJ 845 300 17 ele  
SF 11 GW8ASD IO83 32 14,062 439 OK1XFJ 1129 75W 28ele M2 Conditions very good. Just giving away points over the full period.
6O 12 G3PYE/P JO02 59 13,464 228 DK8ZB 724 200 21-ele Our first entry in this contest. Very good fun, and pleasingly little trouble operating both bands on the same mast.
6O 13 G8APB IO83 70 13,417 192 DK8ZB 897 250 2 x 21 ele Yagi Brilliant conditions giving good DX nearly as good as 2m
6O 14 G8NEY IO81 56 13,125 234 DF0MU 658 400 23 ele DK7ZB In the wrong part of the country for conditions :-(  
6S 15 G4APJ IO83 49 12,289 251 F6DUL/P 909 25 19ele Superb DX!
6S 16 G3MEH IO91 40 10,912 273 OK1XFJ 944 250 2 x 21el Many 144MHz stations single band :-(
SF 17 G8EOP IO93 30 10,475 349 DM7A 1071 75 28el m2  
6O 18 GM4GUF/P IO85 14 10,442 746 OK1XFJ 1250 25W 13ele G3HUL Good fun nice tropo. Vy strong sigs from SE. G's were all beaming SE! 1.5 hrs op time  
6S 19 G8DOH IO92 27 9,937 368 OK1XFJ 1010 125W 18ele Jaybeam  
SF 20 G4DEZ JO03 37 9,655 261 DK8ZB 759 400 4 X 28e Antenna not locked to controller, thanks for the points.
6S 21 G4NBS JO02 25 9,567 383 DL6NAA 847 75 21ele something to prop the table up!
SO 22 GW0PEB/P IO72 20 8,260 413 JN37IS 961 10 6 EL YAGI On Moel Hebog SOTA GW/NW-014
SF 23 G3SPJ JO01 29 8,087 279 DK8ZB 717 75 21 el Tonna  
6O 24 G4G IO94 30 7,699 257 DF0MU 614 50 48 ele M-Beam Very enjoyable! Thnx for the points.
O 25 M1FUR/P IO91 48 7,131 149 DK8ZB 727 50 19 element Tonna As hard going as ever!
6S 26 G4RQI IO93 22 6,113 278 LX/PE1ITR/P 654 20 21 ELE TONNA  
6S 27 G8HGN JO01 11 4,683 426 DJ9KH/P 615 50 2x21 Tonna A little activity on Sunday. Two new all time sqrs IO72/85 #111/112
6S 28 2E0BMO IO83 15 4,517 301 F1EZQ 843 30 TONNA 9Y Good DX on Sunday. Tnx to all for the points.  
O 29 GU6EFB IN89 10 4,480 448 DF0MU 752 75 21 Ele Beam Good cdx to east thanks to all for points Keith & Tom
6S 30 G8KQW IO91 20 3,935 197 DF0MU 569 200W 4x19 2.5 hours is all I could stand
6S 31 G1SMI IO83 16 3,869 242 DF0MU 679 90 21 ELE  
6S 32 M0MCV JO01 12 3,557 296 DK8ZB 723 75w 19ele yagi  
6S 33 G8ZRE IO83 18 3,389 188 F1ISM IN JN09 529 80 15 ELEMENT YAGI Excellent EU DX on 20 watts.
SO 34 G3XBY/P IO70 11 3,234 294 PA6NL 606 25W 19el Just a token entry. Thanks for all who tried unsuccessfully to contact me.
SF 35 G4HHJ IO91 15 2,742 183 DF0MU 521 100 19 ele Only about 4 hrs intermittent operation spread over 24 h. Great fun.
6S 36 G1MZD IO92 12 2,536 211 LX/PE1ITR/P 531 20w 12 ele ZL Very quiet, lots of QSB, tnx.MKARS
6S 37 GW3ATZ IO83 13 2,465 190 PA6NL 503 50 12ele Only 3 hours on saturday. Fair conditions
6S 38 M0XBF JO01 11 2,204 200 DK8ZB 684 40 19 ele yagi  
SF 39 G8ONK IO83 10 2,182 218 F8BRK 536 25 19 ele Yagi Good conditions, should have done better
6S 40 2E0NEY IO81 5 2,130 426 DF0MU 658 50 23 ele DK7ZB Good fun, but little heard, 73  
6S 41 G3CKR IO83 11 2,023 184 PA6NL 471 15 21Y F9FT Only QRV for short while Sunday,could not raise DF0MU with CW low power,  
6S 42 G4JED JO01 10 1,988 199 DF0MU 498 50 18 Ele Yagi  
SF 43 M0BPQ io91 7 1,972 282 DL8VK 520 25 13 el    
6S 44 M0DSZ IO82 7 1,736 248 F1EZQ 795 2 QuadrupleQuad  
6S 45 G0CER IO82 9 1,521 169 PA6NL 464 40 12 ele beam first entry to this. good condx.
SF 46 GM8IEM IO78 5 1,436 287 G0EHV/P 432 300 28 el yagi  
SF 47 G3BNE JO01 6 1,302 217 DF0MU 500 30 9TONNA in loft Struggled
O 48 G0LGS IO81 8 1,008 126 G4DEZ 206 75 14 Ele Powabeam Not much activity heard (as usual) in IO81  
6S 49 G4XPE IO92 3 599 200 M9T 296 25 Moonraker 7 element ZL special in loft    
6S 50 G8LZE IO91 1 318 318 PA6NL 318 20 indoor 9 element  
6S 51 M0CES IO93 2 249 124 G0VHF/P 194 50W beam  
SF 52 2E0JWJ IO81 1 139 139 M9T 139 10W Tri-Band Vertical  

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