Claimed Scores 2012
  8524 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/12 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/12 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/12 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
29/12/12 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
18/12/12 1.3GHz UKAC
11/12/12 432MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for March 144 432MHz

144 MHz (51 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G5B IO92 252 87,479 347 DL0GTH/P 840 400 4 x 12 ele Poor support for this contest & no real DX. Thanks to those who did support the contest.
SF 2 G4DEZ JO03 203 71,605 353 DR1H 868 400 4 X 12e Veery low activity
O 3 G2B JO02 104 39,409 379 OL7C 835 100 17EL TONNA  
SF 4 G0XDI IO91 164 38,484 235 DK2GZ 707 400 10 ele DK7ZB Very poor conditions and very slow going. EU stations that beamed this way were strong at times. Thanks to all for the QSOs :)
6O 5 G3PYE/P JO02 129 31,703 246 DR1H 823 400 17-ele Thanks all, off for a curry now...
O 6 M9T IO80 88 24,639 280 DF0MU 796 100 10Y + 10Y Terrible conditions, and difficult from way out West. Enjoyable none the less.  
SF 7 G4ZTR JO01 89 24,257 273 DR1H 768 100w 12 el High activity levels from the UKAC's have not transferred to these 24hr contests - quite the opposite  
6S 8 G3MEH IO91 82 21,381 261 DL1FMK/P 701 400 2 x 9el Conditions average Sat pm, poor Sun am then deteriorated further when cold front passed.
6O 9 2E0VXX/P IO82 83 17,885 215 TM57M 777 50 9 Ele Tonna Heavy QRM here
6S 10 G8HGN JO01 40 15,560 389 DR1H 789 50 2x15ele CueDee Usual fare for this contest. S&P + QSB.
6O 11 G8NEY IO81 70 14,637 209 DK3EE 743 250 17 ele Tonna Hard work! Some nice dx along the way, but quiet at times. Tnx all for points  
6O 12 G3RRS IO91 71 14,103 199 TM57M 662 400 Yagi    
6S 13 GM4JR IO85 51 13,867 272 ON4WY 618 300 12 element M2 Very hard going. Not a lot of beams heading north! Thanks for the points folks
6S 14 G8DOH IO92 66 13,679 207 DK3EE 691 400 2 x 8 ele Yagi Very variable conditions, much scatter.
6S 15 GD8EXI IO74 42 12,642 301 F5SE/P 800 400 18 ele Low activity in my chosen 6hrs, conditions generally poor but a few strong signals from Northern France
6S 16 2E0NEY IO81 44 10,488 238 DF0MU 658 50 17 ele Condx better than yesterday, some good signals and nice dx!  
6O 17 M0BAO/P IO80 41 8,809 215 ON6ZT 479 180w 13 ELE    
6S 18 G4HGI IO83 46 8,647 188 DF0MU 689 25 12 ELE I0JXX Not sure what was worse -the contest or my toothache ! Very low uk activity .Thanks to all anyway !
6S 19 G4JED JO01 27 8,166 302 DK3EE 581 50 9 ele Yagi  
6S 20 GW8ASD IO83 28 7,998 286 DF0MU 706 100 12 element M2 Very low activity and very poor conditions, with the odd exception. I, obviously chose the wrong period!
6S 21 G0JJG JO02 23 7,627 332 DM5C 578 300 11ele F9FT Low activity
SO 22 MW6OXO/P IO82 39 6,988 179 F5SE/P 657 4 9 ELE LFA YAGI HEAVY QRM,STATIC RAIN,SLEET & A BIT OF SNOW IN ALL DAMN COLD 73 All thanks for the points
SF 23 G0KZT IO91 50 6,251 125 DF0MU 519 100 7 element ZL Special Disappointing. Only 50 QSO's in 14hrs!
6S 24 2E0BMO IO83 35 6,204 177 F6KCZ/P 542 50 WIMO 7Y Low activity and last years Sunday AM DX didn't materialise so was very slow.  
6S 25 G8ZRE IO83 26 5,713 220 F5SE/P IN JN19 642 80W 8 XY ELEMENT YAGI Poor conditionslow level UK activity.Needs a rule change 2013 to encourage UK activity.How about UK Square mults only like UKAC.
SF 26 M0LNE JO01 27 5,607 208 TM57M 531 100 2 x 17 ele  
6S 27 G4JLG IO83 32 5,366 168 F6KCZ/P 527 100w 10 el YAGI  
6S 28 G8APB IO83 36 5,216 145 ON4WY 415 400 17 Y Sadly few people to work
6S 29 G4APJ IO83 23 5,133 223 F5SE/P 648 25 9ele Conditions not brilliant: not a lot audible.
6S 30 G1SMI IO83 19 4,721 248 F6KCZ/P 534 90 17 ELE  
SF 31 GW6TEO IO71 13 4,565 351 ON7ZT 619 300W 9 El Just giving points out. Poor activity - Not many stations beaming to SW Wales! ON6ZT & ON4WY very strong but no other EU stations heard??  
SF 32 G4HHJ IO91 22 4,437 202 DF2VJ 578 100 11 ele Very limited periods of operation.
6S 33 G0RRC JO02 24 4,279 178 F8EMH 441 100 14 ele yagi    
6S 34 G8LZE IO91 23 3,460 150 F5SE/P 404 24 9 element Dipped in and out, an interesting diversion
6O 35 G1ONE/A IO91 30 3,241 108 F6KCZ/P 330 250 9 elem Tonna    
6S 36 G0LGS IO81 16 2,905 182 F5SE/P 517 100 8 Ele PowaBeam    
SF 37 G8JAY IO81 15 2,841 189 F5SE/P 517 100w 9el    
SF 38 G8ONK IO83 16 2,464 154 ON4WY 496 25 12 ele DL6WU Conditions absolutely dire only managed about 4 hrs op.
SF 39 M6XJP IO83 15 2,049 137 G4ZTR 315 10W 5ele Very noisy at times. Hard work. Tnx to all for points and perseverance
SF 40 M0BTZ IO90 10 1,778 178 ON4WY 310 20 9ele F9FT in loft fixed North Non-serious effort. QRV from time to time to give points away.
SF 41 G0CDA IO83 9 1,772 197 F6KCZ/P 515 50 11Y Cushcraft    
6S 42 M0XBF JO01 13 1,582 122 ON6ZT 232 40 12 ELE ZL SPECIAL  
6S 43 G0OPH IO94 6 1,409 235 M9T 465 100W 7 ele Quad Homebrew Check Log Only (only AFS here)  
SF 44 M0PXM IO91 13 1,369 105 ON4WY 286 25w 5el Loft mounted Very slow with low activity.  
6S 45 G0CER IO82 9 1,188 132 GM4JR 250 50 7 ele  
6S 46 GM4DIJ IO85 5 1,085 217 G3PYE/P 476 50 9 ele Poor conditions - not much heard, even G4DEZ was a struggle
SF 47 M0DSZ IO82 6 970 162 M9T 241 40 Hentenna  
6S 48 M0ICK IO83 2 767 384 F6KCZ/P 530 50w 7 ELE LFA homebrew Giving away points for 1/2 hour
6S 49 M0CES IO93 8 721 90 GM4PPT 357 50W 5 ele beam gave sum points away !!
SF 50 2E0JWJ IO81 8 643 80 M9T 139 10W Tri-Band Vertical  
6S 51 G8PZT IO82 4 270 68 G0XDI 139 10w 2-ele HB9CV Giving a few points in last hour, submitted log for a laugh to see if I can come last :-)  

432 MHz (39 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G5B IO92 121 39,587 327 F8ZW 708 400 6 x 28 ele Thanks to all stations who supported this contest.
SF 2 G0XDI IO91 87 16,239 187 DG7TG 720 120 2x 19ele Vargada Very poor conditions and very slow going. Lack of EU stations in the log. Thanks to all for the QSOs
6O 3 G3PIA IO91 65 15,977 246 DL1PF 699 400 4x21ele yagi  
SF 4 G4ZTR JO01 45 10,079 224 DG7TG 620 100w 2 x 21 ele Now that Sudbury TV analogue transmitter has closed down, I can hear things on 70cms !  
6O 5 G8NEY IO81 44 9,039 205 PE1RLF/P 556 400 21 ele Dire! Glad we didn't go portable as originally intended  
6S 6 G3XDY JO02 18 7,617 423 DH8WJ 742 250 28ele Msquared Yagi Flat or worse, white noise apart from PA6NL most of the time
6O 7 G3PYE/P JO02 53 6,741 127 DF2VJ 571 80 21-ele A little delayed getting the amp going on account of someone forgetting the sequencer cable (*cough* M0VFC...)
6S 8 GD8EXI IO74 21 6,545 312 PA6NL 636 400 38ele At times band completely empty
6S 9 G3MEH IO91 36 5,921 164 DF2VJ 599 250 2 x 21 el Poor conditions, low activity, mosr QSOs by QSY from 144.
SF 10 G4DEZ JO03 23 5,660 246 F6KIM/P 686 400 4 X 28e Very low activity
6S 11 GM4JR IO85 20 5,489 274 PA6NL 612 150 21 element Tonna Really hard going. Few beaming north. Tnx for the points folks
6O 12 G1ONE/A IO91 34 4,753 140 DL8GP 592 250 2 x MBM46    
6S 13 2E0NEY IO81 22 4,609 210 DF1JM 612 50 23 ele DK7ZB Hard work with qrp but good fun and made personal best score on 70cm!  
6S 14 G0JJG JO02 17 4,341 255 DF4AJ 557 300 17 ele Very low activity
6S 15 G8HGN JO01 15 3,997 266 DG7TG 662 50 24 ele G0KSC One year we'll get decent condx for this one. But the date will have changed by then and we'll be back at square one.
6S 16 G4APJ IO83 18 3,274 182 PA6NL 470 25 19ele Even less audible on 70cm!
6S 17 G4HGI IO83 21 3,136 149 PA6NL 490 20 21 ELE Pretty grim very low activity thanks to all for points
6S 18 GW8ASD IO83 15 2,980 199 PA6NL 500 75W 28 element M2 Very low activity and very poor conditions. I, obviously chose the wrong period!
6O 19 G0EHV/P IO84 16 2,751 172 PA6NL 516 200 21 Element Terrible conditions both RF and WX (Constant snow!). Activity dire, probably chose the wrong 6 hours (Sunday).
6S 20 G4JLG IO83 19 2,710 143 PA6NL 470 60w 88el Multibeam  
6S 21 G1SMI IO83 12 2,233 186 PA4NL 491 90 21 ELE  
6S 22 G0RRC JO02 14 1,791 128 PE1RLF/P 325 50 23 ele yagi    
SF 23 G0KZT IO91 24 1,771 74 PA6NL 303 50 19 element Tonna Lucky to get 24 QSO's thanks to 2m! So quiet
6S 24 2E0BMO IO83 12 1,699 142 PA6NL 494 30 14 LFA Low activity and wet. Pleased to work PA6NL on this band.  
SF 25 G8ONK IO83 10 1,538 154 PA6NL 514 25 19 ele DL6WU Only about 4 hrs op, conditions terrible deep QSB
6S 26 G8APB IO83 16 1,479 92 G4ZTR 244 200 21 Y Absolutely no activity
6S 27 M0XBF JO01 10 1,473 147 GD8EXI 453 40 19ele yagi  
6S 28 GW3ATZ IO83 11 1,338 122 PA6NL 503 50 12ele Worst conx/activity I can remember. Tuesday night rules..OK.
SO 29 MW6OXO/P IO82 8 971 121 GM4JR 251 4 9 ELE LFA 2mYAGI HEAVY QRM,STATIC RAIN,SLEET & A BIT OF SNOW IN ALL DAMN COLD 73 All thanks for the points
6S 30 G8ZRE IO83 9 955 106 G0XDI IN IO91 230 20W 15 ELEMENT YAGI Poor conds & activity.Perhaps VHFCC consider working same station again with 1hrs gap to relieve boredom!!!.
SF 31 G4HHJ IO91 10 898 90 PA6NL 305 50 19 ele Very limited periods of operation.
SF 32 M0LNE JO01 7 795 114 PA6NL 252 70 2 x 29 ele  
6O 33 M0ICK IO83 4 719 180 G3PYE/P 237 40w 14 ele DL6WU giving away points for 1/2 hour
6S 34 G0LGS IO81 4 594 148 PA6NL 429 75 14 Ele Powabeam    
6S 35 GM4DIJ IO85 2 507 254 G5B 408 50 21 ele poor conditions , but G5B was loud when they beamed this way
6S 36 G4JED JO01 6 487 81 G8NEY 170 50 18 ele Yagi  
6S 37 G8LZE IO91 5 276 55 G8NEY 123 25 indoor 9 element Must make effort to get antenna on mast
SF 38 M6XJP IO83 3 130 43 G8APB 73 10W 12ele Many tnx for the points. 73 de Chris
SF 39 2E0JWJ IO81 2 38 19 G8NEY 19 10W Tri-Band Vertical  

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