Claimed Scores 2013
  9614 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
17/12/13 1.3GHz UKAC
10/12/13 432MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for March 144 432MHz

144 MHz (57 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G4TSW IO80 515 288,093 559 OE5D 1252 400 3x17el + 1x17el Good team effort - a lot of hard work but worth it - wkd 86 grids - thanks all
6O 2 G3CKR/P IO93 199 83,195 418 DJ6XH JN57 & EA2DR/P IN83 JOINT ODX 1104 400w 2 x 17M2 QRV 15-21Sat,excellent duct into HB9/F/DL JN2/3/4 line,Northern EA.Condx faded here as contest went on,HB9,DB0FAI bcns better before contest  
SF 3 G3MEH IO91 187 75,722 405 OM3W 1355 400 2 x 9el It was great to have good conditions during a contest. UK activity seemed low.
SF 4 G0XDI IO91 226 75,480 334 OE5V 1066 400 9 ELE VARGARDA Great Fun! Great conditions on Saturday. Not as good on Sunday. G4DEZ was missed in this one. Thx to all for the QSOs :)
6O 5 G1KAR/P JO00 159 53,295 335 DK3JH/P 902 400 9 ele Yagi Good conditions - but Fred Karno's Army is alive and well trying to do contests in Eastbourne!
6O 6 G3PIA IO91 127 44,445 350 OL7C 993 150W 12 ele Great to the continent. Makes a nice change! Thanks for QSOs. Harwell Contest Group  
O 7 G2B JO02 108 41,467 384 EA2DR/P 1115 100 17EL TONNER  
SF 8 2E0NEY IO81 107 38,314 358 DR5M 968 50 17 ele Fantastic condx Saturay, quieter on Sunday, but had great time!  
6O 9 G3PYE/P JO02 119 35,684 300 EA2DR/P 1019 300 17-ele Tonna Much later start than we expected due to some rotator issues, but nice conditions and good fun!
6S 10 G8DOH IO92 109 34,667 318 EA2DHJ/P 969 400 2x8eleYagi Good Tropo
SF 11 G0JJG JO02 75 28,573 381 EA2DR/P 1031 300 11 ele Good condx on Saturday but best dx over my head.
O 12 M0LNE JO01 80 22,275 278 EA2DR/P 936 100 2 x 17 ele  
6O 13 M9T IO80 66 21,827 331 DR5M 1085 100 10Y Conditions and activity good. Op-ed on Sunday, but looks like Saturday was better :-)  
SF 14 G4NBS JO02 68 20,409 300 DL0HTW 934 150 9ele Some Loud signals from SE but mostly over my head. Low UK activity but concentrated on 23/13 on Sunday
SF 15 G8AXZ IO93 70 19,811 283 EA2DR/P 1097 100 12 Element Yagi Nice lift to the continent, enjoyed working my first HB9 & EA on two. Thanks for all the contacts and the good sportsmanship.
6S 16 G8HGN JO01 41 19,700 480 DJ6XH 879 50W 11 ele LFA Good condx to SE. Rotator not behaving, but managed ok.
SF 17 G4HGI IO83 54 19,237 356 EA2DR/P 1140 25 9 ele tonna Fantastic On Saturday ..pretty much normal on Sunday thanks to all
6S 18 GM4JR IO85 63 18,098 287 DF5GZ/P 1122 250 12 ele M2 Hard Going, Good CDX by those I worked. Few beaming north
6O 19 MM0GPZ/P IO76 49 17,369 354 DF5GZ/P 1215 350 12 ELE M2 Hard going 100 K's further north than normal. Active from 9am Sunday till end. Think we picked the wrong day.
SF 20 GU6EFB IN89 31 14,788 477 OL3Y 1108 200 8 ELEMENT BEAM Nice to have good conditions thanks to all for points
6S 21 G8MCA JO01 68 13,683 201 DR3M 720 100 Homebrew 5 ele Good conditions to Europe
SF 22 G8LZE IO91 36 11,574 322 HB9QT 798 24 9 element Super conditions Saturday, shame about Sunday.
SF 23 G4APJ IO83 28 10,406 372 F5AYE 1020 25 9ele Some good contacts: UK quiet (esp Sat)
6O 24 GM0BKC/P IO86 30 10,296 343 DF5GZ/P 1210 50 9 el  
6S 25 G3VYI IO91 30 10,036 335 EA2DR/P 900 50 9 EL  
6S 26 GM4PPT IO75 30 9,827 328 M0MDG/P 595 400 2x 12ele  
SF 27 G0TAR JO01 49 9,379 191 DR5T 735 50W 6 ele vagarda  
6S 28 M0BUL IO82 26 8,769 337 HB9QT 977 100 9 ELE TONNA Just giving some points away, Saturday much better than Sunday, some nice DX, heard more than I could work with my measly setup at home :-)
SF 29 G8EOP IO93 21 8,435 402 DL0HTW 1066 100 9 el Beam Thanks all for points
SF 30 G8ONK IO83 43 8,346 194 DF5GZ/P 1001 25 12 ele DL6WU Thanks for all points conditions up a bit
SF 31 M0CGL JO03 30 8,166 272 DR5T 853 120 13 el good conditions, and many thanks for contacts and points.
6S 32 GW8ASD IO83 25 7,855 314 DR5T 1016 100 12ele M2 Certainly picked the wrong 6hr period!
6S 33 M0SAT IO91 51 7,814 153 DF5GZ/P 728 100 9 ele LFA Sun AM much flatter condx than Sat PM. Still managed a few EU & several in IO83 which makes a nice change. Struggled to get north of 83 & 93
6S 34 G4VPD IO92 20 7,166 358 HB9QT 927 25 13ele Innov LFA very quiet uk, some good tropo dx tho
6O 35 G4VFL/P IO84 19 6,983 368 DF5GZ/P 1057 40 8 ele J Beam  
6S 36 G4WMZ JO02 20 6,673 334 DR5T 801 10W 9 ele Tonna Great conditions, immense fun.
SF 37 G0HVQ IO81 19 6,189 326 HB9QT 926 100 9 ele Just playing due to good tropo, hastily put up 9 ele on a 20ft scaffold pole.  
6S 38 G4RYV IO91 23 5,844 254 DF5GZ/P 738 10W 9ele tonna A very enjoyable contest. 73
SO 39 M6KSB/P IO83 27 4,775 177 DF5GZ/P 971 5W DK7 BEAM  
6S 40 G4XPE IO92 24 4,646 194 DF5GZ/P 863 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10-element Yagi    
SF 41 G5ECO IO90 19 4,608 243 EA2DR/P 854 60 12 ele beam 1st contest WOW!! Thanks to all for the contacts
6S 42 G8ZRE IO83 22 4,040 184 F5SE/P IN JN19 642 100 8 XY ELEMENT YAGI Only 1 EU station worked for DX low uk activity on Sunday.
6S 43 M6SRZ IO83 30 3,898 130 M0MDG/P 364 10 9el lfa could not get into euro, thanks for the points chorley and dars
SF 44 M0NST IO83 22 3,803 173 DF5GZ/P 975 50w 8 element innov yagi lots f fade wa reakly happy ot get the german staion could here france but hey could not here me
SF 45 M0DSZ IO82 9 3,633 404 HB9QT 1016 2.5 HentennaPlusReflector    
SF 46 G0CER IO82 13 3,060 235 GM0HTT 692 70 7 ele evil QSB at times. - lost at least one.
SF 47 G0LGS IO81 15 2,928 195 HB9QT 911 100 8 Ele PowaBeam    
SF 48 2E0HRJ JO01 13 2,718 209 DF5GZ/P 657 40 3 ELE SIGMA Good condition, but retired early
6S 49 M0WID IO91 11 2,640 240 HB9QT 755 5W Homebrew 3 el Yagi    
SF 50 G4TUP IO83 15 2,398 160 M9T 341 25 dipole Just operated a few quick half hours. Nice condx. CHECKLOG ONLY  
SF 51 M0PXM IO91 15 2,180 145 DF5GZ/P 759 30 6el ZL (Loft) Interesting Condx. Good DX, poor UK  
6S 52 G8REQ IO83 8 2,143 268 DF5GZ/P 987 20W 2Ele Testing new equipment
SO 53 G1MZD/M IO92 16 1,786 112 G4TSW 226 40w h/b Halo Playing it by the rules, in 4x4 on qth driveway hence /M. Pleased to make some very good distances during such good conditions. tnx. MKARS
SF 54 M6ZDA IO90 16 1,688 106 M0MDG/P 166 10 vertical x50  
6S 55 2E0GLE IO92 6 335 56 G3CKR/P 93 10 4 el. Yagi    
SF 56 2E0JWJ IO81 4 305 76 M0BUL 121 20W Tri-Band Vertical  
6S 57 M0CVO IO92 3 136 45 G3CKF 94 5 4 ELE 2M YAGI  

432 MHz (40 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G4TSW IO80 105 58,162 554 DF0YY 1120 50 28ele M2 @12m Great condx saturday - hard work sunday - tks to all we wkd - G0IFC & GW0IRW
SF 2 G3MEH IO91 108 41,850 388 DH5YM 974 250 2 x 21 el Great conditions on Saturday but less good Sunday. UK activity seemed low.,
SF 3 G0XDI IO91 107 32,402 303 EA2DR/P 953 100 2x 19 ELE VARGARDA Great fun. 70cms was the star of the show with most signals loudest on this band! Thx to all for the QSOs :)
6O 4 G3RRS IO91 85 31,010 365 OE5D 1113 400W 4 x 21 element Great to have some good conditions. Poor activity from the UK though. Thanks for the QSOs. Harwell Contest Group  
O 5 G2B JO02 72 27,046 376 DJ6XH 901 100 20 ele  
6O 6 G3CKR/P IO93 82 23,557 287 EA2DR/P 1104 100 2 X 38EL M2 low uk activity again trying the 6 hour worked wellgood dx had need more power thanks all
6O 7 G3PYE/P JO02 76 23,295 307 EA2DR/P 1019 50 21-ele Tonna Much later start than we expected due to some rotator issues, but nice conditions and good fun!
6S 8 G4ZTR JO01 56 20,342 363 DL0HTW 874 100w 21 ele Not best placed for the good conditions. Interesting though.  
6S 9 G3XDY JO02 57 19,228 337 DL0HTW 853 300 28ele Msquared Yagi Too far East and should have been on earlier on Saturday to make the most of the condx
SF 10 G4NBS JO02 73 19,093 262 DL0HTW 934 150 21ele Not quite in the right place. Best Dx Sun AM for me! UK Activity low - spent Sunday mostly on 23/13
SF 11 G0JJG JO02 55 18,028 328 DL0HTW 870 300 17 ele To far east for the best conditions - good though!
SF 12 G8EOP IO93 41 12,651 309 OK1TEH 1227 75 28 el Beam nice to have bands open Thanks all for points
SF 13 2E0NEY IO81 41 12,544 306 EA2DR/P 914 50 23 ele Some good dx worked, but hard going, tnx points  
6S 14 M0SAT IO91 33 9,683 293 DK0SM 678 50 9 ele Tonna Great fun & good Eu DX on Sat PM. Not a lot of inter G activity though. Nice for a small station
6O 15 M9T IO80 25 7,468 299 DK1KC/P 1137 20 21Y Good conditions and activity. Op-ed on Sunday but looks like Saturday was best :-)  
6S 16 G8HGN JO01 18 7,112 395 OE5D 997 50W 24 ele LFA Much as 144, less stations.
SF 17 GU6EFB IN89 15 6,499 433 DF0YY 1100 75 21 Element Beam Nice to see band open
6O 18 MM0GPZ/P IO76 19 5,958 314 G7RAU 616 70 28 ele All bar one Q S&P. All moved from 2m to 70cm. Thanks for QSO's.
SF 19 G4APJ IO83 26 5,674 218 HB9EOU 971 25 19ele Even quieter on 432: amazed by the ODX :)
6S 20 GM4JR IO85 23 5,461 237 M0LNE 497 150 21 ele Tonna Hard going, CDX good, but few bearing north
O 21 M0LNE JO01 24 4,951 206 EA2DR/P 936 70 2 x 29 ele  
6S 22 GW8ASD IO83 19 3,916 206 DF0MU 706 75 28 ele M2 Yagi Certainly picked the wrong 6hr period!
6S 23 G8MCA JO01 20 3,079 154 DL0LN 503 100 10 Element LFA Quiet UK wise but some good conditions
6S 24 G8DOH IO92 17 3,025 178 DL0GM 649 100 2x18ele Yagi Good tropo but could n't hear GM4CXM, sorry.
SF 25 G8ONK IO83 20 2,373 119 G0XDI 280 25 19 ele DL6WU Conditions OK thanks for points
SF 26 G4HGI IO83 9 2,237 249 DR5T 1021 18 21 ele Investigation needed on top of tower something amiss with 70cms ! Thanks to all
6S 27 GM4PPT IO75 7 1,904 272 G0XDI 491 100 28ele All 432 qso's on qsy from 144 !!
6O 28 G4VFL/P IO84 12 1,886 157 G3RRS 334 70 19 Element  
SF 29 M0PXM IO91 9 1,876 208 DL0GM 616 30 12el ZL (Loft) Good DX, terrible UK conditions  
6S 30 G4VPD IO92 13 1,741 134 M0MDG/P 224 25 17ele Innov LFA dead !!
6S 31 M6SRZ IO83 15 1,728 115 M0LNE 337 10 20el lfa could not get into euro, thanks for the points chorley and dars
6S 32 G8ZRE IO83 13 1,686 130 G4ZTR IN JO01 290 20 15 ELEMENT YAGI Low activity on Sunday.
6S 33 G4WMZ JO02 5 1,015 203 HB9EOU 762 10W 19 ele F9FT Yagi Token effort only as I was concentrating on working DX on 2m.
SF 34 M0NST IO83 8 992 124 G4TSW 308 20 17 elel yagi lots of fade but got few contatcs in 70cm
SF 35 G0LGS IO81 7 776 111 M9T 186 75 14 Ele Powabeam    
6S 36 M0BUL IO82 4 723 181 M0MDG/P 269 70 19 ELE TONNA Just giving some points away, not alot heard on this band.
6S 37 G8REQ IO83 4 584 146 G4NBS 247 20 W 19 Ele Testing equipment
SF 38 G8LZE IO91 6 534 89 G4TSW 229 25 indoor 9 element  
SO 39 M6KSB/P IO83 6 210 35 G4VLF/P 93 5W DK7 BEAM  
SF 40 2E0JWJ IO81 1 19 19 2E0NEY 19 10W Tri-Band Vertical  

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