Claimed Scores 2014
  9981 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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30/12/14 70MHz UKAC
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
16/12/14 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for March 144 432MHz

144 MHz (49 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G5B IO92 256 93,934 367 DR1H 862 400 4 x 12ele As 432 - Slow contest, single array, poor UK activity & EU activity took some searching out. Kit faultless as was hospitality, Thx. O/night
O 2 M0MDG/P JO00 236 84,451 358 DR1H 782 400 2 x 9 Element Poor Band Conditions with low UK activity, good fun and a great weekend,Thanks to all for the points looking forward to the next one.73's
O 3 G4TSW IO80 216 70,361 326 F1MOZ 824 400 2x17 + 2x17 Apart from a short "lift" down to SW France, conditions seemed flat. Very poor turnout from UK stations, which needs to be addressed. Despite that, the hard work was worth it - long and enjoyable weekend.
O 4 G0VVE IO91 162 45,830 283 DL3AB 797 400 2x15 Could have been interesting if there had been more activity - a lot more activity. Tnx QSOs
SF 5 G3MEH IO91 131 35,056 268 DL9FBF 673 400 2 x 9el Poor conditions with deep QSB. With a low QSO rate and increasing wind I closed down 45mins early and lowered the mast.
O 6 G8NEY IO81 109 25,040 230 F6HJO/P 659 400 17 ele Tonna Slow going and hard work. Deep qsb at times, bur some nice dx. Condx slightly better on Sunday. 73 de 2E0NEY and M0GHZ  
SF 7 G8HGN JO01 61 22,513 369 DR1H 788 50 11 ele LFA Mainly flat,better Sunday? Rotator stuck east last 5 hrs! 13 hrs total op'. Slightly better score than 2013, that was in 6 hrs! Tnx to all.
O 8 M0MCG/P IO80 76 20,254 266 DK1VC 802 100 10Y+10Y No amplifiers today, and conditions flat. Weather calm and mild on Saturday, wild and wet for the pack up on Sunday :-(  
6O 9 G4G IO94 68 19,953 293 DL0BA 865 350 9 ele  
O 10 G3RCM/A IO93 85 18,452 217 DL9US 684 300 9 element beam Conditions were flat low activity in uk Thanks for the contacts
6S 11 GD8EXI IO74 60 18,328 305 ON4KHG 705 400 18 ele M2 Conditions slightly up at times but not enough to work many continentals at >600Kms.
6S 12 G8DOH IO92 85 17,972 211 DF5GZ/P 822 400 2x8ele Yagi Low UK activity and difficult conditions, but occasional DX
6S 13 M0WYB IO81 83 17,365 209 DK5EZ 661 400 9ele DK7ZB First time this contest - enjoyable in two 3hr stints. Some good dx saturday.
6S 14 G4ASR IO81 82 16,515 201 DL3QQ 677 400 17-element Yagi Tortuous :(
6S 15 GW8ASD IO83 50 11,984 240 DL0LN 715 100 12ele M2 Poor UK activity, flat band with deep QSB.
6S 16 GM4JR IO85 43 11,764 274 M0MDG/P 529 250 12 ele M2 Dire. CDX moderate. Few beaming north, generally poor activity
SF 17 G4HGI IO83 49 10,456 213 F6KCW/P 648 25 12 ele i0jxx Awful thanks to all for points such as they were !
O 18 G0XDI IO91 55 10,360 188 F4FCW 605 35 11 LFA Didnt spend much time on 2m due to low power and poor UK activity.
6S 19 G8MCA JO01 52 7,842 151 DF0MU 499 400 5 element homebrew LFA Bad on saturday and dire on sunday
SF 20 G8LZE IO91 39 6,835 175 F1AZJ/P 537 24 9 element Slow, QSB best described as a "challenge"
6S 21 G4JED JO01 29 6,714 232 DR3X 649 50 9 ele Yagi Working a few as time allowed.
6S 22 G4NBS JO02 27 6,611 245 DF5GZ/P 744 80 9ele Very little heard here, not even continentals but conditions seemed reasonable
6S 23 G4APJ IO83 30 6,303 210 F8BRK 512 25 9ele Conditions poor, activity atrocious.
6O 24 M3P IO91 39 6,288 161 DK5EZ 579 300 12 element Conditions and severe lack of activity were depressing. Chinese Takeaway raised our spirits! Thanks to all for QSO. Harwell ARS  
6S 25 2E0BMO IO83 31 5,089 164 M0MDG/P 364 50 7Y Condx quite flat with QSB on some sigs. Activity poor so overall far fewer Pts than in 2011 and 2012.
SF 26 G8ONK IO83 30 4,762 159 M0MDG/P 385 25 12 ele DL6WU Dire conditions, very slow going
SF 27 M0BTZ IO90 31 4,694 151 GD8EXI 412 100W 9ele F9FT @ 6m AGL Poor condx & low activity. Antenna put up quickly on Saturday at 6m. Heard GM4JR,G4APJ,GJ3RAX. Will be qrv in UKAC with 9ele @ 8m AGL.
6S 28 G7LRQ IO91 19 4,519 238 DL0BA 734 100 9 ele LFA  
SF 29 HG1VN JN87 27 4,150 154 SP9KJU 423 45 7el.yagi  
6S 30 M1DDD IO93 19 4,078 215 F8BRK 457 70 21 ele LPA Giving a few points away. Reasonable activity. Cheers
6S 31 G3RCW IO93 20 3,454 173 PA1T 527 100 7ele ZL Special Band conditions good but extremely low activity levels  
6S 32 2E0XJP IO83 17 3,170 186 M0MCG/P 327 45 5ele in loft Hard work but good fun as usual.Heavy QSB at times and condx deteriorated during last three hours.Thanks for the points. 73
6S 33 G1MZD IO92 23 3,136 136 OP7V 356 50w 5 ele Poor activity as expected. Average conditions. Usual temporary set for Tuesday as well. Tnx. MKARS
6S 35 G8ZRE IO83 15 2,634 176 M0MCG/PIO80 288 100W 8 XY ElementYagi Poor conds rethink needed for duration & times perhaps introduce P/code mults to increase activity.
6S 36 G4RYV IO91 15 2,582 172 PA1T 556 10W 9 ele Tonna On for short spell to give points to other stns. 73
6S 37 G0PEK JO01 13 2,512 193 F6KFH 540 10W 5 ELE YAGI  
6S 38 M0GAV IO93 8 2,427 303 DK0PU 596 50 12ELE M2 Had an hour spare on sunday morning so gave some points away!
6S 39 M0NST IO83 12 2,154 180 M0MDG/P 360 50w 8 element innov yagi too many southern stations point continent not uk plus poor turnout thse comps should be in eveing for 3 hrs not 24hrs sat to sunday  
6O 40 G3EFX/P IO91 23 2,122 92 OP7V 308 20 9 El Tonna RS of Harrow enjoyed the contest. Only 3 hours 20 mins of operation and dancing between bands, but a nice intro for the new contest team!  
6S 41 G4XPE IO92 12 2,070 172 M0MCG/P 296 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10-element Yagi    
6S 42 G4TUP IO83 11 1,776 161 M0MDG/P 381 70 dipole What a waste of time!  
6S 43 M0HLO IO92 14 1,657 118 G4TSW 303 25 10el diamond    
6S 44 GM4DIJ IO85 3 1,102 367 G0VVE 552 50 9ele Not a lot heard but long distances worked, so I was getting out.
6O 45 M0GHM/M IO83 10 1,097 110 G0VVE 237 50 DUAL BAND MOBILE  
6S 46 2E0JWJ IO81 6 470 78 M0MCG/P 139 10W Tri-Band Vertical  
SF 47 GM4VVX IO78 2 432 216 GM4JR 333 400w 10 ele Worked 7.5 hr, copied 1 x cq contest. So frustrating. NEVER AGAIN
6S 48 M6GTG IO93 2 253 126 G8NEY 205 10 4-Element LFA Yagi  
6S 49 M0CVO IO92 3 111 37 G3RCM/A 69 5W 4ELE HB  

432 MHz (40 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G5B IO92 112 37,772 337 DF0GEB 729 400 4 x 28 ele Slow contest, single array, poor UK activity & EU activity took some searching out. Kit faultless as was hospitality, Thx. O/night close.
O 2 M0MDG/P JO00 106 31,718 299 DL8QS 637 350 2 x 21 Element Poor Band Conditions with low UK activity, good fun and a great weekend,Thanks to all for the points looking forward to the next one.73's
O 3 G0XDI IO91 97 26,672 275 DK9IP 720 400 2X 17 ELE LFA Poor UK activity and conditions, thanks to all for the QSOs :)
O 4 G0VVE IO91 79 20,134 255 DK0SM 683 400 4x28 Quiet as a church mouse. Tnx QSOs
O 5 G4TSW IO80 67 17,968 268 DF2VJ 768 400 4x21 + 1x21  
SF 6 G3MEH IO91 62 14,790 239 DL8QS 665 250 2 x 21 el Conditions a little better than on 144MHz, but deep QSB. Closed down 45mins early to lower mast, with increasing wind.
O 7 G8NEY IO81 69 13,944 202 DF2VJ 690 400 23 ele Soow going, glad we didn't bother going portable. Average conditions. 73 de M0GHZ & 2E0NEY  
6S 8 G3XDY JO02 34 10,652 313 DK9IP 633 300 28ele Msquared Yagi Poor conditions and both UK and EU activity seemed low.
6O 9 M3P IO91 44 10,340 235 DL8QS 716 400 4 x 21 Don't think we picked the right 6 hours. Tnx to all for QSOs. Harwell ARS  
6S 10 GD8EXI IO74 27 9,055 335 F8BRK 625 400 38 ele M2 Conditions slight up with good points per QSO but low activity from UK, continentals with one exception out of range on this band.
6S 11 G4NBS JO02 26 6,320 243 DK9IP 711 150 21ele Little heard, same as 2M.
6S 12 G7LRQ IO91 25 6,154 246 DL8QS 652 100 19 ele LFA  
6S 13 GM4JR IO85 20 5,952 298 M0MDG/P 529 100 21 ele Tonna Dire. CDX quite decent. Few beaming north, generally poor activity
6S 14 G4ASR IO81 28 5,578 199 PE1EWR 451 100 21-element Yagi Painful :(
SF 15 G4HGI IO83 30 5,448 182 F8BRK 504 15 21 ele Tonna Terrible ..mixed in with shopping and visits to the allotment ! Thanks to all for points
6S 16 G4APJ IO83 24 5,010 209 F8BRK 512 25 19ele Conditions about the same as 2M (poor), activity worse. The big stations were finding lots that didn't bother to beam N!
6S 17 GW8ASD IO83 28 4,781 171 F8BRK 470 70 28ele M2 Poor activity, flat band!
6O 18 G4G IO94 22 4,554 207 DF0MU 614 50 29 ele  
6S 19 2E0BMO IO83 21 3,532 168 M0MDG/P 364 50 14 LFA Condx flat and little activity.Improved score over 2012 due to improved equipment. 2011 4526 Pts. with dx tropo. opening.
6S 20 G8MCA JO01 29 3,467 120 GD8EXI 440 100 10 Element LFA Even worse than 2m on Saturday and non existent on Sunday
O 21 G3RCM/A IO93 23 3,249 141 PA5KM 408 100 Yagi Conditions flat & very quiet. Thanks for the points from all at SARC
SF 22 G8HGN JO01 20 3,119 156 DF0MU 472 50 24 ele LFA Mainly flat, some EU, spent most time on 144. Tnx to all.
6S 23 G8EOP IO93 20 3,023 151 G4TSW 337 75 28 el beam Thanks all it was hard work.
6S 24 G8DOH IO92 16 2,710 169 PI4GN 576 100 2x18eleYagi Poor UK activity, tough conditions, occasional DX
6S 25 M0WYB IO81 18 2,667 148 GD8EXI 346 50 21ele Tonna A struggle!
SF 26 G8LZE IO91 22 2,606 118 GM4JR 436 25 19 element Slow but better than last year.
O 27 M0MCG/P IO80 9 1,898 211 GD8EXI 384 20 2 x 21Y Just 20W, so a struggle from out west. Mast bent over as the wind got up, so it had to be shortened!  
SF 28 G8ONK IO83 14 1,803 129 G0VVE 322 25 19 ele DL6WU Conditions poor, sometimes better than 2m
6S 29 G3RCW IO93 10 1,530 153 F8BRK 459 75 10 ele Yagi Band conditions good but extremely low activity levels  
6S 30 GW3ATZ IO83 7 1,228 175 M0MDG/P 343 50 12 ele Very poor activity/conditions. Wkd all I hrd.
6S 31 G4JED JO01 9 780 87 G5B 173 50 18 ele Yagi  
6S 32 G1MZD IO92 9 666 74 M0MDG/P 153 20w 2m 5ele Better than expected using the 2m 5 ele. Tnx. MKARS
6S 33 G4XPE IO92 4 496 124 G0VVE 189 25 Moonraker 7-element ZL special in loft    
6S 34 G0PEK JO01 5 429 86 G8NEY 191 10W 7 ELE YAGI  
6O 35 G3EFX/P IO91 9 308 34 M0MDG/P 91 20 7 El Tonna RS of Harrow enjoyed the contest. Only 3 hours 20 mins of operation and dancing between bands, but a nice intro for the new contest team!
6S 36 G8ZRE IO83 4 260 65 GD8EXI IN IO74 159 20W 15 ElementYagi Poor conditions perhaps time for a re-think on duration & perhaps Post code mults to encourage activity.
6S 37 2E0JWJ IO81 3 140 47 G4TSW 103 10W Tri-Band Vertical  
6S 38 2E0XJP IO83 4 112 28 GW8ASD 56 45 8ele in loft Hard work but thanks for the points. Sorry to those who just disappeared in QSB after the 144 contact. 73.
6S 39 GM4DIJ IO85 1 99 99 GM4JR 99 50 21ele Worked all I heard
6S 40 G0HAS IO81 2 80 40 M0BAO/P 66 50 vertical    

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