Claimed Scores 2015
  11145 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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29/12/15 70MHz UKAC
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
15/12/15 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for March 144 432MHz

144 MHz (73 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G8T JO01 695 275,873 397 EB1DBP 1136 400 4x10 2x14 6x3 Entered for first time in several years. Conditions up towards OK/OE and F/EA on Sat but flat on Sunday. Thanks to all for QSOs and points.
O 2 M0WAF/P IO92 188 58,100 309 EA2BFM/P 1087 400 5ELE PXY Hard going at times with low uk activity. Some supprising contacts from spain made a nice finish.
SF 3 G3MEH IO91 166 42,574 256 DA0FF 752 400 2 x 9el  
SF 4 G4ODA IO92 110 39,674 361 EA2DHJ/P 1079 400W 2x12 el M2 Early end to get aerials away before rain hits  
6O 5 G3PYE/P JO02 132 35,679 270 EA2EFB 1026 400W 17-ele Tonna Just a single band effort this year - building HF antennas as well! Nice conditions down to EA on the Sunday morning.
SF 6 G0JJG JO02 111 32,593 294 SK7MW 868 400 11 ele Heard EA2DHJ/P but couldn't raise him. Condx only slightly up.
O 7 M0WYB IO81 132 30,114 228 EA1IMP 988 400 9ele DK7B A great fun weekend with little pistols from WYB Towers. Tropo Saturday, flat and a challenge Sunday! Tnx to all, Russ M0WYB & Shaun G0BKU
6O 8 G4RUL/P JO00 89 27,775 312 OL7C 883 70 10 ele yagi Condx good to EU at 9am Sun start. Limited batt power so only on 4hr 15mins. Maybe should have done some on Sat eve and recharged overnight?
SF 9 G4NBS JO02 120 27,380 228 DR1H 833 400 9ele Sporadic enhancements on Sat, no quantity. Condx not as gd as hoped, Sunday flat and low activity but better to NW after front passed.
6S 10 GD8EXI IO74 69 25,406 368 EA1EWY/P 1175 400 18 ele M2 Sat afternoon good tropo to extreme west of France and Spain. Sunday flat band.
6O 11 M0HRF/P JO00 86 25,078 292 EA1SI 963 400 Innovantenna 12 element OWL Rotator failure after 4 hours lost us a lot of points but Inov. 12 ele OWL worked well.
6O 12 G4G IO94 76 20,945 276 DA0FF 865 350 9 ele Tonna Quite a slog! Poor UK activity. Europeans seem only to beam at Southern end of England. Where is the 6 hour single op others section? Oh! There isn't one.
6S 13 G4ASR IO81 90 20,069 223 DF0MU 701 400 17-element Yagi A struggle with propagation here on the welsh borders ...
6S 14 G4ZTR JO01 78 19,253 247 DQ7A 796 200w 9 el Powabeam Plagued by electrical QRM in two directions, and I seem to have missed the DX in my choice of 6 hours. Hepburn looked like a work of fiction  
SF 15 G3XDY JO02 54 17,618 326 DR1H 751 400 12 ele M2 Yagi Part time effort, very limited by S9 local noise in key directions
SF 16 G3YDY JO01 50 16,047 321 DR1H 791 100 7 ELE DK7ZB Conditions seem a little enhanced on Saturday. S&P on DX.
6O 17 M3P IO91 76 15,795 208 DA0FF 790 150W 17 element Poor UK activity especially to the north. Good to the near continent. Thanks for the QSOs. Harwell ARS.  
SF 18 G8HGN JO01 42 15,509 369 EA2EFB/P 970 50 11 ele LFA Enhancements at times, generally flat. Restricted times & headings due to on going TVI prob's. 2xEA's was nice. Tnx to all.
SF 19 G4HGI IO83 80 15,279 191 F1AZJ/P 760 25 12 ele I0JXX A real slog thanks to all for points
6O 20 M9T IO80 56 15,118 270 DK5DQ 796 100 10Y Late on due to geny problems, but otherwise an enjoyable contest. Just a single op effort. Bob G0KYS  
6O 21 G8NEY IO81 73 14,822 203 DF0MU 658 100 17 ele Tonna Good fun, with some dx. Condx average and slow going at times. 73 de David & Pete  
6S 22 M0CGL JO03 62 13,939 225 DF5GZ/P 811 300 9 Element LFA H/B Great fun,Couldn't stay on to long, due to family commitments.... But many thanks for the points. Spalding & DARS
6S 23 2E0NEY IO81 59 13,220 224 DK5DQ 665 50 17 ele Having a go on my own today. Pleased with score. Hard work at times, but some nice dx mixed in!  
SF 24 GM4PPT IO75 40 12,914 323 G3M 615 200 12ele Msq. In and out giving a few points away, One VERY LOUD BIG GUN kept calling & calling continuously,with no gap! Why you NO Risten? (Benny Hill)
SF 25 G4YHF IO92 26 11,985 461 EA2XR 1090 180 12jxx Could have made a bit more effort I suppose but simply enjoyed tuning around from time to time :-)  
6S 26 M0MDY IO93 56 11,268 201 DF1JC 626 100 10 ELE BEAM Low uk activity windy mast at bottom conditions slightly up Thanks for the points
SF 27 G3WJG IO91 68 11,220 165 DF0MU 539 80W 10ele Yagi Good contest - steady contact rate. Best wishes to GM GW and GD
6S 28 MW1LCR IO82 54 10,945 203 DA0FF 941 400 16Y Not a serious entry as I was amp testing more than anything else. Seems my winter improvements have done the job.  
6S 29 GW8ASD IO83 43 10,847 252 DF0MU 706 100 12 ele Slow!
6O 30 G3WCB/P IO80 35 10,405 297 EA2TO 802 40 Horiz dipole Nice tropo opening to Western France and Spain on Saturday, flat on Sunday. Wx foul but good fun anyway. Tks for QSOs. 73, Dave G3WCB
6S 31 G8MCA JO01 80 10,284 129 DF0MU 499 400 5 element homebrew LFA OK on Saturday but Sun am was rather quiet
6O 32 G0EAK/P IO93 58 10,256 177 DF1JC 596 100 Dual Band Yagi 5ele on 2m 8ele on 70cm Low activity levels and very few European stations heard. Heavy QSB at times.  
6O 33 M0VXX/P IO82 45 10,107 225 EA1SI 1015 100 9 ele token gesture, 2 hrs
SF 34 2E0BMO IO83 49 8,902 182 F4GYG/P 507 50 7Y Prob.missed best P/g Sat PM, poor Sun. Given no. of EU stns would have hoped to wrk more so rather disappointing from that point of view.
SF 35 G4TVR IO92 39 8,153 209 DF0MU 625 400 8 ele LFA  
6S 36 G8LZE IO91 42 7,998 190 F6HJO/P 588 24 9 element No super conditions but some nice nuggets.
6S 37 G4JED JO01 40 7,755 194 DK2GZ 641 50 9 ele Yagi  
6S 38 G1SWH IO83 45 7,617 169 ON4KHG 560 100w 12ell m2 only 4hr 1/2
6S 39 M5MUF IO92 31 6,840 221 DF0MU 580 25 10 el yagi Conditions seemed fairly flat, and actvity a bit low, but still an enjoyable 6hrs on air to while away Sunday morning
SF 40 G8EOP IO93 34 6,664 196 TM2F 600 100 9 el M2 Beam hard work on 2 bands on Saturday and 4 bands on Sunday. Good time had only one GM worked in 24hrs ????
6O 41 G0HEL/P IO81 40 6,661 167 PA1T 645 35w 21 Element Tonna Wx very strong gusting wind band flat 70cms was better. Hrd both French station working Italian Qsy to 70cms and GONE.Hey Ho. 73 Alan
6S 42 GD1MIP IO74 21 6,544 312 G3M 527 400 9 ele Tonna wind kept ant low. 2 EI welcome. 2 hrs Sat, 1 hr Sun. Thanks
SF 43 M0NST IO83 38 6,308 166 F8BRK 515 50w 8 element innov yagi lot of qsb not many stations pointing north
6O 44 G2XV/P JO02 32 6,154 192 EA2XR 1006 45 9 element Tonna Portable stations in tents need bonus points activity died mid morning Sunday, gales and rain to finish
SO 45 M0MPM IO91 38 5,950 157 DF0MU 578 5W 3 EL Arrow very windy
6S 46 G0PEK JO01 41 5,681 139 DL6IAK 642 40w 6 ele yagi Thanks everyone for the points.An enjoyable contest.
6S 47 G4RYV IO91 30 4,955 165 DF0MU 563 10W 9ele Tonna Conditions very variable with deep QSB at times some good DX about.73
6S 48 G4GFI IO91 36 4,830 134 GD8EXI 434 80 17 ele Tonna  
SF 49 G7ICV JO01 32 4,568 143 GD8EXI 468 10 5 ELE LFA Good fun for a good few hours over the weekend. Must get my mast down and sort out the rotator, still stuck on north bearing (  
6S 50 GW3ATZ IO83 30 4,232 141 G3M 378 50 6 ele LFA Very slow going. Average to poor conditions here.
SF 51 2E0XJP IO83 22 3,866 176 G3M 399 50W 5ele in loft Hard work but fun as usual. It seemed all the lifts were south of the Wash. Thanks for the points. 73
SO 52 G0EUN IO93 32 3,810 119 M9T 360 50w 3Ele Beam  
6S 53 G8ZRE IO83 23 3,765 164 G3M 369 100W 8 XY ELE YAGI Poor conds some strong signals from south but could not make contact.Heard F stns again no QSO.
6S 54 G4XPE IO92 24 3,712 155 M9T 296 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10-element Yagi    
SF 55 G0LGS IO81 22 3,125 142 F8BRK 326 50 8 Ele    
6S 56 M0HLO IO92 26 2,731 105 GD8EXI 300 25 10el Diamond    
6S 57 G4GTH IO90 17 2,680 158 M0WAF/P 249 95 M2 9 Element Yagi Poor conditions - Nothing heard north of 82/92/02  
SF 58 M0NRD IO93 18 2,543 141 M9T 343 30 4-Element LFA Yagi On and off operating but local noise awful so struggled to hear anything
6S 59 G0CER IO82 14 2,259 161 GM4AFF 432 80 9 ele lfa  
6S 60 M6YZA IO93 16 2,257 141 F4GYG/P 422 10 10 element beam Operated for an hour conditions not great thanks for your patience & the points Kai
6S 61 G1DFL IO91 17 2,228 131 DF0MU 566 400 6Y Average conditions, lovely WX. Could only do an hour on Saturday and an hour on Sunday. No PA or ON, and not many UK stations on?
6S 62 M0PXM IO91 14 2,173 155 TM2F 399 25w LFA    
6S 63 G0ACK IO91 15 2,040 136 F8FKJ 462 10w 7 ele beam  
6S 64 M6HLR JO01 15 1,715 114 G4ASR 249 10w 6 ele yagi Sorry G8T if I upset you but I have not come across that type of callsign before. They don't teach that in the FLC.  
6S 65 M5ADF IO93 9 1,533 170 GM4AFF 409 25 Log Periodic Variable. Some French/German stations, though high noise and QSB foiled contacts.  
6S 66 G4YUP IO90 11 1,447 132 M0MDY 265 100 6 el Yagi Just giving a few points away  
SF 67 G8ONK IO83 6 1,246 208 G8T 367 25 12 ele DL6WU Token entry, wind stopped play
SF 68 GM4VVX IO78 6 1,139 190 GM3SEK 367 400w 10 ele Torture by white noise. Wkd ALL copied except G8T. QRV 13hr. Up to 3 hrs between QSOs. Should have read my comments on last years b4 start
6S 69 GM8IEM IO78 5 1,026 205 GM4NFC 324 400 9 el Vine Quiet! Three of the 5 QSOs were random aircraft scatter. Thanks to all who beamed my way.
6O 70 G3WM/P JO01 15 879 59 G40DA 153 200w 2 x 7 ele DK7ZB Should have gone to our NFD site at capel-le-ferne, could not work EU at Northfleet
SF 71 2E0JWJ IO81 8 525 66 M9T 139 20W Tri-Band Vertical  
SF 72 M6TIW IO93 3 413 138 G8T 280 10 Co- Linear  
6S 73 G0HAS IO81 4 104 26 M0BAO/P 66 50 vertical 73 de TDARC  

432 MHz (59 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G3M JO01 211 76,790 364 OZ9GE 899 400 4x28  
O 2 G8T JO01 171 57,310 335 OZ1SKY 821 400 4x17 Entered this contest for the first time in several years. Conditions up towards OZ/DL on Sat but flat on Sun. Thanks for QSOs and points.
SF 3 G4ODA IO92 99 30,119 304 DA0FF 741 400W 2x28el M2    
SF 4 G3XDY JO02 74 22,857 309 DL3YEE 685 300 28 ele M2 Yagi Limited operating time. Conditions not as good as hoped for, but well up Saturday night out to about 400km.
O 5 M0WAF/P IO92 89 21,219 238 DK4LI 688 400 21ele Deep QSB and low activity made this really hard going with long gaps between qso.
SF 6 G4NBS JO02 84 20,061 239 DA0FF 715 150 21ele As 2M but Sat eve much enhanced to IN78 & GU for few hours, Flat Sunday. Felt like near Eu was not pointing UK or was it "skip"?
SF 7 G3MEH IO91 90 18,611 207 DK2OY 773 250 2 x 21 el  
6O 8 M0HRF/P JO00 66 17,098 259 DL8QS 607 175 2 x 20 element LFA A great fun weekend with many lessons learnt
6S 9 GD8EXI IO74 45 15,026 334 F6FGQ 635 400 38 ele M2 Best conditions Sat afternoon beaming South from here but few stations to work in that direction
O 10 M0WYB IO81 70 14,206 203 DF0MU 678 50 21 ele Tonna A great fun weekend with little pistols from WYB Towers. Tropo Saturday, flat and a challenge Sunday! Tnx to all, Russ M0WYB & Shaun G0BKU
SF 11 G0JJG JO02 54 13,713 254 OZ1SKY 756 200 18 ele Plagued with rx issues on 432 - sorry to those I couldn't hear.
6O 12 G8NEY IO81 56 11,576 207 DL0LN 663 400 21 ele Tonna Very slow, low activity from uk and the continent. 73 David & Pete  
6O 13 G0HEL/P IO81 39 10,520 270 DL8QS 781 35w 21 Element Tonna Wx strong gusty wind, very slow going deep qsb some EU stations to work.Good fun 73's Alan TDARC
6S 14 G4ZTR JO01 42 9,296 221 DA0FF 652 200w 18 ele Powabeam Continentals were beaming east most of the time - can't say I blame them.  
6O 15 M9T IO80 27 8,277 307 DF0MU 796 20 21Y Conditions seemed reasonable good. Pleased with results for just 20W and way out west. Single op effort. Bob G0KYS  
SF 16 G4HGI IO83 39 7,098 182 PA2V 508 15 21 ele TONNA Poor conditions hard going no conditions thanks to all for points
6S 17 G4GFI IO91 35 6,988 200 DF0MU 524 400 19 ele Tonna  
6O 18 G2XV/P JO02 27 6,191 229 DK4LI 710 35 21 element Tonna Some nice DX to start then blown away like us, activity poor mid morning onwards
6O 19 M3P IO91 31 5,800 187 DF0MU 587 150 21 element Very slow. Really need a second rig, aerial and tower! Thanks for the QSOs. Harwell ARS.  
SF 20 G8EOP IO93 33 5,668 172 DF0MU 624 75 28el m2 beam Thanks all for points hard work with DF0MU but got it in the end i hope. 73 Mel
6S 21 G4ASR IO81 29 5,490 189 DF0MU 701 100 21-element Yagi A real struggle!
6O 22 G4G IO94 27 5,478 203 G3M 385 50 29 ele Tonna Hard going. I think my antenna is too sharp. Need more gain but less directivity.
6S 23 GW8ASD IO83 26 5,308 204 PE1EWR 482 70 28 element M2 Slow!
SF 24 G3YDY JO01 22 4,960 225 DA0FF 677 100 13 ele LFA Hard going on this band compared with 2M.
6S 25 G1SWH IO83 30 4,517 151 G4WFR/P 312 100w 20ell lfa only on 2m 432 for 4. 1/2 hr
6S 26 G8MCA JO01 32 4,262 133 PI4GN 495 100 10 Element LFA Quiet on Sat and even quieter on Sun am
SF 27 2E0BMO IO83 25 4,052 162 G3M 390 50 18 LFA Vy quiet on this band most of the time but less of a struggle than with 2 metres when QSYed. No EU stns heard at all.
SF 28 G8HGN JO01 16 3,617 226 DL0LN 477 50 24 ele LFA Much quieter on this band. Flat condx. Again restricted activity.Tnx to all.
6S 29 2E0NEY IO81 17 2,962 174 G3M 252 50 23 ele DK7ZB Average condx and low activity  
SO 30 M0MPM IO91 15 2,686 179 DF0MU 578 5W 7 el Arrow (Vertical) the wind kept turning my antenna.
6S 31 MW1LCR IO82 14 2,407 172 G3XDY 309 30 19 Y 30 watts from FT857D, pleased with the results although minor problem with the 4 x 19ele box forced a low power single antenna entry.  
6S 32 GW3ATZ IO83 20 2,370 118 G8T 333 40 12 ele Slow going, low activity. Average to poor conditions.
6S 33 G3UBX IO82 16 2,306 144 G3M 288 35 CQM 18 Roll on Tuesday evening.
SF 34 G4YHF IO92 9 2,227 247 DA0FF 741 35 19el dk7zb A seriously part-time effort on 70cm!  
6S 35 G8LZE IO91 18 2,172 121 DF0MU 535 25 19 element Worse than last year!
SF 36 GM4PPT IO75 5 1,741 348 G3XDY 529 200 28ele Msq. Just giving some points on 432, very poor condition
6S 37 M0MDY IO93 13 1,579 121 G8T 263 75 10 ELE BEAM Low k activity conditions not great tower at the bottom very windy here Thanks for the points
SF 38 G3WJG IO91 9 1,091 121 GD8EXI 390 20W 10ele  
6S 39 G4XPE IO92 6 1,069 178 M9T 296 25 Moonraker 7-element ZL Special in roof space    
6S 40 G1DFL IO91 5 1,008 202 DF0MU 566 80 10Y Average conditions, lovely WX. Token entry as concentrated on 2m. No PA or ON, and only a few UK stations heard?
6S 41 G4JED JO01 10 1,001 100 M0WYB 186 50 18 ele Yagi  
6S 42 G8ZRE IO83 11 800 73 M0WAF/P 188 20W 15 ELEMENT YAGI Poor conds low activity on Sunday.
6O 43 G0EAK/P IO93 13 790 61 G4ASR 208 50 Dual Band Yagi 5ele on 2m 8ele on 70cm Very little activity on 70cm  
6S 44 GD1MIP IO74 2 739 370 G4NBS 377 50 19 element Tonna  
SF 45 G0LGS IO81 5 612 122 GD8EXI 301 5 14Ele Powabeam    
6S 46 M0HLO IO92 10 581 58 G4G 149 20 10el diamond    
6S 47 M0PXM IO91 6 571 95 G3M 176 20W LFA    
6S 48 G0ACK IO91 5 458 92 G8NEY 193 10w 6 ele beam in loft  
SO 49 G0EUN IO93 7 416 59 M3MEH 158 50w 3Ele Beam  
6S 50 G0PEK JO01 5 390 78 G0HEL/P 187 20w 10 ele yagi Late start due to work but spent most time on 2 metres.
SF 51 G8ONK IO83 2 295 148 G4NBS 262 25 19 ele DL6WU Token entry, wind stopped play.
SF 52 2E0JWJ IO81 3 176 59 M9T 139 20W Tri-Band Vertical  
SF 53 2E0XJP IO83 2 148 74 GD8EXI 130 50W 8ele in loft Token entry on request. Very quiet generally. Thanks for the points. 73
SF 54 G7ICV JO01 2 128 64 G4NBS 104 5 8 ele home brew yagi must get my rotator repaired and upgrade my 70cm yagi.  
6S 55 G4YUP IO90 2 123 62 G3MEH 104 70 6 el Yagi Just a token entry  
6S 56 M5ADF IO93 1 89 89 G4ODA 89 25 Log Periodic tnx for the contact  
SF 57 M0NRD IO93 2 66 33 M0MDY 48 10 7 Element ZL-Special  
6S 58 M6HLR JO01 1 24 24 G8T 24 10w 10 ele yagi Spent most of my time on 144mhz
6S 59 G0HAS IO81 1 18 18 M0WYB 18 30 vertical    

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