Claimed Scores 2016
  11857 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
20/12/16 1.3GHz UKAC
13/12/16 432MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for March 144 432MHz

144 MHz (55 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G8T JO01 587 238,175 406 DL0HTW 874 400 4x10 2x14 6x3 Conditions "flat", no tropo, still managed to work 3 x OK. Wx cold, wet, sleet and lots of mud. Preamp fail on main system didn't help.
O 2 G3M JO01 239 90,872 380 OL7C 807 400 15y + 4x6 Apparently coping with adversity is character building.... good fun when we eventually got it all working. Tks for qsos
6O 3 M0VCT/P IO90 169 59,769 354 DF8UO 735 400 2 x 7ele Flat conditions. Would have been nice to see a few more UK stations on air, but thanks to all that called us.
SF 4 F8BRK IN99 125 34,551 276 GM3SEK 678 400 2 X 10 ELEMENTS  
O 5 G5T IO92 108 33,701 312 DR1H 865 400 4x 11 Ele Conditions and weather were terrible. Low activity. Worked what we could. Thanks to all who offered points.
SF 6 G3MEH IO91 128 32,400 253 DA0FF 752 400 2 x 9el M2 Poor conditions, low activity. 2E0NEY and F4VRB got away on Saturday.
O 7 G3WM/P JO01 79 30,082 381 OL4A 862 200 2 x 13 Ele Cushcraft, dropped to 1 x13 ele Bad signals at start, poor swr, intermitten cable faults, changed radio and ran single antenna
6O 8 G3PYE/P JO02 90 22,380 249 DA0FF 706 400W 17-ele Tonna Slightly less dire than 70cm. Pretty bad though. Thanks all!
SO 9 G4RUL/P JO00 62 19,585 316 DL0NF 796 75 10 ele Yagi Some reasonable DX about, not many stations. Tnks to Southdown ARS for staying on 70cm on Sun morning while I operated 2m (just 800m away)
6S 10 GD8EXI IO74 55 18,595 338 ON4KHG 705 400 18 ele M2 Reasonable points per QSO, so presumably just low activity.
6O 11 M0HRF/P IO91 83 17,169 207 DR1H 875 400 12 Ele OWL Unidentified S5-8 local QRM on site, few UK stns to work, struggle to work many in Eu = poor condx and freezing fog. Apart from that, great
6S 12 M1MHZ IO92 55 15,950 290 DR1H 867 300 12 ele Less than 3 hours including a bit of knob twiddling ~ must get more practice. Thanks everyone for points: ran out of time not contacts.
6S 13 GW8ASD IO83 45 11,625 258 DF0MU 706 100 12 ele Yagi Flat conditions. Not much activity. Good to end with a trio of GMs. :-) Heard GM8IEM a couple of times but no contact! Good to work GM4VVX.
6S 14 G4ZTR JO01 48 11,547 241 DK5IR 636 400w 9 ele G4CQM Just "dipping in" for a couple of hours on Sunday.  
O 15 G1KAR/P JO00 41 10,948 267 DR1H 786 30 10 ele J Beam Some good continental contacts. Planned contesting time truncated amicably to assist 6S entrant running QRO nearby. An enjoyable event.  
6S 16 GM4PPT IO75 32 10,700 334 G3M 615 400 2x 12 ele M2 Dire conditions ,& low activity. Couldn't at any time not hear G8T!
6O 17 M0MDG/P IO91 57 10,279 180 DA0FF 774 100 2 x 9 ele Tonna Thanks for the points .dire conditions weather and band
O 18 F4VRB IN98 27 9,852 365 DF0MU 674 75 8 element Conditions poor. UK activity very poor. Enjoyed the continental activity. Thanks to all for QSOs  
6S 19 G0JJG JO02 31 9,212 297 DR1H 771 400 8 ele  
SO 20 G0EAK/P IO93 53 8,068 152 DL0LN 577 10 6 ele Jaybeam Quad Hard work with low activity levels  
SF 21 M0OMB IO83 42 7,503 179 ON4KHG 565 70 10 LFA Late start and dire CDX on Sat Poor activity too, somewhat better on Sunday.Not much hrd wrkable from EU.
SF 22 2W0JYN IO83 42 7,299 174 DF0MU 706 50 3 ele beam good contest but condition where very dire band was flat and had qsb also but activity was good
O 23 G5RS/A IO91 55 6,893 125 GI4SNA 513 400 9ele Yagi Dreadful. Low activity
SF 24 GM4VVX IO78 11 5,865 533 OH6KTL 1484 400w 10 ele A game of patience ! Very little activity so used MGM to fill the hours of silence in 15 hours at the rig. Worked every call-sign cop
SF 25 PE1RLF JO32 11 5,625 511 GM4VVX 927 250 10 el. DK7ZB  
SF 26 G1PPA IO93 35 5,414 155 F8BRK 466 40w 7 ele beam good fun hunting around but not many uk stations
SF 27 GM8IEM IO78 9 4,660 518 OH6KTL 1523 400 9 el Vine Hard going! Just 9 QSOs to show for 14 hours of operating. Thanks to all who beamed my way for a QSO.
6S 28 G4JED JO01 24 4,626 193 PA1T 501 50 9 ele Yagi  
SF 29 G0EUN IO93 28 4,342 155 F8BRK 442 50 w Beam  
6S 30 GM4JR IO85 11 3,884 353 G8T 503 250 12 ele M2 Dire! Conditions OK, serious lack of activity. Qs lower each year - something HAS to be done to sort out weekend contests!
SF 31 HA8WI JN96 20 3,875 194 OK1KCR 476 10 7 element horizontal yagi  
6S 32 G3WJG IO91 26 3,472 134 PA1T 528 25 5 ele homebrew Hardly anyone on - but a few surprises and quality contacts. Noisy band.
6S 33 G4XPE IO92 17 3,272 192 F8BRK 412 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10-element Yagi    
6S 34 G0CZR JO02 14 3,223 230   0 50W 12 El Yagi  
SF 35 G4HGI IO83 17 2,852 168 F4GYG 497 30 12 ele I0JXX  
6S 36 G8LZE IO91 24 2,641 110 GD8EXI 399 24 9 element Condx flatter than a crepe, poor UK activity made this a war of attrician.
6S 37 M0HLO IO92 22 2,527 115 GM4PPT 374 25 10el Diamond    
SF 38 G8EOP IO93 12 2,487 207 F8BRK 506 100 28el m2  
SF 39 M0WBG IO83 17 2,307 136 G8T 351 50 6 ELE OWL UK activity seemed low, and no EU stations heard from my qth Thanks to all those I worked
6S 40 GW3ATZ IO83 14 2,036 145 G3M 378 50 6 ele LFA Could only do Sunday. AWFUL...!!Low activity, average to poor conditions.
6S 41 G8XTJ IO91 17 1,934 114 GD8EXI 380 100 4 el Yagi  
SF 42 G4CIB IO81 10 1,802 180 GD8EXI 290 50 5 ele ZL Special in loft Enjoyable time searching out weaker signals. Thanks to all to took part particularly the /P stations
6S 43 G1DFL IO91 14 1,585 113 GD8EXI 390 100W 5Y Inside fixed West Just giving away points in-between DIY chores. Seemed very quiet, my aerial is pointing the wrong way for EU traffic. Thanks for QSO's!
6S 44 G1MZD IO92 14 1,556 111 F8BRK 319 50 8ele G4CQM Only on for short periods, poor conditions and activity especially to the north. Tnx. Dave MKARS
6S 45 G0ACK IO91 17 1,543 91 GW8ASD 247 40 7 ele Thought I heard Au CW sigs Sunday pm
6S 46 M6XAK IO93 14 1,516 108 GD8EXI 263 10 5 ele LFA    
6S 47 G7ICV JO01 7 1,075 154 DF0MU 473 50 5 ele lfa Dipping in giving some points away  
6S 48 G8FMC IO91 9 1,010 112 GD8EXI 352 60W 8el C4CQM Absolutely grim! The 9 stations worked were all that I could hear from UK! Dire activity - something MUST be done.  
6S 49 G4B IO91 6 899 150 F4VRB 319 50 9 el DK7ZB Very poor activity - tuned whole band many times without any signals. G8T were only consistent station. Worked all I heard.  
6S 50 2E0KVJ IO80 4 826 206 G5T 322 50 9el yagi just caught the end of this on after going to a radio rally
6S 51 2E0XJP IO83 6 749 125 G8T 355 50W 5ele in loft Late start due to Club commitment. Dire is an understatement. Worked all I heard with difficulty. Condx deteriorated.Worst ever.
SF 52 G8ONK IO83 4 552 138 G8T 367 25 12 ele  
SF 53 2E0DKY IO93 4 412 103 GM4PPT 358 30 7 Element yagi  
6O 54 G3WCB/P IO91 8 369 46 G4WBV 145 50w 2m dipole Escaped from Mothers Day taxi duties for an hour. Heard more stations but had no time to work them.
6S 55 2E0JWJ IO81 2 141 70 M0VCT/P 103 20W Tri-Band Vertical  

432 MHz (42 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G3M JO01 119 42,059 353 DL0HTW 840 400 4x28 A lttle cold and a little slow but thanks for QSOs
O 2 G8T JO01 118 40,064 340 DM3F 869 400 4x 17 LFA 21 Tonna Conditions poor but some surprises. UK activity very poor! very cold overnight but kept warm by a gas fire. Thanks to all for the QSOs :)
SF 3 PE1RLF JO32 56 16,093 287 OK1KPA 720 200 19 el. DK7ZB  
SF 4 F8BRK IN99 62 14,880 240 F5ICN 668 400 4 X 21 ELEMENTS  
SF 5 G3MEH IO91 65 12,691 195 DF0GEB 762 250 2 x 21 el M2 Generally poor conditions, but a few surprises. Low activity, I guess some couldn't get a pass-out from mother's day activities?
6O 6 M0VCT/P IO90 43 9,781 227 GM4JTJ 678 80 18e LFA Lost our SSPA just prior to start, so used back-up 80W amp. Some work to do on team comms, but a good effort for our first 2m/70cm contest.
O 7 G5T IO92 41 9,327 227 DF2VJ 629 400 2x 21Ele Conditions and weather were terrible.Long periods of calling CQ, Low activity. Worked what we could. Thanks to all who offered points.
6S 8 GD8EXI IO74 26 8,838 340 F8BRK 625 400 38 ele M2 Reasonable points per QSO so just low activity?
6O 9 M0HRF/P IO91 50 7,991 160 DF2VJ 606 150 2 x 21 Ele LFA Poor conditions, breakthrough from our 2m station, few UK stations, low QSO rate, freezing fog. Apart from that it was great!
6S 10 G0JJG JO02 17 5,639 332 DJ6QK 667 200 18 ele  
SO 11 G4RUL/P JO00 15 4,321 288 PI4GN 527 75 21 ele Yagi Not much activity, thanks to Southdown ARS for staying on 2m whilst I operated on 70cm on Saturday evening. Their site 800m away!
O 12 F4VRB IN98 9 3,512 390 PI4GN 723 40 21 element Conditions and activity poor. Thanks to all for QSOs  
SF 13 M0OMB IO83 18 2,850 158 F8BRK 517 50 18 LFA Not much worked on this band despite calling. Mostly S&P and QSY from 2m.
6S 14 GW8ASD IO83 13 2,773 213 DF0MU 706 70 28 ele Yagi Poor conditions and deadly quiet.
6S 15 G4B IO91 12 2,489 207 DF0MU 597 100 21 el Better than 2m. Heard a couple of continentals working others but never found again. Only 1 reply to CQs.  
6S 16 G8LZE IO91 16 2,136 134 DF0MU 535 25 19 element Condx flatter than a crepe, poor UK activity made this a war of attrician.
SF 17 G1PPA IO93 14 1,499 107 G3M 291 40 10 ele beam thanks to all for the points
6S 18 G3WJG IO91 11 1,443 131 PI4GN 526 20 8ele WJG Yagi Absolutely no-one on this band except via 144 but quality contacts from those that were, but my 8ele TV aerial wasn't enough for DF0MU .
SF 19 G0EUN IO93 10 1,432 143 F9BRK 442 50 w Beam  
SO 20 G4TJC/P IO93 11 1,378 125 M0VCT/P 320 5 19-ele Tonna Just having some fun in the snow with my old Tonna for the final 2 hours. 70cm was pretty quiet.
SF 21 G3ZMF IO91 12 1,184 99 GD8EXI 434 20 5 ele Yargi  
SF 22 G4HGI IO83 10 1,116 112 G8T 336 15 16 ele I0JXX  
6S 23 GW3ATZ IO83 8 1,053 132 G3M 378 30 12 ele I thought 144 was bad....VERY little activity
6O 24 G3PYE/P JO02 14 945 68 G8EOP 208 50W 21-ele Tonna Dire. Dire dire dire dire dire.
6S 25 G8XVJ IO83 4 935 234 M0VCT/P 330 50 30el dj9bv home brew call cq for 35 mins heard and worked what I could find.
SF 26 GM8IEM IO78 3 910 303 GM4DIJ/A 381 400 28 el Hard going! Thanks to all who beamed my way for a QSO.
O 27 G5RS/A IO91 7 833 119 GD8EXI 419 25 24el Yagi Awful. Very low activity. Much quieter band than 2 or 6 QRN wise
O 28 G1KAR/P JO00 6 784 131 G5T 239 16.5W 14 ele Broad Band Yagi Fairly Quiet Low power and small aerial did not help. Opersting period amicably truncated to assist local QRO contester nearby.
6S 29 G1DFL IO91 5 584 117 GD8EXI 390 100W 19Y Inside Fixed West Very quiet with not much activity. Could not get the attention of the Folkestone team, my beam fixed West didn't help! Thanks for QSO's!
6S 30 G4JED JO01 5 568 114 F8BRK 225 50 18 ele Yagi  
SF 31 G8EOP IO93 4 392 98 G3PYE/P 208 75 28el m2  
6S 32 G8FMC IO91 4 341 85 M0VCT/P 151 10W 2m CQM8! A nominal dabble using low power & a 2m antenna! Only 1 contact Sat, 3 more Sunday.  
6S 33 M0HLO IO92 5 323 65 GW8ASD 163 20 10el Diamond    
SF 34 G7ICV JO01 3 181 60 G3MEH 94 50 15element yagi Giving away points, token entry  
SF 35 2W0JYN IO83 3 160 53 G4TJC/P 86 50 3 ele beam good contest but condition very flat and very quiet not that many on at all
SF 36 M0WBG IO83 3 154 51 G4TJC 78 20 19 ELE TONNA Struggled on this band Low UK activity ?
6S 37 G8XTJ IO91 5 154 31 G8LES 69 35 4 el 2m Yagi    
6S 38 G0ACK IO91 3 92 31 M0HRF/P 32 10 Tri Band vertical  
6S 39 G1MZD IO92 2 80 40 M0HRF/P 43 20 2m 8ele G4CQM Pretty Dire but as expected with 2m antenna. Tnx dave MKARS
SO 40 G0EAK/P IO93 2 53 26 G3YJR 45 10w 6 ELE QUAD FOR 2M    
6O 41 G3WCB/P IO91 2 47 24 G3MEH 24 20w 2m dipole Escaped from Mother's Day taxi duties for an hour. Few stations heard. 2m dipole not very effective on 70cm! 73, Dave G3WCB
SF 42 G8ONK IO83 1 22 22 M0OMB 22 25 19 ele  

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