Claimed Scores 2017
  13783 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
21/12/17 70MHz UKAC
21/12/17 70MHz FMAC
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Claimed scores for March 144 432MHz

144 MHz (77 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G8T JO01 587 238,133 406 OL4N IN JO60 906 400 4x10 2x14 6x3 Conditions flat with deep QSB at times. Activity from UK seemed very low. Some DX now and then. Hard work. WX was rain, wind and sleet.
O 2 G3M JO01 520 206,320 397 DN5ACH 879 400 2x15, 4x6,4x11 Flat,wet,windy but pretty busy and enjoyable both days. 120 UK qsos 400 Continentals. Thanks for them all
O 3 G8W IO90 276 103,735 376 DL2ARD 895 400 2 x 7 ele Poor conditions. Battle was more against the weather than anything/anyone else. Thanks for all QSOs :)
O 4 M0WCO JO00 231 71,544 310 DF2LH 726 400 12ele DK7ZB Flat/QSB. VERY MUDDY!But mainly dry for set-up/take-down.Preamp U/S just B4 start so ran without. Thanks for QSOs.South Coast GG
SF 5 PA5Y JO21 238 67,650 284 GM4VVX 965 400 8 ele LFA or 4 x 8 ele I0JXX Heavy rain on Saturday made my VSWR too bad until evening, I had plenty of sleep then continued Sunday, G8T were 59 wherever I pointed!
6O 6 G3CKR/P IO93 155 38,871 251 OZ1BEF 793 150 17el M2 Very muddy!WX sunny on set up clouded up later with static rain.Quite low UK activity flat conditions with limited continental activity.  
6S 7 GD8EXI IO74 90 27,311 303 F6HPP/P 770 400 18 ele M2  
6O 8 E74G JN94 79 26,260 332 OL4A 753 300 2x6 el. OBLONG  
6S 9 M0CGL JO03 103 25,293 246 DL6IAK 763 400 2 X 12 JXX Good fun. Trying out the new antenna set up, NO KST !! Thought I'd give my ole FT 736R a run, many thanks for the points,
O 10 M0MDG/P IO91 112 20,612 184 DL6IAK 748 100 17 Element Weather was poor very windy. LOW UK activity!!! Thanks to all 73's  
SF 11 PE1EWR JO11 59 16,557 281 OL7C 659 70 10 el. Parabeam Jaybeam Decreasing number of contestants each year. Less busy gives more room to work DX!
SF 12 GM4JTJ IO86 40 15,931 398 G4RRA 660 100 10ele  
6S 13 GM4JJJ IO86 46 15,806 344 G3M 633 400 10 ele WAXX10S    
SF 14 G3MEH IO91 70 14,363 205 DA0FF 752 400 2 x 9el M2 Dire conditions, low activity, gales so antennas at reduced height, static rain, otherwise good.
SO 15 G0EHV/P IO84 55 14,068 256 F6HPP/P 716 160 8 Element DK7ZB Enjoyable contest, slower going than UKAC! Why no SO others section? Thanks QSO's.
SF 16 G4RRA IO80 36 13,838 384 GM4VVX 807 400 10ele Conditions Abysmal
6S 17 M3P IO91 70 13,589 194 DK5DQ 579 350 9 elements M Squared Managed 4 hours on Sat. afternoon and 2 hours on Sun. morning. Conditions were difficult although variable which gave me a few EU QSOs.
SF 18 G0JJG JO02 41 13,219 322 DR1H 772 400 8 ele G4CQM Thanks for all QSOs and tries. Calling CQ inland produced few contacts despite much calling.
SF 19 F1CBC JN09 42 13,064 311 HB9RF 678 80 9 els Poor activity and poor conditions WX...73 Philippe
6S 20 GW8ASD IO83 45 12,322 274 DP5G 716 100 12 ele Yagi Not very busy but some interesting contacts.
6S 21 GW2R IO82 60 11,587 193 GM0HTT 714 400 HB 9 ele LFA ** TWCG ** Poor conditions and low activity.
SO 22 G0EAK/P IO93 59 11,580 196 DA0FF 808 90 6 ele Jaybeam Quad Dire conditions combined with low levels of activity resulted in the contest being hard work. Only highlight was working DA0FF at 808km  
6S 23 G3SQQ IO93 65 10,758 166 DP5G 605 100 9 EL LFA Conditions not to bad, operated nearly all of 6 hours this time, very interesting contest.
O 24 F4VRB IN98 29 10,516 363 DF0MU 674 75 8 element Weather and propagation poor. Too windy on Sunday for 70cm beam. UK activity seemed poor - continental much better. Harwell ARS.  
SF 25 G1B (G1PPA IO93 59 10,002 170 F6HPP/P 540 250 9 ele beam seemed good activity terrible qsb thanks for all points
SF 26 M0OMB IO83 51 9,947 195 F6HPP/P 637 25 10 LFA Sat. better than Sun. but overall poor or flat cdx.Fewer new stns on Sun. prob. high winds in Sth didn't help.Easier band switching this yr.
O 27 G8EEM/P IO84 38 9,236 243 F6HPP/P 673 400 9 ele Poor conditions.
6O 28 M0BAO/P IO80 46 9,056 197 GM4JTJ 641 180 8 ELE    
6S 29 M0NVS IO91 62 8,621 139 PA5Y 432 250 8 ELE LFA Slow going but fun. High wind didn't help with mainly flat conditions with QSB. Thanks for the repeats and Qso's. 73 Phil
SF 30 G6KWA JO02 40 8,355 209 GM4JTJ 528 45 9 ele Tonna One source of QRM not present, what a difference! Really enjoyed this contest. Tnx to all stations who tried so hard to get in my log
6S 31 G3TBK IO93 52 8,185 157 F6HPP/P 499 120 11y Slightly better than 70cms, but poor activity.  
SF 32 G4AWP JO02 32 8,047 251 DL4VCM 934 40 10 element Jaybeam Disappointed regarding the number of UK stations , at times I could hear more continentals than UK stations. Possible slight lift eastwards
SF 33 GM4VVX IO78 13 8,030 618 OH6KTL 1484 400 10 ele WX drizzle & low cloud throughout. VERY low activity. Towards end activity became even less. 17 hours at the rig. Gave up an hour before end
SF 35 G4HGI IO83 39 7,973 204 F6HPP/P 627 40 12 ELE i0jxx Just dipping in and out all weekend way less than 6 hrs but too many chunks thanks to all 73
SF 36 G4DBN IO93 31 7,674 248 OZ1BEF 699 300 9 ele LFA +++ 807 +++ Jusy playing while waiting for the UKuG Low Bands contest
6S 37 G4GFI IO91 48 7,566 158 DF0MU 524 400 17 ELE TONNA Average Condx & low activity.
SF 38 M0HOM IO93 30 7,085 236 DA0FF 802 80 9EL TONNA just giving points out, band in poor shape. thanks for the Q's 73
6S 39 G3PHO IO93 39 7,036 180 F6HPP/P 554 50 9 el Tonna yagi Not a serious entry as I didnt have much spare time over the weekend. Pleased to work several GM, PA, F and ON stations for a change.
SF 40 G0HEL IO81 36 6,912 192 DF0MU 655 50 Double Quad poor deep qsb best ever dx from home DF0MU 655k on both bands. Tnx 73's Alan TDARC
SF 41 G4JED JO01 37 6,893 186 DF0MU 498 50 9 ele Yagi Dire conditions on Saturday, a little improved Sunday, deep QSB both days.
6O 42 G8DXU/P JO00 30 6,383 213 DF0MU 509 30 10 element  
6S 43 M0AFJ IO92 39 6,317 162 GM4JJJ 478 100 7 ele Powabeam Average conditions poor activity
6S 44 M0IEP IO91 33 5,906 179 DF0MU 620 25 6 element Yagi  
6S 45 G8ZRE IO83 32 5,760 180 F6HPP/P 612 50 8XY ELEMENT YAGI Good to work 2 GM stations & France. More activity would have helped.
6S 46 G3XHB IO94 22 5,671 258 F6HPP/P 666 100 9 ele Yagi  
6O 47 G1KAR/P JO00 33 5,656 171 DF0MU 509 30 10 Element  
6S 48 G5UM IO92 36 5,633 156 F6HPP/P 509 50 sandpiper  
6S 49 F1BHL IN99 16 5,514 345 DK8R 563 100 9 ele DK7ZB Very poor activity.
6S 50 G0C IO82 22 4,497 204 F6HPP/P 587 80 9 ele LFA  
6S 51 G0GJV IO91 24 4,359 182 F8KID 568 200 9 ele  
6S 52 M0GAV IO93 20 4,270 214 DP5G 637 350 12 ELEMENT M2 Nothing serious, just a few qso's to pass the time:)
6S 53 M0YDB IO93 28 4,161 149 F6HPP/P 557 100 12ele  
6O 54 M0NDA/P IO92 34 3,941 116 DP5G 599 100 9 Ele Yagi **NDARC** Varied conditions with some deep QSB at times. Overall good on 2m if a little quiet at times.  
6S 55 G4XPE IO92 17 3,504 206 F6HPP/P 519 25 Jaybeam 10-Y 10-el Yagi    
6S 56 G8DVK IO91 16 3,300 206 DP5G 602 80 16 element    
6S 57 G1MZD IO92 20 3,114 156 GM4JJJ 476 50 8 ele G4CQM Quite poor conditions and very high noise level especially Saturday evening. very little to the north but pleased to get GM4JJJ.
6S 58 M0WID IO91 19 2,767 146 DF0MU 521 5 Homebrew LFA Giving away points but nice to get to Germany with QRP power. Activity seemed low, heavy QRM towards North.  
SF 59 G8EOP IO93 12 2,519 210 F6HPP/P 598 100 9 el M2 Beam **** 807 ARO *****
6S 60 G4LDR IO91 7 2,230 319 DK5DQ 628 400 9 element LFA yagi  
6S 61 G8LZE IO91 18 2,150 119 GD8EXI 399 24 4 ele in loft Temp antennas + no preamps = few contacts
6S 62 M6XAK IO93 16 2,107 132 GM4JTJ 385 10 5 ele LFA  
6S 63 M0WBG IO83 14 1,947 139 GM4JTJ 364 50 6 Ele Owl  
SF 64 G8ONK IO83 14 1,941 139 G3M 411 25 12 ele DL6WU Poor conditions esp on Sunday
6O 65 M0OSA/M IO93 16 1,854 116 G8T 312 50 DIAMOND SG7200  
6S 66 F4VQX IN87 5 1,747 349 G3CKR/P 580 100 11 ele Tonna  
SF 67 G4CIB IO81 9 1,720 191 GD8EXI 290 50 5 ele ZL Special in loft Poor! Many thanks to the /P stations out this weekend. Last did this contest /P in 1970!
6S 68 2E0DGP IO83 8 1,631 204 G8W 352 40 7el 2m wimo just half an hour
SF 69 G0EUN IO93 14 1,458 104 G3M 265 50 Beam  
6S 70 G3WJG IO91 18 1,406 78 G3CKR/P 193 5 4ele Thanks to all for patience - just trying out low pwr backpack station for hols. - Points to Rats. No2B2
6S 71 G8CRB JO02 10 1,379 138 F6HPP/P 398 100 5 ele DK7ZB  
SF 72 G0CBO JO02 4 1,071 268 GD8EXI 422 10 5ele ZL special Very little heard from other UK stations, Condx were bad, WX and low pressure did not help, few European on back of beam, my beam fixed NW
6S 73 M0OND/A IO93 9 948 105 M0WCO 293 50 beam  
6S 74 ON7DQ JO11 4 719 180 G8W 295 50 4 element LPDA indoor    
6S 75 G0PEK JO01 5 441 88 G8W 154 10 6 ele yagi  
6S 76 M6IEB IO93 8 292 36 G3TBK 77 10 X50  
6S 77 2E0DQK IO80 4 158 40 G4ALY 80 25 Dipole  

432 MHz (56 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G8T JO01 166 57,040 344 DL0HKW 874 400 4x17 2x21 Conditions flat. Hard work. WX was frankly awful. New system worked incredibly well don't tell the XYL lol - MUX
SF 2 PA5Y JO21 70 16,715 239 OE5D 664 400 26 ele DJ9BV OPT70 8.5wl Was going great on 70cms until little driver PA from transverter died while trying to work M0MDY so I blame her :-) Tnx QSOs
6O 3 G3CKR/P IO93 63 16,353 260 DF2VJ 750 150 30el DL6WU Quite low activity,static rain for 30 mins.Operational 15-21 GMT Managed to work many of continentals easier on this band than 144.  
O 4 M0WCO JO00 61 15,391 252 DL8QS 638 100 2off 21ele Tonna Flat with rapid QSB which was the only way to complete some Qs on peaks. MUDDY but mainly dry. The brick went U/S also whilst working Mandy!
SF 5 G0JJG JO02 37 12,093 327 DF5HC 598 400 18 ele G4CQM Poor G activity, conditions seemed better than 2m.
6S 6 GD8EXI IO74 34 11,206 330 F6KRK 755 400 38 ele M2  
SF 7 G3MEH IO91 51 10,477 205 DL8DAU 699 250 2 x 21 el M2 Conditions a little better than on 2m but low activity. Gales so antennas at reduced height.
O 8 G8W IO90 45 8,649 192 GM4JJJ 625 100 2 x 13 element Yagi Flat conditions, powerful squalls on Sunday. Thanks for all QSOs.
6S 9 G3XDY JO02 21 8,345 397 DM7A 851 300 28 el M2 Yagi Operated for two short spells on Sunday, found conditions reasonable.
O 10 M0MDG/P IO91 54 6,923 128 DF2VJ 615 50 17 element Weather was poor/windy. Rotator packed up 20mins into contest. Very low UK activity. Still fun had by all 73's  
SF 11 G4RRA IO80 19 6,213 327 DF0MU 788 400 10ele Conditions as bad as they can get
6S 12 GM4JJJ IO86 17 5,742 338 G8W 625 400 18 ele Powabeam    
6S 13 G4GFI IO91 31 5,206 168 DF0MU 524 400 19 ele Tonna Average Condx & low activity.
6S 14 M3P IO91 34 5,034 148 GM4JJJ 509 200 21 Ele M squared Managed 4 hours on Sat. afternoon and 2 hours on Sun. morning. Conditions were difficult although variable which gave me a few EU QSOs.
SF 15 PE1EWR JO11 20 4,295 215 DL3SFB 560 100 2*21 el F9FT Terrible noise levels, exceeding S9 on the meter, making it hard to work anybody. Sri for not hearing you! (But keep trying...)
SF 16 G6KWA JO02 20 4,209 210 DL0LN 502 30 21 ele Tonna Activity down? Tnx to all stations who worked so hard to make QSO's with my weak station
SF 17 G1B(G1PPA) IO93 24 4,004 167 DF0MU 563 50 15 ele beam thanks to all for the points
SF 18 M0OMB IO83 26 3,677 141 M0WCO 364 25 18 LFA Poor to flat cdx at best. Sun. wet but no wind. Fewer QSOs Sun. No EU or GM. Had to finish 1 hr before end.
6S 19 G4BRK IO91 13 3,062 236 DF5HC 733 100 21 el Very average condx. No 2m ant up.  
SF 20 G4HGI IO83 19 3,055 161 G8T 336 15 23 ele wimo less time and even worse condx monsoon rain for 2 hrs on sunday am plus loads of static thanks to all
6S 21 GW8ASD IO83 12 2,941 245 F6KRK 596 70 28 ele Yagi Very quiet!
6S 22 M0AFJ IO92 20 2,899 145 GM4JJJ 478 100 18 ELE Powabeam Low activity, poor conditions
6S 23 G3SQQ IO93 21 2,435 116 GM4JJJ 360 30 19 EL LFA Conditions not to bad, many thanks to GM4JJJ for patience, very interesting contest.
6O 24 M0BAO/P IO80 9 2,413 268 DF0MU 728 35 19 ELE    
SF 25 G0HEL IO81 12 2,243 187 DF0MU 655 50 21 element Yagi poor deep qsb, too windy for /p best dx ever from home DF0MU 655k Tnx 73's Alan TDARC
SF 26 G8EOP IO93 13 2,188 168 F6KRK 604 75 28el m2 beam ****** 807 ARO ********
O 27 G8EEM/P IO84 8 1,986 248 G8W 414 75 19 ele Poor
6S 28 G0GJV IO91 14 1,919 137 DF0MU 561 200 16 ele  
SF 29 F1CBC JN09 11 1,869 170 GD8EXI 601 20 21 els Low activity, poor conditions QSB, QRN with statics
6S 30 G3TBK IO93 11 1,800 164 GI6ATZ 383 80 21y Poor condx, activity, wx  
6S 31 G3UBX IO82 9 1,581 176 M0WCO 250 100 Tonna 21 Very quiet.
6S 32 G3PHO IO93 12 1,570 131 G8W 298 50 18 el yagi Very poor activity and limited time available.
O 33 F4VRB IN98 4 1,338 334 PA5Y 557 40 21 element Conditions and activity poor. Saturday only, far too windy to put 70cms beam up on Sunday! Harwell ARS.  
SO 34 G0EAK/P IO93 14 1,277 91 GD8EXI 266 50 23 Ele LFA Dire conditions combined with low levels of activity - very poor  
SF 35 G4AWP JO02 8 1,176 147 DF0MU 495 20 7element ZL special First 70cm contest, simple 7 element aerial on plastic mast.
6S 36 GW2R IO82 8 1,132 142 GI6ATZ 267 250 18ele DK7ZB ** TWCG ** Conditions poor and low activity
6S 37 G8ZRE IO83 9 1,091 121 G4RRA 278 20 15 ELEMENT YAGI Poor conditions not many stations on the band in IO83.
6O 38 M0NDA/P IO92 10 1,015 102 GD8EXI 278 25 19ele Yagi **NDARC** Very hard going. Band very quiet with QSB not helping. Enjoyed the challenge.  
SF 39 M0HOM IO93 7 967 138 M0WCO 305 10 18EL just giving points out, band in poor shape, thanks for the Q's 73
6S 40 G8LZE IO91 11 965 88 GD8EXI 399 25 indoor 9 element Temp antennas + no preamps = few contacts
SF 41 G8ONK IO83 8 959 120 G8T 367 25 19 ele DL6WU Conditions poor esp on Sunday
6S 42 G8DVK IO91 9 844 94 M0MDY 195 35 21 element  
6S 43 G1MZD IO92 7 824 118 GD8EXI 343 20 8 ele G4CQM 2m beam Not much heard with 2m beam but pleased to get GD8EXI. much quieter band.
6S 44 G8CRB JO02 4 618 154 DF0MU 489 10 8 ele DK7ZB  
6S 45 G4LDR IO91 4 506 126 G8T 225 400 21 element yagi  
6S 46 M0IEP IO91 5 501 100 G3T 181 25 8 element Yagi  
SF 47 G4JED JO01 7 485 69 F4GYW 135 50 18 ele Yagi Poor home QTH for 70cm, worked all I heard.
6O 48 G1KAR/P JO00 6 484 81 G3MEH 133 20 19 element Tonna  
6O 49 M0OSA/M IO93 6 380 63 GW2R 129 20 DIAMOND SG7200  
6S 50 G3WJG IO91 9 372 41 G8T 102 5 8ele homebrew Thanks for patience - testing mountain-top backpack setup prior to Hols. Points to Rats No2B2
6S 51 G5UM IO92 4 306 76 G8T 123 20 sandpiper beam  
6O 52 G8DXU/P JO00 3 264 88 G3MEH 133 20 19 element Tonna Just on this band for half an hour.
6S 53 G0PEK JO01 2 113 56 G3MEH 89 10 10 ele yagi  
SF 54 G4CIB IO81 1 94 94 M0MDG/P 94 35 Moxon loop in loft Poor!
SF 55 G0EUN IO93 2 51 26 G1B 26 50 Beam  
6S 56 2E0DGP IO83 1 8 8 M0OMB 8 40 7el 2m wimo  

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