Claimed Scores 2018
  13461 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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29/12/18 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/18 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/18 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/18 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
20/12/18 70MHz FMAC
20/12/18 70MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for March 144 432MHz

144 MHz (80 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 M0HRF/P JO01 406 153,278 378 OL7C 847 400 4 x 9 LFA Freezing WX and low UK activity. Lots of Europeans to work though and very lively from DL. Thanks for all QSO. The Rats  
O 2 G8W IO90 301 118,151 393 DL0GTH/P 908 400 4 x 7 Late on site/on-air and understaffed due weather and equipt issues. Given that, please with the score. Tkx all QSOs, Vecta CG
SF 3 G4ODA IO92 181 54,533 301 DR1H 862 400 2x12el M2 Cndts here better on Saturday. Sunday also had kit/computer/static rain issues.  
SF 4 PA5Y JO21 144 38,400 267 G7RAU 794 400 4 x 8 ele I0JXX Concentrated on 432, only QRV for a little over 4hrs. Was good fun. Finished early to go on 23cms
SF 5 G4ASR IO81 153 34,412 225 DB9VE 738 400 17el Bit of a slog, poor conditions, poor activity but some good DX at times and 10 DXCC. Nice to work GM3WOJ (IO77) with good tropo signals.
6S 6 GD8EXI IO74 87 30,458 350 F6APE 802 400 18 ele M2 Conditions improved on Sunday
6S 7 M0GAV IO93 103 20,100 195 DL0WX 622 350 12 Element M2 Conditions not at their best! but enjoyable all the same.
6S 8 GM3W IO74 63 19,385 308 F1CBC 650 400 11el YU7EF  
SF 9 G0XDI IO91 109 17,457 160 DJ0WW 634 400 9 ele Vargarda Started first 10hrs with 25w and worked best DX, installed amp overnight and improved the score. Condx flat here overall. Thx to all for QSO
O 10 G3M IO91 107 16,536 155 GM4BYF 546 400 4x7 Weather kyboshed /p. Too much snow in the coax. Condx quite poor. Thanks for qsos.
6S 11 G3MEH IO91 79 14,934 189 OZ1BEF 808 400 2 x 9 ele M Squared Poor conditions and limited activity. Other commitments so just six hours this year.
SF 12 F1CBC JN09 47 14,922 317 HB9RF 678 80 9 els Some points to heard stations.. 73..from JN09BO Philippe...
6S 13 M0WGF JO01 68 13,145 193 EI3KD 623 100 9 Ele LFA  
O 14 F4VRB IN98 34 13,036 383 DF0MU 674 75 8 element Conditions poor but we did better than last year! Harwell ARS.
SF 15 G4RRA IO80 33 12,694 385 DF0MU 788 400 10ele Giving points away conditions rubbish
6S 16 M0CGL JO03 38 12,610 332 DJ8OG 694 400 2X12 I0JXX Only managed a few hours due to family commitments.. Many tnks for points, Spalding & DARS...
6S 17 GW8ASD IO83 55 12,114 220 DL6YBF 704 100 12 ele M2 Flat conditions, low activity.
SF 18 G1PPA IO93 60 12,054 201 DL0WX 580 250 9 ele beam thanks for points poor on saturday worked more sunday morning
SF 19 M0IEP IO91 80 11,795 147 DF0MU 620 50 6 element yagi  
6S 20 G3XDY JO02 35 11,384 325 DR1H 751 400 12 el M2 Yagi QRN from LED lights by night and solar panels by day, a struggle to hear any DX.
6S 21 G4GFI IO91 78 11,170 143 EI3KD 557 400 9 ele Tonna Generally average condx. Best sctivity on Saturday.
SF 22 G1OFW IO91 77 9,611 125 PD4HDB 516 250 17 ele tona deep qsb plus low activity made it hard work plus mast frozen down so antenna only 4m agl  
6S 23 G3MXH JO02 38 9,535 251 DR3A 637 300 12 el Zl special  
SF 24 2E0NEY IO81 54 9,458 175 DF0MU 658 50 17 ele Tonna Hard work this weekend. Condx average to poor with deep qsb. Found very little dx to work. Some regulars missing  
SF 25 M0OMB IO83 50 9,319 186 G7RAU 439 25 7Y Poor cdx, deep QSB. slightly better air warmed up.Some long gaps between QSOs but same no. as last yr.
SF 26 GM4PPT IO75 26 8,828 340 G4MJC 599 400 2x 2ele M2 Dire conditions on both days!
6S 27 M0NVS IO91 60 8,242 137 DF0MU 533 250 8 ELE LFA Very hard going. Abysmal conditions with qsb. Thx for repeats. 73 Phil
6S 28 G4LKD IO93 37 7,788 210 DL0WX 596 300 13 Element long yagi  
O 29 G1KAR/P JO00 34 7,612 224 DR3A 632 30 10 Element J Beam Fairly quiet in this part of the country. Static Rain masked some weak signals.Better on 70cm but still an enjoyable event.
6S 30 G3PHO IO93 39 7,023 180 DL0WX 614 50 9 el tonna yagi Poor UK activity but reasonable conditions to EU and SW UK.
6S 31 M0HOM IO93 33 6,911 209 DL0WX 582 90 10el QRV to give some points out, nothing serious. Sorry to G0?WF who I just couldn't pull out of the noise. 73 GL to all.
SF 32 G4BRK IO91 42 6,399 152 GM4BYF 488 100 9 el    
6S 33 G4KZY IO91 46 6,213 135 EI3KD 463 100 9 ele Tonna  
6S 34 G8LZE IO91 34 6,127 180 DF0MU 535 24 8 ele DK7ZB Good opportunity to test some station changes.
SF 35 G1MZD IO92 42 5,308 126 DF0MU 558 50 5 ele G4CQM Poor conditions with very deep qsb & qrn saturday night. tnx. Dave NRC
6S 36 G8ZRE IO83 31 5,156 166 G7RAU IN IN79 392 50 8 XY YAGI Good to work G7RAU in IN79.Taste of /P from home central heating failed on Saturday!!!.Thanks all stations for points. Dave G8ZRE
SF 37 2W0JYN IO83 44 5,148 117 2M0DRY 444 50 3ele Yagi conditions cold with snow saturday lot of qsb and signals down and band very quit sunday bit more better but conditions cold with snow &fog
6S 38 G6KWA JO02 28 5,118 183 DF0MU 495 100 9 ele Enjoyable but very hard work. Many more heard esp. EU but faded away never to return
6S 39 G3SQQ IO93 27 4,676 173 PA5Y 504 100 9el LFA Just a couple of hours but still interesting.
6S 40 M0BTZ IO90 31 4,478 144 GM3W 464 25 9ele F9FT  
6S 41 M0BUL IO82 26 4,360 168 F1FPL 437 400 5 ELE LFA Managed about 1.5hours giving points away to callers, a few CQs as it was quite noisy form all the boilers. 73 Craig
6O 42 M0BAO/P IO80 22 4,105 187 GD8EXI 391 50 8 ELE    
6S 43 G8FMC IO91 23 4,079 177 DF0MU 559 250 8el G4CQM Powabeam Less than 3hrs. Very quiet Sat, more activity on Sun when I had less time!  
6S 44 G3WJG IO91 35 3,994 114 GM3W 431 25 6ele Homebrew yagi High noise to East so no Euro stations Heard at all this time ! thanks to those Brave souls in the North
6S 45 G4YHF IO92 13 3,785 291 DK5DQ 538 180 12el Just 1.5Hrs. Glad to be in a nice warm shack for this one. Well done portable ops!  
SF 46 M1CJE IO91 27 3,754 139 DF0MU 630 150 Innov LFA  
6S 47 G4HGI IO83 17 3,689 217 F4VRB 538 400 12 ELE I0JXX Very limited amount of time sadly ...but dire conditions thanks to all 73
6S 48 G4XPE IO92 23 3,660 159 G7RAU 413 25 Jaybeam 10-Y 10-ele Yagi    
6S 49 2E0VKH JO01 30 3,525 118 G4LKD 285 40 3 Element Quad LFA Thanks to ALL 73'S
6S 50 GM4BYF IO85 13 3,525 271 M0HRF/P 604 400 14 element Conditions poor. Newly restored linear worked well. Thanks to all who tried a qso
6S 51 G4APJ IO83 15 3,247 216 M0HRF/P 360 50 9 ele  
6S 52 M0WID IO91 25 3,058 122 GM3W 486 35 Homebrew LFA Giving away points. Conditions seemed poor. Only heard one continental, very faint  
SF 53 G8EOP IO93 10 3,051 305 PA5Y 552 100 9el m2 Beam Nice to have a quiet band (low actv in IO93) thanks all 73 Mel
6S 54 G4AWP JO02 18 2,872 160 DL0LN 502 150 10 element horizontal Jaybeam only managed a couple hours on Saturday poor level of activity, and flatconditions
SF 55 G8ONK IO83 18 2,556 142 G8W 368 25 12 ele DL6WU Poor Sat better Sunday both weather and activity.
6S 56 G8CRB JO02 18 2,489 138 GM3W 412 100 5 ele DK7ZB  
SF 57 G4CIB IO81 19 2,331 123 GD8EXI 290 50 5 ele ZL Special in loft Many thanks to all the usual suspects!
6S 58 G4JED JO01 20 2,172 109 G4RRA 291 50 9 ele Yagi  
6S 59 G0MCV IO92 11 2,146 195 DL0WX 570 50 sandpiper  
6S 60 2E0DGP IO83 11 2,006 182 G7RAU 445 45 Eric just a couple of hours on sat on eric the half a beam, cheers to all who pointed north hi hi
SF 61 G8NVX IO93 16 1,895 118 GM3W 252 50 144LFA5 Well that was a therapeutic weekend. Conditions seemed rather strange at times. Thanks all for the points.
6S 62 G4IZZ IO81 15 1,646 110 G7RAU 314 50 Colinear  
SF 63 2E0OLG IO83 11 1,617 147 G7RAU 428 50 Create CLP5130-1N Not great turnout but happy worked a new square IN79
SF 64 G8KQH IO91 15 1,609 107 GD8EXI 415 50 4element Yagi As always, thanks all for the contacts, Owen Guildford & DRS
6S 65 G0LGS IO81 10 1,548 155 GD8EXI 301 50 8Ele    
6S 66 GW4MBS IO71 6 1,382 230 M0WGF 338 200 8 el yagi Average conditions on 2m. Went on 70cm quite a bit worked nothing, heard nothing.
6S 67 G0ULH IO81 7 1,110 159 GD8EXI 301 100 2m ZL special    
6S 68 G0GJV IO91 9 977 109 G4LKD 251 100 9 ele  
6O 69 G3WM JO01 10 960 96 G4ASR 238 100 2 x 6 Ele LFA Token entry from 2e0ijh qth, gave up 2nd session sun morning as high local noise suspect faulty local solar invertor
6S 70 G1DFL IO91 8 811 101 G4ASR 154 50 9Y Tonna Just giving points to locals, main focus was 70cm. Paper logging both bands proved fun, on 2M 002-008 were not issued! ..Mind the gap! :)
SF 71 2E0HBV IO81 7 597 85 M0HRF/P 217 15 5el Yagi  
6S 72 GM4DIJ IO85 4 585 146 M0HOM 311 50 9ele Only on for a few short periods
SF 73 M0IAM IO91 8 554 69 G4ASR 184 100 4 ele Report of poor audio believed to be due to RF feedback. My Apologies.  
6S 74 GM8IEM IO78 1 394 394 GM3W 394 400 9 el Vine Just a token entry on this band. Focused on 70cm.
6S 75 M6RYL IO81 2 355 178 GD8EXI 301 10 2m ZL special    
SF 76 G8EEM/A IO93 3 310 103 GM3W 242 80 Log periodic  
6S 77 M6KFX JO02 1 128 128 G4ODA 128 10 Diamond X50 Not much heard here unfortunately
SF 78 G0BWG IO93 4 120 30 M0HOM 59 10 Watson W2000 Vertical  
SF 79 M1KDJ IO91 2 99 50 G4ASR 86 5 Home made Yagi  
SO 80 2M0KAU/P IO86 2 76 38 GM8MJV 70 25 9 elm heavy snowing all the time i was on air

432 MHz (66 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 M0HRF/P JO01 150 49,140 328 DK2A 889 400 4 x 16 Ele LFA A cold weekend but all snow gone by Saturday pm. Low UK activity but very lively from Europe, esp. from DL. Tnx for QSO. 73 The Rats  
SF 2 PA5Y JO21 102 35,917 352 OK2C 900 400 26 ele DJ9BV OPT70 8.5wl Operated for 8 hrs, enjoyed it and worked some nice DX.
SF 3 G4ODA IO92 101 30,840 305 OZ1BEF 712 400 2x28el M2 Good sport but struggled at times to get Eu to hear me off back of beams even when they were 57 with me. G activity was low.  
6S 4 G3XDY JO02 52 20,320 391 DK2A 886 300 28 el M2 Yagi Conditions and activity better than expected, some good DX available.
O 5 G8W IO90 74 16,024 217 PI4GN 623 300 2 x 23 Ele Wimo yagi Flat condx, thanks to all stations for their patience and persistence. Vecta CG
6S 6 GD8EXI IO74 47 15,641 333 F6APE 802 400 38 ele M2 Conditions better than on 144MHz.
SF 7 G4RRA IO80 34 11,722 345 DF0MU 788 400 2 x 20 Poor Conditions
SF 8 G4ASR IO81 50 9,835 197 DF0MU 701 90 21el Very poor activity and awful tropo conditions. Maybe I should have dug out the snow in my drive as the XYL wanted. See my FB timeline!
6S 9 G3MEH IO91 52 9,481 182 DK4VW 658 250 2 x 21el M Squared Poor conditions. Reasonable activity on Saturday, sparse on Sunday. Other commitments so just six hours this year.
O 10 G3M IO91 44 9,480 215 DL6AA 669 400 2x28 Casual operation but condx better than 2m. Thanks QSOs
SF 11 G4HGI IO83 27 6,346 235 DF0MU 689 300 25 ele I0JXX even less time and even more dire ! wx terrible snowing hard in last hour
6S 12 GM3W IO74 20 6,232 312 PA5Y 766 100 18el G4CQM  
SF 13 G1HLT IO93 27 5,552 206 DF0MU 585 50 19 el Tonna Too much snow for temporary 2m ant.So single band only, generally poor conditions but enjoyable QSOs.
6S 14 G4GFI IO91 36 5,410 150 GI6ATZ 517 400 19 ele Tonna Generally average condx. Best sctivity on Saturday.
SF 15 2E0NEY IO81 20 5,080 254 DF0MU 658 50 23 ele DK7ZB Poor condx and hard work  
SF 16 G1PPA IO93 23 4,697 204 PA5Y 488 50 15 ele beam thanks for the points better on sunday but lot of qsb
6S 17 GW8ASD IO83 24 4,240 177 PE1EWR 482 70 28ele M2 Flat conditions, low activity.
SF 18 G4YPC IO91 23 4,005 174 PI4GN 543 100 21ele Tonna Maybe up a little. Wx prevented /P this year. Put some 70cm QSOs in the 2m log so that's a check log! 73, Peter Guildford & DRS
SF 19 F1CBC JN09 18 3,874 215 GD8EXI 601 20 21els Some points to heard stations. WX wind and rains. 73 from JN09BO Philippe.
SF 20 M0OMB IO83 24 3,834 160 M0HRF/P 373 25 18 LFA Poor cdx with QSB. Didn't make it on 70cms with some stns wrkd on 2m. A few pts more than last yr though.
6S 21 M0BUL IO82 18 3,795 211 PA5Y 599 75 10 ELE LFA Managed about 1.5hours giving points away to callers, a few CQs as it was quite noisy form all the boilers. 73 Craig
6S 22 G3ZPB IO91 22 3,317 151 GD8EXI 438 75 22ele long yagi Very enjoyable time at home. Glad I wasn't operating /P !!!
O 23 G1KAR/P JO00 17 3,265 192 PI4QN 527 50 19 Element Tonna Not as noisy as 2m with some reasonable distances.
6S 24 G3UBX IO82 21 3,220 153 GI6ATZ 326 100 Tonna 21 Quiet - as usual **TWCG**
6S 25 G8LZE IO91 18 2,982 166 DF0MU 535 25 18 ele DK7ZB Good opportunity to test some station changes.
6S 26 G4APJ IO83 15 2,940 196 M0HRF/P 360 50 19ele  
6S 27 G1DFL IO91 14 2,937 210 DF0MU 566 400 14Y G4CQM Couple of hours on the patio, aerial just 3m AGL no pre-amp. High noise floor sorry if you heard me but I didn't hear you! Flat, QSB & cold!
6S 28 G3PHO IO93 16 2,873 180 F6KRK 557 50 18 el yagi Very low activity meant long periods of no on being received at all!
6S 29 G6KWA JO02 14 2,590 185 DD8DW 541 75 15 ele Really hard going, I did enjoy however. Tnx to all who took part despite the last 2 weeks
O 30 F4VSO IN98 10 2,582 258 G4ODA 443 40 21 element Difficult conditions and 432MHz system not at its best! Harwell ARS.  
6S 31 MM0GPZ IO75 10 2,517 252 G4RRA 557 100 28 ele Torturous.
6S 32 GW3ATZ IO83 16 2,244 140 M0HRF/P 356 40 12 ele Poor conditions here.
6S 33 GM8IEM IO78 6 2,044 341 M0XVF 457 400 28 el All QSOs via AS. Tnx to all for the points and for the attempts.
6S 34 M0NVS IO91 17 2,032 120 F1FPL 300 100 14 ELE LFA Poor Conditions. Thx for qso's
6S 35 GM4PPT IO75 6 1,912 319 G3M 534 250 28ele M2 Poor conditions and low activity
6S 36 G0GJV IO91 11 1,625 148 DF0MU 561 100 16 ele  
6S 37 G0CZR JO02 8 1,584 198 GI6ATZ 481 15 12 El Yagi  
6S 38 GM4BYF IO85 7 1,489 213 G3M 546 80 21 ele Poor conditions alleviated by A/S contacts
SF 39 G8ONK IO83 10 1,483 148 M0HRF/P 395 25 19 ele DL6WU Poor conditions and activity thanks for all QSOs
6S 40 G3SQQ IO93 9 1,481 165 F1FPL 461 35 19el LFA  
6S 41 G4KZY IO91 15 1,418 95 G4ODA 204 25 2m beam Amazing what can be achieved using a 2m beam! Many thanks for the contacts.
6S 42 G4JED JO01 12 1,321 110 G4RRA 291 50 18 ele Yagi  
6S 43 G3WJG IO91 13 1,308 101 GD8EXI 391 20 8ele TV High noise to east no Continental stations heard. thanks to all .
SF 44 G8EOP IO93 5 1,263 253 PA5Y 552 75 28el m2 beam low uk stations all beaming east to work EU stations
SF 45 G1MZD IO92 9 1,137 126 GD8EXI 343 20 2m 5ele G4CQM Fairly stable conditions pleased to gain a few points. Tnx Dave NRC
6S 46 G4GSB IO82 11 1,113 101 G1EZF 148 50 19 el yagi *T*W*C*G* Conditions Dire. Regular paths couldn't be worked. Still enjoyable though.
6O 47 M0BAO/P IO80 6 925 154 M0HRF/P 247 35 19 ELE TONNA    
SF 48 G4BRK IO91 5 781 156 GD8EXI 354 100 21 el Tonna driven element seems broken, worked what I could with very bad SWR.  
6S 49 M0WID IO91 10 730 73 G4ODA 172 5 Homebrew LFA Giving away points. Good fun though conditions seemed poor  
SF 50 2E0OLG IO83 6 689 115 M0HRF/P 357 50 Create CLP5130-1N  
SF 51 M0IEP IO91 6 670 112 M0HRF/P 188 50 10 element yagi  
6S 52 G8ZRE IO83 8 654 82 M0RHF/P IN JO01 348 20 15 ELEMENT YAGI Rotator stuck S/E only turn 10degrees.Heating failed on Saturday...a taste of /P at home!!!Thanks to all I worked. Dave G8ZRE
SF 53 G8DOH IO92 4 581 145 M0HRF/P 197 125 2 x 18ele Road to site only cleared on the Sunday, allowing 4 minutes operating time. Conditions seemed average.
6S 54 G0LGS IO81 7 567 81 GD8EXI 301 50 14 Ele    
6S 55 M0BTZ IO90 6 488 81 M0HRF/P 158 25 19ele DJ9BV homebrew  
SF 56 2W0JYN IO83 9 463 51 GD8EXI 164 50 3ele Yagi conditions poor and band poor bit better sunday but give up and concentrated on 2 meters thank to i workedd 73
SF 57 G8NVX IO93 5 415 83 G3M 248 50 144LFA5 Very quiet band, had to use the 2m Beam due to shed being snowed in then rained Sun morning. Thanks all for the points.
6S 58 GM4DIJ IO85 4 392 98 M0XVF 175 50 21ele Only on for a few short periods.
6S 59 2E0VKH JO01 4 356 89 G4ODA 175 40 Diamond AS30S10R 70CM not my best band thanks to those I worked 73's
6S 60 G0ULH IO81 4 308 77 M0HRF/P 228 50 70cm ZL special    
6S 61 G4IZZ IO81 7 265 38 M0BUL 66 40 Colinear  
6S 62 G8CRB JO02 3 194 65 M0RHJ/P 143 10 8 ele DK7ZB  
6S 63 G4CIB IO81 3 120 40 M0BUL 56 35 3/4 wave ground plane Worked all the stations I could hear!
6S 64 G4AWP JO02 2 95 48 G3MEH 76 30 7 element ZL special only on briefly on 70cm hence only 2 QSOs
6S 65 M6RYL IO81 1 54 54 G4ASR 54 10 70cm ZL special    
SF 66 G8KQH IO91 2 16 8 G3M 11 20 4element Yagi  

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