Claimed Scores 2011
  7946 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
27/12/11 SHF UKAC 10 GHz
27/12/11 SHF UKAC 3.4 GHz
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Claimed scores for May UHF

432 MHz (20 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G4LIP/P JO02 192 73,411 382 DM5D 820 400 6x28 Conditions below normal but did improved a little on Sunday morning.
O 2 M1CRO/P JO01 129 42,592 330 DL0HTN 845 400 4 x 21 ele First time for ages, out with 9 bands (incl 144 uW TB :)
O 3 G3CKR/P IO93 121 38,815 321 DF7ZS 886 400 8 x 21y F9FT,1 x 30Y Very little activity in the 2 hrs that we were QRV on Sunday morning.We had to finish early as main objective was Trophy on Saturday.  
O 4 G3SVJ/P JO01 104 36,335 349 DL5MAE 820 400 4 x 19 element Tonna  
SF 5 G0XDI IO91 80 20,849 261 DF7ZS 765 120 2x 19 ele Vargarda Mostly poor but conditions a bit better on Sunday morning, Activity seemed low from UK. Thanks to all for the QSOs :)
SF 6 G8HGN JO01 36 9,092 253 DL0LB 695 50 2x21 Tonna Better on Sunday, tnx to all.
O 7 GM3HAM/P IO74 27 7,557 280 G3SVJ/P 539 80W 38 element Wx torrential rain for all but 5 hours of contest. activity and conditions poor
SF 8 G3XDY JO02 17 7,071 416 OK2A IN JO60JJ 827 250 28ele Msquared Yagi Very Quiet. Just S&P between uwave QSOs
O 9 G3Z IO82 41 7,009 171 DF0MU 676 75W 19 ELE TONNA  
SF 10 GM4JR IO85 27 6,689 248 M1CRO/P 480 100 21 element Tonna WX poor, CDX fair, lots of stations missed out on points not beaming north. Thanks all the points.
SF 11 G8DOH IO92 25 3,764 151 GM4JR 364 125 18ele Jaybeam Band so quiet I thought I had got date of contest wrong
SF 12 G4HGI IO83 32 3,755 117 G3SVJ/P 366 20 21 Saturday night only vy poor condx/activity .lightning came to resue at 1900
SF 13 GW8ASD IO83 14 3,599 257 F1UVN 505 75W 28ele M2 Just giving away a few points.
SF 14 G3SPJ JO01 17 2,787 164 GM3HAM/P 474 75 21el Tonna  
SF 15 GW4EVX IO83 21 2,348 112 G4LIP/P 327 70 23 Ele Yagi Low level of activity, hard going!
SF 16 G1SMI IO83 17 2,248 132 G4LIP/P 315 90 21 ELE  
SF 17 G4LDR IO91 12 2,092 174 GD0EMG 395 70 21 element yagi  
SF 18 GR0LGS IO81 7 901 129 GD0EMG 301 75 14 Ele Powabeam    
O 19 G8DTF/P IO83 1 150 150 GD0EMG 150 5 mobile whip  
O 20 GM8OTI/P IO74 1 56 56 GM3HAM/P 56 4.5W 8 ele DL6WU homebrew On for an hour or so - horrible weather, poor conditions.

1,3 GHz (14 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 M1CRO/P JO01 63 19,542 310 OK2A 817 200 8 x 23 Set out to be competitive but have some fun..
SF 2 G3XDY JO02 40 16,302 408 DM7A IN JO60LJ 837 400 4 x 23 ele Yagis Good aircraft reflection DX, otherwise flat condx
SF 3 GW8ASD IO83 25 7,199 288 DF0MU 706 80W 67element Yagi Conditions seemed poor but some surprising contacts. I think I must have found Frances' answer to Bolton Wireless Club. :-)
O 4 G3SVJ/P JO01 15 3,805 254 DL0GTH 658 100W 4 x 36 element Tonna  
O 5 G3CKR/P IO93 23 3,698 161 PA6NL 432 30 23Y F9FT Only set up to give any pts away in between gaps of 10ghz operation  
O 6 GM3HAM/P IO74 15 3,220 215 M1CRO/P 494 40W 57 element Wx awful - transceiver stopped tuning - ended up fixed frequency - ugh!
SF 7 G4LDR IO91 12 2,748 229 ON7BV/P 543 200 35 element yagi  
SF 8 GM4JR IO85 16 2,644 165 G4KIY 358 100 55 element Tonna WX poor, CDX not bad. Low activity, but almost everyone who tried completed. Thanks for all the points.
SF 9 G0XDI IO91 11 2,351 214 DF0MU 539 15 44ele Wimo Very flat and slow. Fun at times but very hard going with 15watts! Thxs to all for the QSOs :)
O 10 G3Z IO82 14 2,072 148 PA6NL 463 150W 2X 44EL WIMO YAGI  
SF 11 G1SMI IO83 10 995 100 GM4CXM 290 90 67 ELE  
SF 12 GW4EVX IO83 8 942 118 M1CRO/P 334 25 44 Ele Yagi Extremely hard going, listening to white noise most of the time!
O 13 G0BWC/P IO83 7 527 75 GD0EMG 150 8 27-ele loop-quad Bolton Wireless Club on Winter Hill  
O 14 GM8OTI/P IO74 2 85 42 GM3HAM/P 56 5W 15 ele DL6WU homebrew On for an hour or so - horrible weather, poor conditions.

2,3 GHz (10 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 GD0EMG IO74 15 6,298 420 DF0MU IN JO32 826 100 1.9m Dish    
SF 2 G3XDY JO02 17 4,509 265 DK0ZB IN JO42ID 512 100 0.8m Offset fed dish Heard DM7A on AR but no QSO. Average tropo condx
O 3 M1CRO/P JO01 20 4,464 223 DK0ZB 508 60 1.1M dish New setup on 13 and 9cms made for special interest..
O 4 G3SVJ/P JO01 6 749 125 PA2M 227 10W 44 element Quad Loop Yagi  
O 5 GM4BYF/P IO74 3 564 188 G3XDY 473 30 1.2m offset dish Contact with G3XDY was 1 way X band - he heard us but we couldn't hear him. Equipment failure and rain limited operation to 3 hours
SF 6 GW8ASD IO83 2 364 182 G4KIY 204 500mW 67 element Yagi A new square, and DXCC with my 500mW. :-)
O 7 G3Z IO82 2 306 153 GD0EMG 229 40W 1 m dish QRT early - low activity + WX  
O 8 G8DTF/P IO83 5 284 57 GD0EMG 150 10 62 ele yagi  
SF 9 G4LDR IO91 1 219 219 M1CRO/P 219 30 66 Element Loop Yagi  
O 10 G0BWC/P IO83 2 63 32 MW1FGQ 62 0.03 24-ele loop-quad Bolton Wireless Club on Winter Hill  

3,4 GHz (5 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 M1CRO/P JO01 8 1,313 164 PA0EZ 271 15 1M dish Ever-so-slightly heath-robinson which adds to the enjoyment. Wait for uW highlight yet to come...
SF 2 G4LDR IO91 4 427 107 M1CRO/P 219 15 80 cm dish  
O 3 G8DTF/P IO83 4 276 69 GD0EMG 150 5 80cm dish  
SF 4 G3XDY JO02 3 255 85 PA6NL IN JO21BX 200 20 60cm dish Either condx very poor or equipment failure
O 5 G0BWC/P IO83 1 1 1 G8DTF/P 1 0.001 24-ele loop-quad Bolton Wireless Club on Winter Hill  

5,7 GHz (5 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 M1CRO/P JO01 9 1,361 151 F6DWG/P 278 15 90cm offset 6cms is always a pleasure ..
SF 2 G3XDY JO02 6 844 141 PA0EZ IN JO22OF 274 15 60cm offset fed dish Log Robot gets indigestion with rainscatter reports (eg 52S 001)
SF 3 G4LDR IO91 5 540 108 M1CRO/P 219 15 80 cm dish  
O 4 G3SVJ/P JO01 3 325 108 PA6NL 195 1W 19dBi Flat Plane  
O 5 G3Z IO82 2 306 153 GD0EMG 229 15W 90cm dish Went QRT early: low activity + WX

10 GHz (7 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 M1CRO/P JO01 22 4,466 203 GD0EMG 471 10 90cm offset and we expected more scatter on 3
SF 2 G3XDY JO02 13 2,912 224 DF0MU IN JO32PC 416 10 60cm offset fed dish Reasonable activity, some RS would have helped
O 3 G3CKR/P IO93 13 2,509 193 M1CRO/P 263 12 1m Dish First real outing on 10ghz for us.Conditions flat but everything worked OK.Seems like a good start but hard to judge.See you in October!  
O 4 G3SVJ/P JO01 7 888 127 F6DWG/P 227 10 50cm Dish  
O 5 G3Z IO82 8 876 110 GD0EMG 229 15W 90cm dish Hard going + Some RS. Activty low.
SF 6 G4LDR IO91 6 814 136 G3CKR/P 229 25 80 cm dish  
O 7 G8DTF/P IO83 4 348 87 GD0EMG 150 3 80cm dish  

24 GHz (2 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 M1CRO/P JO01 4 354 88 PA6NL 194 3 300mm lens horn So they say you have to wait for the propagation. Well, 3 years is a long time! Mni Tnx to PA6NL for a new DXCC
SF 2 G4LDR IO91 1 16 16 G4NNS 16 0.5 W 45 cm dish  

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