Claimed Scores 2012
  8524 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/12 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/12 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/12 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
29/12/12 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
18/12/12 1.3GHz UKAC
11/12/12 432MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for May UHF

432 MHz (24 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G5B IO92 100 32,546 325 DL0GTH 788 400 6 x 28 ele 2 x 28 ele  
O 2 GD0EMG IO74 79 23,644 299 DL0LN 836 400 4x20 el DJ9BV    
O 3 G3SVJ/P IO92 94 23,054 245 DF4AJ 643 400w 4 x 19 ele  
O 4 G3CKR/P IO93 82 19,775 241 DL0GTH 917 100W 4 X 21Y F9FT, 1 X 38ele M2 BAD! Too far north for EU centre of activity and not enough ERP this time to make them beam to UK,coupled with low activity in UK yet again!  
SF 5 G4NBS JO02 34 8,740 257 DL0GTH 765 180 21ele Poor conditions + low activity
O 6 GM3HAM/P IO74 30 7,724 257 PA6NL 635 100 35 elements propagation conditions and activity poor. Wx very cold but no wind
SF 7 GW8ASD IO83 26 6,854 264 DL0LN 715 75W 28 element M2 Very low activity, particularly from the UK, and difficult conditions. Some nice surprises though!
O 8 G8OHM IO92 36 6,818 189 DF2VJ 710 400 26 ele & 21 ele If it could go wrong it did, control cable failed, PSU failed, IC745 Rx failed, voice keyer failed.... 1.5 hrs into contest before 1st QSO,
SF 9 G1HLT IO93 30 6,744 225 DL0LN 595 70 19 el  
SF 10 G8HGN JO01 17 6,524 384 DL0GTH 729 50 24 ele G0KSC Only able QRV Sunday. Poor condx. TNX to all.
SF 11 GM4JR IO85 22 6,105 278 PA6NL 612 150 21 ele Tonna CDX good. Poor activity & few beaming north.
SF 12 G8EOP IO93 28 5,870 210 DF0MU 624 75 28 Beam Thanks all for points
SF 13 2E0NEY IO81 22 4,984 227 DF0MU 658 50 23 ele Very poor activity. Worked all I heard, but very quiet. Some nice dx along the way made me smile  
O 14 G0BWC/P IO83 37 4,800 130 G2KF 365 300 2 x 19 Element Tonnas    
O 15 GW4EVX/P IO83 32 4,085 128 G2KF 310 60 23 Ele Yagi Just operated for the first two hours. Fairly poor level of activity.
SF 16 2E0BMO IO83 30 3,931 131 PA6NL 494 50 9Y/14LFA/9Y 14LFA Flat Condx and activity could have been better. Had time to experiment with different antenna configurations.  
SF 17 G4LDR IO91 13 3,362 259 DF0MU 626 70 21 element yagi  
SF 18 M0GHZ IO81 10 2,668 267 DF0MU 658 400W 23 ele DK7ZB Just giving away a few points  
O 19 MW6OXO/P IO72 22 2,638 120 GM4JR 234 4 13 ELE YAGI SNOWING ON & OFF ALL DAY GAVE UP AT 03:00z LOADS OF QSB FLAT CONDITIONS Thanks for the points 73
SF 20 G8ZRE IO83 18 2,321 129 G2KF IN IO70 314 20W 15 ELEMENT YAGI Good to work G2KF in IO70,Cup final blues or reds kept band quite. ZRE listen for me from 10/5 OZ/OH/SM/RA cruising the baltic.IO94 for 432
SF 21 M0BTZ IO90 9 1,820 202 GD0EMG 412 10 19ele F9FT (hand rotated - no rotator!)) Late start - op a few hours only. Poor activity, GD0EMG worked and a good signal. PA6NL worked despite strong local QRM to east.
O 22 2E0WAX/P JO03 8 1,461 183 G2KF 432 50 19 ele  
SF 23 G4HHJ IO91 9 1,217 135 PA6NL 305 50 19 ele Very limited operating time.
SF 24 G0LGS IO81 7 1,207 172 PA6NL 429 75 14 Ele Powabeam    

1,3 GHz (19 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 GD0EMG IO74 38 13,300 350 DF0MU 826 300 1.9m Dish    
SF 2 G4NBS JO02 33 8,099 245 DL0GTH 765 25 55ele Conditions even worse than 70cms, lots of signals much weaker than norm
O 3 G3CKR/P IO93 23 6,093 265 DL0GTH 917 25W 55Y F9FT Single yagi/low pwr to generate activity/suprised what we worked into EU.Little UK activity again!  
O 4 GM3HAM/P IO74 19 4,837 255 PA6NL 635 50 57 elements poor propagation - activity abyssmal.
SF 5 G4BRK IO91 18 4,760 264 DF0MU 597 400 35 el Poor conditions, only heard 2 DL's - just on for a few hours  
O 6 G8OHM IO92 19 4,596 242 DF0MU 630 400 4 x 23 element Limited operation on Saturday, UK activity down, some good signals from EU stations. Early QRT on Sunday when IC910 died.
SF 7 GW8ASD IO83 17 4,486 264 PI4GN 650 80W 67 element Yagi Very low activity, particularly from the UK, and difficult conditions. Some nice surprises though!
O 8 G3SVJ/P IO92 26 3,950 152 DF0MU 502 100W 4 x 36 element Tonna  
SF 9 G8EOP IO93 18 3,735 208 PI4GN 552 120 35 Beam Thanks all for points
SF 10 GM4CXM IO75 7 3,008 430 PA0EZ 748 150 4x44 Only able to be on for less than 2 hours at the end, sorry.
SF 11 G4LDR IO91 13 2,868 221 GM3HAM/P 454 200 35 element yagi  
SF 12 2E0NEY IO81 7 1,877 268 PA0S 463 45 55 ele Hard work and very quiet, but worked a few nice ones  
SF 13 M0GHZ IO81 6 1,371 228 PA6NL 441 100W 55 ele Tonna    
SF 14 GM8IEM IO78 3 942 314 GM3HAM/P 373 150 W 67el Wimo  
O 15 G0HGH/P JO03 11 882 80 PA6NL 305 10 54 ele  
O 16 G5B IO92 4 824 206 GD0EMG 335 30w 1.2m Dish Testing kit
O 17 G0BWC/P IO83 6 645 108 G4KIY 199 8 27-ele G3JVL loop-quad operating for a couple of hours on Saturday afternoon  
O 18 GW4EVX/P IO83 4 504 126 G4KCT 164 25 44 Ele Yagi Only operated from 1645 to 1800hrs, nocontacts in my own square!
SF 19 G0LGS IO81 3 498 166 GD0EMG 301 10 19 Ele    

2,3 GHz (8 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 GD0EMG IO74 15 6,298 420 DF0MU 826 100 1.9m Dish    
O 2 G8OHM IO92 11 3,631 330 DF0MU 630 400 1.3m grid dish Activity down, but some good signals from distant stations.
SF 3 G4NBS JO02 10 1,916 192 GD0EMG 377 50W in Shack 44ele Less activity than UKAC! Conditions seemed to get worse the higher in frequency I went...
SF 4 G4BRK IO91 7 1,844 263 DF0MU 597 120 150cm dish Poor conditions, just on for a few hours  
SF 5 GM4CXM IO75 3 1,290 430 PA0EZ 748 60w 67el Wimo Due to work commitments I could only be on for less than 2 hours at the end, sorry.
O 6 GM4BYF/P IO74 5 763 153 G8OHM 313 120 1.2m offset dish had a switching problem for 1st 3 hours - new linear worked well but very poor activity
SF 7 M0GHZ IO81 2 521 260 GD0EMG 343 100 48 ele QLY    
O 8 G0BWC/P IO83 2 213 106 GD0EMG 150 18 62 ele yagi  

3,4 GHz (6 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 GD0EMG IO74 5 1,466 293 G4LDR 394 15 1.5m Dish    
O 2 G3Z IO82 4 559 140 GD0EMG 229 15W 90cm dish, horn feed Very quiet event  
SF 3 G4BRK IO91 3 544 181 GD0EMG 354 40 150cm dish Low activity. Nice to work GD0EMG on the second attempt.  
SF 4 G4LDR IO91 3 513 171 GD0EMG 395 15 1.5 m dish  
SF 5 M0GHZ IO81 2 398 199 GD0EMG 343 7 60cm offset    
O 6 G0BWC/P IO83 2 276 138 GD0EMG 150 5 80cm dish  

5,7 GHz (3 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 GD0EMG IO74 3 974 325 G4LDR 394 10 1.5m Dish    
SF 2 G4LDR IO91 3 621 207 GD0EMG 395 15 1.5 m dish  
SF 3 M0GHZ IO81 2 398 199 GD0EMG 343 8 60cm dish    

10 GHz (7 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 M1CRO/P JO01 19.5 4,396 225 GD0EMG 470 10 90cm offset [QRV Saturday, only] UK activity sparse. Really hard going on paths that normally work well. Propagation dire. WX: damp and windy..
O 2 GD0EMG IO74 11 2,955 269 M1CRO/P 471 10 1m Dish    
SF 3 G4LDR IO91 6 1,148 191 GD0EMG 395 25 1.0 m dish  
O 4 GM8BJF/P IO74 5 1,090 218 GW4DGU/P 329 1 80cm dish Some very good contacts - Propogation good Wx very cold - snow showers missed us - no wind and very sunny Sunday
O 5 G3SVJ/P IO92 8 1,003 125 G4KUX 317 10w 50cm dish  
O 6 G0BWC/P IO83 4 663 166 M1CRO/P 324 2.5 80cm dish  
O 7 G3Z IO82 7 658 94 GD0EMG 229 <.05 75cm dish.+horn TX problem. miniscule pwr. TDARS stn.

24 GHz (4 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G0BWC/P IO83 2 276 138 GD0EMG 150 1w 34cm dish Great to work you all Scotland next year??
O 2 GD0EMG IO74 2 238 119 G0BWC/P 149 2 60cm Dish    
O 3 G3Z IO82 1 126 126 G0BWC/P 126 0.5W 75cm dish, horn feed More O/P here than on 10 G ! TDARS entry  
O 4 GM8BJF/P IO74 1 90 90 GD0EMG 90 1 40cm dish  

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