Claimed Scores 2015
  11145 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/15 70MHz UKAC
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
15/12/15 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for May UHF

432 MHz (21 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G8P IO92 270 104,882 388 OZ6OL 865 400 6x28 Flat conditions but good fun. Early bath due to impending bad WX.
O 2 G2L IO92 113 30,377 269 DL0GTH 768 400W 2 x 28 ele M2 432-9WL  
O 3 G0XDI IO91 100 25,775 258 DL0GTH 798 400 4x 17 Conditions poor and activity seemed low. Good fun but slow going. Thanks to all for the QSOs. :)
SF 4 G3MEH IO91 76 17,117 225 DA0FF 752 250 2 x 21 el M2 Limited time so just a couple more QSOs after the Trophy contest.
SF 5 GD8EXI IO74 40 12,708 318 PA6NL 636 400 38 ele M2 Only a token effort after the first few hours. Poor conditions and low activity.
SF 6 G7LRQ IO91 52 11,332 218 DL0GTH 787 200w 18 ele LFA  
O 7 M0WAF/P IO92 43 10,000 233 DA0FF 744 400 2x14 4x9 DK7ZB Conditions poor. Issues with receive and preamps. Shutdown early due to on-going problems.
SF 8 G1HLT IO93 31 7,015 226 DL0LN 595 70 19 EL TONNA Still v poor on Sunday. Only a short window when DL was workable.
O 9 G8NEY IO81 27 6,698 248 DL0GTH 912 400 23 ele DK7ZB    
SF 10 G3XDY JO02 17 6,337 373 DL0GTH 684 300 28 ele M2 Yagi  
O 11 G4RFR/P IO80 38 6,140 162 DF0MU 677 250 2 x 19 Ele Yagis    
O 12 G7APD IO92 31 5,871 189 DF0MU 580 75W 19ele Cushcraft  
SF 13 G8DOH IO92 29 4,286 148 PA6NL 388 120 2 x 18ele Yagi Conditions poor, DL1FKS popped out of the noise just after the contest finished-grr.
SF 14 G8EOP IO93 23 4,240 184 PI4GN 552 75 28 el beam what a week end NOT
SF 15 GW8ASD IO83 16 3,943 246 DL1KFS 703 70 28 element M2 Only a little time available.
O 16 G8OHM IO92 29 3,682 127 PA6NL 417 150 24 element Very slow going, but normal for this event, conditions average, part time operation.
SF 17 GW3ATZ IO83 18 3,018 168 PA6NL 503 40 12 ele Wifes broken ankle won, contest lost..!!Poor conditions. Very low activity.
SF 18 G7ICV JO01 10 1,396 140 GD0EMG 466 50 15 ele Diamond Yagi    
SF 19 G4LDR IO91 4 892 223 PA6NL 410 70W 21 Element Yagi  
SF 20 2E0XJP IO83 5 352 70 GD8EXI 130 50W 8ele in loft Worked everyone I heard bar one. Very poor condx here. QRM and QSB. Was everyone on holiday? Tnx for the points. 73
SF 21 G8DTF IO83 3 192 64 GD0EMG 159 75 Vertical Not much activity

1,3 GHz (20 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G8OHM IO92 49 11,983 245 DF0MU 630 400 4 x 23 element Very slow going, but normal for this event, conditions average.
SF 2 G8CUL IO91 37 8,461 229 DF0MU 593 100W 1.5m dish Lots of activity. Co-running with an EU contest sure helps keep the interest up!  
SF 3 G3XDY JO02 23 8,257 359 OK2A 827 400 4 x 23ele Yagis  
O 4 G8NEY IO81 21 5,104 243 DF0MU 658 100W 55 ele Tonna    
O 5 G2L IO92 26 4,939 190 DF0MU 502 45W 35 ele Tonna  
O 6 G4RFR/P IO80 20 3,284 164 PA6NL 461 100 4 x 39 Ele Yagis    
O 7 G7APD IO92 18 2,917 162 PI4GN 542 100W 35ele tonna  
SF 8 G4LDR IO91 11 2,780 253 PA4GN 620 200 4 x 35 lement  
SF 9 G8DTF IO83 16 2,749 172 PA6NL 475 10 44 ele Low activity
SF 10 G8DOH IO92 14 2,734 195 PE1MMP 504 120 2x 25ele Wimo Poor conditions.
SF 11 GD8EXI IO74 9 2,414 268 M1CRO/P 474 400 60 ele PowAbeam Very little time spent on this band but appeared to be low activity.
SF 12 G8EOP IO93 12 1,827 152 PA6NL 431 100 35el m2 beam a week end to forget i think
SF 13 GW8ASD IO83 8 1,699 212 PA6NL 500 10 67 Only a little time available.
SF 14 M5MUF IO92 11 1,570 143 PA6NL 370 25 44 el Just a few hours as concentrating og UKMG contest. Condxns seemed poor.  
SF 15 M0BTZ IO90 10 1,427 143 GD0EMG 412 10W 42ele QLY Homemade First time on 1296 with decent antenna...though with deaf Rx(no preamp),will have one soon. Good fun though, but slow going. Tnx QSO's
SF 16 2E0VPX IO91 10 1,344 134 GD8EXI 368 10 55 element Tonna Trying out my new preamp. It's working! 73 de MKARS
SF 17 G7LRQ IO91 2 428 214 PA6NL 311 250w 67 ele Wimo  
SF 18 G3ZMF IO91 4 279 70 G4KIY 140 10 10 element beam Indoor antenna!
SF 19 G8XVJ IO83 3 159 53 G8OHM 125 10 23el fixed tonna rubbish if your not near the sea in JO01 THEN JUST SWITCH OFF RSGB CC LOOK AT THIS CONTEST GOING DOWN DOWN YOU NEED TO MAKE CHANGES
SF 20 G3MEH IO91 2 108 54 G3ZMF 59 50 4 x 35 el M2 (box) Rubbish results, I seem to have an antenna problem.

2,3 GHz (12 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G8OHM IO92 29 7,145 246 DK2MN 613 400 1.3m grid dish Very slow going, the mix of different events over the weekend cant help.
SF 2 G8CUL IO91 22 5,614 255 DF0MU 593 100W 1.5m dish Good activity and not too bad conditions either.  
SF 3 G3XDY JO02 14 3,470 248 DL0GTH 684 100 0.8m offset fed dish  
SF 4 G4BAO JO02 13 2,542 196 DF0MU 484 90 44el QL  
O 5 G2L IO92 15 2,212 147 GD0EMG 387 25W 40 ele Wimo  
O 6 G8NEY IO81 10 1,979 198 PI4Z 422 40W 48 ele QLY    
SF 7 G8DTF IO83 10 1,666 167 M1CRO/P 314 20 62 ele Failed with PA6NL, but did hear them.
SF 8 G4LDR IO91 7 1,612 230 PA6NL 410 30 1.5m Dish  
SF 9 G8EOP IO93 12 1,607 134 M1CRO/P 283 50 44el wimo Bad qsb best could do rain most of the week end
SF 10 GW8ASD IO83 3 321 107 M0WXB/P 151 500mW 67 ele Only a little time available.
SF 11 G3MEH IO91 1 49 49 G2L 49 10 67 el SHF Design Just one QSO, QSY from 1.3GHz.
O 12 G4RFR/P IO80 1 23 23 G0API 23 90 2m dish  

3,4 GHz (4 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G3XDY JO02 8 2,647 331 DL0GTH 684 20 0.6m offset fed dish  
SF 2 G4LDR IO91 4 679 170 M1CRO/P 279 15 1.5m Dish  
O 3 G2L IO92 2 244 122 G4LDR 150 20W 45 ele quad loop  
O 4 G8NEY IO81 1 55 55 G4LDR 55 7 90cm offset Really poor condx, surprised to fail with M1CRO & G2L  

5,7 GHz (4 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G3XDY JO02 6 1,559 260 DK2MN 399 15 0.6m offset fed dish  
SF 2 G4LDR IO91 2 250 125 G4ALY 195 15 1.5m Dish  
O 3 G8NEY IO81 2 163 82 G8OHM 108 8 90cm dish Please to work G8OHM just before we had to lower the tower due to thunder storm  
O 4 G8OHM IO92 1 108 108 G8NEY 108 15 1.2m mesh dish Pleased to work G8NEY, but a lot off effort for just one QSO.

10 GHz (7 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G3XDY JO02 15 4,019 268 DL0LN 422 10 0.6m offset fed dish  
SF 2 G4LDR IO91 10 2,136 214 EI3KD 460 25W 1.0m Dish  
O 3 G2L IO92 10 1,504 150 PA6NL 286 10W 50cm dish  
O 4 G3Z IO82 10 1,352 135 M1CRO/P 276 4W 65 cm dish Slow going, and only QRV Saturday. No useful rain enhancement - but awful WX - rain most of day and strong SE winds.  
SF 5 G4BAO JO02 10 1,318 132 PA6NL 270 7 60cm offset  
O 6 G8NEY IO81 3 266 89 G2L 163 1W 90cm offset dish Very poor condx.  
O 7 G8OHM IO92 1 1 1 NONE 0 15 0.6m dish Transverter failed, so no QSOs and delayed start on other bands!

24 GHz (2 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G4BAO JO02 2 279 140 G4CBW 191 1 60cm offset  
O 2 G3Z IO82 1 69 69 G4CBW 69 0.5W 60 cm dish Dismal lack of activity. Just 1 QSO! But thanks Tony...  

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