Claimed Scores 2016
  11857 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
20/12/16 1.3GHz UKAC
13/12/16 432MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for May UHF

432 MHz (41 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G8P JO01 287 113,797 397 OL1C 866 400 8x28 Poor conditions but kept up a steady rate throughout the contest. Great weather helped make for a very enjoyable weekend.
O 2 G2L IO92 133 34,235 257 DL0GTH 768 400 2 x 28 ele M2  
O 3 G5B JO03 107 33,415 312 DK1CM 804 400 2x28 Only operated during Trophy contest. Conditions nothing special.  
O 4 G5T IO92 91 28,418 312 DK1CM 791 400 4x9 1x21 Thanks all for QSO
SF 5 G7LRQ IO91 76 16,726 220 DL0GTH 787 100W 18 ele LFA Low activity Saturday and non existent Sunday, Very few G on and difficult to get the EU to turn antennas this way.
SF 6 GD8EXI IO74 53 15,952 301 F6KCZ/P 596 400 38 ele M2 Only operated on Saturday
O 7 G4BVE/P IO82 71 13,163 185 DF0MU 704 250 14 ele DK7ZB Painfully slow. Lots of QSB.
SF 8 G3MEH IO91 67 12,899 193 DL0GTH 805 250 2 x 21 el M2 Conditions poor to average with deep QSB. Low UK activity. Need pc for ON4KST. DL8PZ got away. Poor on Sunday.
SF 9 G3XDY JO02 23 10,067 438 DL0HTW 853 300 28 el M2 Yagi Limited operating time mainly on Sunday. OL3Z (JN79) was a gotaway.
O 10 G8OHM IO92 51 7,665 150 DF0MU 630 160 24 element yagi Slow going....
SF 11 PE1EWR JO11 29 6,900 238 DL7AFB 640 80 2*21 el F9FT  
SF 12 G8HGN JO01 22 5,644 257 DL0GTH 728 50 24 ele LFA OMG we've really upset the Europeans. Very little from Uk either. Limited hours due to TVI at peak viewing times.
SF 13 G1PPA IO93 33 5,537 168 DF0MU 563 40 10 ELE BEAM some qsb but disapointing uk activity
O 14 GM3HAM/P IO74 20 5,419 271 G8P 556 100 27element Conditions poor and low activity. WX very cold strong winds Saturday. Glorious sunshine Sunday
O 15 G3CKR/P IO93 33 5,143 156 DF0MU 635 40W 38ele M2 Giving some pts away whilst we were testing 23cm packed up by 8pm due issues with 23cm and rain/thunder getting nearer!.  
SF 16 G8EOP IO93 23 5,140 223 DF0MU 624 75 28el m2 beam this was hard work for a few points low on UK stations. COME ON PEOPLE GET A LIFE AWAY FROM COMPUTER GAME. Tanks all who found me 73 Mel
O 17 M0ICK/P IO83 31 4,817 155 DF0MU 681 30 18 ELE lfa Very quiet, QRV for 3 hours until wx turned
SF 18 GM4JJJ IO86 15 4,648 310 G8P 633 400 18 ele PowAbeam Low UK activity.  
SF 19 GM4JR IO85 15 4,427 295 G8P 546 100 28 ele M2 DIRE - the DIREST to date I elected to go and spread cow slurry on Sunday in 24degree heat than continue the painful silence
SF 20 M0OMB IO83 28 4,360 156 DF0MU 692 25 18 LFA Average Cdx with some QSB. Sat only, 1.3 GHz Sunday.
SF 21 G8LZE IO91 33 4,268 129 DF0MU 843 25 19 element  
SF 22 G1HLT IO93 21 3,488 166 DF0MU 585 70 19 EL TONNA Flat band sunday
SF 23 G4R IO90 20 2,957 148 GD8EXI 415 75 MBM46 YuK...!! Short operation for duration of Trophy contest  
SF 24 G8DOH IO92 17 2,250 132 GD8EXI 314 180 2x18ele Yagi Only on for last hour. Conditions fairly poor after thunderstorms.
SF 25 M0BUL IO82 10 2,157 216 EI3KD 367 75 10 ELE LFA Only had about 30mins or so in total, the XYL said the garden called... giving away some points.
SF 26 G4LDR IO91 10 1,780 178 GD8EXI 394 70 21 element yagi  
SF 27 G3ZMF IO91 17 1,728 102 GD8EXI 434 20 5 ele yargi  
SF 28 G3TDH IO83 9 1,675 186 G8P 343 75W 9 ele. First ever entry to this event. Interesting, but not exciting from this QTH...
SF 29 G0GJV IO91 7 1,478 211 DF0HK/P 478 100 16 ele  
SF 30 G1TYY IO91 5 887 177 DF0MU 566 100W 14Y G4CQM Station operated as G1TYY/A at the QTH of G1DFL. Just giving a few points away. Nice Wx!
SF 31 G8EEM IO93 4 820 205 G8P 338 70 Log periodic  
SF 32 G1MZD IO92 7 707 101 G8P 186 20 Colinear / 2m 5 ele Very little time for radio but gave some points away.
SF 33 G0LGS IO81 4 693 173 G8P 257 50 14Ele Powabeam    
SF 34 G8DTF IO83 5 659 132 M1CRO/P 314 75 20 ele LFA First time back on since the new year. Activity Low.
SF 35 G4BRK IO91 4 615 154 G8P 199 100 21 el Just a few looking for microwave QSOs  
SF 36 G3UVR IO83 5 511 102 G5B 212 60w 9ele yagi  
SF 37 G7ICV JO01 6 343 57 G3MEH 94 50 15 ele Diamond Yagi half an on hour saturday giving few points away  
SF 38 G8NVX IO93 1 313 313 G8P 313 10W 9 Ele Yagi Just proving that my qth is very poor with this band and above. Thanks for persevering. The only station I heard in 24hrs..
SF 39 GM4TOE IO87 2 308 154 GM8IEM 180 80 15 element yagi  
SF 40 2E0XJP IO83 5 301 60 GD8EXI 130 20W 8 ele in loft  
SF 41 M0LXQ IO82 1 11 11 G8OHM 11 25 Mobile Whip    

1,3 GHz (28 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G3XDY JO02 75 26,357 351 DH1FM 837 400 4 x 23el Yagi Good North Sea tropo which extended further into Europe at times. Aircraft scatter provided DX contacts.
O 2 G8OHM IO92 47 10,654 227 DF0MU 630 400 4 x 23 element Delayed start due to masthead switching problems, then slow going, again, but normal for this event, conditions average.
SF 3 G4BAO JO02 40 10,107 253 DL0GTH 755 350 44el  
O 4 M0HNA/P IO91 49 9,989 204 GM0USI 575 250 67 ele On for the uW group contest on Sunday. Wx was great but we found condx below average
O 5 G2L IO92 36 6,667 185 DL0GTH 768 300W 2 x 55ele Tonna  
SF 6 G4BRK IO91 26 6,033 232 DF0MU 597 400 35 el Unremarkable condx, good activity, very busy for my 3.5 hrs on Sunday morning.  
O 7 GM3HAM/P IO74 22 5,948 270 M1CRO/P 494 150 57element Gale force winds and connector problem delayed start. Only 3 of us with possibility of 6 bands. Too ambitious. Conditions better than 432
O 8 G3CKR/P IO93 16 5,392 337 DL0GTH 917 250W 2.75m Dish QRV for some 23cm tests but PSU failed in Txvtr after 3hrs so packed up 8pm before rain! Activity dire,nice to work DL0GTH via AS.  
SF 9 G7LRQ IO91 29 5,261 181 DF0MU 528 200W 67 ele Wimo Couple contacts Sat during the 70cm Trophy Contest and then 4 Hr Sunday. Low activity & hard work to get the contacts. Thanks for points.
SF 10 G4LDR IO91 19 4,282 225 DL0GTH 872 200 4 x 35 element yagi  
O 11 G0PEB/P IO90 23 3,969 173 G4KUX 452 9.5w Wimo 44 el ** TWCG ** Wish all contests had today's WX. QSB and less activity than in the 23cm UKAC. Thanks for QSO's. 73 Rob G0PEB
SF 12 PE1EWR JO11 20 3,804 190 DL0GTH 515 100 2*25 el Loopyagi SONIM  
SF 13 G8EOP IO93 17 3,482 205 DF0MU 624 100 35el m2 beam thanks all who found me 73 Mel
SF 14 G3UVR IO83 15 2,815 188 ON4HCC 609 80w 23ele Tonna  
SF 15 G3MEH IO91 16 2,575 161 DF0MU 544 50 4 x 35 el M2 (box) Just giving points away on Sunday morning. Poor conditions. PA2DW and DK2MN got away. Must reinstate a pc for 'KST.
O 16 G4BVE/P IO82 16 2,343 146 G3XDY 296 8 23 ele Painfully slow
SF 17 G8DOH IO92 8 1,837 230 DK2MN 587 120 2x25ele DL6WU Very part time effort, disrupted by local lightning strikes which forced QRT and fried my landline, so no broadband for ON4KST.
SF 18 M0OMB IO83 9 1,624 180 M1CRO/P 333 10 44 Y Did what I could, some long gaps between QSOs so interspersed with household preps for new kitchen. Enjoyable as always though.
SF 19 G8LZE IO91 9 1,134 126 DF0MU 535 25 44 element  
SF 20 G6KWA JO02 9 1,093 121 ON4HCC 363 35 47 element homebrew Deep QSB, sorry to at least 3 others who I lost completely. Only around 3 hours on/off. Heard at least 10 more but could not find their CQ
SF 21 G3TDH IO83 6 901 150 M0HNA/P 260 10W 23 ele. Average tropo, disappointing activity, but only on the band for a short time myself!
SF 22 G1DFL IO91 5 829 166 ON4HCC 406 10W 44Y WiMo Couple of hours on Sunday afternoon in the back garden playing radio in the sunshine. Thanks for the QSO's!
O 23 G4GFI/P JO01 11 811 74 G3XDY 120 25 28ele loop yagi Just a short period operating /P whilst enjoying the spring sunshine.
O 24 G4RUL/P JO00 4 710 178 ON4HCC 323 10 23 ele Tonna Just a V quick test of borrowed gear & site. Last time out at location there was severe QRN. Seemed OK so hope to be on 23cm UKAC soon.
SF 25 G3ZMF IO91 6 366 61 G4KIY 140 10 10 ele Yargi  
SF 26 G4R IO90 2 262 131 M1CRO/P 256 10 39 Element Yagi Yuk...!! And PSU for linear broke, but it wouldn't have made any difference..!!Short operation for duration of Trophy contest  
SF 27 G1HLT IO93 2 103 52 G8EOP 67 10 35EL TONNA  
SF 28 G1TYY IO91 2 79 40 G7LRQ 42 10W 44Y WiMo Station operated as G1TYY/A at the QTH of G1DFL. Just giving a few points away. Nice Wx!

2,3 GHz (10 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G3XDY JO02 24 6,541 273 DL0GTH 684 100 80cm offset dish Lost an hour just after the start dropping the tower to fix a relay problem. Worked well thereafter.
O 2 G8OHM IO92 19 4,197 221 DF0MU 630 400 1.3m grid dish Very slow going, even lower activity than last year.
SF 3 G4BRK IO91 13 2,598 200 DF0MU 597 120 150cm dish Unremarkable condx, activity quite good for my 3.5 hrs on Sunday morning.  
SF 4 G4LDR IO91 11 2,159 196 DF0MU 626 30 1.5 m dish  
SF 5 G8DTF IO83 10 1,772 177 M1CRO/P 314 20 62 ele Good to be back on 13cm.
SF 6 G8EOP IO93 8 1,296 162 M1CRO/P 283 60 44el wimo  
O 7 G2L IO92 11 1,228 112 PI4Z 276 25W 46 element Wimo  
SF 8 PE1EWR JO11 7 1,005 144 G8OHM 391 50 25 el F9FT  
SF 9 G3UVR IO83 5 517 103 G4KCT 154 40w 25 ele Tonna Higher noise level from local phone mast today. Wasnt there last SHF UKAC.
SF 10 G3MEH IO91 6 494 82 M1CRO/P 133 10 67 el SHF Design Just giving points away Sunday morning, QSY from 23cms.

3,4 GHz (4 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G3XDY JO02 9 2,845 316 DL0GTH 684 20 80cm offset dish Conditions good over the sea, poor inland Sunday. Best DX by Aircraft Scatter.
SF 2 G4BRK IO91 5 750 150 PI4Z 363 40 150cm dish Not a lot in range in the condx.  
SF 3 G4LDR IO91 5 746 149 M1CRO/P 219 15W 1.5 m dish  
O 4 G2L IO92 1 39 39 G4BEL 39 40W 45 ele loop Yagi  

5,7 GHz (4 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G3XDY JO02 7 1,940 277 DL0GTH 684 15 60cm offset dish Sparse activity, not helped by poor conditions inland on Sunday. Best DX by aircraft scatter.
O 2 G3Z IO82 6 960 160 M1CRO/P 276 15W 90cm dish Very poor support for this contest.  
O 3 G8OHM IO92 6 801 134 M1CRO/P 230 18 1.2m mesh dish Using trailer mast in car park, worked much better than last year.
SF 4 G4LDR IO91 3 582 194 M1CRO/P 219 15W 1.5m dish  

10 GHz (8 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G3XDY JO02 22 5,957 271 DL0GTH 684 10 60cm offset dish Some nice tropo conditions to Europe, but poor inland later on Sunday. Best DX by aircraft scatter.
O 2 G5B JO03 13 2,901 223 F6DKW 510 8W 95cm prime focus dish Only ran during trophy test. Strong NE wind and no ducting in Lincolnshire  
O 3 G8OHM IO92 14 2,328 166 PI4Z 411 16 0.6m dish Activity seemed low.
O 4 G3Z IO82 10 1,662 166 M1CRO/P 276 8W 80cm dish Hard going to find contacts. Tks to all those active!  
SF 5 G4LDR IO91 5 1,243 249 ON4HCC 456 25W 1m dish  
SF 6 G4BAO JO02 8 1,198 150 G4KUX 298 7 60cm offset Flat
O 7 G2L IO92 7 807 115 G4KUX 317 10W 50cm dish  
SF 8 G3UVR IO83 2 382 191 G5B 212 1w Andrew 60cm Ind Change over between TX and RX manual but it worked. Heard M1CRO/P at 340km but couldnt get reply. Indoor dish through open window. Video on Youtube.

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