Claimed Scores 2011
  7946 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/11 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
27/12/11 SHF UKAC 10 GHz
27/12/11 SHF UKAC 3.4 GHz
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Claimed scores for Oct UHF

432 MHz (17 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 M1CRO/P JO01 215 82,449 383 SK6DK 935 400 4x21 Turned out nice again...
SF 2 G0XDI IO91 94 32,164 342 DL0GTH 798 120 2 x 19ele Vargarda Conditions up a little but nothing over 800k. very enjoyable contest but UK activity very low! Thanks to all for the QSOs :)
SF 3 G8HGN JO01 56 21,689 387 DF0YY 831 50 24 ele G0KSC Reasonable condx, most activity from Europe. Tnx to all.
SF 4 G3YDY JO01 45 18,175 404 DL0GTH 730 100W 19 Ele Tonna Very poor UK activity - No wonder EU do not turn their beams this way
SF 5 G3XDY JO02 38 14,755 388 OK2A 838 250 28ele Msquared Yagi Concentrated on 23cm, mostly S&P on 70cm
SF 6 GM4JR IO85 22 7,105 323 DF0MU 787 200 21 element Tonna Pretty hard going. Thanks for the points folks
SF 7 G4NBS JO02 21 6,917 329 F5OAU/P 644 25 21ele token entry. Deep QSB a problem + low UK activity
SF 8 G8DOH IO92 27 6,477 240 F5OAU/P 705 120 18ele Jaybeam Only on for a few hours, need more power to raise the DX.
O 9 G0BWC/P IO83 28 5,060 181 F8BRK 513 250 19 Element Tonna    
SF 10 G8EOP IO93 11 3,766 342 DF0MU 624 75 28el m2 Thanks all for points poor cond into Yorkshire
SF 11 M0XBF JO01 16 3,480 218 DF0MU 466 40 19ele yagi  
SF 12 G4APJ IO83 12 2,376 198 F8BRK 512 25 19ele Pretty quiet during the short time I could get on. Weird fast 7 slow QSB.
SF 13 G3BNE JO01 12 2,302 192 DF0MU 500 30 TONNA9 IN ROOFSPACE  
SF 14 G4LDR IO91 4 1,794 448 DF0MU 626 70 21 element yagi  
SF 15 G6TGO IO83 6 755 126 M1CRO/P 297 40 12 ELE YAGI Testing fixed direction 163 degrees,12 ele Home brew Yagi ,many thanks to all for your help.
SF 16 G1SMI IO83 1 180 180 GM4JR 180 90 21 ELE  
O 17 M0UFC/P IO83 1 47 47 2E0UOG 47 5w ZL Special  

1,3 GHz (14 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 M1CRO/P JO01 152 52,495 345 OK2A 829 200 8x23 in sunny Essex
SF 2 G3XDY JO02 125 48,161 385 SK7MW 860 400 8 x 23 ele Yagis Good surface duct over N sea, some very strong signals
O 3 G3CKR/P IO93 79 30,086 381 DL0GTH 917 300 2.65m dish your will have to change scoreing THIS ONE SIDE DOWN IN JO01/02 COME ON LOOK BACK THE LAST 18 YEARS JUST TRY IT WITH NO SEA
SF 4 G4NBS JO02 56 14,351 256 DF4IAO 710 25 55ele not quite in the right place for conditions unfortunately
SF 5 G8ATD JO01 46 13,271 288 OZ5KM 748 45W 18 elemeny Yagi  
SF 6 GM4JR IO85 26 7,975 307 PA6NL 612 100 55 element Tonna Very hard going. Thanks for the points.
SF 7 G4LDR IO91 22 7,590 345 DL0GTH 872 200 35 element yagi  
SF 8 GW8IZR IO73 23 6,644 289 DF0MU 797 100 67Y Wimo Abysmal conditions on 2nd day, no tropo to speak of and very little UK activity heard here in the west.  
SF 9 G0XDI IO91 30 5,606 187 DF0MU 539 15 44 ele Wimo Very slow going, Conditions poor until Sat Night but was never in the duct. Most QSOs came from 70cms. Thanks to all for the QSOs :)
SF 10 G4BRK IO91 17 4,104 241 DF0MU 597 400 35 el Condx poor at the times I could operate  
SF 11 G8EOP IO93 11 2,445 222 PA0EHG 457 100 35el m2  
O 12 G0BWC/P IO83 16 2,205 138 G3XDY 305 10 27-ele loop-quad Bolton Wireless Club on Winter Hill  
SF 13 G1SMI IO83 9 845 94 GI6ATZ 234 90 67 ELE  
O 14 M0UFC/P IO83 4 324 81 GW8IZR 155 1w 23 el Tonna  

2,3 GHz (6 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 M1CRO/P JO01 44 14,716 334 F6FHP 801 120 1.1M prime Strange thing was...
SF 2 G3XDY JO02 38 11,572 305 OK1KIR 857 100 0.8m Offset fed dish Good sea ducting and some strong signals, activity good
SF 3 G4BRK IO91 12 2,621 218 DF0MU 597 120 150cm dish Poor condx  
SF 4 G4NBS JO02 18 2,459 137 PI4GN 466 1 44ele Tvtr hanging off the back of the aerial, enjoying the sunshine!
SF 5 G4LDR IO91 10 1,704 170 PA6NL 410 30 66 Element Loop Yagi  
O 6 G0BWC/P IO83 1 64 64 G3CKR/P 64 10 80cm Dish Forgot to take KST heard G5B as well

3,4 GHz (4 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 M1CRO/P JO01 17 4,696 276 DJ3AK/P 645 15 1.0M prime Mike was not only in the UK
SF 2 G3XDY JO02 13 3,753 289 DK1ZD 624 20 60cm dish Pity there are few stations QRV on this band
SF 3 G4LDR IO91 5 1,110 222 PA6NL 410 15 80 cm dish  
SF 4 G4BRK IO91 1 63 63 G4LDR 63 40 150cm dish Condx dire, couldn't even work regulars G4ALY or PA6NL. Activity low compared to 23/13  

5,7 GHz (3 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 M1CRO/P JO01 20 5,676 284 OZ9ZZ 731 10 90cm offset but on site! And cooked
SF 2 G3XDY JO02 18 5,073 282 DC6UW 627 15 60cm offset fed dish Good ducting over the sea
SF 3 G4LDR IO91 2 414 207 M1CRO/P 219 15 80 cm dish  

10 GHz (6 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 M1CRO/P JO01 38 10,622 280 OZ9ZZ 731 10 90cm offset the finest Spaghetti Bolognaise I've eaten
SF 2 G3XDY JO02 20 5,653 283 DC6UW 627 10 60cm offset fed dish Some failures, system needs some improvements
SF 3 G4LDR IO91 3 585 195 M1CRO/P 219 25 80 cm dish  
O 4 G6GVI/P IO83 2 81 40 MW1FGQ 62 0.01 separate 50cm dishes WBFM: one 2-way and one crossband to 23cm  
O 5 G0BWC/P IO83 1 63 63 G4CBW 63 2.5 80cm Dish Heard GI6ATZ but problem with TX, 12V supply failure caused early close
O 6 M0UFC/P IO83 1 38 38 G6GVI/P 38 1mw Tx Dish Rx 23el Cross band. Tx WBFM Solfan Head+Dish. Rx FM 23cm

24 GHz (1 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 M1CRO/P JO01 7 490 70 PA6NL (SSB) 194 3 30cm horn this side of Bologna! Superb grub + coastal enhancement. What better on a weekend away?

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