Claimed Scores 2015
  11145 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/15 70MHz UKAC
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/15 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
15/12/15 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for Oct UHF

432 MHz (26 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G3M JO01 271 109,135 403 F5ICN 886 400 4x28 Pity the tropo missed the contest. Thanks for qsos
O 2 G2L JO01 110 30,991 282 DK2OY 676 400 20 ele beam  
O 3 G0XDI IO91 104 29,933 288 DL0GTH 798 400 4x 17ele LFA The best of the tropo arrived too early - a day before the contest. Enjoyable though slow at times. Tnx to all callers. G0XDI & M0BTZ
SF 4 G4NBS JO02 60 19,490 325 OZ9FW 880 130 21ele Was there any UK activity on Sunday? Flat conditions but continentals improved late Sunday Morning. 5 QSO in last 3 hours!
SF 5 G3XDY JO02 39 17,557 450 DK2A 882 300 28ele Yagi Some good signals from EU but activity seemed low.
O 6 M0WAF/P IO92 29 8,570 296 DL0GTH 790 300 2x 21Ele Tonna Conditions poor, deep qsb. Low activity uk. Thanks all for points.
O 7 G8NEY IO81 30 6,743 225 DF0MU 658 400 23 ele DK7ZB Pity condx didn't last for the weekend  
O 8 G0HEL/P IO81 12 4,406 367 F6KSD/P 689 20w VQ70-000 Short double quad some tropo deep qsb,just a token entry Tnx all for points 73's Alan TDARC
SF 9 G8HGN JO01 13 3,577 275 DL0GTH 728 50 24 ele LFA Casual operation Sunday morning. Condx not great many stations I'd normally work were weak & watery.
SF 10 G8ZRE IO83 18 3,572 198 PA6NL IN JO21 492 20W 15 ELEMENT YAGI Fair on Saturday,only 1 stn worked on Sunday. PA6NL heard most of the time,where were all the other stations?Missed DF0MU
O 11 G8CUL IO91 16 3,197 200 DF0MU 587 150 21 element Conditions not good, unlike last 2 days! Only on for the 1st 8 hours giving some points away when it was quiet on 23/13. Thanks for QSOs.  
SF 12 G3YDY JO01 13 3,093 238 DR9A 655 100 16 ele DK7ZB Just under 2 hours operation on Saturday.
SF 13 G1PPA IO93 15 2,798 187 F6KCZ 450 25 10 ele beam very bad qsb hard going dont think there was much uk activity
O 14 G8XVJ/P IO93 9 2,561 285 DF0MU 635 10w 38el rubbish
SF 15 G3TDH IO83 9 2,430 270 DF0MU 649 75W 9 Ele Very low UK activity.
SF 16 G3UBX IO82 9 1,840 204 PA6NL 431 300 Tonna 21 Fairly casual operation on Saturday. Activity dire - good practice listening to white noise.
SF 17 G3WJG IO91 8 1,731 216 DF0MU 540 20 8ele homebrew Good conditions to east - Best Dx so far on basic system as operating 23cms also.
O 18 G0GRI/P IO81 4 1,364 341 F6KSD/P 734 50 2xDouble Anjo Quad Thanks to G0HEL/p for letting me make a few contacts. Shame we lost the tropo by Saturday here in SW. 73 Ian
SF 19 G4LDR IO91 7 1,345 192 PA6NL 410 70 21 element yagi  
O 20 M0NVS/P IO81 5 1,312 262 PA6NL 423 20 19 ELE Tonna Only operated portable for 1 hour as was away for the weekend in Cheltenham. Think most were watching the rugby. 73 phil
SF 21 M0SAT IO91 5 1,237 247 DF0MU 529 10 18 ele LFA Testing new portable radio & giving points away
SF 22 G1MZD IO92 5 785 157 PA6NL 343 20w 144 MHz 5 ele Only on for a short time, not much worked with 2m beam but perhaps there was nobody on anyhow !
SF 23 G7ICV JO01 6 783 130 PA6NL 257 50 15 ele Diamond Yagi    
O 24 G0LGS/P IO81 4 684 171 PA6NL 423 5 12 Ele    
SF 25 G3ZMF IO91 4 480 120 M0WAF/P 172 20 5 ele Yargi  
SF 26 2E0BMA IO93 3 120 40 G3YJR 61 5 DUEL BAND BEAM not good conditions 5 watts does nout cut it ha look forward to next time

1,3 GHz (20 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G3XDY JO02 92 35,731 388 SK7MW 861 400 8x23ele Yagi Some tropo enhancement plus the usual aircraft scatter. OK2A was a good signal during most of Sunday morning. Thanks for all the QSOs
O 2 G3OHM/P IO92 89 18,122 204 DR9A 791 400 1.9m dish and 4 x 23 element Conditions below average. Conditions down, no OZs for us!. UK activity seemed higher than last year. Just on for 1st 8 hours.
SF 3 G4NBS JO02 67 14,402 215 DL0GTH 765 80 55ele UK activity good Saturday, Just 5 new QSO added on Sunday as concentrated on 432 but kept tuning an empty band just in case!
O 4 G8CUL IO91 50 10,621 212 DR9A 756 100W 1.5m dish Good conditions at times but bad QSB. Just did the 1st 8 hours + a bit! Thanks to all for the QSOs.  
O 5 G2L JO01 35 8,156 233 GD8EXI 513 45W 46 element Wimo  
O 6 G0XDI IO91 41 7,462 182 DR9A 717 15 44 ele Wimo Op. M0BTZ at G0XDI's QTH. Enjoyable contest, station working well for low power entry. Found DF0MU & DR9A eventually. Tnx to all callers.
SF 7 G4LDR IO91 26 7,063 272 DF0MU 1054 200 4 x 35 element yagi  
SF 8 G8EOP IO93 30 6,173 206 OZ1FF 662 80 35el m2 beam Thanks for points 73 all Mel
SF 9 G7LRQ IO91 30 5,036 168 DF0MU 528 200w 67 ele Wimo  
SF 10 M5MUF IO92 29 4,832 167 ON4CJQ/P 459 25 44 el The Trophy was the main event, but worked enough after for an entry here, too. Average condxns with awful QSB.  
SF 11 G3UVR IO83 20 4,644 232 PE1MMP 625 80w 23ele Tonna Only able to operate Saturday evening.
O 12 G8NEY IO81 21 4,118 196 GM4CXM 521 150 55 ele Tonna Slow!  
SF 13 G4BRK IO91 14 3,068 219 DF0MU 597 400 35 el Conditions quite poor.  
SF 14 G8DTF IO83 13 2,561 197 OZ1FF 720 10 44 ele Only on for a couple of hours on Saturday.
O 15 G0LGS/P IO81 19 2,471 130 GI6ATZ 378 2.5 35 Ele Tonna    
O 16 M0WAF/P IO92 15 2,255 150 GI6ATZ 422 10 4x 23Ele Poor conditions, Low UK Activity. Thanks for all points.
SF 17 M0SPS IO92 10 1,552 155 PA6NL 361 150 4 x 23 Box Two contacts outside UK - just experimenting. Hope to have 13cm going for next time.
SF 18 M0SAT IO91 17 1,259 74 PA6NL 312 10 23 ele DJ9BV Testing newly re-engineered 23cm and giving away few points. Need to get amp working for future.
SF 19 G3WJG IO91 12 1,152 96 PA0EHG 358 20 34 ele Homebrew Only 2 extra contacts on sun despite fixing amp power leads. could not complete qso with DF0MU on this band- pity.
SF 20 G3ZMF IO91 6 386 64 G3OHM/P 120 10 5 ele Yargi  

2,3 GHz (10 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G3XDY JO02 34 11,372 334 DL0VV 759 100 0.8m offset fed dish Some tropo enhancement apparent, most signals better than usual.
O 2 G3OHM/P IO92 26 6,498 250 DF0MU 791 300 1.3m grid dish Conditions down, failing to work some regulars. Problems with transverter resulted in reduced output power. Just on for 1st 8 hours.
O 3 G8CUL IO91 19 4,384 231 DR9A 756 100W 1.5m dish Conditions average but perhaps activity down. Only did the 1st 8 hours + a bit! Thanks for the QSOs.  
SF 4 G4LDR IO91 13 2,797 215 DK0PU 587 30 1.5 m dish  
SF 5 G3UVR IO83 10 2,753 275 PE1MMP 625 40w 25 ele Tonna Only able to operate Saturday evening.
SF 6 G8DTF IO83 8 2,262 283 OZ1FF 720 20 62 ele Just a couple of hours on Saturday.
O 7 G2L JO01 12 2,244 187 OT5A/P 336 25w 40 Element Wimo  
O 8 G8NEY IO81 10 2,137 214 GM4CXM 521 40W 48 Ele QLY    
SF 9 G8EOP IO93 9 2,000 222 OZ1FF 662 50 44el wimo Thanks all 73 Mel
SF 10 G4BRK IO91 7 1,542 220 DF0MU 597 120 150cm dish Conditions quite poor.  

3,4 GHz (4 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G3XDY JO02 11 4,060 369 DF0YY 774 20 0.8m offset fed dish More activity needed, this band has good aircraft scatter potential.
SF 2 G4LDR IO91 4 882 220 PI4Z 385 15W 1.5 m dish  
O 3 G8NEY IO81 3 364 121 M1CRO/P 246 7 90cm offset    
SF 4 G4BRK IO91 2 249 124 M1CRO/P 186 40 150cm dish Not much activity.  

5,7 GHz (4 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G3XDY JO02 10 2,074 207 OT5A/P 378 15 0.6m offset fed dish More activity would be welcome.
SF 2 G4LDR IO91 4 1,067 267 PA6NL 410 15W 1.5m dish  
O 3 G8NEY IO81 3 364 121 M1CRO/P 246 8 90cm dish    
SF 4 G4BRK IO91 2 249 124 M1CRO/P 186 4 150cm dish Not much activity.  

10 GHz (5 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G3XDY JO02 22 5,022 228 DF0MU 416 10 0.6m offset fed dish Tropo conditions OK overnight but poor later on Sunday.
SF 2 G4LDR IO91 12 3,109 259 OT5A/P 543 25W 1m dish  
SF 3 G4BAO JO02 9 2,000 222 OT5A/P 449 7 60cm offset    
O 4 G2L JO01 5 643 129 PA6NL 195 10W 50cm dish  
O 5 G8NEY IO81 4 624 156 M1CRO/P 246 1W 90cm offset dish    

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