Claimed Scores 2017
  13783 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
21/12/17 70MHz UKAC
21/12/17 70MHz FMAC
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Claimed scores for Oct UHF

432 MHz (29 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 G3M JO01 231 90,835 393 EA2BFM 964 400 4X28 Interesting condx. Some deep qsb but some very loud signals 800+km. Thanks for all qsos.
O 2 G8T JO01 202 83,380 413 OE2M 967 400 4x17 2x21 Conditions seemed up, Activity from Europe was amazing. UK disappointing once ever! Best PPQ Ever! Thanks for the QSOs
O 3 M1CRO/P JO01 128 47,058 368 OK2A 817 400 4x21 F9FT Cinderella band this outing. 432 setup takes a back seat while the Trophy bands take precedence.
SF 4 PA5Y JO21 109 35,019 321 OK5K 820 400 26 ele DJ9BV OPT70 8.5wl 5hrs and 10 mins on Sunday for this score, activity from the UK very poor. Ops expect UKAC activity, W/E contests a victim of UKAC success!
SF 5 G3XDY JO02 40 17,355 434 DM7A 837 300 28 ele M2 Yagi  
O 6 G5B IO92 28 14,436 516 DL0GTH 788 400 14el Where were all tha UK stations?  
SF 7 G4GFI IO91 48 11,560 241 F5OAU/P 584 400 19 ele Tonna Average condx and low level of activity.
SF 8 F1CBC JN09 35 10,855 310 TM0W 733 50 21 els Poor conditions 73 Philippe
O 9 G8NEY IO81 28 8,823 315 DR9A 815 400 23 ele DK7ZB    
SF 10 GW8ASD IO83 21 6,353 303 DF0MU 706 70 28ele M2 Just a short time available.
SF 11 G3SQQ IO93 17 4,568 269 DF0MU 585 33 19EL LFA  
SF 12 G8EOP IO93 11 3,659 333 DL6AA 690 75 35el m2 beam **807aro** poor activity from uk stations thanks all who found me 73 Mel
SF 13 G1PPA IO93 16 3,432 214 DF0MU 563 50 15 ELEMENT BEAM not enough uk activity to stay in shack so popped in and out nice to work df0mu agn thanks to pa5y and pa5km we made contact but qsb killed
SF 14 M0NVS IO91 17 3,004 177 GS4HAM/P 467 80 14 ELE LFA YAGI Spent the first 2 hrs using 15w until i checked amp had blown. Another amp and 80w i made a FEW contacts. Poor activity & poor conditions.
SF 15 GM4JJJ IO86 7 2,802 400 G3M 633 400 18 ele WS718562 PowAbeam Heard little mid UK activity, one local was on AO-7 uplink! 7 contacts in 24 hours v 40 in 2.5 hrs in UKAC. NO KST. White noise shhh-boring.  
SF 16 G3ZPB IO91 10 2,694 269 GM4JJJ 572 75 22ele long yagi Could only operate for a few hours. Somewhat quiet! Surprised at how few stations I could hear.
SF 17 G0GJV IO91 9 2,518 280 DL0GM 593 100 16 ele  
O 18 M0OSA/P IO93 12 2,033 169 G3M 355 20 Elk 2M/440L5 Bad QSB on Sat afternoon. Fairly flat Sunday morning. Heard 2 GI stns but not calling CQ. Heard PI4GN but too weak for Thx for the contacts.  
SF 19 G1DFL IO91 5 1,414 283 DF0MU 566 50 Tonna 19Y Pro XL at 12ft on Patio Could only spare 1 hour late evening to play radio. Heard and worked ONLY 5 stations in IO81, IO91, JO01, JO33 (PI4GN) & JO32. Dire!
SF 20 M0OMB IO83 7 1,263 180 G8T 346 25 18 LFA A token effort really after switching beams from yesterday. Limited time due to family visit.
SF 21 G3UBX IO82 6 1,181 197 G3M 288 100 Tonna 21 Yawn!
SF 22 GM8IEM IO78 4 1,003 251 M0XVF 457 400 28 el Plenty of planes, though very few stations active within a 600km AS range. Tnx all for the QSOs.
SF 23 G4LDR IO91 5 763 153 M1CRO/P 219 400 21 Element Yagi  
O 24 G8EEM IO93 4 714 178 G8T 313 70 23 ele  
SF 25 G8HGN JO01 4 684 171 DF0MU 473 50 24 ele LFA No time this weekend. Just a few QSOs to keep the gear on its toes.
SF 26 G3XBY IO92 3 641 214 G3M 259 20 6el  
SF 27 G1MZD IO92 3 424 141 G3M 186 20 5 ele G4CQM 2 m beam only on for short periods 2m fixed beam.could hear DF0MU but could not work otherwise a pretty dead band.
SF 28 GM4VVX IO78 2 181 90 GM4TOE 117 20 17 ele VERY low activity. Worked ALL copied
SF 29 M0SPS IO92 1 175 175 M1CRO/P 175 50 21 ele Only limited time. Where was everybody ? Didn't even hear PA6NL !

1,3 GHz (21 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 M1CRO/P JO01 125 44,377 355 DM7A 828 350 8x23 F9FT Major changes this time, in almost all departments. Pleasing results. Now, the questions start as to what had the most beneficial effect...
SF 2 G3XDY JO02 72 25,446 353 DM7A 837 400 8 x 23el Yagi  
SF 3 PA5Y JO21 64 20,989 328 OK1KUO 763 90 70 ele PA1296-70-6UT My first big contest on 23cms, vy enjoyable and some nice DX with excellent signals. Vy happy with these results.
O 4 G5B IO92 56 16,836 301 DL0GTH 788 400 2m dish    
SF 5 G4ASR IO81 32 8,832 276 DK1VC 723 90 67-element Well that was 8-hours of my life wasted ! Poor tropo conditions and even poorer UK activity.
SF 6 G4LDR IO91 22 6,336 288 DL0GTH 872 200 4 x 35 Element Yagi  
O 7 G8T JO01 25 5,787 231 DL0GTH 699 150 44ele Wimo @ 20m First entry on 23cm in this contest, some rx issues caused us problems (deaf) but pleased to hear DL0GTH and OK2A. More work to do!
O 8 G2L JO01 19 3,893 205 PI4GN 418 300 46 ele Wimo  
SF 9 F1CBC JN09 17 3,755 221 F1AZJ/P 393 10 4x23 els Weak signals + QSB. 73 Philippe
SF 10 G3UVR IO83 16 2,938 184 M1CRO/P 340 80 23ele Tonna Saturday evening only
O 11 G8NEY IO81 16 2,885 180 PE1MMP 554 150 55 ele Tonna    
SF 12 M0OMB IO83 14 2,380 170 G8W 349 10 44 Y  
SF 13 G4GFI IO91 19 2,220 117 GD8EXI 434 25 35 ele loop yagi Average condx and low level of activity.
SF 14 G3SQQ IO93 15 2,023 135 GI6ATZ 344 2 35el Tonna  
SF 15 GM8IEM IO78 4 1,121 280 GI6ATZ 428 150 60 el Powabeam Plenty of planes, though very few stations active within a 600km AS range. Tnx all for the QSOs.
SF 16 G1PPA IO93 11 1,013 92 G8CUL 202 10 23 ele tonna poor conditions very little uk activity so just popped in and out thanks to all for points
SF 17 G4BAO JO02 5 974 195 DR9A 702 350 44el Wimo  
SF 18 GW8ASD IO83 3 822 274 M1CRO/P 323 10 67ele Yagi Just a short time available.
SF 19 G8EOP IO93 3 395 132 M1CRO/P 283 10 35el m2 beam **807ARO** what can i say ? well ok BAD
SF 20 M0SPS IO92 1 175 175 M1CRO/P 175 150 2 x 23 stacked Only limited time however .... Where was everybody ?
O 21 G8EEM IO93 2 72 36 G8DMU 39 10 35 ele  

2,3 GHz (8 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 M1CRO/P JO01 46 14,113 307 DL0GTH 674 130 1.2M RFHam dish 13cm ran on its own mast this time. No hindrance from reqs of another band. Seems the way to go. Maybe seperate mast for 9cm in May...
SF 2 G3XDY JO02 33 9,637 292 DL0GTH 684 250 0.8m offset fed dish  
O 3 G5B IO92 26 7,028 270 DR9A 751 200 1.9m dish Cndts flat but some good distances worked  
SF 4 G4LDR IO91 12 3,367 281 DF0MU 626 30 1.5m Dish  
O 5 G2L JO01 9 1,428 159 PE1MMP 303 25 40 ele Wimo  
SF 6 G3UVR IO83 7 1,271 182 M1CRO/P 340 50 25 ele Tonna Saturday evening only
O 7 G8NEY IO81 6 960 160 M1CRO/P 246 50 48 Ele QLY    
SF 8 G8EOP IO93 3 354 118 M1CRO/P 283 40 44el wimo **807ARO**

3,4 GHz (5 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 M1CRO/P JO01 16 4,452 278 DL0GTH 674 15 1M RFHam Dish Could be `band of the contest`. Consistent capability now after investments in kit and valuable guru assistance last winter.
SF 2 G3XDY JO02 13 3,453 266 DL3IAE 588 20 0.8m offset fed dish  
SF 3 G4LDR IO91 5 848 170 G3XDY 223 15 1.5m Dish  
O 4 G8NEY IO81 4 682 170 M1CRO/P 246 7 90cm offset    
SF 5 G4BAO JO02 2 161 80 M1CRO/P 88 20 60cm offset Only on a short while - tech problems

5,7 GHz (4 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G3XDY JO02 11 3,984 362 DL0GTH 684 15 0.6m offset fed dish Three nice AS contacts into DL helped a lot.
O 2 M1CRO/P JO01 5 883 177 DK0PU 380 15 90cm offset 6cm seems to have lost its way these days. Cinderella'a ugly sister? Capability remains but QSOs are hard to come by.
O 3 G8NEY IO81 3 547 182 M1CRO/P 246 5 90cm dish    
SF 4 G4LDR IO91 3 473 158 M1CRO/P 219 15 1.5m Dish  

10 GHz (8 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
O 1 M1CRO/P JO01 22 5,869 267 DK1VC 431 10 90cm offset It rained on us rather than for us. Even so, a decent return on effort and good to see some new participants on the band.
SF 2 G3XDY JO02 9 1,958 218 DF0MU 416 10 0.6m offset fed dish Some work to do on the system on this band
SF 3 G4LDR IO91 8 1,821 228 DF0MU 626 25 1.0m Dish  
SF 4 G4ASR IO81 8 1,556 194 G4KUX 306 5 0.5 m Procom Dish Poor tropo throughout. Nice rainscatter to G4KUX on Saturday and aircraft scatter to G3XDY on Sunday.
O 5 G5B IO92 8 1,420 178 G4KUX 239 8 60cm pf dish Failed to make use of RS Saturday, busy on other bands  
O 6 G8NEY IO81 5 888 178 M1CRO/P 246 1 90cm offset dish    
SF 7 G3UVR IO83 3 709 236 M1CRO/P 340 3.5 Andrew 60cm Indoors!!  
SF 8 G4BAO JO02 2 161 80 M1CRO/P 88 7 60cm offset Only on a short while

24 GHz (2 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
SF 1 G4BAO JO02 1 88 88 M1CRO/P 88 2 60cm offset My annual 24GHz QSO! :-)
O 2 M1CRO/P JO01 1 88 88 G4BAO 88 3 30cm horn More failures than successes, again. Opportunities curtailed through old friends missing this time.

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