Claimed Scores 2009
  5762 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

Recently claimed scores
29/12/09 70MHz UKAC
29/12/09 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/09 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/09 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
28/12/09 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
22/12/09 50MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for VHF NFD

50 MHz (56 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 EI9E/P IO62 228 253,887 1114 9Y4D 6816 400 7ele Good Es into EU.
R 2 G3RCV/P JO01 165 148,843 902 9Y4D 7174 100 5 el Yagi Great fun all day but no luck with the OA4
Open 3 G6ZTT/P IO83 201 126,171 628 YT2T 2134 400 2x7 ele  
L 4 GM3SHK/P IO75 86 121,268 1410 EB1BE 2594 25 6 ele Yagi    
Open 5 G3ZME/P IO82 155 114,690 740 9Y4D 7010 400 5 ele Yagi    
Open 6 G0ROC/P IO83 183 113,375 620 TZ6EI 4592 400 4 el  
R 7 G2AS/P IO93 156 112,610 722 4Z5LY 3767 100 5 element yagi Some great Es propagation but missed out on the Caribbean DX!!
R 8 G3IZD/P IO84 130 108,565 835 EA8BLL 2989 100 4 ele  
Open 9 G3PYE/P JO02 117 99,031 846 9Y4VU 7205 400 6-ele home brew    
Open 10 G4BRA/P IO80 127 97,820 770 9Y4D 6974 400 11 Ele  
R 11 G8LED/P IO92 137 95,331 696 9Y4D 7115 100 6EL @ 10m Great fun, hard work at times!
R 12 GM3HAM/P IO74 92 94,994 1033 YT2T 2321 100 9 ele Went to pub and missed opening to Carribean
Open 13 GM3PXK/P IO74 104 90,898 874 LU3HAK/EA9 2106 400 8 ELE G0KSC Not a great opening here. Missed the Carribean :-(
Open 14 G0KDV/P JO01 136 89,610 659 9Y4D 7154 400 8ele G0KSC LFA Yagi  
R 15 G4OHM/P IO82 177 85,712 484 IT9TJH 1983 100 6 el Eagle Good activity and good fun
R 16 G4ALE/P IO91 114 79,104 694 9Y4VU IN FK90 7147 100 5 ele yagi NE Surrey CG
L 17 CT4DK ?? 44 76,806 1746 OH1O 3307 25 R8  
R 18 G2BQY/P IO81 107 72,406 677 9Y4D 7002 100 5 ele Great to have some dx this year  
R 19 G0OLE/P IO93 76 69,206 911 YT1AD 1963 100 6 ele yagi    
R 20 G8SRC/P IO91 110 66,037 600 EA8CQS 2857 100 1X5ELE  
R 21 M0MDG/P JO00 67 61,561 919 9Y4D FK90GG 7011 100 5 ELE SLOW START BUT GOOD FUN
Open 22 G4ADV/P IO70 56 59,461 1062 9Y4D 6754 100 5 ele. Nice to work all the Europeans - We did manage one Carribean
R 23 G4OXD/P IO92 82 57,934 707 EA8EU 2948 100 6 element yagi  
L 24 MW1LCR/P IO82 86 53,596 623 YT1AD 2059 25 5 Ele l/Boom Yagi Fantastic weekend...bring it on again !
R 25 M0SDC/P IO93 76 50,620 666 CN2BA 2228 100 3 ele Yagi Reasonable turnout but poor conditions
R 26 G4WSM/P IO81 57 49,715 872 9Y4VU 6955 100 5 ELEMENT TONNA Enjoyed the dry weather and the excellent band conditions
Open 27 G3VER/P IO91 69 40,484 587 EA8CQS IN IL18 2941 100 4 ele quad Super openings, tremendous fun, a pity our generator couldn't run our amplifier.  
R 28 G4ATH/P IO83 41 38,687 944 YU1HFG 2221 50 3el Yagi    
R 29 GW1PJP IO81 31 38,413 1239 YT2T 2117 100 5 ele tonna  
R 30 G4BVY/P IO82 60 38,250 638 CN8LI 2061 100 5 ele A part time effort!  
R 31 G8TCQ/P IO80 20 32,619 1631 EA8CQS 2754 90 5 ele Tonna
R 32 GM3TKV/P IO87 25 31,675 1267 YT1AD 2277 100 5el Yagi Worked hard on this band but didn't hear Carribean
R 33 G0HDV IO93 40 30,414 760 EA8CQS 3092 50 2EL HOMEBREW  
R 34 G4WBC/P IO92 26 29,284 1126 YT2T 2079 100 3 element yagi fantastic weekend, big breakfast, reasonable conditions
L 35 G5RV/P IO90 72 29,003 403 9Y4D 6976 25 5ELE    
Open 36 G5FZ/P IO93 39 28,788 738 EA8BBL 2952 100 4 ele  
R 37 G0BWC/P IO83 37 25,557 691 EA8CGS 3032 50w Moxon Rectangle  
R 38 G8PIR/PJO0 JO02 24 24,452 1019 EA8CQS (IL18AT) 3089 100 5 ele Yagi What a cracking weekend, Great Team building exercise
R 39 G2OA/P IO83 44 23,190 527 YT1W 2025 100 Moxon  
R 40 M0REG IO90 40 19,122 478 SV9GPV 2631 100 5 Element Tonna  
R 41 G0VOF/P IO83 32 15,848 495 EA7HHS 1783 100 4 el Yagi First NFD for me, with G8ONK from Jeffrey Hill, Lancs. Great fun, thanks for all contacts. 73, Mark
L 42 2E0SFC/P IO92 7 4,649 664 E7DX 1566 25w dipole  
FS 43 EA5DFE ?? 15 214,938 14329 MM0CPS/P 1884 100 Vertical Good Fun  
FS 44 G4PDS IO80 34 33,216 977 YT1AR 1945 100 Dipole New section good fun - distracted by Es on 2m though !
FS 45 G0LGS IO81 30 24,836 828 YT1AD 1954 100 4 Ele    
FS 46 G7SKR IO83 14 7,065 505 EA3/ON4PS/P 1298 100 WireDipole/loft    
FS 47 G4APJ IO83 15 5,827 388 EA7DLD 1782 15 5ele Revised interpretation of rules on submission
FS 48 G7PVZ IO91 6 5,231 872 SP9QMP 1359 10 5 Ele Tonna Just playing
FS 49 G4RYV IO91 33 4,983 151 MM0CPS/P 437 100W 4 ele yagi homebrew very good conditions, thanks to all stations contacted.
FS 50 G4DEZ JO03 16 2,758 172 EI9E IN IO62 465 400 7e Didn't bother with Es! Checklog
FS 51 G1KHX IO81 14 2,332 167 MM0CPS/P 390 100 5 ele tonna  
FS 52 G7TWC IO91 4 1,356 339 SP6A 1200 100W Halo Checklog  
FS 53 G0BRC JO01 9 938 104 G6ZTT/P 300 100 Tri-Band Vert Very difficult to get NFD stations as very few sat on freq. calling CQ, most were in search and pounce mode for dx stations.  
FS 54 G3ZOD IO83 6 634 106 GI0RQK/P 273 25 Indoor doublet    
FS 55 G3TXF IO91 29 580 20 OH3MF KP20FR 1849 100 5el yagi at 65ft  
FS 56 G0GWI IO83 5 288 58 G3IZD/P 104 2.5 Inverted Dipole not much NFD traffic heard on 6 Metres, thanks to those stations worked.

70 MHz (35 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 EI9E/P IO62 91 34,068 374 S51DI 1755 50 7ele No Es this year, just the one QSO to S51. Good activity from UK.
Open 2 G4RFR/P IO80 109 23,919 219 GM3TAL/P 591 140 2 X 12 ele. Slow going at the end. No E-s.
Open 3 GM3PXK/P IO74 80 23,670 296 G5LK/P 549 150 9 ele G0KSC Pity no E's. New homebrew G0KSC antenna worked well.
R 4 GM3HAM/P IO74 68 19,604 288 G5LK/P 553 100 11 ele Not much tropo, no Es .Bit of trouble with
L 5 GM3TAL/P IO75 41 15,528 379 G3JKY/P 638 25 9 ele yagi    
L 6 G3CKR/P IO93 95 15,097 159 GM3TAL/P 371 25 8Y DJ9BV No E's this year.65% of contacts in first 2hrs,then slow going.
R 7 G3UKV/P IO82 86 15,095 176 GM4FAM 559 100 5 ele Yagi    
R 8 G0HIK/P IO84 64 14,084 220 G5LK/P 450 100 7 ele First VHF NFD, Could not beam S.E. due to local QRN, but activity seemed low
R 9 G4OHM/P IO82 87 13,846 159 GM4FAM 587 85 6 el Eagle No SpE this year and average conditions
Open 10 G0ROC/P IO83 71 13,757 194 G4ADV/P 405 160 5 el  
R 11 G3RCV/P JO01 62 12,581 203 GM3TAL/P 625 60 7 el Yagi No Es a great disappointment after Saurdays spectacular
R 12 G4ALE/P IO91 64 12,186 190 GM3TAL/P IN IO75 616 100 5 ele yagi NE Surrey CG
R 13 G0OLE/P IO93 51 10,901 214 EI9E/P 436 100 5 ele yagi    
L 14 G8LED/P IO92 67 10,647 159 GM3TAL/P 483 25 8EL No DX for us, still good fun though.
R 15 G3FJE/P IO92 62 9,759 157 GM3TAL/P 548 50 12 element Yagi  
Open 16 G4ADV/P IO70 31 9,084 293 MM0CPS/P 492 150 6 ele. Didn't hear any DX. The amplifier blew up due to excessive voltage from generator.
L 17 G8SRC/P IO91 58 9,020 156 GI4SNA 442 20 1X5ELE  
Open 18 G3PYE/P JO02 44 8,514 194 GI4SNA 500 100 7-ele home brew    
R 19 G4ATH/P IO83 29 5,663 195 G5LK/P 412 50 4el Yagi  
R 20 G4WSM/P IO81 30 5,612 187 GM3HAM/P 406 40 6 Ele Yagi  
R 21 GW8ASD IO83 27 5,463 202 G5LK/P 363 80 7 element Checklog
L 22 G1ONE/P IO83 27 4,760 176 G5LK/P 377 10 W 5 ele yagi    
R 23 G4WBC/P IO92 24 4,562 190 GM3TAL/P 389 50 3 element yagi fantastic weekend, big breakfast, reasonable conditions
Open 24 G5FZ/P IO93 21 4,382 209 EI9E/P 429 30 4ele  
L 25 G0VOF/P IO83 26 4,184 161 G0VHF/P 341 25 4 el Yagi First NFD for me, with G8ONK from Jeffrey Hill, Lancs. No DX heard but great fun, thanks for all contacts. 73, Mark
L 26 G1ARU/P JO02 19 4,097 216 EI9E/P IN IO62 501 25w 3el Only QRV for 50 mins to give away points while waiting for 2m Backpackers to start. Superb WX & conditions not too bad either.
Open 27 G3VER/P IO91 27 3,425 127 GM3HAM/P 507 20 5 ele quad Average conditions - there was some DX around but we couldn't work it. Equipment problems meant poor performance. We'll do better next year.  
L 28 G7RIH/P IO91 27 3,369 125 EI9E/P 436 8 W 5 ELE YAGI Not bad with 8 watts
Open 29 G0KDV/P JO01 21 2,009 96 G0OLE/P 294 160 2x4el G0KSC LFA Yagi  
L 30 G2OA/P IO83 14 1,310 94 GI4KSO 224 20 2 element beam  
FS 31 G4DEZ JO03 48 10,249 214 CT1FJC IN IM57 1915 150 8e cHECKLOG AGAIN
FS 32 G4RYV IO91 21 3,798 181 GM3PXK/P 448 25W 5 ele yagi homebrew Good propagation. Thanks for contacts.
FS 33 G1KHX IO81 11 1,907 173 G0HIK/P 316 40 w 6 ele h/b yagi  
FS 34 G4PDS IO80 7 1,137 162 G0VHF/P 332 25 Dipole Promise to make this my last entry using a dipole !
FS 35 G0LGS IO81 5 672 134 EI9E/P 326 10 Dipole    

144 MHz (65 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 GM4ZUK/P IO86 314 189,619 604 EA7BYM 2288 400 4 x 13 ele Yagi Nice Es to CT/EA Saturday. Tropo poor Saturday but better on Sunday.
Open 2 G5LK/P JO01 460 161,598 351 CT1HZE 1728 400 2 x 14 There's only one E in Kent
Open 3 EI9E/P IO62 273 137,466 504 CT1HZE 1699 400 19ele DOA power splitter so only single yagi this year. Es good fun and some nice tropo into ON/DL on Sunday Morning.
Open 4 GM3PXK/P IO74 254 126,123 497 EA7BYM 2041 400 12 ele M2 Great E's on Sat evening. Antenna pro blem occured during night and only fixed in the morning.  
Open 5 G3VER/P IO91 388 89,175 230 CT1HZE 1744 400 4X9el Yagi E as other's comments. Lovely WX. Fewer DLs than expected. Great fun & 2xQSOs than last year! TU all. Verulam ARC, St Albans. Herts.  
Open 6 G4RFR/P IO80 323 87,155 270 CN8LI 1906 300 2 x 12 Element yagi    
Open 7 G3FJE/P IO92 311 78,494 252 CT1HZE 1776 400 2 x 9 element M2  
R 8 G0CLP/P IO84 207 74,330 359 EB7GWV 1980 100 13 ele portable tonna Think all enjoyed the ES to Iberia, Sunday Quiet, good WX this year though, mni tnx to all.
R 9 G3ZME/P IO82 322 73,057 227 EA3EDU 1288 100 18 ele yagi Up on last year - interesting condx  
R 10 G6IPU/P JO02 230 72,358 315 CT1HZE 1906 100w 17 element Tonna Good opening into EU and South. Thanks to everyone for the points. Pleasing score for our first attempt at VHF FD.
R 11 G3RCV/P JO01 239 68,494 287 EB8BRZ 2907 90 17 el Yagi Some excellent Es to liven things up. Otherwise almost a carbon copy of last years score. At least we are consistent!
Open 12 G4JBH/P IO80 201 65,309 325 CT1HZE 1579 400 17 ele Pro Tonna
R 13 G3WIM/P IO91 302 62,739 208 CT1HZE 1701 100 18 ele yagi NE Surrey CG
Open 14 GM6MD/P IO75 189 62,459 330 F6CBH 790 400 2 x 9 ele Yagi Only active for last 5 hours. Band conditions OK, and weather fine. Thanks to all who worked us.
Open 16 G3ZTT/P IO83 281 56,255 200 DL8GP 793 400 17 ele  
R 17 G0ROC/P IO83 253 53,476 211 EA7TL 1925 100 11 el  
Open 18 G2AS/P IO93 204 53,040 260 EA7B 1921 300 2 x 19 element stacked homebrew Some FB Es propagation to S. Iberia. Excellent WX for a change. A most enjoyable Field Day
L 19 GM4YEQ/P IO85 68 48,144 708 EA7TL 2118 25W 8 element yagi  
R 20 G8PIR/P JO02 125 40,525 324 CT1HZE 1878 60 11 ele yagi Another great weekend with the added bonus of E`s.
Open 21 G3PYE/P JO02 166 40,337 243 EA7TL 1808 400 2*17-ele Tonna    
R 22 GM3TTC/P IO85 75 39,589 528 EG7SOL/P 2164 100 8ele Yagi  
R 23 G0OLE/P IO93 98 37,824 386 CT1HZE 1956 100 8 ele yagi    
L 24 MW1LCR/P IO82 173 37,759 218 CT1HZE 1794 20 9 Ele L/Boom Yagi  
R 25 M0SDC/P IO93 178 37,595 211 CT1HZE 1869 100 10 ele yagi Nice conditions to Spain and Portugal on Saturday
R 26 G8SRC/P IO91 188 35,648 190 CT1ANO 1256 100 1x13ELE  
R 27 MX0SRA/P IO93 140 34,873 249 EA7TL 1878 100 9 ele  
R 28 G2BQY/P IO81 174 34,576 199 CT1HZE 1652 100 13 ele Cushcraft Struggle to work distant stations with 100W. Nice to work some Es. Blew one preamp but had spare  
R 29 G5RR/P IO93 190 32,568 171 EA7TL 2167 80 12 el yagi A most enjoyable weekend had by all.
R 30 GM3HAM/P IO74 106 30,754 290 F6KCP/P 839 100 19 ele Again, missed Es, not enough operators
R 31 GM3TKV/P IO87 44 26,617 605 EA7TL 2345 50w 17el Yagi Great Sporadic E and weather - need more operators
Open 32 G4ATH/P IO83 112 26,515 237 CT1HZE 1896 150 YAGI Linear failed towards end of contest
L 33 G5RV/P IO90 129 26,358 204 GM4ZUK/P 690 25W 11 ELE    
L 34 G6KRC/P IO82 125 23,922 191 CT1HZE 1759 10watt 6 ele Quad    
Open 35 G4ADV/P IO70 61 19,445 319 CT1DIZ 1354 200 13 ele over 13 We didn't manage to work much of the DX around. Very slow at the end. Problems with RF feedback - or was it FM?
R 36 G0BWC/P IO83 90 17,569 195 EA7BYM 1922 50 7 ele Bolton Wireless Club on Winter Hill thanks for a cracking day  
Open 37 G0KDV/P JO01 81 15,990 197 CT1HZE 1722 400 2x9ele G0KSC LFA Yagi  
R 38 G2OA/P IO83 86 15,139 176 CT1HZE 1864 50 9 element beam  
R 39 G4WSM/P IO81 52 13,594 261 CT1DIZ 1489 80 Yagi  
L 40 G7RIH/P IO91 67 11,968 179 GM4ZUK/P 594 25 17 ELE YAGI  
L 41 2E0VXX/P IO82 53 10,693 202 CT1HZE IM57 1747 25 12 ele Great DX shame about i was working in the day!
R 42 G4WBC/P IO92 52 9,595 185 CT1EAT 1770 100 12 element yagi fantastic weekend, big breakfast, reasonable conditions
R 43 MM0GZZ IO85 7 8,743 1249 EA5MT 2220 100 tonna lightning strike stopped my day
L 44 MM0RKT/P IO75 6 6,090 1015 EA4LU 2095 15 SOTA 3-element A little dabble!
L 45 2E0SFC/P IO92 27 4,592 170 OQ4U 455 25w dipole  
Open 46 M6EMT JO02 7 1,878 268 EI9E/P 541 10 19 Element Beam  
R 47 M0GGO JO01 4 228 57 ON4WY 117 5 3 element sota beam thought i would try qrp for a change
FS 48 GM8OEG IO86 64 66,087 1033 EG7SOL/P 2236 100 7ele Average tropo condx but exceptional 2.5 hours of Es! As ever, hard to find the G portables from here  
FS 49 G0JJG JO02 78 42,619 546 EA8AVI 3007 100 11ELE F9FT Thanks to whoever booked Es to coincide with the contest! Enjoyed the sweeping.
FS 50 G8IZY IO91 69 23,722 344 CT1HZE 1680 100W 9 ele. M2 I enjoyed being a "Sweeper"! Great Idea. Thanks to all for contacts.
FS 51 G4DEZ JO03 64 23,104 361 CT1HZE IN IM57 1895 400 4 X 12e Another checklog
FS 52 G0LGS IO81 47 17,462 372 EA7TL 1731 100 9 Ele    
FS 53 G6NHU JO01 45 12,462 277 CT1HZE 1800 100 9 ele    
FS 54 G4PDS IO80 37 10,752 291 CT1FBF/P 1438 50 3 ele Good fun sweeping and first 2m Es from this QTH
FS 55 G4APJ IO83 52 10,318 198 F6KCP/P 656 25 9ele Revised interpretation of rules on submission
FS 56 G4RYV IO91 36 6,442 179 GM4ZUK/P 632 10W 9 ele F9FT Tonna good conditions. Interesting contest.
FS 57 M0UKD JO01 17 5,282 311 CT1DIZ 1606 100w Vert Worked two CT's on a co-linear, great!  
FS 58 G0BRC JO01 24 4,975 207 GM6MD/P 542 100 12 ele ZL Struggle at times to find NFD stations (particularly northern ones) but happy that log 100% registered stations.
FS 59 G1KHX IO81 20 4,720 236 GM4ZUK/P 622 80w 9 ele tonna  
FS 60 2E0TGS IO83 21 3,659 174 GM4ZUK/P 394 45W Moxon    
FS 61 G7PVZ IO91 24 3,332 139 PE1EHU 459 5 9 Ele Tonna Just playing
FS 62 G7SKR IO83 29 3,192 110 GM4ZUK/P 398 100 5-ZL in loft    
FS 63 G0GWI IO83 22 2,927 133 GM4ZUK/P 394 45 5 Element Yagi Deep QSB made working GM tricky, better conditions to the south. Thanks to all stations worked.
FS 64 M0VGH IO83 15 1,583 106 GM4ZUK/P 372 50 6EL. BEAM Only had three hours to spare due to other commitments, Note new call sign too, my other call 2e0rfx. Thank you for the points guys.
FS 65 G4HSU JO01 4 313 78 ON4WY 202 50 slim jim  

432 MHz (48 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 G5LK/P JO01 145 44,626 308 OZ9EDR/P 821 350 4 x 28  
Open 2 G4BRA/P IO80 151 42,411 281 DJ9KH/P 835 400 4x21 ele  
R 3 M0MDG/P JO00 111 32,443 292 DK0CG IN JN59RJ 807 100 19 ele Vargarda Poor conditions and low activity but great fun with great company
Open 4 G2BQY/P IO81 118 28,282 240 DK5QN 749 400 2 x 21 ele    
R 5 G3SRC/P IO91 129 25,919 201 OZ9EDR/P IN JO55 874 90 28 ele loop yag North East Surrey CG. Only 41 UK /Ps wkd of which 4 were GMs.
Open 6 G3FJE/P IO92 107 24,604 230 DK6AJ/P 734 400W 4 x 19 element Tonna  
R 7 GM3PXK/P IO74 51 23,670 464 PA6NL 636 70w 28 ele Twice as many Q's as last year with half the antenna's.
Open 8 G3PYE/P JO02 107 19,936 186 DL8GP 564 400 2*21-ele Tonna    
L 9 G3CKR/P IO93 103 18,992 184 DF2VJ 750 25 30Y DJ9BV Very low activity,not much from the continent
Open 10 EI9E/P IO62 51 18,345 360 PA6NL 745 400 2x21 Late start after lots of equipment problems. PA6NL ODX but also the most consistant signal on the band.
R 11 G3RCV/P JO01 95 17,741 187 GM8CLY/P 625 90 21 el Yagi Slow going with nothing to get excited about. Even the PSU went to sleep!
Open 12 G3VER/P IO91 92 16,383 178 DL6WU 683 400 4 X 21ele Yagi Verulam ARC, St Albans  
R 13 G8OHM/P IO82 105 15,857 151 DF2VJ 715 100W 38 el  
Open 14 G4ADV/P IO70 50 14,206 284 GM4ILS/P 739 400 2 x 21 ele.  
Open 15 GM4ILS/P IO86 37 12,278 332 DF0MU 831 400 4 x 21 F9FT Dreadful QRM destroyed this year.
L 16 GM8CLY/P IO75 31 12,222 394 G5LK/P 681 25 21 ele yagi    
R 17 M0SDC/P IO93 88 11,857 135 PA6NL 417 75 17 ele Yagi Hard work. Where was everybody?
R 18 G2AS/P IO93 75 11,524 154 DF1JM 628 50 13 element Parabeam Great weekend, even if activity was down at times. Good WX and fine food!
Open 19 G5FZ/P IO93 58 11,399 197 DF0MU 545 70 4x19ele  
R 20 G0OLE/P IO93 49 10,840 221 DR5A 617 100 19 ele yagi    
L 21 G5RV/P IO90 54 10,758 199 PI4GN 540 25w 21ele long yagi    
R 22 G8SRC/P IO91 57 9,849 173 DP5G 643 100 1x13ELE  
R 23 G8PIR/P JO02 39 8,001 205 GW8IZR 413 60 21 ele long yag enjoyable weekend hard work on 70cms,amazing bacon and egg rolls
L 24 G6KRC/P IO82 51 7,382 145 DF0MU 653 25 wat 10 ele    
R 25 G0BWC/P IO83 37 6,919 187 PA6NL 484 50 12-ele Bolton Wireless Club on Winter Hill  
Open 26 G4ZTT/P IO83 51 6,505 128 PA6NL 475 100 2x21 ele  
L 27 G0ROC/P IO83 43 6,178 144 PA6NL 466 20 17 el  
L 28 G7AIC/P IO80 21 5,621 268 DF0MU 727 25 21 ele Tonna
R 29 G8ONK/P IO83 27 5,036 187 PA6NL 493 50 19 Ele Yagi Thanks for the points, not many fixed stations in log.
R 30 GM3HAM/P IO74 22 4,862 221 G0FBB/P 538 80 21 ele just a token effort this year - poor conditions
R 31 G2OA/P IO83 27 4,456 165 PA6NL 508 50 19 element beam  
L 32 MW1LCR/P IO82 29 4,294 148 PA6NL 503 18 19 Ele L/Boom Yagi  
R 33 GM3TKV/P IO87 14 3,586 256 DF0MU 881 100w 19el Yagi Ignored this band to work 2m & 6m on Saturday - Sunday abyssmal!
Open 34 G0KDV/P JO01 136 3,361 25 PA6NL 322 100 19el Tonna Yagi  
R 35 G4WBC/P IO92 19 2,975 157 PA6NL 422 80 21 element yagi fantastic weekend, big breakfast, poor conditions on 70 cms
R 36 G8WSM/P IO81 7 515 74 G4ADV 166 20 48 ele Yagi Unfortionate equipment problems on the day led to QRT on this band after only a short while
L 37 2E0SFC/P IO92 2 143 72 G5XV/P 89 25w dipole  
R 38 G4ATH/P IO83 1 1 1   0 0 none no station operated this band
FS 39 G4DEZ JO03 29 7,348 253 OZ9PZ IN JO46LC 658 400 4 X 28e Yet another checklog
FS 40 G4APJ IO83 33 7,117 216 PA6NL 470 25 19ele Revised interpretation of rules on submission
FS 41 G0JJG JO02 26 5,272 203 G4ADV/P 450 75 17 ele  
FS 42 G8IZY IO91 23 3,927 171 PI4GN 534 50 21 ele F9FT My first go at 70cms. Last min idea to put yagi on mast just above rooftop. Great fun.
FS 43 G1KHX IO81 15 2,600 173 G0VHF/P 299 50w 19 ele yagi  
FS 44 G0LGS IO81 12 1,770 148 PA6NL 429 75 9 Ele    
FS 45 G7PVZ IO91 4 561 140 G4ADV/P 311 5 21 Ele Tonna Just playing
FS 46 G6NHU JO01 3 171 57 G5LK/P 84 25 Diamond X500    
FS 47 G7SKR IO83 4 161 40 M0SDC/P 61 20 GP-98 Colinear    
FS 48 GW8IZR IO73 32 0.1 0 DF0MU 797 40w 1 x 21 withdrawn entry

1,2 GHz (27 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 G5LK/P JO01 76 21,125 278 DH9NFM 729 250 4 x 22  
R 2 G3OHM/P IO82 68 15,822 233 DK7QX 740 100W 70 el A return to normal after last years poor showing.
R 3 G2BQY/P IO81 59 13,962 237 DK0ZB 755 100 1.3m Dish Hard work, but some good qsos
L 4 G3CKR/P IO93 68 13,895 204 DF2VJ 750 25W 1.7M DISH Better activity this year,some good continental qsos on Sunday
Open 5 EI9E/P IO92 21 7,053 336 PA6NL 745 25 4x35 Thanks to all those who beamed this way!
Open 6 G4RFR/P IO80 33 6,970 211 PA6NT 475 120 8x39ele DL6WU  
R 7 G3ZME/P IO82 42 6,413 153 PA6NL 481 100 55 ele Yagi Slow going. Tried ON4KST, but unreliable /P
R 8 G4WGE/P IO91 35 6,294 180   0 60W 44ele Wimo    
L 9 G2AS/P IO93 31 5,890 190 DK0ZB 704 20 35 element yagi Not much tropo but pleased to work into DL at 704km. A poor turn out by UK fixed stations who were no doubt glued to the tennis on TV!
R 10 G3FJE/P IO92 32 4,940 154 DF0MU 502 100 56 element tonna  
R 11 M0MDG/P JO00 19 4,411 232 PI4GN JO33II 509 35 55 ELE HARD WORK BUT FUN
Open 12 G8ZTT/P IO83 26 3,851 148 PA6NL 475 200W 67ele    
Open 13 GM0ONN/P IO86 10 3,236 324 PA0S 717 230 1 x 43 PA failed, worst entry ever!
Open 14 G5FZ/P IO93 20 2,981 149 PA6NL 348 10w 2m dish  
L 15 G0OLE/P IO93 11 2,467 224 PI4GN 494 10 4ft Dish GRES B Team  
Open 16 G3PYE/P JO02 21 2,396 114 PA6NL 259 10 4*47-el homebrw    
L 17 G1ONE/P IO83 17 2,201 129 G5LK/P 377 10 27-ele G3JVL loop-quad    
R 18 GW8ASD IO83 10 1,746 175 PA6NL 500 80 67 element Checklog
L 19 G6KRC/P IO82 11 1,119 102 G0FBB/P 266 10 15 ELE    
R 20 GM3TKV/P IO87 2 826 413 PI4GN 755 35 w 26el Yagi Great site, great propagation, where was everybody?
L 21 G4GSB IO82 4 225 56 G8ZTT/P 84 10w 23 el yagi Had to go to work, so missed the rest of the contest !
L 22 G8ONK/P IO83 3 179 60 MW1FGQ 82 10 23 Ele Too many problems to list, thanks to BWC for help.
Open 23 G4ADV/P IO70 3 74 25 G8ARM 53 50 2 x 23 ele Very disappointing results - not sure why!
FS 24 GM4CXM IO75 16 6,967 435 PA6NL 709 150w 4x44 CHECKLOG ONLY
FS 25 G0JJG JO02 13 2,523 194 DF0MU 433 30 23 ele F9FT Didn't spend enough time on 23!
FS 26 G4DEZ JO03 5 1,000 200 PA0EZ IN JO22 364 100 4 X23e And the final checklog!
FS 27 G0LGS IO81 3 169 56 G7WAC/P 59 10 35 Ele    

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