Claimed Scores 2013
  9614 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/13 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
17/12/13 1.3GHz UKAC
10/12/13 432MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for VHF NFD

50 MHz (73 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 OZ1ALS JO44 226 246,674 1091 EA8DBM 3680 1000 6 element yagi 109 Grids
Open 2 EI9E/P IO62 278 109,101 392 TM100TF 1164 1000 7 Good tropo conditions and great UK activity made up for lack of Es. 46 squares worked of which 27 were in the UK. Thanks for the QSOs.
Open 3 GW2OP/P IO71 254 78,806 310 DL5ME 1120 400 7+7ele Good Tropo condx, loud Auroral signals from GM, and a handful of weak Es QSOs, gave us many more QSOs than in the last two years.
Open 4 MM0CPS/P IO84 196 58,965 301 ON4IQ 700 400 8ele G0KSC Highest QSO to date for any year where no Sp-E was present.
L 5 GI4GTY/P IO74 164 56,651 345 LA3EQ 859 25 7 Ele Yagi    
R 6 GM3HAM/P IO74 133 43,239 325 LA/DK2BJ 771 100 9 ele Good Tropo, the aurora was pleasant surprise. There was also auroal E on some signals later
Open 7 G4BRA/P IO80 173 37,562 217 GM8IEM 846 400 11 Ele Where did all the "Es" go?  
R 8 GW0AAA/P IO81 199 36,552 184 LA/DK2BJ 929 100 4el Conditions poor except for local UK. Heard only one DL who QSBed to zero before we could complete the QSO.
R 9 G2LO/P IO92 201 34,345 171 GM8IEM 729 100 6 el No Es but five GMs via aurora, otherwise great activity and weather.
R 10 M0MDG/P JO00 141 33,522 238 GM8IEM 891 100W 5 ele Tonna A realy good weekend with the BBQ and beer,s and radio shame there were no E's
R 11 G2BQY/P IO81 165 32,711 198 EA2ARD 882 100 7 ELE Shame no Es this year. 73 TDARC  
Open 12 GM4ZUK/P IO86 74 30,743 415 ES2QN 1587 400 5 ele Yagi Nice WX and good to work a few Aurora QSO's.
R 13 MW0TWC/P IO82 143 29,401 206 GM8IEM 677 100 5 ele Tonna **TWCG** Stunning weather and great fun for our first team outing.
R 14 G3RCV/P JO01 150 28,810 192 SM5EDX 1371 100 5 el Trident No Es but a couple of auroral contacts were a nice surprise
R 15 G0ROC/P IO83 130 26,654 205 SM5EDX 1313 100 Dual Band 6m/4m 4/5 Element Yagi Disaster struck early Saturday morning when our 6m operator Dave Carden, G3RIK, had to be retired to hospital with a broken shoulder
Open 16 M0NFD/P IO94 96 25,114 262 LA5YJ 1012 400 4 ele 8 Au QSOs but no Es at all. Tropo quite good, and weather fantastic!
R 17 G3ZME/P IO82 131 24,415 186 F4WBN 1016 100 5 ELE No Es QSOs at all - tyhat's a first! Just one GM via aurora. Sweepers keep up the QSO rate in such quiet times - thanks !  
R 18 G3PYE/P JO02 132 24,404 185 GM8IEM 761 100 6-ele Restricted this year for a change. Sometimes frustrating, but much more relaxed. Wonderful weather!
R 19 G4OXD/P IO92 132 21,694 164 GM8IEM 769 100 6 Ele  
MS 20 G2XV/P JO02 115 20,258 176 GM4ZUK/P 559 70 5 ele yagi Single Transmitter section perfect for our club. Much enjoyed by all. Only 6 hours operating to make aerial changes - no internet, no databases used, a good result.  
R 21 M0MCG/P IO80 77 19,814 257 PA4VHF 763 100 5 ele Yagi What wonderful weather. Thanks to all for the QSO's. Moors Contest Group (G4WFR, G0KYS, G7ASJ)
MS 22 G4VFL/P IO84 76 19,313 254 F6HRP 640 100 4 ele Wx: 59+, a really enjoyable contest.
R 23 G4ALE/P IO91 115 18,518 161 GM4ZUK/P 651 100 5 el yagi North East surrey CG. Nice weekend. Tnx to CC for organising the contest, weather and condx.
R 24 G2AS/P IO93 82 17,272 211 PC7M 560 100 5 EL A better score than last year but Better score than last year but still hard work. Not much DX beyond PA. At least the weather was perfect!
R 25 G5XV/P IO91 93 17,246 185 F4WBN 876 100w 7e Yagi  
R 26 G6IPU/P JO02 69 16,696 242 SM5EDX 1191 100w 5 ele Yagi Poor conditions but worked more stations than last year.
MS 28 G8LED/P IO92 104 15,304 147 GM4ZUK/P IN IO86 537 100 6 Ele  
L 29 G8WY/P IO83 95 15,255 161 GU4CHY 459 25 5-ele Tonna Bolton Wireless Club on Winter Hill. Brilliant weather and much improved score over last year.
Open 30 GM3TKV/P IO87 25 13,260 530 ES5QD 1679 100 6el Yagi Mainly aurora, tropo propagation did not extend this far north. Shortage of operators from the club a serious problem
MS 31 MW1LCR/P IO82 72 12,496 174 ON4IQ 550 100 5 Ele Yagi Splatter across the band from some stations. Conditions OK, but limited time entry due to 2m technical problems  
Open 32 G5MW/P JO01 76 12,366 163 GI4GTY/P 554 100 5 ELE TONNA Tks for the points. Good fun and a good time had by all
R 33 G7APD/P IO92 85 12,294 145 GM4ZUK/P 513 100W 5ele Moonraker  
R 34 G0OLE/P IO93 47 11,699 249 PA6TT 492 100 6 ele yagi Great section of VHF NFD a gentlemanly band nice to be able to give WAB squares to the fixed stations who operate on this band all year long
MS 35 G4EOF/P IO92 71 10,530 148 GM4ZUK/P 511 80 4 el    
R 36 G2DX/P IO91 70 10,284 147 F4WBN 864 100w 4 Elt Yagi Good Weather, Excellent BBQ, Good Fun
R 37 G2OA/P IO83 46 7,607 165 F6HRP 561 100 5Y Good weather but no 'E'. Hard wrk getting QSOs in this location.
R 38 G3VLG/P IO92 46 7,201 157 PA6TT 478 100W 5Y Hard going with no Es we could work and a tiny mast at 3m AGL with no real weak signal equipment. But we really enjoyed the activity.
R 39 GB2WAD IO93 7 1,175 168 G2DX/P 219 80W ally dipole giving away points from the RAF Waddington International Airshow.
Open 40 2E0PSM IO81 5 640 128 EI9E/P 310 50W Vertical  
FSO 41 GM8IEM IO78 27 16,539 613 PA6TT 1017 400 6 el Vine All contacts auroral, on a beam heading of 30 deg. Auroral 1400-1900, best 1530-1800. 26 multipliers. Tnx to all who made the effort!
FSR 42 G0GQT JO01 39 7,860 202 GI4GTY/P 547 100 5ele  
FSR 43 G4RYV IO91 41 7,620 186 GI4GTY/P 482 100W 4 ele DK7ZB homebrew Good conditions,good activity. WELL DONE TO ALL THE PORTABLE STATIONS WHO TURNED OUT.73
FSO 44 G4AFJ IO92 39 6,795 174 GM4ZUK/P 488 400 6 el Cushcraft yagi  
FSO 45 G3TCT IO81 31 6,401 206 PA6TT 546 400 5 ele All tropo. 1hr 40m only
FSR 46 M5MUF IO92 37 5,902 160 EI9E/P 378 25W 5 el Tonna No ES, AU didn't reach me, nothing worked outside British Isles. Station was bit of a lash up, but I liked the Sweeper format. TU to all /Ps  
FSR 47 G8HGN JO01 27 5,665 210 EI9E/P 506 100 6 ele LFA 23 mult's I think. Hard going juggling 3 bands at the same time.Tnx to all.
FSR 48 M0PXY IO92 29 5,388 186 EI9E/P 446 100 5ELE PXY Thank all who took part. Great weekend ! SDARS
FSR 49 G8MCA JO01 30 5,160 172 EI9E/P 489 100 Homebrew SuperMoxon Not enough stations calling CQ !!!
FSO 50 G4FKA IO81 25 5,148 206 GI4GTY/P 393 400 Inverted V Just under 2 hours of S&P following a couple of sunny days in Buckinghamshire.  
FSO 51 G0LGS IO81 29 5,047 174 GI4GTY/P 375 400 4 Ele    
FSR 52 G8ONK IO83 22 5,027 228 G0FBB/P 392 80 5 ele YU7EF Mostly in last hour, 22 multipliers I believe. Thanks for all points
FSR 53 G4HGI IO83 25 5,011 200 G0FBB/P 360 80 5 ele vine duo Just on for 2 hours ...HOT!
FSR 54 2E0HRO IO83 25 4,598 184 M0MDG/P 360 5w DK7ZB 10 ELE Great contest plenty of european stns heard.Swept by CHORLEY SIXSHOOTERS 73
FSR 55 G4APJ IO83 22 4,432 201 M0MDG/P 352 15 5ele Score not helped by having excellent BBQ in the middle of the allocated time interval!
FSR 56 G3TDH IO83 26 4,406 169 GM4ZUK/P 400 90W Dipole Excellent NFD weekend despite lack of hoped for ES
FSO 57 GM4JR IO85 19 4,194 221 G2XV/P 402 400 6 ele Yagi Dire, painful even. But more looking north on 6m pro rata. Huge aurora all day few took advantage.
FSR 58 G8XTJ IO91 25 3,966 159 EI9E/P 426 100 HB9CV    
FSR 59 G4DDL IO91 24 3,403 142 EI9E/P 436 100W 6m longwire Pity no ES but worked my first EI on 6m, many thanks. Hope they post on LOTW!  
FSR 60 G0CER IO82 21 3,372 161 GM6NX/P 361 80 3 ele Enjoyed NFD a lot - albeit from home and only part-time. Thanks to all who went out /p
FSR 61 G4BEE IO83 20 3,211 161 GM4ZUK/P 362 20 3 ele yagi Great fun operating "portable" from the garden in the sunshine !  
FSO 62 G4HHJ IO91 22 3,062 139 EI9E/P 452 250 3 ele  
FSR 63 M0TNR IO82 18 2,586 144 MM0CPS/P 259 20 6m dipole    
FSR 64 G4JED JO01 16 2,461 154 F6HRP 381 100 4 ele Yagi  
FSO 65 G4BRK IO91 9 2,229 248 GI4GTY/P 430 100 4 el Good tropo condx!  
FSR 66 M0NST IO83 16 2,091 131 EI9E/P 304 100w 3 ele 6 m yagi could only find 16 staion lots of portable also sweeping
FSR 67 G4PFW IO91 14 1,787 128 GW2OP/P 324 100 25ft wire dipole    
FSR 68 G0VOF IO83 10 1,570 157 GW2OP/P 284 100 Dipole No eS here but good fun. Thanks foe all QSO's. 73, Mark
FSR 69 G8BFV IO81 9 1,482 165 EI9E/P 323 100 3 el. yagi    
FSR 70 G4WMZ JO02 13 1,393 107 MW0TWC/P 226 10W Moxon Just giving a few points away
FSR 71 2V0JWJ IO81 8 1,156 144 EI9E/P 344 20W Tri-Band Vertical  
FSR 72 M0XBF JO01 6 849 142 EI9E/P 517 80 3 ele yagi  
FSR 73 G7PVZ IO91 8 785 98 G5LK/P 157 5 half wave dipole in loft!!  

70 MHz (51 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 EI9E/P IO62 134 52,492 392 PA2J 798 300 10ele LFA Great conditions. Moving the station further away from the on-site QRM helped us pick out the weaker ones this year. Thanks for the QSOs.
Open 2 GM4ZUK/P IO86 87 38,832 446 GJ4NOK 863 150 8 ele Yagi Nice WX but no Es here this year.
Open 3 GW2OP/P IO71 126 37,023 294 PF7M 757 160 7+7ele At switch-on, the Angus beacon was so loud, we forgot to check the SWRs. (They were ckd later - usual 1.2:1) Tropo condx were generally very good, and no local noise sources helped our RXs, but not many PA/ON stations & no Es for us at all.
Open 4 GM6MD/P IO75 98 33,685 344 PA2J 722 160 2x5 el Yagi wx started cool, damp and misty and then turned into a fantastic day on the hill. Thanks to all who worked us.
L 5 GI4GTY/P IO74 93 32,615 351 GJ4NOK 630 10 7 Ele Yagi    
R 6 GM3HAM/P IO74 111 32,292 291 G0FBB/P 538 40 11 ele good tropo, but slow going in last couple of hours, couldn't work into mainland Europe. Only heard a weak PA.
Open 7 G4RFR/P IO80 126 30,328 241 GM4ZUK/P 682 150 12 ele  
Open 8 MM0CPS/P IO84 89 25,647 288 PA2M 671 160 8ele G0KSC Harder to keep pace with the top scores on 4m each year. Activity levels are encouraging.
Open 9 M0NFD/P IO94 90 23,259 258 GJ4NOK 586 160 5 ele  
R 10 G2BQY/P IO81 99 23,099 233 PA4VHF 652 40 8 ele YU7EF No Es this year. 73 TDARC  
L 11 GM3SHK/P IO75 57 21,996 386 G0FBB/P 667 10 5 ELE YAGI  
R 12 G3RCV/P JO01 84 21,160 252 SW8YA 2199 40 7 el Eagle Modified Elecraft transverter worked very well
R 13 MW0TWC/P IO82 90 20,634 229 ON7GB 564 25 6 ele LFA **TWCG** Stunning weather and great fun for our first team outing.
R 14 G3PYE/P JO02 93 20,364 219 SW8YA 1767 40 7-ele Homebrew Restricted this year for a change. Sometimes frustrating, but much more relaxed. Wonderful weather!
R 15 G2LO/P IO92 103 18,528 180 PA4VHF 563 40 6 el Rotator cable suffered damage as a cow decided it looked tasty. Note: electric fence required next year!
R 16 G4ALE/P IO91 86 16,701 194 GM4ZOK/P 651 40 6 el yagi Northe East Surrey CG. Tnx to CC for organising contest, weather and condx.
R 17 GW0AAA/P IO81 78 16,540 212 PF7M 623 20 4el First time ever QRV on 4m SSB/CW. After contest we realised that only one side of the 4el beam was connected. Yes, the SWR WAS very high!
R 18 G3FJE/P IO92 84 16,461 196 GM4ZUK/P 570 25 12 Ele  
R 19 G0OLE/P IO93 63 15,711 249 GJ4NOK 543 40 5 ele yagi Great section of VHF NFD a gentlemanly band nice to be able to give WAB squares to the fixed stations who operate on this band all year long
MS 20 G4VFL/P IO84 62 14,376 232 G0FBB/P 454 25 4 ele LFA Wx: 59+ Working 70MHz SSB was a new experience for some of the club members so was great fun.
Open 21 G4FRS//P IO91 67 13,531 202 GM4ZUK/P 646 70W 4/4Y Good Weather, Good BBQ, Good Food
MS 22 G8LED/P IO92 78 13,250 170 GM4ZUK/P IN IO86 537 40 8 Ele To follow...
L 23 G8WY/P IO83 65 12,064 186 GJ4NOK 492 10 6-ele Bolton Wireless Club on Winter Hill (in the sun!)  
MS 24 G1IVG/P IO92 70 11,599 166 GM4ZUK/P 511 35 5 el    
R 25 G6IPU/P JO02 42 11,255 268 EI9E/P 552 40W 5-ele yagi Fantastic weekend, nice weather, great fun.
R 26 G0ROC/P IO83 50 9,496 190 GM4ZUK/P 362 20 5 El Yagi Operation was restricted to less than 2 hours due to transverter failure.
R 27 G7APD/P IO92 50 8,761 175 GM4ZUK/P 513 40W 8ele DL6WU  
R 28 G2OA/P IO83 31 5,734 185 G0FBB/P 382 25 2Y  
R 29 G3VLG/P IO92 30 4,650 155 GI4GTY/P 360 30w 3Y DL6WU Really happy with the way things went considering we had an unmodified FT847 and a 3 ele beam we put together at the site in 80 mins!
FSO 30 G3NPI IO92 45 8,993 200 GM4ZUK/P 557 150w 6 over 6 LFA GMs very strong all day
FSO 31 G3TCT IO81 35 8,813 252 GM4ZUK/P 649 160 6ele DK7ZB Condx vg. I'd forgotten what the band sounds like when full of strong signals! ~3hr only.
FSO 32 G4KCT IO93 32 7,602 238 GJ4NOK 535 150 5 ele Thanks for the points , sorry i lost G4FRS/P and was never heard again . Well done to the GJ4NOK crew
FSO 33 GW8ASD IO83 34 7,212 212 GJ4NOK 435 100 7 ele Eagle Good fun with the usual sweeper frustrations!
FSR 34 G4RYV IO91 30 6,629 221 GM6MD/P 491 20W 5 ele DK7ZB Homebrew Conditions good for most of the session but tailed off towards end. 73
FSR 35 G3TDH IO83 29 6,322 218 GJ4NOK 464 30W 3 ele Excellent tropo. Many thanks to all.
FSR 36 G4HGI IO83 31 6,231 201 GM4ZUK/P 385 0.3 5 ele vine duo 3 hours operating mixed with 144 MHz thanks to all. Possibly the last run out for the Mighty 300 mw Meon :-(
FSR 37 M0WAF IO92 28 6,164 220 GM4ZUK/P 509 40 5Ele PIXIE Thank all who took part. Great weekend ! SDARS
FSR 38 M5MUF IO92 33 6,039 183 GM4ZUK/P 485 40W Single quad loop Good TR condxns and didn't expect to work as many GMs as I did. Better performance on 4m over obstructed path than either 6 or 2m.  
FSO 39 G4AFJ IO92 31 5,793 187 GM4ZUK/P 488 50 5 el HB YAGI  
FSR 40 G8EOP IO93 25 5,766 231 GJ4NOK 503 40 5 el Beam  
FSR 41 G8MCA JO01 26 5,652 217 GI4GTY/P 521 20 5 ele homebrew LFA Good activity
FSR 42 G4JED JO01 15 4,846 323 SW8YA 2201 10 4 ele Yagi  
FSO 43 GM4JR IO85 18 4,780 266 G4ALE/P 482 150 6 ele Yagi Slow, few beaming north. Heard about 30 I could not raise at all despite some VERY good signals
FSR 44 G0VOF IO83 23 4,689 204 GM4ZUK/P 353 30 Dipole No eS but very good tropo conditions. Thanks for all QSO's. 73, Mark
FSR 45 G8ONK IO83 22 4,614 210 G0FBB/P 392 25 5 Ele YU7EF Good conditions to north and west. Thanks for all points
FSR 46 2E0HRO IO83 20 4,075 204 G0FBB/P 371 2w DK7ZB 10 ELE Great contest plenty of european stns heard, nothing worked on this band today.73
FSR 47 G8BFV IO81 14 3,038 217 GM3HAM/P 425 40 4 el. yagi    
FSO 48 G4HHJ IO91 17 2,843 167 EI9E/P 452 150 4 ele  
FSR 49 M0XBF JO01 14 2,261 162 GW2OP/P 374 8 3 ele yagi  
FSR 50 G8HGN JO01 9 1,041 116 G3CKR/P 238 10 HB9CV @ 4M AGL Token entry with QRP. No room on mast for decent antenna. tnx to all who heard me, & EI9E/p for trying hard to pull me through at the death
FSR 51 2V0JWJ IO81 1 24 24 G2BQY/P 24 20W Tri-Band Vertical  

144 MHz (92 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 TM7G IN93 729 603,861 828 LA5UKA 1971 120 4x10 2x17 BW Field day operation on hill top, Great propagation ! Enjoyed to contact so many UK station
Open 2 OZ1ALS JO44 730 377,431 517 EA1FDI 1858 1000 8x4+8x4+2x11 Great contest, best ever. 50 G stations. 11 EA stations. 115 grids.
Open 3 EI9E/P IO62 628 372,788 594 SN7L 1547 1000 2x19 Wow! Great conditions to the south throughout. Paths to the east were less stable but still exceptional. 94 QSOs over 1000Kms and 98sq.
Open 4 GW2OP/P IO71 670 356,482 532 SN7L 1416 400 3x17 + 2x17 Good conditions from Scandinavia, through Central Europe to the Mediterranean coast and Spain at various times during the contest. 130 contacts over 900km and QSO rates that were maintained right through the contest. Good G activity with 350 QSOs. Total of 18 countries & 108 grids in the log. Definitely one to remember!
Open 5 DF0MU JO32 768 320,172 417 EA1FDI 1528 500 16x 5wl, 4x 24EL, 3x 20EL, 4x BigWheel  
Open 6 G5LK/P JO01 612 250,276 409 SP7NHS 1239 400 58 ele  
R 7 MW0TWC/P IO82 525 184,679 352 SN7L 1309 100 9ele Vargarda **TWCG** Stunning weather and great fun for our first team outing.
Open 8 G4RFR/P IO80 374 159,314 426 DM3D 1060 400 2 x 19 el Yagi A Really Fine Radio weekend 4 us
R 9 G6IPU/P JO02 341 152,797 448 EA2AGZ 1245 100 17 ele Tonna Good weekend, wx excellent and plenty of activity on 2m. Tnx to all for the points and hope to see you next year.
Open 10 G3FJE/P IO92 420 150,772 359 OK1KCR 1136 400 2 x 12    
Open 11 M0NFD/P IO94 336 142,673 425 EA2AGZ 1392 350 2 x 9 ele Can't ask for a better weekend. We did have a high noise floor from nearby Lion Inn but the proximity had benefits in terms of refreshments!
R 12 G5XV/P IO91 357 132,301 371 SP9PZD 1450 100w 19e Yagi  
Open 13 MM0CPS/P IO84 347 131,440 379 F1USF 1518 400 8x7ele DK7ZB Great tropo cndx throughout, especially N/S to F & EA. Harder to work PA/DL from SW GM but still managed a few.
R 14 G3ZME/P IO82 378 127,332 337 OK6T 1334 100 17 ele Steady going for 24hrs. A few juicy bits of Eu DX. Gear worked 100%  
R 15 GM3HAM/P IO74 333 123,852 372 F1USF 1396 100W 17 ele m2  
Open 16 G4HRC/P JO01 167 123,456 739 EA1IDU/P IN IN82 1075 80 15E Nice opening down south to Spain
R 17 M0MCG/P IO80 273 105,621 387 OZ6TY 1175 75 10 ele Yagi This will be a very memorable contest, blessed with wonderful conditions & glorious weather. Thanks for points de G4WFR G0KYS & G7ASJ
R 18 M0MDG/P JO00 283 105,102 371 EA1FDI 1082 100W 12 ele beam  
R 19 G3WIM/P IO91 331 94,247 285 SM7 GUF 1141 100 18 ele yagi NE Surrey CG
R 20 GW0AAA/P IO81 307 87,899 286 EA2AGZ 1116 50 10el Sharing the field with a nasty RF noise source on 144MHz did not make life easy on this band. Nevertheless it was fun operating 2m in VHF-FD
Open 21 G2AS/P IO93 254 78,521 309 EA2DR/1 1158 300 2 x 12 ele HOME BREW STACKED  
R 22 G0ROC/P IO83 301 78,007 259 EA1FDI 1248 100 11 Ele Tonna  
Open 23 G3WM/P JO01 187 71,318 381 TM02REF 1320 400 2x 13 ele cushcraft  
R 24 G3PYE/P JO02 267 66,438 249 SN7L 1076 100 17-ele Tonna Restricted this year for a change. Sometimes frustrating, but much more relaxed. Wonderful weather!
R 25 G3RCV/P JO01 215 64,163 298 OL7C 1161 100 17 el Tonna  
L 26 G8WY/P IO83 204 52,991 260 TM100TF/P 1190 25 9 element vargarda Resurrecting our old call-sign from 1970/1980s VHF field days nice & warm, wind free Winter Hill, wish it was like this for every contest  
R 27 G0OLE/P IO93 124 48,266 389 EA2DR/1 1223 100 11 ele yagi A weekend of celebrations, 30 years since the Goole club entered the contest. Celebrated by using a vintage TR7010 for the last few qso's
R 28 M1BQY/P IO81 161 45,315 281 HB9Y 922 100 G4CQM NextGen8 TDARC B Team  
MS 29 G4VFL/P IO84 92 26,228 285 F1EIT 1270 35 8 ele Wx 59+ : A wonderful contest with weather that was fantastic.
R 30 G4ATH/P IO83 110 25,975 236 F6FZS/P 1214 100 17 ele Tonna 60m ASL at these frequencies just dosen't cut it. Great WX and great company though. Roll on next year !!  
R 31 G3VLG/P IO92 85 24,933 293 SN7L 1192 100W 5Y DK7ZB Amazing sustained tropo. Some firsts for us. Problems with rotator and linear but really enjoyed the activity.
L 32 MM0HCE/P IO75 61 23,465 385 F5VLY/P 746 20 10 elem Yagi Good tropo condx. Sunday even better Saturday: Worked one station Aurora on back of beam: Enjoyed NFD and the good weather this year 73
R 33 GW3ZTT/P IO82 82 21,259 259 SN7L 1301 100 6 Element Bit Quiet. Had station problems.
R 34 G7APD/P IO92 107 21,165 198 SN7L 1169 100W 13ele Cushcraft Some horible signals, but so wide we were unable to identify the culprit.
R 35 G2DX/P IO91 118 19,909 169 F5ICB 892 50w 15 elt Yagi Good Weather. Excellent BBQ, Good Fun
R 36 G2OA/P IO83 98 19,007 194 TM7G 1155 100 DK7ZB 10Y(28) Nice weather and enjoyable but rather slow going in this area. Nice opening to GM Sunday AM. QRM from 4m stn was a problem.
Open 37 G5MW/P JO01 87 18,884 217 TM7GTM 912 50w 8-ele  
Open 38 GM3TKV/P IO87 42 17,532 417 SK7MW 999 250 2 x 11 ele Yagi Tropo did not extend this far north so mediochre conditions for us. Great site, lovely weather, no operators. Point North guys!!!!!
L 39 G0KDV/P JO01 93 17,050 183 EA2DR/1 960 25 10 Ele Tonna Propagation seemed good. Worked into Spain for the first time ever.  
MS 40 MV6SRZ/P IO83 53 8,445 159 GM8EXI/P 427 10 17el tonna just 1hr 20 mins due to backpacker contest and setting up late lol, 73's!!
MS 41 M0HCY/P JO01 38 7,715 203 SN7L 1025 100 10 ele Yagi Good conditions & great weather but QSO rate affected by local farm machinery with audio QRM. Poland was a nice QSO. Thanks for points.
MS 42 MW1LCR/P IO82 34 6,014 177 DL0GTH 984 10 9 Ele Yagi Splatter across the band from some stations. Conditions not good with me. Linear failed, voice keyer wouldn't work with more than 10 w outpu  
L 43 GW7DWY/P IO73 19 5,954 313 HB9Y 1167 25 6 ele Two hours of operating at the end of a great holiday. Suprised and delighted to work TM7G and HB9Y.
L 44 OK1RCG JO60 55 5,095 93 OM3W 331 10 1/4l vertical First contest for my son Jakub. Not so mni DXs with used antenna but he enjoyed each... Nice to hear Gs on our funny setup although not wkd  
R 45 G4BTS/P IO93 25 3,675 147 G4XZL/P 325 100 10 ELE 2METER BEAM    
Open 46 2E0PSM IO81 20 3,365 168 TM7MG 921 50W HB9CV  
Open 47 G7BRC JO01 21 3,224 154 GI4GTY/P 554 100 ZL Special  
Open 48 M3EQQ IO81 6 978 163 MM0CPS/P 373 10W 9 el Tonna    
L 49 GM8GIQ/P IO75 5 571 114 G0BWC/P 257 10 HB9CV 1/2 hour operating trying out QRP portable set up, 25 minutes of which spent trying to work a station in JO01 !  
FSR 50 G0BBB IO91 102 45,903 450 EA2AGZ 1092 100 17 ELE M2  
FSO 51 G4RRA IO80 63 40,976 650 SN7L 1362 400 10ele  
FSR 52 M0WAF IO92 71 25,524 359 EA2AGZ 1192 100 9ELE Tonna Thank all who took part. Great weekend ! SDARS
FSR 53 G4HGI IO83 53 23,222 438 TM100TF/P 1179 95 12 ele i0jxx some nice dx on saturday s & p thanks to all
FSR 54 G0GQT JO01 71 22,497 317 EA1FDI 1129 100 17ele Excellent conditions and a busy band made it hard to find some of the multipliers. Did not get much sleep, but enjoyed every minute.
FSR 55 G8HGN JO01 62 21,008 339 EA2AGZ 1092 50 11 ele LFA Some super Dx about, 38 mult's. Some of the registered stations appear to have entered FSR/O. Time lost looking for them. Tnx to all.
FSR 56 GW8ASD IO83 50 20,395 408 EA2DR/1 1104 100 12ele M2 Good fun with the usual sweeper frustrations! Some interesting DX, for a change.:-)
FSR 57 G4APJ IO83 58 18,985 327 EA1IDU/P 1267 25 9ele Apart from the (expected) QRM from all those powerful stations, an attrocious bout of QRN came up for the last hour or two!
FSR 58 M5MUF IO92 53 13,672 258 EA2DR/1 1071 25W 10 el yagi Excellent TR condxns, but couldn't compete in the pile ups against coastal and /p stations, but still made a few over 1000km.
FSO 59 G4AFJ IO92 53 13,370 252 EA2DR/1 1064 100 10 el HB YAGI  
FSO 60 GM4JR IO85 40 11,754 294 TM7G 1321 400 12 ele M2 Some unbelievably deaf stations on this band!Some 59+ could not be raised. My notes show 40+ I could not raise using legal maximum.
FSO 61 G8MCA JO01 43 11,051 257 EA2DR/1 963 400 5 element homebrew LFA Some good conditions
FSR 62 M0XBF JO01 41 9,493 232 EA2DR/1 991 40 12 ELE ZL SPECIAL  
FSR 63 G4XPE IO92 42 8,616 205 TM7G 1066 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10-element Yagi    
FSR 64 G8XTJ IO91 36 8,394 233 F6FZS/P 964 100 4 el 2m Yagi    
FSR 65 G4DFA IO91 35 8,206 234 TM7G 899 50 w 9 Ele Tonna  
FSO 66 G4BRK IO91 23 8,069 351 EA2DR/1 960 50 9 el DK7ZB Good tropo condx!  
FSR 67 2E0HRO IO83 30 7,718 257 F6FZS/P 1162 5w DK7ZB 10 ELE Great contest plenty of european stns heard.Only bagged three on 5watts.73
FSR 68 M0NST IO83 30 7,580 253 TM7G 1153 50w 8 element innov yagi  
FSR 69 G4RYV IO91 40 7,518 188 GI4FUM/P 506 10W 9 ele F9FT Tonna Good weather for the portable stations and good conditions too.
FSR 70 G4JED JO01 33 7,208 218 TM7G 893 50 9 ele Yagi  
FSR 71 G4WMZ JO02 25 7,109 284 TM7G 1021 10W 9 ele Tonna Pleased with first 1000km+ QSO from this QTH (TM7G)
FSR 72 G8ONK IO83 25 7,041 282 TM7G 1169 100 12 ele DL6WU Thanks for all points
FSO 73 G4VPD IO92 22 6,673 303 EA1DDU 1025 100 13ele Innov LFA  
FSR 74 G0VOF IO83 31 6,011 194 TM7G 1171 50 Sotabeam SB5 Great conditions on Sunday morning. Thanks for all QSO's. 73, Mark
FSR 75 GV4HUN IO92 27 5,463 202 TM7G 997 80w 7el ZL special  
FSR 76 G1MZD IO92 32 5,227 163 EI9E/P 406 25w h/b Halo Quite pleased with results with h/b Halo.Missed most of Sunday.tnx to the /P's out in the sunshine.
FSR 77 G8PZT IO82 24 5,020 209 TM7G 1017 10w Halo Only managed short session in early AM, and last 3/4 hour. Glorious WX, so operated from garden. Very enjoyable. Wish I'd had more time!
FSR 78 G0LGS IO81 25 4,280 171 GM3HAM/P 359 100 8 Ele Powabeam    
FSR 79 G4GTH IO90 10 4,258 426 EA2DR/1 871 90W M2 9 Element Yagi Pretty good conditions  
FSR 80 G0CER IO82 25 3,994 160 GI4FUM/P 298 40 11  
FSR 81 G4BEE IO83 30 3,685 123 EI9E/P 312 5 5 elel Yagi Lots of DX about .. but no joy in working it :-(. Continentals skipped over my QTH !  
FSR 82 2V0BMO IO83 15 3,680 245 TM7G 1154 40 7Y A bit of fun during a break from the main event just for an hour.
FSR 83 G4HHJ IO91 20 3,282 164 EI9E/P 452 50 11 ele  
FSO 84 GM8IEM IO78 8 2,779 347 EI9E/P 642 400 9 el Vine The first contact was via aurora, the remainder under flat tropo conditions. Tnx to all!
FSR 85 M3JAC IO91 17 2,728 160 DF0MU 560 10 21 Ele Tonna  
FSR 86 G4DDL IO91 15 2,397 160 EI9E/P 436 25W 5 el ZL special - Fixed Azimuth Just playing, fixed yagi beaming north!! Great to work my first EI  
FSR 87 G4FKI IO92 11 2,065 188 TM7G 976 25 4ele    
FSR 88 G8BFV IO81 8 1,911 239 TM7G 886 5 HB9CV high vswr so only 5W and only on for 5 hrs.  
FSR 89 M0TNR IO82 12 1,634 136 GM3HAM/P 275 15 2m Slimjim onna stick onna stick    
FSR 90 M0RHS IO80 9 1,577 175 EI9E/P 364 100w 9ELE  
FSR 91 2V0JWJ IO81 11 1,323 120 EI9E/P 344 20W Tri-Band Vertical  
FSO 92 M0ZPK JO01 6 316 53 G3FJE 128 30 Colinear    

432 MHz (67 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 TM7G IN93 252 192,792 765 LA6LCA 1946 120 2x38 M2 Field day operation on hill top, Great propagation ! Enjoyed to contact so many UK station
Open 2 EI9E/P IO62 290 173,835 599 SN7L 1547 400 4x21 Great fun, with 41 QSOs over 1000Kms and 70 Sqs worked.
Open 3 GW2OP/P IO71 199 99,690 501 DL7AFB 1207 400 4*21 + 21 ele Band open to SW France and Spain throughout and into DL/OZ/LA on Saturday evening. 54 squares, 31 QSOs over 900kms. Some "local QRM issues"
Open 4 OZ1ALS JO44 194 94,424 487 EA1FDI 1858 1000 8x7 Nice contest with good dx. 2 EA and 20 G stations worked. 64 grids
Open 5 G5LK/P JO01 189 70,485 373 EA1FDI 1174 400 4x28  
Open 6 G4BRA/P IO80 168 66,260 394 OL7M 1335 400 4x21 ele  
R 7 G6IPU/P JO02 152 64,556 425 OK2M 1209 100 35 ele  
Open 8 G3FJE/P IO92 198 57,330 290 SN7L 1088 400 2 x 18 ele Powabeams    
R 9 G8OHM/P IO92 168 50,988 304 OL7M 1261 100 24 el Great conditions, activity and weather.
R 10 M0MCG/P IO80 112 46,129 412 SN7L 1369 50 21 ele Yagi This will be a very memorable contest, blessed with wonderful conditions & glorious weather. Thanks for the points de G4WFR, G0KYS & G7ASJ
R 11 MW0TWC/P IO82 136 45,016 331 SN7L 1309 60 19 ele Tonna **TWCG** Stunning weather and great fun for our first team outing.
R 12 M0MDG/P JO00 125 39,283 314 SN7L 1063 100 19 ele  
R 13 G3PYE/P JO02 144 35,556 247 SN7L 1076 100 21-ele Tonna Restricted this year for a change. Sometimes frustrating, but much more relaxed. Wonderful weather!
Open 14 MM0CPS/P IO84 97 33,466 345 F5ICN 1321 400 2x23ele DK7ZB Best ever 70cm score (even better than 2005 opening to EA1) from this site.
R 15 G5XV/P IO91 93 32,891 354 SN7L 1187 90w M2 9wl  
R 16 G2BQY/P IO81 118 30,984 263 SN7L 1264 100 30 ele K7MEM Blown preamp put us at a disadvantage. 73 TDARC  
Open 17 M0NFD/P IO94 80 29,993 375 EA1DDU 1256 200 29 Element Great condions at times but very low turn-out from UK fixed stations. Fantastic WX and no disasters on site, enjoyable. Thanks for all QSO's
R 18 G3SRC/P IO91 120 28,195 235 EA1FDI IN IN53 1095 100 28 el loop yagi North East Surrey CG. We do well when condx bad. Not so well, in comparison with others, when condx good. Never mind. Great weekend.
R 19 G0OLE/P IO93 59 24,365 413 OL7M 1239 100 19 ele yagi Not many sweepers replying to CQ calls A fantastic way to celebrate my 60th birthday on the Saturday!
R 20 GM3HAM/P IO74 67 23,907 357 F5ICN 1334 100 37 element  
L 21 G3ZME/P IO82 89 23,083 259 SN7L 1282 25W 17 ele yagi Hard work with 25W - all search & Pounce. Some good DX from time to time.  
L 22 G0ROC/P IO83 104 21,423 206 TM7G 1160 20 21 Element Yagi  
R 23 G3RCV/P JO01 92 20,490 223 SN7L 1067 100 21 el Tonna  
L 24 GM8CLY/P IO75 43 17,809 414 PA6NL 752 10 25 ele yagi Tropo
R 25 GW0AAA/P IO81 67 17,677 264 SN7L 1283 20 10el The furthest station worked (SN7L at 1283km) on ANY band was on 70cm. Yes, it's a funny old world up there on VHF - UHF!
MS 26 G2XV/P JO02 68 16,288 240 SN7L 1083 35 21 ele Tonna Good choice of band, the MS section is ideal for us, but aerial changes as dusk falls bring certain challenges - no internet, no databases, an OK result, thought we would do better than this though.  
Open 27 G5MW/P JO01 61 14,311 235 SN7L 1043 30 8-ele Please note we did issue (send) duplicate serial numbers #59. Brain trouble also caused incorrect logged time (BST): might correct it later.
R 28 G3VLG/P IO92 56 12,607 225 TM7G 1025 100W 10Y DK7ZB Fantastic sustained tropo. Some firsts for us. Really enjoyed the activity.
R 29 GW8ZTT/P IO82 57 12,418 218 OH7OT 850 100 18 Element Good
R 30 G2AS/P IO93 58 11,839 204 TM7G 1136 50 13 EL PARABEAM  
MS 31 G4WVR/P IO92 48 8,127 169 DF0MU 563 40 20! eleTonna    
R 32 G2OA/P IO83 38 6,756 178 TM7G 1155 100 19 Y  
R 33 M0JBA/P IO93 18 3,802 211 OZ9PZ 643 5W 6 ele SotaBeam Lovely sunny weekend! Contacts with Nederlands and Denmark an unexpected surprise - they must have good ears. My first NFD, but will do more
MS 34 M0HCY/P JO01 22 3,789 172 DF0MU 443 25 15 ele Yagi Good conditions & great weather. 70cm was as good as 2m at times. Local audio noise spoilt some QSOs. Thanks for points. Blackwater ARCG.
MS 35 MW1LCR/P IO82 19 3,499 184 PI4Z 502 20 19 Ele Yagi Very quiet, some choice DX heard, but nothing workable...  
R 36 G2DX/P IO91 15 2,958 197 TM7G 887 25w 14 Elt Yagi Good Weather, Good BBQ, Good Fun
Open 37 GM3TKV/P IO87 5 1,874 375 PA6NL 785 100 2 x 19 ele Yagi Conditions OK on Sunday but stations would not beam North. Best DX was audible ALL DAY,please turn North! We wont be back
FSO 38 G3XDY JO02 41 19,055 465 EA2AGZ 1152 300 28ele Msquared Yagi Super conditions, some very nice DX around, so spent less time looking for VHF NFD entrants than I should have done.
FSR 39 G0GQT JO01 45 12,119 269 TM7G 915 100 17ele Good conditions and good activity. A great weekend.
FSR 40 G8HGN JO01 40 8,772 219 TM7G 937 50 24 ele LFA A few unusual signals, shall we say, from some of the portables. Voice keyers and unfamiliar equipment maybe? Tnx to all.
FSR 41 G4APJ IO83 31 7,929 256 TM7G 1156 25 19ele Apparently missed the best DX my going to a (very enjoyable) BBQ!
FSR 42 G4WMZ JO02 28 7,892 282 TM7G 1021 10W 19 ele Tonna some good DX
FSO 43 GM4JR IO85 24 7,828 326 PA6NL 612 150 21 ele Tonna Hard going. Heard 30+ I could not raise on back of their beams, some very good signals. Other stns called them too to no avail.
FSR 44 G8MCA JO01 37 7,211 195 DF0MU 499 100 10 Element LFA  
FSO 45 G4AFJ IO92 26 5,337 205 TM7G 1038 50 18el JB YAGI  
FSR 46 GW8ASD IO83 13 5,000 385 TM7G 1096 75 28 ele M2 Yagi Good fun with the usual sweeper frustrations, which become more evident as you go up in frequency. Especially when trying to operate 4 bands!
FSR 47 M0PXY IO92 19 4,629 244 TM7G 1037 50 Tonna Thank all who took part. Great weekend ! SDARS
FSR 48 G4JED JO01 19 4,526 238 TM7G 893 50 18 ele Yagi  
FSR 49 M0XBF JO01 25 3,832 153 EI9E/P 517 40 19 ele yagi  
FSR 50 G4HHJ IO91 15 2,920 195 DF0MU 521 50 19 ele  
FSO 51 G4BRK IO91 11 2,430 221 DF0MU 597 50 2m yagi! Good tropo condx! Surprised to work into DL and EI using 2m yagi as antenna :-)  
FSR 52 G8XTJ IO91 15 2,382 159 DF0MU 551 100 4 el 2m Yagi    
FSR 53 G8EOP IO93 10 2,348 235 EI9E/P 369 75 28 el Beam Too Old to work 3 bands thanks all for going out /P. again every station worked is a /P
FSO 54 G4VPD IO92 8 2,326 291 DL0GTH 897 75 17ele Innov LFA  
FSR 55 G0CER IO82 11 2,227 202 PA6NL 464 30 11  
FSR 56 M6NNX IO83 11 2,150 195 G0FBB/P 355 10 13-ele @ 5m, 116m ASL just a quick 1 hour session saturday night  
FSR 57 M3JAC IO91 12 1,849 154 PA6NL 343 10 21 Ele Tonna    
FSR 58 M0NST IO83 10 1,608 161 GM8CLY/P 304 20 17 elel yagi  
FSR 59 2E0HRO IO83 10 1,586 159 EI9E/P 263 5w DK7ZB 10 ELE Great contest plenty of european stns heard.73
FSR 60 G0LGS IO81 10 1,532 153 MM0CPS/P 345 75 14 Ele Powabeam    
FSR 61 G4BEE IO83 9 1,346 150 EI9E/P 312 5 9 ele Yagi    
FSR 62 G8BFV IO81 6 906 151 EI9E/P 323 8 HB9CV Low power and small antenna  
FSR 63 M0TNR IO82 5 813 163 EI9E/P 316 15 2m Slimjim onna stick onna stick    
FSR 64 G8ONK IO83 5 768 154 GM8CLY/P 280 50 19 ele DL6WU Very few contest stations using cq on this band
FSR 65 G4DDL IO91 4 690 172 EI9E/P 436 25w 5el 2m yagi - fixed azimuth Astonished to work EI on a fixed 2m beam, many thanks!!!
FSR 66 G0VOF IO83 3 488 163 EI9E/P 321 20 Sotabeams SB5 Only using 144MHz antenna so a bit limited in what I could work. EI9E/P were very loud though. Thanks for all QSO's. 73, Mark
FSR 67 2V0JWJ IO81 3 452 151 EI9E/P 344 20W Tri-Band Vertical  

1,3 GHz (30 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 EI9E/P IO62 123 76,973 626 DL0GTH 1230 100 4x35 Station improvements over the last couple of years enabled us to make the most of some super conditions with 51 QSOs > 700Kms.
Open 2 TM7G IN93 102 75,982 745 LA6LCA 1946 120 1.9M Dish Field day operation on hill top, Great propagation ! unfortunately lack of activity on 13/3 that was not part of contest
Open 3 G5LK/P JO01 93 32,000 344 SM7GVF 1077 200 4 x 22  
R 4 G2BQY/P IO81 78 25,637 329 OL4K 1271 100W 1.2m Dish Superb conditions and what a change from last year! TDARC  
Open 5 OZ1ALS JO44 51 24,208 475 TM7G 1537 230 1.5m Disc  
R 6 G3OHM/P IO92 72 22,362 311 OL4K 1192 100 70 ele Some good QSOs despite antenna fault, not fixed until after contest, plus problems with connection for KST.
R 7 G3FJE/P IO92 36 11,150 310 OL4K 1096 100W 55 element Tonna  
Open 8 M0NFD/P IO94 36 10,838 301 TM7G 1238 150 55 Element Tonna Hard work from G8PNN to get what we did! Some nice DX and WX fantastic. No equipment failures this year on 23! Thanks QSO's.
L 9 G3ZME/P IO82 42 10,433 248 TM7G 1039 25W 67 ele long yagi Slow going with only 25W. All search & Pounce! Hope for higher activity next year !  
Open 10 G4RFR/P IO80 16 6,142 384 F5ICN 866 10 28 Ele Yagi Put simple station up not realising that site had been registered for 23cms in contest. Glad I came - fantastic DX to Spain & south France  
Open 11 G5MW/P JO01 26 5,215 201 PI4GN 470 400 2 x 68 Great fun and excellent weather
MS 12 G2XV/P JO02 15 3,583 239 TM7G 993 10 55 ele Tonna Most of the activity must have been on Saturday? Expect to do a lot better on this band. Poor result for the effort - no internet and databases - As I understand it we could have made active use of these on this band, this result suggests we must if we do this again.  
R 13 G0OLE/P IO93 13 3,359 258 DL0GHT 864 10 4ft dish CQ calls largely a waste of time
R 14 GW4ZTT/P IO82 14 2,363 169 G5LK/P 367 1W 23ele Tonna Good
Open 15 G4ATH/P IO83 7 1,288 184 EI9E/P 300 40 2 x 14 el Yagis stacked on 13 metre pole The total ERP power of 2 stacked yagi's is less than some who use a single large antenna. Results were disappointing.
MS 16 G4OCO/P IO70 2 1,108 554 TM7G 834 10W 35 ele beam  
Open 17 GM3TKV/P IO87 1 65 65 GM3UAG 65 150 64 el Yagi Diabolical conditions
Open 18 G4ATHH/P IO83 7 7 1 JO02AF 566 40W 2x14el Yagi Despite 2 antennas and a bit more power still struggled to work and real DX, even with antennas at 13Metres. Gain not as good as single 19e.
FSO 19 G3XDY JO02 45 24,837 552 EA2AGZ 1152 400 4 x 23 ele Yagis Great conditions, which distracted me from finding UK NFD stations. Good on the higher bands too, pity they aren't included in UK VHF NFD.
FSR 20 G4NBS JO02 32 9,167 286 TM7G 1002 80W 55ele Seemed to just be on the edge of the best conditions. Almost made my 1st EA on 23..... No KST and hard not calling CQ!
FSO 21 G4KCT IO93 25 8,934 357 EA2DR/1 1214 150 2 x 44 ele Thanks for the points .
FSR 22 G8EOP IO93 24 5,758 240 TM7G 1159 100 35 el Beam Hard work sweeping if no one calls CQ. If they are using 144 or 432 to arrange a QSO, If after the QSO they do not call CQ its a lost qso.
FSO 23 G3TCT IO81 12 3,870 322 TM7G 877 150 44 ele Wimo Pleased to work into southern France plus PA and DL, but disappointingly few QSOs. 2.5hr only.
FSO 24 G4BRK IO91 11 3,255 296 TM7G 932 400 35 el Good tropo condx! Also worked TM7G on 13cm, louder than 23! Shame we don't have higher bands in this contest.  
FSR 25 GW8ASD IO83 7 2,545 364 DL0GTH 986 80 67ele Yagi Good fun with the usual sweeper frustrations, which become more evident as you go up in frequency. Especially when trying to operate 4 bands!
FSR 26 G0GQT JO01 4 771 193 DK0PU 434 10 19ele  
FSR 27 G0LGS IO81 5 687 137 EI9E/P 326 10 19 Ele    
FSR 28 G4JED JO01 1 54 54 G0FBB/P 54 10 35 ele Tonna  
FSR 29 G8BFV IO81 1 8 8 G2BQY/P 8 3 23 el quad loop On Sunday just to give the local /P group a point. Temporary set-up.  
FSR 30 G8ONK IO83 1 1 1   0 30 23 ele Tonna Set up for last 2 hours only, did not hear one CQ in 2 hrs of continuous sweeping and beam heading changing. Possible rule change to allow FS stations to CQ or use KST on this band ?

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