Claimed Scores 2014
  9981 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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30/12/14 70MHz UKAC
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/14 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
16/12/14 1.3GHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for VHF NFD

50 MHz (44 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 EI9E/P IO62 134 57,287 428 D44TS 4457 1000 7 Hard going from here this year with little Es and poor tropo conitions
Open 2 M0BAA/P JO01 162 51,851 320 SZ8XIO IN KM28WN 2410 400 7el DK7ZB @48ft Hard work with only fleeting Es... some DX but it had to be grabbed before it faded out!
Open 3 GW2OP/P IO71 128 40,772 319 KP4EIT 6480 400 7+7ele Conditions a bit flat, but we had a great time. Paper log now retrieved. The nearby caravan site provided some excellent fish & chips.
R 4 M0MDG/P JO00 110 34,294 312 SZ8LSV 2386 100 5 ELE F9FT TONNA Very Poor and seems activity is getting worse every year. Good fun had by all looking forward to the next one.
Open 5 MM0CPS/P IO84 96 33,338 347 D44TS 4773 400 2x5ele DK7ZB No E's except double hop QSO to D4. 1 x Tropo Q to F & ON, and little else.
Open 6 G4BRA/P IO80 121 28,882 239 SZ8LSV 2567 400 11 Ele Beam  
Open 7 G3PYE/P JO02 127 27,379 216 SV2HVD 2237 400 6-ele homebrew YU7EF  
MS 8 GW4YNL/P IO82 111 26,566 239 D44TS 4569 90 7 ele PowAbeam E's predictably all but vanished just before the contest started but at least the weather was 59+!! Tnx to all stations in the log.
L 9 GI4GTY/P IO74 82 26,089 318 ON8DM 710 20 7 Ele Yagi  
R 10 G2LO/P IO92 139 21,978 158 F4AZF 643 100 8 el yagi (Innov) As for others, Es ended 30 mins before start of contest, but fairly busy for first few hours.
R 11 G8LED/P IO92 95 20,011 211 D44TS 4627 100 8 Element LFA Not sure what more we can do from IO92 to improve our score when the band's flat, we're not far enough away from anywhere!
R 12 G4ALE/P IO91 90 19,449 216 SZ8LSV 2427 100 5 el yagi  
R 13 G2BQY/P IO81 113 18,304 162 GM4ZUK/P 635 100w 7 ele DK7ZB Es before but not during contest! Slow going  
R 14 G3ZME/P IO82 83 17,535 211 D44TS 4593 100 8 ele lfa conditions fairly flat
R 15 G5TO/P IO93 71 17,426 245 D44TS 4726 100 3 el yagi @ 9m The Es just about disappeared by the start of the contest! However just two hours later we were amazed to work D44TS at 4726km!
R 16 G6IPU/P JO02 53 17,259 326 SV1JGX/8 2397 100 7-ele yagi  
R 17 GM3HAM/P IO74 52 15,632 301 G0FBB/P 538 100 9 element Worst conditions ever
R 18 G4OXD/P IO92 76 13,190 174 Z35T 2030 100 5 ele Yagi  
MS 19 G2XV/P JO02 88 12,695 144 GM4ZUK/P 559 80 5 ele E's vanished 30mins before start. Rain am. Great Fun but hard work.
R 20 G0ROC/P IO83 81 12,271 151 G5LK/P 373 100 4/5 El Duo Band  
MS 21 G4VFL/P IO84 52 11,983 230 M0MDG/P 450 100 6ele Yagi by G4CQM Wx: Brilliant Radio: Poor
Open 22 GW3ZTT/P IO82 63 11,766 187 PA6TT 594 100 6 ELE YAGI Very flat radio conditions. Main generator failed at 6pm. Great weather all weekend with good views from the elevated site.  
L 23 G0BWC/P IO83 59 10,178 173 ON8DM 478 25 5 ele yu7ef Not a sniff of E`s, flat as a pancake in IO83. Excellent wx, BBQ and company more than made up for the low score. Early bath at 7pm , see you on 70Mhz on Sunday  
R 24 G0OLE/P IO93 43 9,703 226 PA6M 454 100W 5 ele yagi B team
Open 25 G5MW/P JO01 44 9,546 217 Z35T 1949 100 3ele  
R 26 G3BXF/P IO92 54 8,697 161 GM4ZUK/P 513 100W 5ele Yagi  
R 27 G4NPH/P IO92 51 8,458 166 GM4ZUK/P 533 100 4 ELE Yagi    
R 28 G2DX/P IO91 50 7,083 142 GM4ZUK/P 646 100 4 Elt Yagi  
L 29 G0KDV/P JO01 30 6,452 215 GI4GTY/P 528 25 3 el Yagi Radio conditions poor. Weather rain at times, but a great time.  
R 30 G8SRC/P IO91 43 5,859 136 GM3HAM/P 411 100 5 ELE  
Open 31 G3WM/P JO01 22 5,121 233 Z35T 1908 100 5 ELE MOONRAKER Main amp got wet fri night, had to run with back up, band flat  
MS 32 G0IVR/P IO91 19 3,194 168 MM0CPS/P 450 100 3 ele yagi The E's disappeared just before the start of the contest..... Therefore a bit quiet  
L 33 GA3TAL/P IO75 9 1,761 196 G0ROC/P 405 25 2 ELE YAGI    
FSO 34 G4ELJ IO91 46 11,538 251 Z35T 2040 400 2x6 1 Es & 42 /p stations. Es died after start and fun finding all the /p stations. MM0CPS, GI4GTY and EI9E loud throughout. Tnx for the pts.
FSR 35 G0BBB IO91 38 7,233 190 GM4ZUK/P 624 100 5 ELE m2 Could not find quite a few potable stations. Interesting experience. Very enjoyable. 73 all.
FSR 36 G8ATK IO91 25 5,885 235 Z35T 2041 100 4 ele    
FSR 37 GW8ASD IO83 24 4,935 206 GM4ZUK/P 433 100 5 ele Contest stations should ask about other bands, and make clear where they are QSYing to as sweepers can't call. It was very frustrating!
FSR 38 M5MUF IO92 16 4,096 256 GM4ZUK/P 485 100 1 el quad loop Hard work with no Es, small antenna and lots of domestic QRN.  
FSR 39 G4APJ IO83 18 3,078 171 GM4ZUK/P 367 8 5ele  
FSO 40 G8CUL IO91 20 3,067 153 MM0CPS/P 399 200W 6 element On for a few hours only.  
FSO 41 G0LGS IO81 14 2,356 168 MM0CPS/P 345 400 4 Ele LFA    
FSR 42 G4JED JO01 17 1,445 85 G4BRA/P 193 100 4 ele Yagi  
FSR 43 G0CER IO82 8 786 98 GW2OP/P 207 80 3 ele beam before the contest 6m looked promising then well flat in my corner of IO82
FSO 44 GM4JR IO85 4 541 135 GM4ZUK/P 218 400 6 ele Yagi Very, very poor. Low activity.

70 MHz (44 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 EI9E/P IO62 100 37,667 377 ON7EQ 705 250 10 Poor conditions and high local site QRM, sorry to those we may not have heard.
Open 2 GW2OP/P IO71 96 26,690 278 PA2M 656 160 7+7ele Only one PA, and no ONs wkd. But we kept plodding on, and CW provided quite a few QSOs.
Open 3 GM4ZUK/P IO86 59 25,980 440 M0MDG/P 694 150 8 ele Yagi Better WX than 50MHz yesterday! No Es here and tropo poor. Some stations are so deaf that I begin to doubt they have a RX!
R 4 GM3HAM/P IO74 79 24,642 312 G5LK/P 556 40 11 element Conditions flat
L 5 GI4GTY IO74 68 24,062 354 G5LK/P 609 10 7 Ele Yagi  
Open 6 M0BAA/P JO01 93 20,945 225 GM4ZUK/P IO86RW 655 160 7el DK7ZB @48ft Really hard work with no Es on 4m at all.. had to grind out QSOs in the noise and on CW! Thanks to all that called us!
Open 7 MM0CPS/P IO84 68 20,871 307 G5LK/P 539 160 7ele DK7ZB QSO's down on the dizzy heights of the last 2 years. No E's or tropo QSO's of note.
Open 8 G4RFR/P IO80 82 17,027 208 GM4ZUK/P 682 150 12ele  
R 9 G3CKR/P IO93 85 15,752 185 PA3GDY 518 30W 8 ele DJ9BV No E's over 75% of contacts in first 3 hrs.Hard going from then.  
R 10 G2BQY/P IO81 68 14,054 207 GM4ZUK/P 635 40W 7 ele YU7EF Slow! Flat condx  
Open 11 G3PYE/P JO02 76 13,516 178 GM4ZUK/P 558 160 7-ele homebrew YU7EF  
R 12 G2LO/P IO92 85 13,304 157 GM4ZUK/P 546 40W 8 el yagi (Innov) Very slow in the later part of the contest.
R 13 M0MDG/P JO00 63 13,245 210 GM4ZUK/P 694 40 9 ELE DK7ZB Very Poor and seems activity is getting worse every year. Good fun had by all looking forward to the next one.
MS 14 GW4YNL/P IO82 69 12,854 186 GM8OEG 446 40 7 ele PowAbeam One word - DIRE. condx atrocious. No PA/ON/GD hrd hr es painfully slow after the first half an hour. Not much fun!
R 15 G4ALE/P IO91 75 12,278 164 GM4ZUK/P 651 40 5 el yagi  
R 16 G8LED/P IO92 79 12,012 152 GM4ZUK/P 537 40W 8 Element LFA Dead as a Dodo!
Open 17 G8SRC/P IO91 68 11,440 168 GM4ZUK/P 609 160 5 ELE  
L 18 G0BWC/P IO83 59 10,829 184 G5LK/P 382 10 6 ele yu7ef Flat conditions as on 50Mhz but weather was kind again thanks for all the points  
R 19 G5TO/P IO93 62 10,767 174 GM4ZUK/P 390 40 4 el yagi This is a nice band and activity was good at the start but tailed off to long periods of no QSOs later in the afternoon, like 50MHz
MS 20 G4VFL/P IO84 42 10,371 247 G5LK/P 472 25 7 Ele Yagi by G4CQM Wx: Brilliant Radio: Poor
Open 21 GW3ZTT/P IO82 47 9,224 196 ON7EQ 479 40 6 ELE YAGI No E's and flat conditions but QSB wasn't too bad. We finished early due to our main generator failing on Saturday evening. All the other stations were off air with just us and the catering tent on a small petrol generator. Luckily the forcasted rain stayed away.  
R 22 G0OLE/P IO93 44 9,037 205 EI9E/P 435 40W 6 ele yagi Hard work this year. Thanks to stations which assisted with our audio problems. Hired generator only ran 209Volts and was VERY thirsty
R 23 G0ROC/P IO83 47 8,859 188 G5LK/P 373 10 4/5 El Duo Band  
R 24 G6IPU/P JO02 37 8,414 227 EI9E/P 552 40w 8-ele yagi  
Open 25 G5MW/P JO01 44 8,246 187 GM4ZUK/P 661 50 6-ele  
R 26 G3FJE/P IO92 60 8,052 134 GM4ZUK/P 570 50 12 ele yagi  
R 27 G3BXF/P IO92 49 7,614 155 GM4ZUK/P 513 40W 4 ele DK7ZB  
R 28 G4NPH/P IO92 41 6,793 166 GM4ZUK/P 533 40 4 ELE    
Open 29 M0PCB/P IO81 26 4,205 162 GI4GTY/P 375 140W 5 Element Powabeam  
FSO 30 G3XDY JO02 33 7,944 241 GM4ZUK/P 594 150 6ele Yagi  
FSO 31 GW4RWR IO83 35 7,787 222 GM4ZUK/P 421 160 7EL DK7ZB Didn't hear 10 listed /P stations. No Es.
FSR 32 GW8ASD IO83 36 7,512 209 GM4ZUK/P 433 40 7 ele Eagle Contest stations should ask about other bands, and make clear where they are QSYing to as sweepers can't call. It was very frustrating!
FSO 33 G3NPI IO92 35 6,261 179 GM4ZUK/P 557 150 2*6 El LFA yagi Condx fair. Last 2 hours very slow here. Failed to find 11 registered stns or they did not come on!
FSR 34 M5MUF IO92 32 5,917 185 GM4ZUK/P 485 40 5 el LFA Condxns seemed fair, but no sporadic E. Sweeping made hard when some registered stations only S&P without CQing....  
FSO 35 G8CUL IO91 30 5,406 180 GI4GTY/P 442 160W 6 element Only on for a few hours.  
FSO 36 GM4JR IO85 14 4,378 313 G5LK/P 546 150 6 ele Yagi Very poor, low activity.
FSR 37 G3SPJ JO01 23 3,846 167 GI4GTY/P 518 20 SuperMoxon  
FSR 38 G8ATK IO91 22 3,635 165 GI4GTY/P 492 40 4 ele  
FSR 39 G4RYV IO91 18 3,227 179 GM3HAM/P 453 20W 5 ele DK7ZB Homebrew On for short period.Propagation to North good otherwise flat.73
FSR 40 G3TDH IO83 18 3,210 178 G5LK/P 343 30W 3 Ele.  
FSR 41 G4JED JO01 16 2,105 132 EI9E/P 502 10 4 ele Yagi  
FSO 42 G3MEH IO91 10 1,214 121 GM3HAM/P 418 160 Windom at 14m Just giving pts away for a few hours on Sunday morning.
FSR 43 G4FKI IO92 12 978 82 G4RFR/P 194 25 3 ele yagi    
FSR 44 G8EOP IO93 5 569 114 G2BQY/P 174 50 5el beam  

144 MHz (59 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 M0BAA/P JO01 616 237,005 385 SN7L IN JO70SS 1026 400 4x10el + 2x14el Conditions dire on Saturday with five weather fronts between us and continent. Better on Sunday. Managed to work SP, OK, OE and many HB9s...
Open 2 GW2OP/P IO71 314 104,884 334 DL0LN 837 400 4x17 + 2x17ele Everything worked well, and the west of France gave some good QSOs despite the flat condx. Paper log now retrieved.
Open 3 EI9E/P IO62 223 85,842 385 PA0PVW 857 500 2x17 Hard going this year, awful conditions, but the on site catering was even better than usual :-)
Open 4 G4RFR/P IO80 273 73,500 269 DL0BA 876 400w 2 x 17 ele yagi  
R 5 M0MDG/P JO00 230 69,396 302 DK2CF 814 100 15 ELEMENT QD Very poor and seems activity is getting worse every year. Good Fun had by all looking forward to the next one.
Open 6 G3FJE/P IO92 258 68,445 265 OL7C 911 400 2x12 ele DeeCom  
R 7 G3CKR/P IO93 258 65,315 253 HB9N 924 80W 17 ele M2 A big difference from last year.Challenge single op,qrv for 18 hrs. Activity down even in EU from here.Too many major sport events going on.  
Open 8 MM0CPS/P IO84 200 61,882 309 F6APE 860 400 2x9ele M2 Flat to average cndx. Poor QSO totals. Too many sports events on the square box!
Open 9 G3PYE/P JO02 245 61,366 250 HB9G/P 771 400 17-ele Tonna  
R 10 GM3HAM/P IO74 180 55,730 310 F6KCP/P 816 100 17 element Arrived on site late Friday - horizontal rain - but sunshine Sat & Sun. Radio Conditions average
R 11 G3ZME/P IO82 235 47,598 203 DK0SM 859 100 14 ele beam conditions fairly flat
R 12 G6IPU/P JO02 137 45,798 334 OL1C 882 100 17 ele Tonna Very flat conditions with no dx. Disappointing after last year but we had fun. Thanks to all who worked us and sorry we couldn't quite finish with SN7! Better luck next year!
R 13 G3WIM/P IO91 217 43,034 198 OZ1ALS 783 100 21 yagi  
Open 14 G8SRC/P IO91 168 33,397 199 DL0BA 830 380 1x 13 & 1x13  
R 15 G8NPH/P IO92 165 32,974 200 DM5C 669 100 9 ele  
R 16 G0OLE/P IO93 79 27,067 343 DK1CM 903 100W 11 ele yagi Strange radio conditions. Deep QSB and odd beam headings. Some regular VHF NFD stations not on air this year.
R 17 M1BQY/P IO81 174 25,628 147 PA4VHF 652 100 9ele DK7ZB 73 de Tracy M6TEP & Jenni M0HZT TDARC B Team  
Open 18 GW3ZTT/P IO82 125 25,279 202 DK0A 930 400 16 Element Fair radio conditions. Quiet operating because of - World cup, Silverstone, Cycling, Wimbledon. Only on 50W for most of contest.
Open 19 G3WM/P JO01 99 25,200 255 MA0HCE/P 681 400 2 x 13 ele Cushcraft Lots of Noise due to Rain/ poss HV power cable, PTT failed on main amp but repaired, \need more operators
L 20 G0BWC/P IO83 123 23,499 191 DF0MU 681 25w 17 el YAGI Glorious WX on Winter Hill. Conditions slightly above average, but we found it slow going with our modest station
MS 21 G0IVR/P IO91 96 20,029 209 MA0HCE/P 593 100 8 ele yagi Activity a bit low at times  
L 22 MA0HCE/P IO75 44 18,370 418 ON4WY 759 25 10 ELE YAGI    
MS 23 G4VFL/P IO84 73 18,133 248 F1BJD/P 716 100 9ele Yagi by Tonna Wx: Brilliant Radio: Poor
Open 24 G5MW/P JO01 88 17,834 203 OZ1ALK 739 100W 17 Ele Tonna  
R 25 G3BXF/P IO92 91 17,337 191 DN2VHF 668 100W 10 ele DK7ZB  
L 26 G0ROC/P IO83 77 16,517 215 DF0MU 661 25 11 El Yagi  
MS 27 G2OA/P IO83 89 15,696 176 DF0MU 707 100 10 Y DK7ZB (28 Ohm) Poor propagation and activity seemed down on last year. Only one stn from the continent wrkd. Still WX good and no problems encountered.
L 28 G0KDV/P JO01 105 14,654 140 MA0HCE/P 614 25 14 El Yagi    
MS 29 G8MKC/P IO91 101 14,428 143 MA0HCE/P 537 100W 8 ele G4CQM Fairly average conditions hampered by nearby solar panels to the east. Otherwise a good first time for MKARS tnx.
R 30 G2DX/P IO91 70 12,134 173 DK0A/P 702 50 17 Elt Yagi  
R 31 GM4GRC/P IO86 8 485 61 MM0PRB/M 162 20 Vertical  
Open 32 2E0NEI/P IO92 6 421 70 G4ZAP/P 211 50 1/2 Wave Dipole    
FSR 33 G4CTU IO82 38 195,657 5149 EI9E/P 306 25 5 ele Yagi  
FSR 34 G4XPE IO92 18 48,272 2682 EI9E/P 361 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10-element Yagi    
FSO 35 G0BBB IO91 74 22,281 301 OZ1ALS 812 400 17 ELE M2 Difficult to work many G portable stations. 73 all.
FSR 36 G0GQT JO01 68 19,993 294 DK0OG/P 757 100 17ele A good challenge trying to find the mults. Condx not as good as last year but still great fun. A big tnx to all the teams out in the field.
FSO 37 G4YHF IO92 43 14,658 341 HB9N 819 300 17el Couple of short sessions Sat/Sun. Nice to give some points away and support a 24hr event. Band condx. seemed relatively flat here.  
FSR 38 G4DBW JO01 47 12,247 261 GI4GTY/P 581 50w 6 ele yagi    
FSO 39 GM6JNJ IO75 32 11,702 366 G5LK/P 629 250 2x2m12 Low activity but still good fun.
FSR 40 GW8ASD IO83 42 11,669 278 DN2VHF 796 100 12ele M2 Contest stations should ask about other bands, and make clear where they are QSYing to as sweepers can't call. It was very frustrating!
FSO 41 G8OMB IO92 8 10,784 1348 GM3HAM/P 315 5 9 ele Tonna    
FSR 42 G4APJ IO83 42 9,528 227 TM2F 625 25 9ele  
FSR 43 M5MUF IO92 44 9,438 214 DF0MU 580 25 10 el yagi Condxns pretty flat, missed a few registered stations but the usual continentals showed up.  
FSO 44 GM4JR IO85 27 9,284 344 G5LK/P 546 250 12 ele M2 Very poor. Low activity. Some VERY deaf stations - simply couldn't raise them despite decent signals. Why go /P and lose points this way?
FSR 45 G0VFW IO91 50 9,104 182 HB9N 746 100w 2 x 9 ele LFA Good conditions during VHF NFD
FSO 46 G6DOF JO01 43 8,960 208 DK0A 633 350 9 ele F9FT    
FSR 47 MW0UAA IO81 31 8,257 266 PA5MS 616 50 TONNA 9 ELEMENT  
FSR 48 GW3ATZ IO83 31 6,166 199 ON4WY 471 100 6ele LFA Last 6 hours on Sunday. Average conditions. Worked all I heard.
FSR 49 G4JED JO01 28 4,649 166 GI4GTY/P 541 50 9 ele Yagi  
FSO 50 G8CUL IO91 24 4,426 184 GM3HAM/P 415 160W 17 element Just on for Saturday evening.  
FSR 51 G4PDS IO80 17 4,226 249 GM3HAM/P 470 50 3 ele yagi First 2m contest from new QTH Good fun as ever.
FSO 52 G3MEH IO91 27 4,112 152 DF0MU 544 400 2 x 9el M2 Just giving pts away for a few hours Sunday morning
FSR 53 G3TDH IO83 13 2,820 217 M0MDG/P 319 100W 3 Ele.  
FSR 54 G0CER IO82 15 2,522 168 GA6NX/P 361 80 9 ele LFA limited time
FSR 55 G8ATK IO91 13 2,174 167 EI9E/P 437 100 9 ele  
FSR 56 G4BRK IO91 12 2,130 178 TM2F 431 50 9 el DK7ZB    
FSR 57 G6XSY IO91 16 2,105 132 EI9E/P 429 10 9 ele  
FSR 58 2E0NRD IO93 8 1,394 174 EI9E/P 408 50 4-Element LFA Yagi Just giving some points away
FSR 59 M5AML IO92 1 269 269 GW2OP/P 269 5W Indoor 5 element Just giving away some points. First time into IO71.  

432 MHz (48 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 M0BAA/P JO01 157 47,567 303 OK1A IN JO60JJ 843 400 4 x 17 @ 15m Conditions so dire on Sat we thought the system wasn't working! Hard do dig deep and try hard for QSOs. Needed CW to complete several!
Open 2 EI9E/P IO62 108 40,165 372 PI4GN 909 500 4x21 Back to normal after last year's super conditions plus high on site QRM level. Thanks everyone who beamed our way and sorry to any we missed
Open 3 GW2OP/P IO71 99 31,187 315 DL9EBF 780 400 4*21ele + 21ele Rain on Friday then sunny with scattered clouds. Either poor with long deep QSB or very poor with occasional peaks!! Excellent fish & chips  
R 4 G8OHM/P IO92 133 30,373 228 HB9N 818 100W 28 el LFA (Innov) Some good contacts at times.
Open 5 G3FJE/P IO92 123 24,860 202 OB9AJ 756 400 4x19 ele Tonnas  
Open 6 G3PYE/P JO02 111 22,869 206 DL4MP 725 400 2 * 21-ele Tonna  
R 7 G3CKR/P IO93 100 20,447 204 DR9A 877 100W 38 ele M2 Very slow,limited EU activity throughout.Only QRV for 16hrs due to lack of troops.!Hard going this year!  
R 8 M0MDG/P JO00 85 19,090 225 EI9JA 739 100 21 ELEMENT TONNA Very Poor and seems activity is getting worse every year. Good fun had by all looking forward to the next one.
Open 9 G4BRA/P IO80 89 19,084 214 PI4GN 687 400 2x21 ele  
R 10 G3SRC/P IO91 101 18,974 188 DR9A 667 100 28 el loop yagi Slow but steady. GM and north G quite good. Surprised to be called by a GI. Short lift to ON, PA, DL early Sun. Surprise best dx midday.
R 11 G6IPU/P JO02 56 17,420 311 OK2A 835 100 17 lamda  
Open 12 MM0CPS/P IO84 60 17,000 283 G5LK/P 539 400 2x23ele DK7ZB Another year, another duff 70cm preamp. It really impacts on what is already a struggle from up here.
R 13 G8BNE/P IO92 80 16,414 205 DF2VJ 611 100 21el yagi  
R 14 GM3HAM/P IO74 49 14,756 301 G5LK/P 556 100 37 element Radio conditions average or less. Hard going on this band. Expected poor weather - got wall to wall sunshine:-)
R 15 G5TO/P IO93 64 13,252 207 DR9A 873 100 18 el yagi Rather dire conditions brightened up by a few Continentals.
L 16 G0ROC/P IO83 83 12,969 156 F1CBC 482 25 38 El Yagi  
R 17 G2BQY/P IO81 79 12,583 159 DL9EBF 626 100 30 ele K7MEM Painfully slow!  
L 18 G3ZME/P IO82 62 10,106 163 PA2V 513 25 22 ele beam  
MS 19 G2XV/P JO02 44 6,724 153 EI9E/P 467 35 21 ele Ae changeover at 11.00 pm should have slept ! Great social event for C & District ARC
R 20 G0OLE/P IO93 28 6,248 223 EI9E/P 435 100W 19 ele Yagi Quite a marked north/south divide this year.
MS 21 G8MKC/P IO91 46 5,485 119 DR9A 735 50W 14 ele G4CQM 1st time on VHF NFD for MKARS and the site near the Great Train Robbery Bridge, apart from the rain a good weekend. tnx. MKARS
R 22 G8SRC/P IO91 34 5,286 155 GI6ATZ 428 50 8 ele Beam  
L 23 G0KDV/P JO01 25 3,755 150 EI9E/P 495 25 14 El Yagi 70cm had its ups and downs. Lot of QSB and an electric fence to contend with.  
Open 24 G5MW/P JO01 31 3,736 121 EI9E/P 532 35w 18 Ele Jaybeam Very slow event. Hours without a contact. Beginning to doubt the equipment and whether I was radiating or not. Tks to all. Enjoyed it.
MS 25 G2OA/P IO83 24 3,156 132 M0BAA/P 355 100 18 LFA  
MS 26 G0IVR/P IO91 15 2,724 182 EI9E/P 407 35 17 ele yagi Rather quite at times. Staying "open for business" overnight wasn't worth it!  
Open 27 G3WM/P JO01 4 142 36 M0MDG/P 62 400 2 X 21 TONNA Broken Beam, broken Feeders, Possible pre-amp failure, stuck tower. Virtual contest write off  
R 28 GM4GRC/P IO86 2 59 30 GM4LRU 32 20 11 el Yagi Sunny and conditions very quiet on this band, very little wind.
Open 29 2E0CMI/P IO92 1 48 48 G8OHM/P 48 50 1/2 Wave Dipole    
FSO 30 G3XDY JO02 36 11,012 306 OK2A 827 300 28ele Msquared Yagi  
FSR 31 G4KCT IO93 30 6,970 232 EI9E/P 414 20 17  
FSO 32 GM4JR IO85 19 6,120 322 G5LK/P 546 150 21 ele Tonna Better than other bands. Generally better Ops too! More interesting in seeking out distant sweepers. Still few beaming north though!
FSR 33 G0GQT JO01 32 6,066 190 EI9E/P 518 100 17ele Condx flat. Hard work searching. Tnx to all the teams in the field for their efforts.
FSR 34 G4APJ IO83 24 4,753 198 G0FBB/P 355 25 19ele  
FSR 35 GW8ASD IO83 20 4,160 208 G0FBB/P 347 70 28ele M2 Contest stations should ask about other bands, and make clear where they are QSYing to as sweepers can't call. It was very frustrating!
FSR 36 G3UBX IO82 22 3,927 178 EI9E/P 316 100 Tonna 21 Big contrast with UKACs. Heard 2/3 registered stations that seemed reluctant to call CQ. Saturday operation only.
FSR 37 GW3ATZ IO83 18 3,781 210 G0FBB/P 355 50 12 ele Last 6 hours on Sunday. Flat conditions. Worked all I heard.
FSR 38 G3TDH IO83 16 3,227 202 G5LK/P 343 75W 9 Ele.  
FSO 39 G3MEH IO91 16 3,198 200 DR9A 726 250 2 x 21 el M2 Just giving pts away for a few hours Sunday morning.
FSO 40 G8CUL IO91 15 2,470 165 MM0CPS/P 399 150 21 element Only had a few hours on Saturday evening.  
FSR 41 G0VFW IO91 18 1,977 110 GW2OP/P 294 60w 2 x 20 ele LFA Checklog
FSR 42 G4JED JO01 9 1,199 133 EI9E/P 502 50 18 ele Yagi  
FSR 43 G0CER IO82 6 1,061 177 M0BAA/P 287 20 11 ele Yagi very limited time.
FSR 44 G4XPE IO92 3 666 222 G0ROC/P 105 25 Moonraker 7-element ZL special in loft    
FSR 45 G4BRK IO91 5 508 102 G3ZME/P 145 50 2m 9el No sign of EI9E/P on any band, unprecedented (couple of hours Sunday morning)  
FSR 46 G8ATK IO91 6 500 83 G3PYE/P 127 100 18 ele  
FSR 47 G8EOP IO93 4 397 99 M0BAA/P 306 50 28el beam Lack of stations calling CQ to sweep up. Two stations come on the band from 144 make the QSO then just go so how can we sweep???????
FSO 48 G8OMB IO92 2 254 127 G3CKR/P 75 5 V2000 colinear  

1,3 GHz (25 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 G5LK/P JO01 62 17,732 286 F4CWN 845 200 4x22  
Open 2 EI9E/P IO62 37 15,108 408 F6DKW 759 200 4x35 Dire conditions, but a steady stream of QSOs kept us interested.
R 3 G3OHM/P IO92 53 15,089 285 DL0GTH 864 100 70 ele Very quiet at times, with low UK activity, offset by some good DX.
R 4 G3CKR/P IO93 57 15,085 265 DL0GTH 917 100W 1.6m Dish Very little G activity to go at.Some reasonable strong signals from EU.Only qrv for about 16 hrs of contest due to lack of troops!  
R 5 G2BQY/P IO81 50 14,223 284 DL0GTH 936 100W 1.5m Dish Hard going, 24hrs was too long for activity & conditions. Would those sending messages on KST please use the /cq cmd so not missed  
L 6 G3ZME/P IO82 34 6,884 202 PA0S 504 25 67ele long yagi flat conditions  
R 7 G3FJE/P IO92 31 6,427 207 DJ2VJ 576 100 56 ele Tonna  
Open 8 G4RFR/P IO80 28 5,653 202 PI4GN 687 20 2x39 Element Yagis    
R 9 G0OLE/P IO93 13 2,940 226 EI9E/P 435 10W 4ft dish KST is now essential for this band, especially in the north.
MS 10 G2XV/P JO02 15 1,922 128 EI9E/P 467 10 55 ele Unprintable. Positive note, great Social for C & DARC, next year leave the gear at home?
MS 11 G8MKC/P IO91 14 1,783 127 EI9E/P 422 10W 23 ele Tonna Flat conditions and poor activity Saturday better Sunday. On a site close to the scene of The Great Train Robbery. tnx MKARS
FSO 12 G3XDY JO02 29 11,703 404 OK2A 827 400 4 x 23 ele Yagis  
FSO 13 G4KCT IO93 16 4,425 277 DF0MU 594 120 2 x 67 Some of the stations that registered for 23cms didn't seem to run a station on it . Spent time looking for them when they weren't on .
FSO 14 G4BAO JO02 11 2,682 244 DL0GTH 755 180 44 el Wimo  
FSR 15 GU6EFB IN89 6 1,697 283 EI9E/P 454 10 35 ELEMENT BEAM Very low activity Thanks to all for points
FSR 16 M5MUF IO92 9 1,685 187 EI9E/P 377 25 44 el Wimo yagi Slow going, lot of stations turned out not to have 23 despite being registered! Glad to work EI for 1st time, though.  
FSR 17 G8EOP IO93 7 1,501 214 ON4CJQ/P 538 80 35 el m2 beam Lack of stations calling CQ to sweep up???
FSR 18 GW8ASD IO83 5 1,054 211 G5LK/P 370 10 67 elememt Wimo Contest stations should ask about other bands, and make clear where they are QSYing to as sweepers can't call. It was even more frustrating!
FSR 19 GM4JR IO85 2 1,026 513 G5LK/P 546 100 55 ele Tonna Aircraft Scatter lost on ops I wkd. FAR too LONG preamble etc. Its not a 2m repeater QSO! Gave up looking no one beaming north
FSO 20 G4BRK IO91 5 809 162 PA0S 403 400 35 el Activity and condx poor. Where do I submit my 13cm score?  
FSO 21 G3MEH IO91 7 702 100 G4RFR/P 167 50 4 x 35el M2 Just giving pts away for a few hours Sunday morning
FSR 22 G8CUL IO91 3 656 219 EI9E/P 395 100W 1.5m dish Just giving some points away. Harwell ARS.  
FSR 23 G0VFW IO91 6 648 108 G3CKR/P 185 10w 2 x35 ele  
FSR 24 G4GSB IO82 4 514 128 EI9E/P 322 10w 35 EL Tonna Heard 2 other stations but couldn't work them. Better luck next year !
FSR 25 G4JED JO01 2 136 68 G5LK/P 82 10 35 ele Tonna  

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