Claimed Scores 2016
  11857 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/16 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
20/12/16 1.3GHz UKAC
13/12/16 432MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for VHF NFD

50 MHz (59 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 EI9E/P IO62 135 55,226 409 LY1R 1993 1000 6ele Only a hand full for Es QSOs this year.
Open 2 GM4ZUK/P IO86 83 39,066 471 LY3IZ/P 1722 400 7ele Yagi Tough going. Very little Es around this year. Some stations seem very deaf. Some very heavy thunder showers and static rain at times.
L 3 GI4GTY/P IO74 78 34,492 442 LY3IZ/P 1990 20 7 Ele Yagi  
R 4 GM3HAM/P IO74 62 26,536 428 LY1R 1874 100 9 element The 6m feedpoint failed as we raised the antenna. A quick fix with a soldering iron Tropo conditions were miserable A little SpE into LY
Open 5 MW0TWC/P IO82 143 26,363 184 GM3POI 742 400 3+3LFA & 4ele **TWCG** Low activity and low conditions
Open 6 G2BQY/P IO81 148 23,252 157 GM4ZUK/P 635 400 7 ele YU7EF 4 Ele LFA A very enjoyable event but it would have been nice to have some Es for a change.  
R 7 G2LO/P IO92 147 21,858 149 GM4ZUK/P 547 100 Dual band 8/8 el yagi (Innov) No SpE this year, not even just before the start, busy at times.
Open 8 M0BAA/P JO01 112 20,894 187 GM4ZUK/P 655 400 7el DK7ZB No sporadic E what-so-ever. Conditions completely flat and hard work!
Open 9 G3PYE/P JO02 116 20,850 180 LY3IZ/P 1690 400W 6-ele YU7EF Nothing much to write home about. Comparable to last year.
Open 10 G8SRC/P IO91 102 15,746 154 IK6FBB 1530 400 12 Ele Beam    
R 11 MM0CCC/P IO85 23 15,034 654 OH5KT 1807 50 5ele G0KSC V poor activity and low sigs. Grabbed 4 x OH stns on CW which boosted score otherwise I'd have packed up even earlier.
R 12 G4ALE/P IO91 110 14,009 127 GM4ZUK/P 651 100 5 element Yagi North East Surrey CG
R 13 G3RCV/P JO01 89 13,410 151 GM4ZUK/P 659 100 5 el Yagi  
R 14 G5TO/P IO93 73 13,389 183 LY3IZ/P 1743 100 5 EL YAGI Rubbish conditions and poor UK activity. We have suffered from this for several years and may not do VHFD again!
Open 15 M0NFD/P IO94 55 12,418 226 M0MCG/P 460 400 4 el  
Open 16 G8LED/P IO92 85 12,295 145 GM4ZUK/P 523 270 7 El LFA Dire conditions.
R 17 G3ZME/P IO82 74 12,122 164 IK6FBB 1659 100W 7 ele Rotator failure in 2m stn required robbing 6m stn! Lost last 3 hours. Poor propagation. Only one Es stn wkd.
R 18 M0MDG/P IO91 99 11,920 120 GM4ZUK/P 598 100 5 element Was hard work, low UK and EU activity, lots of QSB sorry to those we struggled with thanks to everyone who came out.  
Open 19 G4BRA/P IO80 67 10,638 159 GM4ZUK/P 682 400 11 Ele  
MS 20 G4VFL/P IO84 41 9,600 234 G0FBB/P 454 100 6ele G4CQM Wx: Strong wind. Delayed start a couple of hours.
R 21 M0MCG/P IO80 43 9,186 214 GM4ZUK/P 702 100 5 ele F9FT Very quiet band from Dartmoor, conditions poor and no sign of any E's.
L 22 GM3TAL/P IO75 22 8,995 409 G0FBB/P 667 25 6 ELE YAGI    
R 23 G0IVR/P IO91 52 8,062 155 GM4ZUK/P 658 100 3 ele yagi Better than expected. Shame there were no E's  
R 24 G0OLE/P IO93 37 7,513 203 EI9E/P 435 100 4 ele Yagi  
MS 25 M0ICK/P IO83 37 6,942 188 G5LK/P 402 100w 3 lfa only qrv on 50 1.5hrs, wind limited antenna rigging, 3rd yr running no decent cond and low uk activity (rule revamp please), may just stick to ukac  
R 26 G3BXF/P IO92 35 5,920 169 GM4ZUK/P 513 100W 4/5ele 6m/4m dualband yagi  
R 27 G3RCW/P IO93 35 5,766 165 GM4ZUK/P 371 100 5 Ele M0ZMF Delta Beam No E's, low activity levels, overall dire  
L 28 M0NDA/P IO92 30 4,505 150 GM4ZUK/P 500 25w 5 Ele Tonna Slower than expected on 6m, with none of the openings experienced recently.  
R 29 G0CER IO82 18 3,451 192 GM4ZUK/P 450 80 5 ele yagi  
R 30 G3WKS/P JO01 22 2,372 108 EI9E/P 515 100 9EL 4/6 meter yagi Late starting due to heavy rain and thunder passing overhead toward Europe. Worked all stations we could hear.
MS 31 G5MW/P JO01 10 1,049 105 MW0TWC/P 280 50 Halo Delightful. Rained whilst putting up the aerial, fine thereafter. Thanks...
Open 32 G4ADV/P IO70 4 538 134 EI9E/P 267 100 2X5ELE we stole the 746 off nick to run 2m sorry nick:(
R 33 GM4GRC/P IO86 4 366 92 GM4HAM/P 160 100 3 el Yagi CONDITIONS POOR
Open 34 MM0HVW/P IO87 3 133 44 GM4ZUK/P 56 100 5el Vargarda  
FSO 35 G4FJK IO80 32 9,026 282 GM4ZUK/P 675 400w 7ele @13m  
FSR 36 G3TBK IO93 29 5,911 204 GM4ZUK/P 453 100 5 el Very poor condx with high noise. Only stations heard by Es were not calling CQ. Won't bother again unless fixed stns allowed to call CQ.  
FSR 37 G3RLE IO83 26 5,776 222 GM4ZUK/P 372 100 2 el HB9CV Very poor conditions. The level of activity has become so low that fixed stations should be allowed to call CQ to increase QSO numbers.
FSR 38 G0BBB IO91 27 5,512 204 GM4ZUK/P 624 100 5 ELE M2 Quite a challenge.
FSO 39 G4FKA IO81 26 4,976 191 GM4ZUK/P 603 400 Fixed inverted V Dire conditions. Hard work on a fixed small low antenna!  
FSR 40 M0OMB IO83 20 4,215 211 GM4ZUK/P 371 80 3 LFA FD abandoned due to high winds thus entry into FSR. Kept mast down due to wind but seemingly poor cdx. No Es heard at all.
FSR 41 G8FMC IO91 25 4,042 162 GM4ZUK/P 567 90W Moxon Very slow. Worked everything I could hear: only 1 contact in last 2hrs!  
FSR 42 G4RYV IO91 21 3,707 177 GM4ZUK/P 632 100 4 Ele DK7ZB Homebrew very noisy conditions with QSB. Well done to all brave /p Stations. 73 all David op G4RYV
FSR 43 M0DDT IO91 19 3,066 161 EI9E/P 391 100w 5ele  
FSR 44 G0GQT JO01 20 2,777 139 EI9E/P 518 100 5 ELE Hard going this year. Condx not that good.
FSR 45 M6VPW IO91 21 2,597 124 EI9E/P 361 10 5 ele Yagi  
FSO 46 G0LGS IO81 16 2,380 149 GI4GTY/P 375 400W 4 Ele LFA    
FSR 47 G8ONK IO83 11 2,309 210 GM4ZUK/P 358 80 5 ele YU7EF Terrible conditions, thanks for all points and patience with my dodgy audio.
FSR 48 M0HWO IO83 12 2,135 178 GM4ZUK/P 400 90 2 element beam  
FSR 49 G3PIA IO91 12 1,254 104 G5LK/P 191 100 Sotabeam  
FSR 50 G3ORX IO81 10 1,253 125 EI9E/P 337 100 5 ele loop fed yagi  
FSO 51 G8GNI IO91 12 1,180 98 G5LK/P 198 200 5 el Just giving points away
FSO 52 G3MEH IO91 10 833 83 G2BQY/P 146 250 Windom 20mins on Saturday, giving points away. At least the Windom avoids having to turn the beam!
FSR 53 GW3ATZ IO83 7 786 112 G3PYE/P 246 90 3 ele yagi Wkd all I hrd. Flat conditions.
FSR 54 G3UVR IO83 6 669 112 GI4GTY/P 220 60w Dipole  
FSR 55 G1DFL IO91 2 446 223 EI9E/P 422 100W 3Y Inside Fixed West Just turned on for a few minutes to make a couple of contacts, and to give some points away. Conditions seemed flat.
FSR 56 G4GBP IO90 5 324 65 G4ALE/P 121 20 Vertical  
FSR 57 2W0JYN IO83 4 301 75 G2LO/P 152 50 Colinear Good contest but very few on and condition where very noisy with very heavy qsb hope conditions inprove next year
FSR 58 G7ICV JO01 5 171 34 G5LK/P 63 50 Halo Loop    
FSR 59 2E0JWJ IO81 1 24 24 G2BQY/P 24 10 Tri-Band Vertical  

70 MHz (42 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 EI9E/P IO62 92 33,485 364 PA0RDY 790 250 10 Conditions about average. No Es.
L 2 GI4GTY/P IO74 70 25,445 364 SP9HWY 1753 9 7 Ele Yagi  
Open 3 GM4ZUK/P IO86 57 25,285 444 M0MCG/P 702 150 8 ele Yagi No Es here at all. Some stations worked were really weak - CW really helps. Last hour was dire.
R 4 GM3HAM/P IO74 65 19,818 305 G0FBB/P 538 40 11 element 30 mins late getting on owing to the sleepyheads not getting out of their warm tents - made no difference - poor troppo and no SpE
Open 5 MW0TWC/P IO82 96 19,717 205 GM3WOJ 615 160 6 ele Vine 4 ele DK7ZB **TWCG** Low activity and low conditions.
Open 6 G4RFR/P IO80 93 18,019 194 GM4ZUK/P 682 150 12ele Yagi  
Open 7 G3PYE/P JO02 89 17,421 196 GM3WOJ 681 140W 7-ele YU7EF  
Open 8 M0BAA/P JO01 76 16,317 215 GM4ZUK/P 655 160 7el DK7ZB Conditions completely flat for us - no Sporadic E
Open 9 M0NFD/P IO94 55 14,118 257 PA0O 513 160 6 el  
Open 10 G8LED/P IO92 85 13,669 161 PA0O 526 160 8 El LFA Dire conditions.
R 11 G4ALE/P IO91 80 13,353 167 GM4ZUK/P 651 40 6 element Yagi North East Surrey Contest Group
R 12 G2BQY/P IO81 76 12,856 169 GM4ZUK/P 635 40 8 ele DK7ZB Shame no Es  
L 13 GM3SHK/P IO75 31 12,792 413 G0FBB/P 667 10 5 ELE YAGI    
R 14 G2LO/P IO92 81 12,560 155 GM4ZUK/P 547 40 Dual band 8/8 el yagi (Innov) Conditions seem below average plus no SpE this year.
Open 15 G8SRC/P IO91 74 12,318 166 GM4ZUK/P 609 180 12 Ele Beam    
R 16 M0MCG/P IO80 47 11,570 246 GM4ZUK/P 702 25 5 ele G4CQM Poor conditions and low level of activity but did manage several more Q's than last year.
R 17 G0OLE/P IO93 45 10,341 230 GM3WOJ 472 40 5 Ele Yagi Difficult conditions but great fun as always. Thanks to all OP's
R 18 G5TO/P IO93 52 9,816 189 GM4ZUK/P 390 40 5 EL YAGI Not much better than 6 metres. Where is everybody? The UKAC contests attract 100s of participants but a handful on VHF FD. May not do again!
R 19 G3RCV/P JO01 52 9,110 175 GM4ZUK/P 659 40 7 element Yagi  
R 20 M0MDG/P IO91 73 9,078 124 GM3SHK/P 548 40 5 ELEMENT Was hard work, Low UK and EU activity, Lots of QSB sorry to those we struggled with thanks to everyone who came out.  
R 21 G4FOH/P IO92 49 8,375 171 GM3SHK/P 508 40 5 Yagi  
R 22 G3RCW/P IO93 39 8,111 208 GM4ZUK/P 371 40 3 Ele LFA Quad No E's, low activity levels, overall dire  
MS 23 G4VFL/P IO84 28 8,078 288 SP9HWY 1580 25 7ele G4CQM Wx: Dry with a breeze.
Open 24 G4ADV/P IO70 22 5,951 270 G6IPU/P 511 90w 2x7ele CHEERS NICK SORRY ABOUT 6M:(
R 25 G3BXF/P IO92 30 5,025 168 GM4ZUK/P 513 40W 4/5ele 6m/4m dualband yagi  
R 26 G3WKS/P JO01 27 4,922 182 GI4GTY/P 556 40 9EL 4/6 meter yagi Average conditions though the weather was much improved from the Saturday.
R 27 G3NKS/P IO81 33 4,911 149 GM4ZUK/P 566 40 dipole Please to work GM4ZUK/P at 566km using just 40W to a dipole at 4m.  
L 28 G5RV/P IO90 27 4,451 165 GI4GTY/P 551 10 3 element Moonraker    
FSO 29 G4FJK IO80 29 7,874 272 GM4ZUK/P 675 160 7ele @10m  
FSO 30 G3XDY JO02 27 6,911 256 GM3SHK/P 599 150 6 el Yagi Flat conditions, but EI9E/P were loud whichever way I beamed. Hard to find some registered entrants.
FSR 31 GW8ASD IO83 26 5,481 211 GM4ZUK/P 433 40 7 ele Yagi Backup gear this time, IC7100. Worked pretty well everything I heard. Possibly some registered stations weren't active? Flat conditions.
FSR 32 G8FMC IO91 27 4,840 179 GM4ZUK/P 567 40W 4el Moxon-Yagi Dead flat until 1hr from the end, then seemed slightly up to the Nth. I hope I have done enough to get the Bronze Cert?
FSO 33 G4FKK IO91 27 4,821 179 GI4GTY/P 515 100 5 ele hb LFA Good fun working the portable stations - well done all of you. Thanks for my 1st EI, GI and GM on 4m for many years.  
FSR 34 G4RYV IO91 23 4,788 208 GM4ZUK/P 632 20 5 Ele DK7ZB Homebrew Very noisy conditions here with deep QSB at times. 73 all David op G4RYV
FSO 35 G3NPI IO92 26 4,695 181 GM4ZUK/P 557 150 6 OVER 6 LFA Only fair condx. Hrd 3 weak /P stns but they did not call CQ so not wrkd..... Missed last 2 hours but enjoyed it anyway.
FSR 36 GW4RWR IO83 20 4,215 211 GM4ZUK/P 421 160 7el DK7ZB HB Forgot it was NFD! Token QSOs.
FSR 37 G3UVR IO83 19 3,805 200 GM4ZUK/P 405 40w 4 ele Jaybeam  
FSR 38 G0GQT JO01 20 3,273 164 EI9E/P 518 40 3 ELE First time on this band. Wkd all that I heard. Thanks to M0HLB and G3VFC for the loan of the gear.
FSR 39 G4VPD IO92 16 2,959 185 G4ZUK/P 507 40w 5le LFA  
FSR 40 G1DFL IO91 11 1,479 134 EI9E/P 422 20W 3Y Inside Fixed West A pleasant half an hour or so in-between gardening chores giving some points away! Band seemed quiet, conditions average.
FSO 41 G3MEH IO91 10 964 96 G4RFR/P 167 160 Windom Giving points away 20mins Sunday. EI9E/P heard but not even a QRZ?
FSR 42 G8GNI IO91 5 316 63 G0VHF/P 172 25 5 el Just giving points away

144 MHz (74 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 M0BAA/P JO01 542 198,314 366 OL1R 986 400W 4x10 6x3 Conditions 'standard' - some useful DX to OK, EA and south of France after main antenna system erected 1.5 hours in to the contest.
Open 2 G5LK/P JO01 488 181,125 371 SN7L 992 400 15 4X6 4X11  
Open 3 G4ZAP/P JO01 440 148,981 339 SN7L 997 400 4*12 & 2*12el It's interesting sitting in van with 10m mast through roof when a storm cell passes directly overhead! 1st time ever FELT lightening.  
Open 4 EI9E/P IO62 279 112,707 404 F6FZS/P 1147 500 2x12+4x5 Conditions generally flat with a slight enhancement to the South on Sunday morning.
Open 5 MW0TWC/P IO82 353 89,357 253 DA0FF 934 400 1 X 10 + 4 X 4 Hi all, thanks for all the contacts, conditions didn't seem great, and activity down on last year for us. Still, very enjoyable, 73!
Open 6 G4RFR/P IO80 280 75,212 269 EA2TO 871 400 2 x 12 el YAGI Some openings to the south into Europe but flat conditions to the north. Deep QSB at times.  
L 7 G3CKR/P IO93 238 60,354 254 HB9N 924 25W 17ele M2 V.hard going Sat due really bad static rain blocking signals and high winds Slow going throughout low UK activity,called by both hb9's!  
Open 8 G2XV/P JO02 225 56,914 253 EB1RL/P 1036 400 2x Tonna 9-ele Much enjoyment, but low activity. Static noise suspended operation at times on Saturday. Local QRO stations seemed to co-exist peacefully.  
R 9 G3ZME/P IO82 249 51,946 209 F1AKE/P 1378 100 17 ele yagi Less activity than last year. Also rotator problem which needed fixing. High winds Saturday.  
Open 10 G3PYE/P JO02 209 48,348 231 OZ1ALS 717 400W 17-ele Tonna Pretty poor rate compared to last year. Overnight soul-destroying!
Open 11 M0NFD/P IO94 177 46,922 265 DA0FF 858 350 12 ele LFA Antenna only at 4m agl until Sunday due to very high winds.
R 12 G2BQY/P IO81 206 45,119 219 EA2AGZ 1040 100 9 ele DK7ZB Some good dx at times  
R 13 GM3HAM/P IO74 129 41,806 324 F6KCP/P 839 100 M2 5WL WX cold windy squally. I forgot the coax 150 mile round trip to retrieve:-(( Activity poor and conditions mostly flat
Open 14 GW3ZTT/P IO82 211 41,347 196 DK5DQ 739 400 16 Element Very average conditions. Rain & Wind. The equipment worked well. Only problem a local strong carrier desensitising the receiver.  
R 15 G0OLE/P IO93 148 41,117 278 DL0GTH 863 100 11 ele Yagi Thanks to all stations. Great fun as always, but hard going this year.
R 16 M0MDG/P IO91 212 38,673 182 DA0FF 773 100 14 ELEMENT Was hard work, low UK and EU activity, lots of QSB sorry to those we struggled with thanks to everyone who came out.  
R 17 G3RCV/P JO01 157 36,263 231 OZ1ALS 744 100 17 el Tonna  
R 18 G4WGE/P IO91 195 35,425 182 GM3WOJ 769 100W 18ele cushcraft  
R 19 G8NPH/P IO92 155 33,395 215 DK4SG 755 100 14 Yagi  
Open 20 G3WM/P JO01 96 31,495 328 OE5D 932 400 2 x 9ele LFA Storm at Begining of Contest, High local QSB at times
R 21 M0MCG/P IO80 117 30,313 259 DF0MU 796 100 9 ele G4CQM Low activity and flat band
Open 22 MM0GPZ/P IO85 77 27,088 352 F6KCP/P 880 350 12 ele M2 @ 8m Just for fun 2m only entry,5 hours Sat using UKAC setup. Band was OK but few callers replying after 3 hours. Thanks for all QSO's.
Open 23 G3WKS/P JO01 81 19,961 246 DK3BK 819 100 2 x 11 ele Yagi Appeared average band conditions, with static more pronounced on Sunday. Heavy rain and thunder impacted operation on Saturday. Overall fewer stations heard / worked than last year.
L 24 MM0HCE/P IO75 51 19,205 377 G5LK/P 684 25 10 ELE YAGI    
R 25 G0IVR/P IO91 87 14,494 167 MM0HCE/P 593 100 8 ele LFA Rather flat conditions. Didn't help that we forgot to turn on the linear for most of Sunday!  
L 26 G3RCW/P IO93 110 14,097 128 DL0GL 615 25 13 ele Cushcraft Low activity levels, conditions poor, resorted to FM for the last 2 hours  
MS 27 M0ICK/P IO83 62 13,850 223 DL0LN 697 10 9 Ele Vargarda qrv from 1400-1900, decent spells of good tropo, low uk activity again (ukac boys where are you). Wind limited 1 band working, couldnt face sunday (beer and lie in)  
R 28 GW3SRT/P IO82 85 13,613 160 PA1T 661 100 9 ele Yagi  
Open 29 G4ADV/P IO70 46 12,678 276 G5LK/P 969 300 1X13  
R 30 G3BXF/P IO92 73 11,985 164 GM3WOJ 626 100W 9ele Yagi  
L 31 M0NDA/P IO92 70 11,656 167 GM3WOJ 611 25 17 Ele Tonna Active on Saturday with a good stream of contacts. Sunday felt much quieter but still contacts to be made.  
MS 32 G5MW/P JO01 44 7,185 163 EI9E/P 555 50 9ele Enjoyed the weekend. Telescopic mast and beam rotated freely without effort from operator. Sorted with string and a large rock...
R 33 G3VLG/P IO92 35 6,573 188 DF0MU 586 25 11 element tonna  
R 34 GM4GRC/P IO86 15 4,406 294 M0BAA/P 601 100 10 el Yagi Conditions poor
R 35 G4CXQ/P IO81 18 4,099 228 PA1T 697 50 8 ele Yagi Just joined in for a few hours on Saturday afternoon.
R 36 G0CER IO82 13 2,229 171 M0BAA/P 287 80 9 ele lfa short entry to give some points away
Open 37 GM1TGY/P IO87 8 1,488 186 MW0TWC/P 576 250 9 el Powabeam Rubbish conditions, but a great social weekend  
L 38 M6OCR IO92 15 1,465 98 M0NFD/P 228 5 slim jim made from 300ohm ladder line First contest using my own callsign, whilst at Holowell steam rally. Thanks for the Qso's and patience! 73s M6OCR
FSR 39 F1CBC JN09 83 30,194 364 EB1RL/P 772 80 9 els / 16 els Good luck for all. 73 Philippe
FSR 40 G3PJT JO02 13 21,798 1677   0 5w 5 el    
FSO 41 G6DOD IO90 73 21,424 293 DA0FF 788 400 1 x 8 ele Slightly elevated conditions early on Sunday, other than that flat. A lot of searching with occasional pouncing :)
FSO 42 GM4JJJ IO86 46 17,911 389 PA1T 730 400 10 ele WAXX10S Conditions better on Sunday than Saturday.  
FSR 43 G0BBB IO91 63 17,171 273 DL0GTH 809 100 17Ele M2 Missed some registered /p as they did not call CQ and only worked other /p. Very variable conditions.
FSR 44 G0GQT JO01 49 12,359 252 DA0FF 668 100 17 ELE Quite a struggle this year.
FSR 45 M0DDT IO91 46 8,637 188 PA0WMX 497 100 9ele  
FSR 46 G4DBW JO01 37 8,587 232 EI9E/P 558 50 6 ele dk7zb    
FSR 47 G1PPA IO93 39 8,125 208 F6KCP/P 577 80 9 ele beam had good fun just wish southern stations would look north a bit earlier we are here to give you points thanks evryone for the points
FSR 48 M0OMB IO83 38 7,932 209 F6KCP/P 670 75 7 Wimo Just on for Sun. Not great cdx but good fun.
FSR 49 G6AHX IO82 27 7,817 290 F6KCP/P 518 50 8 element ZL sp 42 QSOs... only 27 were with registered stations. SCORE=27x7817=211059 Most enjoyable weekend. Thanks for all the contacts.
FSR 50 GW3ATZ IO83 39 7,331 188 G5LK/P 378 50 6 ele LFA Wkd all I hrd. average conditions. 13 hours total op time.
FSR 51 F4VQX IN87 16 6,490 406 EI9E/P 571 100W 11 ele Tonna  
FSO 52 G3MEH IO91 28 6,476 231 DA0FF 752 400 2 x 9el M2 Giving points away 1 1/2 hrs Sunday.
FSR 53 G3RLE IO83 32 6,275 196 F6KCP/P 649 50 5 el yagi Very poor activity. Difficult to find the portable stations. Heard several /P stations only in S&P mode.
FSR 54 2W0JYN IO83 33 5,943 180 ON4KHG 551 50 3 ele beam good contest but wet\dry conditions lots on but need rule change so fixed stations can call cq and not be sweeper mode
FSR 55 G4XPE IO92 33 5,570 169 EI9E/P 361 25 Jaybeam 10-Y 10-element Yagi    
FSR 56 G3PIA IO91 28 4,835 173 MM0GPZ/P 466 30 17 ele Reasonable conditions, poor activity. Please give fixed stations their own section and allow them to call CQ! Harwell ARS  
FSR 57 G8XTJ IO91 27 4,353 161 EI9E/P 426 100 4el Yagi Not able to commit fully but pleased to work some DX  
FSR 58 G8GNI IO91 26 4,102 158 PA1T 561 75 9 el Giving points away - very enjoyable even though condx were not great here
FSR 59 G7ICV JO01 20 3,164 158 PA1T 474 50 5 ELE LFA few hours over both days  
FSR 60 G3UVR IO83 15 2,989 199 G5LK/P 390 25w Dipole Rotatabl  
FSR 61 G0JRY IO91 24 2,972 124 M0NFD/P 279 50 tonna 4e  
FSR 62 GW8ASD IO83 17 2,870 169 G5LK/P 370 100 12 ele Yagi Limited time so just giving a few points away.
FSO 63 GM8IEM IO78 3 1,698 566 MW0TWC/P 677 400 9 el Vine Heard a lot of white noise. Tnx to all who attempted QSOs.
FSR 64 G1DFL IO91 7 1,603 229 EI9E/P 422 50W 5Y (1/2 a 9Y Tonna) Warm evening set-up on the patio with 1/2 the 9Y Tonna, just to give some points away. Great Fun, and thanks for the QSO's!
FSR 65 G7ENA JO03 8 1,585 198 G4RFR/P 335 100 12 Ele ZL Special  
FSR 66 G3ORX IO81 10 1,423 142 EI9E/P 337 100 5 ele loop fed yagi  
FSR 67 G4GBP IO90 12 1,246 104 G4ADV/P 231 20 Collinear  
FSR 68 M6JJV IO81 9 1,119 124 EI9E/P 311 5 9 ele  
FSR 69 G4VPD IO92 8 1,024 128 G4WGE/P 178 100W 13ele LFA  
FSR 70 GM7GDE IO75 4 986 246 G3PYE/P 492 50 4-ele    
FSR 71 G4AJA IO91 7 929 133 EI9E/P 361 50 4 Ele Quad    
FSR 72 M0NRD IO93 6 850 142 GM3HAM/P 299 25 4-Element LFA Yagi Giving a few points away
FSR 73 2E0JWJ IO81 9 740 82 G3ZME/P 151 20 Tri-Band Vertical  
FSR 74 M6WIQ IO83 1 40 40 M0ICK 40 10 Horizontal Dipole    

432 MHz (57 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 G5LK/P JO01 138 49,460 358 SN7L 992 400 4x28 Flat and slow
Open 2 EI9E/P IO62 110 44,809 407 PI4GN 909 400 4x21 Flat conditions, occasional AS enhancement.
Open 3 M0BAA/P JO01 126 39,864 316 OL1C 900 400 4 x17 ele LFA Conditions flat and QSOs hard work at times :-)
Open 4 MW0TWC/P IO82 107 22,460 210 DA0FF 934 250 4 X 10 DK7ZB Thanks all that worked us, not a lot of activity this year, however conditions didn't help neither. 73 all.
R 5 G6IPU/P JO02 48 17,693 369 DM7A 856 100 20 ele  
L 6 G3CKR/P IO93 82 15,492 189 DR9A 877 25w 30ele DJ9BV V.low activ yet again in UK! Very high winds/static rain 5 hrs Sat.Tent kept blowing away!Need to drop 70cm nxt yr as effort not worth it!  
L 7 G3ZME/P IO82 68 13,864 204 DA0FF 917 25W 24 ele Very slow QSO rate, and no GMs! Psd best DX was DA0FF over 900Km distant  
R 8 G8BNE/P IO92 63 11,705 186 DK1CM 766 100 21el Tonna  
R 9 M0MCG/P IO80 42 11,104 264 DR9A 914 50 18 ele G4CQM Poor conditions and little activity.
R 10 G3RCV/P JO01 61 11,098 182 DL0GTH 716 75 21 el Tonna  
R 11 G8IYS/P IO91 71 10,869 153 DL0GTH 762 100 28ele Loop Yagi North East Surrey Contest Group. Pretty dire. Midnight to sunrise zilch again. Strange condx: Inside Faraday Cage, but a few useful holes.
R 12 G5TO/P IO93 51 10,367 203 DR9A 873 75 18 el Operating this band was like watching paint dry! Poor conditions and low UK activity except for the occasional DL/PA to brighten the day!
R 13 G8OHM/P IO92 69 10,057 146 DF2VJ 664 100 28 ele Conditions and activity below average.
R 14 GW3SRT/P IO82 47 9,861 210 DF0MU 704 100 18 ele Yagi  
Open 15 G4BRA/P IO80 41 8,518 208 DF0MU 691 35 2x21 ele  
R 16 G0OLE/P IO93 42 7,607 181 EI9E/P 435 100W 19 ele Yagi Everything but the kitchen sink. A glorious weekend of radio!
L 17 G8SRC/P IO91 41 5,357 131 DF0MU 629 25 22ele Beam    
Open 18 M0NFD/P IO94 27 5,181 192 EI9E/P 439 50 29 ele Yagi  
L 19 G3RCW/P IO93 36 4,234 118 G5LK/P 345 25 21 ele Tonna low activity levels, overall dire  
R 20 G3WKS/P JO01 17 2,833 167 EI9E/P 516 40 21 ele Tonna Operation on Saturday delayed by heavy rain and thunder.
L 21 M0NDA/P IO92 23 2,091 91 PI4GN 562 25w 21 Ele Tonna Very slow going on 70cm. Checked on occasions to make sure we still had an aerial connected.  
R 22 G0IVR/P IO91 15 2,001 133 EI9E/P 407 70w 14 ele LFA Activity seemed very low.  
MS 23 G5MW/P JO01 15 1,415 94 DF0MU 474 20 9ele Pleased with activity. Single Transmitter rules caused some difficulty in meeting operators' needs. Still very enjoyable.
Open 24 G0HRS/P JO01 9 639 71 PA5KM 192 400 21 tonna, changed to 25 jaybeam Flat conditions, had to change yagi
Open 25 G0BRA/P IO92 4 263 66 G8IYS/P 128 10 11 ele Yagi  
R 26 GM4GRC/P IO86 1 25 25 GM4JJJ 25 100 15 el Yagi Conditions poor
FSO 27 G3XDY JO02 33 11,027 334 OK2A 827 300 28 el M2 Yagi Only found half of the registered entrants, poor tropo conditions this year.
FSR 28 F1CBC JN09 29 7,871 271 EA2TO 741 20 21 els Good luck for all. 73 Philippe
FSO 29 G8EOP IO93 21 4,995 238 DF0MU 624 80 28el m2 or 3 band V Thanks all for beaming my way and calling CQ 73 till next time
FSO 30 GM4JJJ IO86 11 4,513 410 G5LK/P 633 400 18 ele PowAbeam    
FSR 31 G0GQT JO01 24 4,463 186 DL0GTH 722 100 17 ELE Quite a struggle this year.
FSR 32 G1HLT IO93 19 3,582 189 DF0MU 585 70 19 el TONNA Flat band for me, DF0MU was a solid beacon. EI9E/P very strong at times.Just not the numbers to work.
FSR 33 G3UBX IO82 22 3,506 159 EI9E/P 316 60 Tonna 21 Unexciting
FSR 34 G1PPA IO93 19 3,502 184 EI9E/P 414 80 10 ele beam  
FSR 35 GW3ATZ IO83 15 3,042 203 G0FBB/P 355 30 12 ele Flat conditions. NO GM hrd. wkd all I heard.
FSR 36 G6AHX IO82 17 2,962 174 EI9E/P 321 20 19 el Tonna 18 QSOs ... only 17 with registered stations. SCORE=17x2962=50354. Good weekend. Thanks everyone for the contacts
FSR 37 G3UVR IO83 12 2,510 209 G0FBB/P 368 60w 9ele yagi  
FSR 38 GW3TKH IO81 12 2,438 203 G0VHF/P 312 100 6 element Yagi    
FSR 39 G3TDH IO83 8 2,138 267 G5LK/P 343 75W 9 Ele. Only able to operate for a short time, but most QSOs fairly distant.
FSR 40 G3PIA IO91 13 2,121 163 EI9E/P 391 40 21 ele Please give fixed stations their own section so they can call CQ! Harwell ARS  
FSR 41 M0DDT IO91 15 2,108 141 EI9E/P 391 100 21ele    
FSR 42 G3RLE IO83 10 1,821 182 G0FBB/P 348 40 5 el yagi Very few stations heard. Perhaps very few CQs were beamed up to the North?
FSO 43 G4BRK IO91 11 1,580 144 EI9E/P 383 100 21 el Just giving some points away.  
FSO 44 G3MEH IO91 12 1,512 126 F5SGT/P 441 250 2 x 21 el M2 Just giving points away 20mins Sunday, plus one (requested) QSY from 144.
FSR 45 G7ICV JO01 8 1,093 137 DF0MU 473 50 15 ele Diamond Yagi dip into uhf during few hours over both days of contest  
FSR 46 M0BUX IO82 8 1,036 130 EI9E/P 323 10 19 ele yagi    
FSR 47 G0LGS IO81 8 947 118 EI9E/P 326 50 14Ele Powabeam    
FSR 48 G1DFL IO91 3 746 249 DF0MU 566 100W 19Y Tonna PRO XL Quick set-up of the 19Y Tonna only 10ft off the ground, to give some points away. Failed with EI9E/P this year, but did work DF0MU again!
FSO 49 GM8IEM IO78 1 642 642 EI9E/P 642 400 28 el Heard a lot of white noise. Tnx to those who had the patience to attempt a QSO - very much appreciated.
FSR 50 G8GNI IO91 6 588 98 G0FBB/P 172 50 19 el Just giving points away
FSR 51 G4DBW JO01 6 481 80 MW0TWC/P 315 20w 6 ele dk7zb  
FSR 52 GW8ASD IO83 4 479 120 EI9E/P 260 70 28 ele Yagi Limited time so just giving a few points away.
FSR 53 2W0JYN IO83 4 404 101 G3PYE/P 239 50 3 ele beam good contest but wet\dry conditions wished to call cq need rule change so fixed stations can join in and call cq and not be in sweeper mode
FSR 54 M6JJV IO81 2 394 197 EI9E/P 311 5 6 ele  
FSR 55 G4VPD IO92 1 334 334 EI9E/P 334 50 17 el lfa  
FSR 56 G0BBB IO91 2 175 88 G0VHF/P 146 30 17M2 (144Mhz)  
FSR 57 G4GBP IO90 2 82 41 G4BRA/P 56 20 Collinear  

1,3 GHz (30 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 G5LK/P JO01 61 18,348 301 DL0HTW 840 200 4 x22 Flat
Open 2 EI9E/P IO62 47 18,190 387 ON4HCC 823 200 4x35 Slow but steady, flat conditions.
R 3 G3OHM/P IO92 74 16,898 228 DL0GTH 864 100W 55 ele Slow going with less QSOs than most 23cm UKACs but at least the pts/QSO higher....
L 4 G3CKR/P IO93 56 12,607 225 DL0GTH 917 20w 1.6m dish V.low activ UK good AS to DL Windy/stormy/static rain 5 hrs on Sat,lost tent a few times had to hold onto everything! Sunday more settled.  
R 5 G2BQY/P IO81 45 10,816 240 DF0MU 685 100W 1.2m Dish A long hard slog, could work more than this on a UKAC. Would like to have run 70cm too for added interest but rules prohibited it.  
Open 6 M0BAA/P JO01 46 10,775 234 DR9A 615 250 4 x 44 ele WIMO Conditions flat but nice to work some DX
L 7 G3ZME/P IO82 47 8,569 182 DK2MN 676 25W 64 ele Wimo Slow going as usual, but a few EU stns most welcome.  
R 8 GM3HAM/P IO74 22 7,994 363 F6DKW 808 100 55 ele Tonna Last year 70cm was so poor we decided to try 23cm. Wx was cold and very squally Saturday - a bit better Sunday Conditions flat 1 a/s contact
R 9 G3XNG/P IO92 30 6,990 233 DR9A 738 100 55 ELE  
Open 10 G3PYE/P JO02 38 6,451 170 EI9E/P 479 40W 55-ele Tonna A token effort, sharing the 2m mast, but surprisingly productive considering!
R 11 G0OLE/P IO93 24 5,097 212 DK0PU 571 15 4ft Dish  
Open 12 MW0TWC/P IO82 24 3,076 128 PI4Z 493 10 55 Ele Tonna Not a lot of time spent on the band, tnx for qso's
Open 13 G0IVR/P IO91 14 2,430 174 GM3HAM/P 465 100w Stacked pair 23ele WIMO yagis Better than last year but only just!  
MS 14 G4VFL/P IO84 10 2,116 212 G2BQY/P 347 10 24ele G4CQM Wx Winds caused us to defer to Sunday only operation.
R 15 G3VLG/P IO92 4 642 160 EI9E/P 373 25 55 element tonna  
Open 16 G3YSC/P JO01 3 116 39 G0VHF/P 84 50 2 x 16 Comet Basic Entry, worked everyone that replyed to us
FSO 17 G3XDY JO02 37 13,957 377 DM5D 836 400 4 x 23 el Yagi Poor tropo, hard to find/work some of the registered stations.
FSO 18 G8EOP IO93 13 2,891 222 F6KRK 604 120 35el worked all the stations who was calling CQ beaming my way. some times only the same three station they work a station then station just goes
FSR 19 G3UVR IO83 12 2,455 205 G0FBB/P 368 80w 23ele Tonna  
FSO 20 G4BRK IO91 7 1,146 164 EI9E/P 383 400 35 el Just giving some points away.  
FSR 21 G3SQQ IO93 9 925 103 M0HRF/P 161 2 35El TONNA  
FSR 22 M0BUX IO82 4 683 171 EI9E/P 323 6 35ele Yagi    
FSO 23 G3MEH IO91 7 671 96 G5LK/P 156 50 4 x 35 el M2 (box) Giving points away 40mins Saturday. S&P only is a serious disadvantage on this band.
FSR 24 GW8ASD IO83 4 606 152 EI9E/P 260 10 67ele Yagi Limited time so just giving a few points away.
FSR 25 G0LGS IO81 3 502 167 EI9E/P 326 2.5 19 Ele    
FSO 26 GM8IEM IO78 1 379 379 GM3HAM/P 379 150 60 el Powabeam Heard a lot of white noise. Thanks to all those who had the patience to attempt a QSO, even if not successful - very much appreciated.
FSR 27 G0GQT JO01 5 294 59 G3PYE/P 91 10 35 ELE Disappointing.
FSR 28 G1DFL IO91 2 144 72 G2BQY/P 120 10W 44Y WiMo Band was very quiet, failed with EI9E/P this year and also several ON and PA stations. Aerial only 10ft off the patio! Thanks for the trys!
FSR 29 G0JRY IO91 2 63 32 M0HRF/P 33 8 tonna 23e  
FSR 30 G4GBP IO90 1 26 26 G0IVR/P 26 2 23 el yagi  

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