Claimed Scores 2017
  13783 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/17 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
21/12/17 70MHz UKAC
21/12/17 70MHz FMAC
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Claimed scores for VHF NFD

50 MHz (61 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 EI9E/P IO62 137 55,226 403 IT9FXY 2212 1000 7ele Very little Es and flat conditions, but at least it didn't rain :-)
Open 2 G5LK/P JO01 125 45,502 364 CN8YZ 2145 400 6y  
Open 3 GM4ZUK/P IO86 94 38,498 410 CT1BOH 2079 400 7 ele Yagi  
Open 4 G2BQY/P IO81 174 36,538 210 CN8YZ 2067 400 7 ele YU7EF 5 ele We had a great time, wx was good and the BBQ provided by M0UAs and M0WYB second to none! A bit more Es would have been nice.  
R 5 GM3HAM/P IO74 95 33,451 352 CT1BOH 1834 100 9 element Antenna works better if the reflector and 1st Director aren't swapped over. Mast was up and down a couple of times
Open 6 G3PYE/P JO02 126 27,484 218 EA7KD 1729 400 6-ele Tonna  
Open 7 G4BRA/P IO80 125 24,962 200 EA7CD 1562 400 11 Ele  
R 8 M0HRF/P IO91 121 22,452 186 EA7CD 1625 100 6 Element LFA Good fun Contest with lots learn't but lacking activity and little conditions.
Open 9 G8LED/P IO92 115 22,308 194 CN8YZ 2196 270 8 Ele LFA  
R 10 G2LO/P IO92 125 21,372 171 LY1R 1670 100 Dual band 8/8 el yagi (Innov) Activity seemed lower, just 2 SpE QSOs this year!
Open 11 G3SVJ/P IO91 117 19,033 163 LY1R 1609 400 6 element LFA Quad  
R 12 G3YDD/P IO82 110 18,439 168 EA7JUR 1687 100 4 ELE G4CQM Great fun, activity seemed low, not many Es about either. 73 HARs
R 13 G3ZME/P IO82 82 17,514 214 9H1TX 2303 100 7 ele LFA  
MS 14 M1DDD/P IO93 84 15,955 190 EA7JUR 1780 100 4 ele dual band Thanks for all the contacts. Only one Es. Voice keyer handy ! Nick DDD and Dave ZAR
R 15 G3XNG/P IO92 76 15,942 210 EA7CD 1738 40 5el Yagi Great weekend as usual
R 16 G6IPU/P JO02 57 14,498 254 EA7CD 1820 100 4 ele  
R 17 G4ALE/P IO91 83 13,578 164 GM4ZUK/P 651 100 6 ELE North East Surrey CG
Open 18 G8SRC/P IO91 88 13,178 150 MM0CPS/P 473 400 1x5 ele  
R 19 G5TO/P IO93 76 11,600 153 F4AZF 730 100 5 element yagi Poor support from UK ops. Worked 33% of log in first hours! Conditions good inter G but very little Es... missed out on KO02 square.
R 20 GW3SRT/P IO82 54 10,886 202 UY2UR 2310 100 7 ele Yagi  
MS 21 G3RCV/P JO01 52 10,715 206 GM4ZUK/P 659 100 4el Yagi  
R 22 G0ARC/P IO91 71 10,258 144 GM4ZUK/P 629 100W 5 ele    
MS 23 G4VFL/P IO84 30 9,419 314 IS0BSR/P 1780 90 6ele G4CQM Wx: Wet and Dry. Nearly all the QSOs were with /P stations
R 24 G4ATH/P IO83 36 9,017 250 EA1JD 1214 100 5 ele Yagi  
MS 25 G3BXF/P IO92 54 8,587 159 IS0HB9FAP 736 100 9el 50 70 yagi  
R 26 G3RCW/P IO93 63 8,535 135 GM4ZUK/P 420 100 5 Ele Delta Beam No E's found, disappointing activity levels. Great weekend with 23 club members plus family, the majority camping and just a few day visitor  
R 27 G0OLE/P IO93 35 7,936 227 EI9E/P 435 100 5 ele  
MS 28 M0MCG/P IO80 38 7,764 204 G0OLE/P 428 100 5Y No Es for me! Just a single-op effort. Weather great for set up and packup, with just a bit of rain over night.
R 29 M0NFD/P IO94 31 7,118 230 EI9E/P 439 100 4 ele  
R 30 G4FWC/P IO92 39 6,613 170 G3PYE/P 1230 100 3 Element Yagi  
R 31 GM0FRC/P IO85 21 5,639 269 G2BQY/P 530 100 5 ele yagi Breezy and drizzle at times, band conditions good, worked 99% of those heard. Good afternoon out for a small bunch of OTs.
R 32 G0IVR/P IO91 40 5,634 141 GM3HAM/P 465 100 Alton AA 3el Yagi Thanks for the points. Shame there was no SP-E to be had  
Open 33 G5BK/P IO81 49 5,428 111 MM0CPS/P 425 400 3 Ele Cushcraft    
R 34 G3WKS/P JO01 19 4,305 227 LY5C 1553 100 7ele dual band  
Open 35 2E0WDX/P IO94 16 4,056 254 G2BQY/P 413 40 2 ele delta loop  
R 36 G3VLG/P IO92 30 4,024 134 GM4ZUK/P 498 100 5 Element LFA  
L 37 GM3TAL/P IO75 11 3,883 353 G3PYE/P 544 10 4 ele Gales and electric rain did not damp our spirits. Hard going at times, but we had fun working weak signals in a very low noise location.
R 38 M0NDA/P IO92 29 3,804 131 MM0CPS/P 366 100 5 Ele    
R 39 G2OA/P IO83 14 2,750 196 G0FBB/P 378 85 3 LFA High SWR caused late start. No Es hrd here and diff loc. Closed all stns down 21:30. Lack of ops this year and very fine rain was horrible.
L 40 GM4GRC/P IO86 8 535 67 GM3HAM/P 160 25 Dipole Cable to Yagi went u/s, used dipole.
FSO 41 G4ELJ IO91 40 8,947 224 IS0BSR/P 1409 400 2 x 6ele Difficult when /P do S&P and don't call CQ which means we can't work them. Were some /P on the list not active?  
FSR 42 GW4SHF IO82 31 7,437 240 IS0BSR/P 1639 80 9 ele Tona Why do some /P stations not call CQ ? Or is they do so infrequently as to be not findable. I could hear 4 or 5 like this.
FSR 43 G3RLE IO83 32 6,258 196 GM4ZUK/P 372 100 2 el HB9CV Disappointing level of activity. Sweepers being allowed to call CQ within the CW section only, might improve QSO numbers.
FSR 44 G3MXH JO02 23 4,853 211 GM4ZUK/P 570 100 HB Moxon Only QRV for a small part but found condx good with oaccaisional slow QSB.
FSR 45 G8FMC IO91 31 4,541 146 GM4ZUK/P 567 100 2 el Moxon Poor conditions with deep. slow QSB. Some registered stations did not show?
FSO 46 GM8IEM IO78 7 4,443 635 EA7AH 2348 400 6 el Vine Noisy, only a very brief period of Es at 1550, otherwise poor. Plenty of MS bursts, with several /P stations heard but not worked.
FSR 47 G3XBY IO92 15 4,152 277 9H1TX 2240 100 3 el Only 1 hour available, temporary antenna below roof level, must do better!
FSR 48 M0CGL JO03 16 4,086 255 EI9E/P 471 100 6 element lfa  
FSR 49 G8LZE IO91 19 2,841 150 GM4ZUK/P 609 25 6 ele DK7ZB  
FSO 50 G1PPA IO93 14 2,772 198 EI9E/P 414 200 3 ele beam poor activity
FSR 51 G8PX IO91 18 2,349 130 GM3HAM/P 402 80 5ele    
FSR 52 G0TAR JO01 15 1,862 124 GW3ZTT/P 306 25 HB dipole Slow start some stations calling QRZ instead of callsign. Tnx points.73 de Brian
FSR 53 G4OBK IO94 3 1,631 544 G2BQY/P 354 100 80m OCF Dipole  
FSR 54 G4XPE IO92 14 1,629 116 GM3HAM/P 287 10 Fixed dipole in roof space    
FSO 55 MM0CEZ IO75 6 1,408 235 G2LO/P 455 400 M2 6M5X Could only manage an hour, Conditions were poor.
FSR 56 G4PDF IO93 8 1,336 167 G4BRA/P 318 50 W2000 Vertical    
FSR 57 G4CIB IO81 11 1,115 101 EI9E/P 318 100 HF Doublet Limited time I could operate but great fun!
FSO 58 2E0PPM IO91 7 686 98 G4BRA 175 50W Buddipole (H) My First Contest, Hooked on it now....
FSR 59 2W0JYN IO83 6 468 78 M0MDG/P 209 50 Colinear good contest but need to add fixed stations to nfd contest rather then have them as swepers but thanks to all i worked
FSR 60 G8GNI IO91 4 215 54 G3PYE/P 103 100 5el Giving points away
FSR 61 M6YTU IO90 1 33 33 G4ALE/P 33 10 Cushcraft R6000 Vertical    

70 MHz (44 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 EI9E/P IO62 87 32,345 372 PA2M 791 250 10ele Flat conditions and no Es.
R 2 GM3HAM/P IO74 72 26,404 367 SP9HWY 1642 40 11 element Conditions reasonably good. Nice to work into GU. A couple of late SpE contacts boosted the score.
Open 3 G3PYE/P JO02 111 24,164 218 SP3RNZ 1235 140 7-ele YU7EF  
Open 4 G2BQY/P IO81 96 21,031 219 SP5XMU 1615 160 8 ele YU7EF Entered open section for a change.  
Open 5 GM4ZUK/P IO86 51 21,010 412 G5LK/P 693 150 8 ele Yagi No Es QSO here except I did hear an HA beacon.
Open 6 G4RFR/P IO80 90 20,359 226 SP5XMU 1621 150 11 Element  
Open 7 G8LED/P IO92 95 17,999 189 SP3RNZ 1319 160 8 Ele LFA  
Open 8 G3SVJ/P IO91 102 16,389 161 GM4ZUK/P 568 160 13 element home brew Yagi  
R 9 G2LO/P IO92 91 15,748 173 SP3RNZ 1350 40 Dual band 8/8 el yagi (Innov) Activity seemed up on last year.
R 10 G4ALE/P IO91 72 12,580 175 GM4ZUK/P 651 40 6 ELE North East Surrey CG
R 11 M0HRF/P IO91 76 12,069 159 SP3OCC 1358 40 7 element LFA Good fun weekend, very little conditions and very low activity.
R 12 G5TO/P IO93 70 11,832 169 GU4CHY 451 40 5 element yagi A repeat of the previous day's 50MHz contest.We worked 50% of our total number of contacts in the first hour and watched paint dry afterward
R 13 G3YDD/P IO82 71 10,523 148 GM4ZUK/P 496 40 6 ELE LFA Great fun, activity seemed low, shutdown approx. 1400 local. 73 HARs
R 14 G3XNG/P IO92 62 9,740 157 GM4ZUK/P 533 40 5el Yagi Great weekend. Lots of Sp E Broadcast stations but no Es stations worked at all.
R 15 G6IPU/P JO02 37 9,006 243 EI9E/P 552 40 5 ele  
L 16 GM3TAL/P IO75 23 8,975 390 G0VHF/P 620 10 4 ele Gales and electric rain did not spoil the fun
MS 17 M1DDD/P IO93 52 8,724 168 GM4ZUK/P 406 40 4 ele dual bander Average conditions. Slightly late start as we fell asleep ! Thanks all contacts. Nick DDD and Dave ZAR
MS 18 G4VFL/P IO84 34 8,630 254 G5LK/P 472 25 7ele G4CQM Wx: Wet and Dry. Nearly all the QSOs were with /P stations
R 19 G0ARC/P IO91 52 8,513 164 GM3TAL/P 560 40W 6 ele    
Open 20 G8SRC/P IO91 57 8,371 147 GM4ZUK/P 609 160 1x5 ele  
Open 21 M0NFD/P IO94 31 7,850 253 EI9E/P 439 160 5 ele Vine  
R 22 G0OLE/P IO93 33 7,298 221 EI9E/P 435 40 6 ele    
MS 23 G3BXF/P IO92 54 6,966 129 GM3HAM/P 443 40 9el 50/70MHZ DUAL BAND YAGI  
MS 24 G3RCV/P JO01 39 6,852 176 GI4GTY/P 557 40 5el Yagi E Antenna 5070OWA9  
R 25 G3RCW/P IO93 34 6,067 178 GM4ZUK/P 420 40 5 El Delta Beam No E's found, disappointing activity levels. Great weekend with 23 club members plus family, the majority camping and a few day visitors.  
R 26 G0IVR/P IO91 33 5,693 173 GI4GTY/P 479 40W Alton AA 5el Ya Thanks for the contacts, shame about the lack of SP-E  
R 27 GW3SRT/P IO82 32 5,690 178 GM4ZUK/P 474 40 6-ele Yagi    
R 28 G2OA/P IO83 26 5,663 218 G5LK/P 398 40 6Y Late start due to late change of antenna. Cdx seemed better but no Es hrd.
L 29 M0NDA/P IO92 26 3,177 122 GM3HAM/P 319 10 5 Ele    
R 30 G3VLG/P IO92 22 2,977 135 EI9E/P 373 25 4 element yagi  
L 31 G3WKS/P JO01 14 1,574 112 G2BQY/P 204 10 7ele dual band Yagu  
FSO 32 G3XDY JO02 34 8,576 252 SP3OCC 1164 150 6 el Yagi Short SpE at the end, SP3RNZ heard but didn't call CQ - also seemed to be the case for some portables who proved hard to find.
FSO 33 G3NPI IO92 36 7,398 206 SP3OCC 1311 150 6 over 6 LFA Average Condx but enjoyable contest. Brief Es at the end
FSO 34 G3MXH JO02 32 6,995 219 GM4ZUK/P 570 150 7 el Powa beam Average conditioins in my 2 hour sweeper session for the /Ps.
FSR 35 GW8ASD IO83 29 5,870 202 GM4ZUK/P 433 40 7 ele Flat conditions. The /P stations could make it easier for the sweepers to find them.
FSR 36 G8FMC IO91 30 4,813 160 GM4ZUK/P 567 40 4 el Moxon-Yagi Quite poor, very hard going! Some (QRP?) /P stations doing S&P which makes it impossible for FSR stations to pin-them-down!  
FSR 37 G4HGI IO83 22 4,440 202 GM4ZUK/P 385 10 5 ELE E ANT tnx to all 73
FSR 38 G6AHX IO82 21 2,974 142 GM3HAM/P 346 50 5 element OWL Just giving points away.
FSR 39 G8LZE IO91 16 2,136 134 EI9E/P 445 20 5 ele DL6WU  
FSR 40 G8EOP IO93 10 1,899 190 EI9E/P 369 40 5 el 4m Beam *** 807ARO *** thanks all 73 Mel
FSR 41 G4VPD IO92 13 1,647 127 GM3HAM/P 316 40 5 LFA  
FSR 42 M0CGL JO03 6 1,070 178 G0ARC/P 245 40 6 Element LFA H/B  
FSR 43 GW6KLQ IO82 2 133 66 M1DDD/P 115 40 Long wire  
FSR 44 M0OTG IO82 2 66 33 G3ZME/P 33 20 vertical  

144 MHz (79 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 G5LK/P JO01 604 229,930 381 SN7L 992 400 4x11,4x6 Steady contest,what happened to predicted better condx to SW?. Thanks qsos
Open 2 M0HRF/P IO91 500 156,540 313 F6FZS/P 929 400 4 x 9 element LFA Great weekend, with lots of activity. And glad system improvements are working.
Open 3 EI9E/P IO62 342 145,712 426 DK5DQ 980 500 4x5+2x12 Slow but steady, average conditions.
R 4 G8OHM/P IO92 372 90,679 244 DR1H 928 100 12 ele Wow, what a great idea to try 2m again for NFD after many years....
Open 5 G3PYE/P JO02 269 74,049 275 DR1H 821 400 17-ele Tonna  
Open 6 G4RFR/P IO80 305 73,698 242 F6FZS/P 876 400 2 x 12 Element    
L 7 G3CKR/P IO93 277 72,073 260 DL2ARD IN JO50 969 25 17 ele M2 Loud signals inter G&EU,DR9A 59+ all weekend.Failed DR1H jn59/DP7X jn48 low power!.QSO no & pts best in some yrs for fairly flat cdx.  
Open 8 G5TO/P IO93 259 71,848 277 DR1H 978 300 12 over 12  
R 9 G3ZME/P IO82 266 59,873 225 DA0FF 917 100 17 ele  
Open 10 G0ARC/P IO91 258 54,772 212 F6FZS/P 925 300W 9 ele Powabeam    
R 11 GM3HAM/P IO74 159 53,796 338 F6KCP/P 839 100 M2 17element Wx squally on Saturday with near Gale force gusts. Sunday much better. Propagation average
R 12 G6IPU/P JO02 140 52,666 376 OL1R 963 100 17 ele Tonna  
R 13 M0NFD/P IO94 161 48,750 303 DR9A 904 100 12 ele LFA  
R 14 G0SAC/P IO91 245 47,903 196 OZ1ALS 784 100 18 el Cushcraft North East Surrey CG
R 15 G3YDD/P IO82 256 47,606 186 DA0FF 899 100 11 ELE TONNA Lets just say, we really enjoyed ourselves, but it is one contest we will forget, issue after issue. I won't bore you. tnx for all called.
R 16 G0OLE/P IO93 169 46,330 274 DR9A 862 100 11 ele    
R 17 G3PIA/P IO91 216 45,091 209 DR1H 907 100 17 Element A fine weekend and the 1st time in >25 years for HARS to be out on NFD. Conditions not great but a good time had by all.  
R 18 M0MDG/P IO91 243 42,639 175 GM3WOJ 711 100 17 ELEMENT  
Open 19 G3WKS/P JO01 169 38,894 230 OZ1BEF 807 250 2 x 11 ELE Yagi  
R 20 G2BQY/P IO81 173 36,887 213 DA0FF 881 100 9 ele DK7ZB Some good dx but condx down a bit?  
R 21 G4NPH/P IO92 173 36,531 211 OZ1BEF 757 100 10 Ele Great weekend as usual
Open 22 G3SVJ/P IO91 142 35,685 251 DA0FF 744 250 2 x 9 element M2  
R 23 GW3SRT/P IO82 160 32,050 200 DR9A 918 100 Tonna 17 ele Yagi  
R 24 G0IVR/P IO91 40 27,022 676 DA0FF 799 100 8 ele LFA yagi Some nice conditions, especially early on Sunday morning into Europe. Thanks for contacts  
Open 25 G4ATH/P IO93 109 25,305 232 F6KCP/P 624 300 17 ele Tonna Very poor conditions  
Open 26 G8SRC/P IO91 135 22,850 169 DR9A 789 400 1x13 ele  
L 27 MM0HCE/P IO75 47 21,936 467 G5LK/P 684 25 10 ele Gale force winds meant that our windturbine generator kept the SLABs charged throughout the contest! Whee!
R 28 M0HFC/P IO93 64 20,200 316 DR9A 891 100 9 element yagi  
L 29 G3RCW/P IO93 82 18,477 225 DA0FF 861 25 17 Ele Tonna Disappointing activity levels. Great weekend though with 23 club members plus family, the majority camping and just a few day visitors.  
MS 30 M0MCG/P IO80 67 18,023 269 DF0MU 796 100 10Y Single op effort operating on Saturday and one hour Sunday morning.
MS 31 G3BXF/P IO92 94 18,011 192 DA0FF 790 100 9el 144MHZ OWL  
L 32 G3VEF/P IO91 70 15,367 220 DR9A 734 20 11 Element Yagi  
Open 33 G3VLG/P IO92 60 14,462 241 DA0FF 811 60 Tonna 11 element Pro XL  
R 34 G5BK/P IO81 102 12,732 125 TM2F 503 50 9 Ele Tonna    
R 35 G0KDV/P JO01 78 12,165 156 MM0HCE 614 50 14 El Yagi G1YRV is a member of Darenth Valley RS. Good to hear some M6 stations having a go.  
L 36 GM4GRC/P IO86 34 10,834 319 EI9E/P 1138 25 Yagi Excellent day.
Open 37 G3WM/P JO01 41 9,707 237 OZ1ALS 755 200 2 X 9ELE LFA Genset problems plagued weekend resulting in only 2m on air, end result early bath as genset proved terminal  
MS 38 2E0DGP/P IO83 51 8,665 170 F4GYG 499 25 7el lfa from start till 1802UTC, great fun. see you again
R 39 G8TRS/P IO92 61 8,096 133 GM3WOJ 592 50 5 Element Yagi    
MS 40 M0MPM/P IO91 41 8,088 197 DF0MU 609 5 9 el Tonna my favourite spot occupied! Never mind still enjoyed it. Cdx seemed flat with occasional lift, but could hear DR9A > 800kms all the time.
R 41 G2OA/P IO83 47 7,665 163 G5LK/P 398 100 10 Y DK7ZB Avg. cdx but location too low really. Ant. elements got damaged so had to bodge repairs and mast height lower due to erection probs.
L 42 M0NDA/P IO92 46 6,155 134 DR9A 817 25 8 Ele    
L 43 G3WKX/P IO91 21 2,198 105 EI9E 430 20 3 ele    
R 44 M0OSA/P IO93 16 2,138 134 EI9E/P 345 50 Diamond SG7200  
R 45 G3TCR/P IO91 13 1,713 132 EI9E/P 408 100 5 element Yagi Checklog: Operated for 2 hours.
L 46 G0CDA IO93 1 1 1 DL2ARD IN JO50 1 1 1 Disregard
FSO 47 G4LOH IO70 79 37,600 476 DR9A 995 400 4 x 16ele Great weather but poor conditions. Enjoyed searching for the /p stations from the back / sides of their antennas from down here :-)  
FSO 48 F1CBC JN09 69 25,011 362 EA2TO 772 80 9 els some points for heard stations 73 Philippe
FSO 49 M0CGL JO03 50 16,057 321 DL2ARD 838 400 2x12 I0JXX  
FSR 50 M0HOM IO93 50 15,893 318 DR9A 832 90 10el Enjoyed sweeping, though hard to resist calling CQ at times. Condx were ok, tried to look for as many /P's as I could. Thanks, 73, GL to all
FSR 51 GW4SHF IO82 52 12,966 249 DR9A 937 80 9 ele Tona Great fun. If only some of the smaller stations would call CQ.
FSO 52 G1PPA IO93 44 10,378 236 DL1KFS 580 200 12 ele beam hard work thanks for the points
FSR 53 G4PDS IO80 35 8,528 244 GM3HAM/P 470 100 7 Ele Great fun and brilliant wx.
FSO 54 G4TSQ IO90 40 8,332 208 DR9A 688 200 17 ELE TONNA  
FSR 55 2W0JYN IO83 31 7,262 234 PA1T 1510 50 3 ele beam good contest for /p stations not for fixed stations need rule change so fixed stations can call cq thanks to all i worked 73
FSO 56 MM0CEZ IO75 14 6,200 443 G0FBB/P 619 400 2M12 by M2 Work gets in the way of Radio so only a short time. Conditions were fair.
FSR 57 GW8ASD IO83 28 5,393 193 PA1T 656 100 12ele The /P stations could make it easier for the sweepers to find them. Some rarely called CQ and, seemed out of contact with their other bands.
FSR 58 G0TAR JO01 26 5,269 203 MM0HCE/P 631 25 9 ele Cond up & down but good spread to north west. Nice to get MM & EI. 73 de Brian
FSR 59 G3RLE IO83 29 5,236 181 G5LK/P 366 80 5 el yagi Very difficult to find /P stns as a number appeared to be only S&P.Perhaps a bonus of say 50pts for sweeper QSOs might encourage more CQs
FSR 60 G8PX IO91 33 5,087 154 GI4GTY/P 538 100 9ele Tonna  
FSR 61 G8EOP IO93 20 4,330 216 PA1T 560 100 9 el M2 Beam *** 807aro *** thanks all who called CQ for the sweepers 73 Mel
FSR 62 G8LZE IO91 23 4,322 188 DF0MU 535 24 8 ele. DK7ZB  
FSR 63 GW3ATZ IO83 22 4,282 195 G5LK/P 378 50 6 ele LFA Only could do 5 hours Saturday. Flat conditions. Wkd all I heard. Missed one or two just in noise.
FSR 64 G4XPE IO92 29 4,215 145 EI9E/P 362 25 Jaybeam 10-Y 10-element Yagi    
FSR 65 M0WGF JO01 24 3,927 164 EI9E/P 533 50 9 Ele LFA  
FSR 66 G4VPD IO92 25 3,394 136 EI9E/P 334 100 13LFA  
FSR 67 G4HGI IO83 16 3,215 201 G5LK/P 380 10 12 ele i0jxx little time on this band - thanks to all 73
FSR 68 G4CIB IO81 22 2,927 133 EI9E/P 318 50 5 ele ZL Special in loft Limited amount of time that I could operate but great fun!
FSR 69 M6YTU IO90 18 2,801 156 EI9E/P 490 10 VPA Systems 5 Element Yagi    
FSR 70 G1MZD IO92 22 2,715 123 EI9E/P 406 50 5 ele G4CQM Glad to give some points in the time I had spare, conditions not to good.turning the beam manually was not good.
FSR 71 G4OBK IO94 11 2,184 199 EI9E/P 441 80 7 7 WIMO CROSS YAGI  
FSR 72 G4PDF IO93 11 1,550 141 M0HRF/P 234 50 W2000 Vertical    
FSR 73 2E0JWJ IO81 14 1,413 101 EI9E/P 344 25 Watson 2000 Vertical  
FSO 74 2E0PPM IO91 12 1,064 89 G4RFR/P 175 50W Buddipole (H) First Competition done, next time will be better.
FSR 75 G6XSY IO91 11 982 89 G5LK/P 155 10 9 ele    
FSR 76 G8GNI IO91 8 655 82 G5LK/P 198 75 9el Giving points away
FSO 77 GM8IEM IO78 1 642 642 EI9E/P 642 400 9 el Vine Token entry - focussed on 50/70 (where nothing heard)/1296 MHz.
FSR 78 2E0HBV IO81 6 249 42 M0HRF/P 60 10 Sigma Vertical First contest.
FSR 79 2E0WDX IO94 1 93 93 GX0OOO/P 93 20 3 ELE YAGI  

432 MHz (51 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 G5LK/P JO01 136 48,829 359 DL0HTW 840 400 4x28  
Open 2 EI9E/P IO62 118 46,832 397 DF0MU 958 40 4x21 Difficult conditions with some help from AS.
Open 3 M0HRF/P IO91 127 26,767 211 DA0FF 806 400 20 Element LFA Had a mishap and broke the 2 antennas so had to run with one bent made from the 2, Poor activity and no conditions,but still a great weekend
Open 4 G3PYE/P JO02 117 24,929 213 HB9AJ 756 400 2 * 21-ele Tonna  
Open 5 G4BRA/P IO80 97 22,356 230 OZ1ALS 952 400 2x21 ele  
L 6 G3CKR/P IO93 91 19,766 217 F6KIM/P 782 25 38 ele M2    
R 7 G6IPU/P JO02 54 15,846 293 DH9NFM 757 100w 20ele  
R 8 G8IYS/P IO91 90 15,162 168 DA0FF 707 100 28ele Loop Yagi North East Surrey CG
R 9 G2BQY/P IO81 75 13,543 181 DF0MU 685 100 23 ele DK7ZB Rather slow going. Pleased to be able to operate 70cm again now the rules have changed  
R 10 G3PIA/P IO91 66 13,389 203 DL8QS 728 100 21 element A fine weekend and the 1st time in >25 years for HARS to be out on NFD. Conditions not great but a good time had by all.  
L 11 G3ZME/P IO82 75 12,949 173 DL0LN 700 25 M2 22 ele yagi  
MS 12 G3RCV/P JO01 49 11,631 237 OZ1ALS 744 50 21el Tonna  
R 13 GW3SRT/P IO82 64 11,036 172 DF0MU 704 100 J-Beam 18-ele Yagi  
R 14 G3YDD/P IO82 74 10,256 139 DF0MU 676 75 15 ele G4CQM First and foremost a very enjoyable weekend,lost about 4 hours on the band, BUT it wouldn't of made a difference, tnx for QSO's
R 15 G0OLE/P IO93 42 8,830 210 DF0MU 574 100 88 ele Multibeam  
R 16 M0NFD/P IO94 32 8,768 274 DF0MU 605 70 19 ele  
MS 17 M1DDD/P IO93 37 7,206 195 DF0MU 627 50 16 ele I0JXX Took a break overnight and during early morn inspection. Little sleep due to high winds. Failed to raise a few DL/PA. Great fun all the same
Open 18 G3WKS/P JO01 36 6,861 191 EI9E/P 516 200 18 ele Yagi  
L 19 G3RCW/P IO93 26 4,092 157 DF0MU 625 25 20 El LFA Disappointing activity levels. Great weekend though with 23 club members plus family, the majority camping and just a few day visitors.  
R 20 G8TRS/P IO92 28 3,923 140 OR6T 488 50 14 Element Yagi    
MS 21 M0MCG/P IO80 15 3,879 259 G0OLE/P 428 20 21Y Single op effort. Conditions reasonable with QSB Operated Saturday plus 1 hour on Sunday.
L 22 G0IVR/P IO91 40 3,621 91 EI9E/P 407 25 14 ele LFA yagi Seemed a bit quiet - struggled to make contacts  
Open 23 G8SRC/P IO91 21 2,629 125 EI9E/P 362 50 1x22 ele  
L 24 M0NDA/P IO92 22 2,433 111 PA5KM 386 20 16 Ele    
R 25 G5BK/P IO81 24 2,262 94 EI9E/P 331 50 23 Ele    
R 26 G2OA/P IO83 14 1,863 133 G0VHF/P 342 85 18 LFA A poor result, location really too low and M/H amp not working:-( Short of ops too this year.
L 27 G3XYF/P IO94 6 1,442 240 G5LK/P 341 5 10 ele yagi  
L 28 M0HFC/P IO93 6 949 158 M0HRF/P 278 5 6 element Yagi Bit of a struggle on QRP, and not a lot heard.  
L 29 G3VLG/P IO92 9 891 99 G0FBB/P 218 25 7 ele DK7ZB  
MS 30 M0MPM/P IO91 7 739 106 EI9E/P 388 5 7 el Arrow Amazing to work EI9E/p on my 5w and small antenna. But little further activity
R 31 M0OSA/P IO93 6 680 113 G3YDD/P 133 50 Diamond SG7200  
FSO 32 G3XDY JO02 45 14,340 319 OK2A 827 300 28el M2 Yagi Some tropo to NE Saturday evening but no activity that way. Tricky finding some of the portables!
FSO 33 F1CBC JN09 25 6,268 251 DF0MU 575 20 21 els 73 Philippe
FSR 34 G1PPA IO93 21 4,832 230 DF0MU 563 50 15 ELEMENT BEAM thanks for points
FSR 35 G3UBX IO82 20 3,086 154 MM0CPS/P 351 100 Tonna 21 Saturday evening only - usual quietness
FSR 36 G3YKI IO92 21 2,957 141 EI9E/P 337 25 18 ele    
FSR 37 G8LZE IO91 18 2,901 161 DF0MU 535 25 18 ele. DK7ZB  
FSR 38 G3RLE IO83 14 2,288 163 G4BRA/P 311 60 5 el yagi Very few CQs heard. Perhaps stations did not call CQ to the north very often.
FSR 39 G8PX IO91 16 2,054 128 EI9E/P 392 25 21 ele tonna  
FSR 40 G8EOP IO93 9 2,020 224 EI9E/P 369 75 28el m2 beam 888 807aro *** thanks all 73 Mel
FSR 41 GW3ATZ IO83 11 1,842 167 G0FBB/P 355 50 12 ele Only able to do few hours Saturday. Wkd all I hrd. Flat conditions.
FSO 42 G0TAR JO01 11 1,707 155 EI9E/P 519 10 9 ele Nice to wrk EI9E/P.NW better, no european stns heard. Tnx points,73 de Brian
FSR 43 G4HGI IO83 10 1,197 120 G3PYE/P 243 15 23 element Wimo Hard going no preamp deaf rig too ! plus some rg58 in the feedline for good measure!
FSR 44 GW8ASD IO83 6 1,147 191 G0FBB/P 347 70 28ele M2 Difficult to find stations!
FSR 45 G4CIB IO81 9 968 108 EI9E/P 318 35 Moxon loop in loft Limited time I could operate but great fun!
FSR 46 G1MZD IO92 9 911 101 G4BRA/P 178 20 5 ele G4CQM 2m best i could do in the time with 2m beam (rotated manually)Glad to give the points.
FSO 47 GM8IEM IO78 1 642 642 EI9E/P 642 400 28 el Token entry - focussed on 50/70 (where nothing heard)/1296 MHz
FSR 48 2W0JYN IO83 6 440 73 G8BNE/P 197 50 3 ele beam good contest for /p stations not for fixed stations need rule change so fixed stations can call cq thanks to all i worked 73
FSR 49 G4PDF IO93 3 264 88 G3CKR/P 118 50 W2000 Vertical    
FSR 50 M6YTU IO90 3 256 85 M0HRF/P 145 10 VPA Systems 8 Element Yagi    
FSR 51 G8GNI IO91 2 136 68 G3PYE/P 103 50 19el Giving points away

1,3 GHz (26 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 G5LK/P JO01 70 23,079 330 DL0HTW 840 200 4x22  
Open 2 EI9E/P IO62 40 16,304 408 PI4GN 909 200 4x35 Poor conditions on Saturday, slight improvement on Sunday morning.
R 3 G2BQY/P IO81 61 16,253 266 DF0MU 685 100 67ele Wimo Yagi much easier to set up than a dish and performed well. KST esential although we were calling and tuning all the time.  
R 4 G3OHM/P IO92 64 16,020 250 F6KFH 695 100 55 ele Slow going at times, a number of regular stations seemed missing!
L 5 G3CKR/P IO93 54 13,653 253 DL3YCW 726 25 1.6m dish    
Open 6 G3PYE/P JO02 51 12,079 237 DL0LN 491 40 55-ele Tonna  
R 7 GM3HAM/P IO74 22 7,598 345 G5LK/P 556 100 67 element Conditions dire on Saturday with squally showers near gale force winds. Better wx and conditions but below average Sunday
L 8 G3ZME/P IO82 40 7,573 189 DF0MU 693 25 64 ele Wimo Lower activity (or condx?) than last year
R 9 G5TO/P IO93 40 7,388 185 GM8IEM 580 75 44 element Flat Conditions. Poor Participation for what is a national annual event!
Open 10 G4RFR/P IO80 23 4,671 203 G8SFI/P 370 100 4 x 36 Ele Yagis    
R 11 G0OLE/P IO93 18 4,025 224 PE1MMP 498 100 44 ele WIMO    
R 12 G3YDD/P IO82 22 3,095 141 G5LK/P 313 10 55 ELE TONNA Very enjoyable weekend, very limited time on this band, could hear the DX but couldn't complete. More Power required. 73 HARs
Open 13 G0IVR/P IO91 15 2,576 172 GM3HAM/P 465 50 2 x 23 ele yagi More QSOs than last year! Seemed to be a limited number of CQs or replies to our CQs  
MS 14 G4VFL/P IO84 7 1,624 232 G0VHF/P 411 10 24ele G4CQM Wet and Dry !
L 15 G5BK/P IO81 9 958 106 EI9E/P 331 2.5 35 Ele    
L 16 M0CGL JO03 2 428 214 G2BQY/P 288 10 35 element Tonna  
R 17 G3WKS/P JO01 3 213 71 G0VHF/P 102 50 70 ele Yagi Pwr o/p lower than expected, few stations heard.
L 18 G3VLG/P IO92 1 83 83 G3CKR/P 83 10 7 ele for 432!  
L 19 G3RCW/P IO93 2 50 25 G5TO/P 37 10 48 El Wimo    
FSO 20 G3XDY JO02 36 13,368 371 OK2A 827 400 4 x 23el Yagi Difficult to find some low power portables, but good fun trying.
FSR 21 M0BTZ IO90 15 2,658 177 EI9E/P 406 100 48ele DL6WU (h/b) Saturday, 23cm only. Limited operating time. Took it easy, tnx to EI9E/P for new dxcc and #. No conditions into near europe (flat).
FSR 22 G4PDS IO80 8 1,540 192 G0VHF/P 327 10 44ele Wimo  
FSR 23 G8EOP IO93 6 1,177 196 EI9E/P 369 10 35el m2 beam *** 807aro *** thanks all 73 Mel
FSO 24 GM8IEM IO78 2 959 480 G5TO/P 580 150 60 el Powabeam Spent Sunday on 23cm, conditions below average and only improving towards the end. Tnx to all who tried with me - much appreciated.
FSR 25 G8LZE IO91 3 475 158 G3CKR/P 200 18 44 element  
FSR 26 GW8ASD IO83 1 240 240 G3PYE/P 240 10 67ele Yagi Gave up on the band. Hardly a peep and no one, except EI9E/P, suggested a QSY to here. Unfortunately conditions didn't help.

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