Claimed Scores 2018
  13461 claimed scores
V8.40 by G4CLA

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29/12/18 Xmas C'latives 70 MHz
29/12/18 Xmas C'latives 432 MHz
29/12/18 Xmas C'latives 50 MHz
29/12/18 Xmas C'latives 144 MHz
20/12/18 70MHz FMAC
20/12/18 70MHz UKAC
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Claimed scores for VHF NFD

50 MHz (58 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 EI9E/P IO62 183 106,927 584 5B4AAB 3647 1000 7ele At least we had some Es this year:-) The catering corps out did themselves this year - on site electric dish washer!
Open 2 G5LK/P JO01 103 63,735 619 AA5AM 7701 400 6y  
Open 3 GM4ZUK/P IO86 92 63,264 688 EA8CQS 3353 400 7 ele Yagi A bit of a struggle - Es was not as good as it was in the morning before contest started.
Open 4 M0HRF/P IO91 135 51,292 380 5B4AAB 3259 400 6 ELE LFA Fun weekend with nice weather, Thanks for the QSO's.
Open 5 G2BQY/P IO81 128 42,546 332 5B4AAB 3325 400 7ele 5 ele What a fantastic weekend! Sun, BBQ, take aways, cider, flyover by the Red Arrows, astronomy, good company and Es on 6m!  
R 6 GM3HAM/P IO74 95 40,576 427 9A5ST 1946 100 9 element Sporadic E before the contest vanished, but came back later briefly. Warm weather made pleasant change.
Open 7 G4BRA/P IO80 99 39,002 394 5B4AAB 3304 400 8 ele Create  
Open 8 M0NFD/P IO94 95 36,365 383 LZ9W 2291 400 5 Element Average conditions, little Es. Rotator fail meant manual beam adjusting! Thanks QSO's. OP G4FVP
R 9 G4ALE/P IO91 93 26,729 287 EA8CQS 2909 100 5 ele North East Surrey CG
R 10 G2LO/P IO92 113 25,949 230 5B4AAB 3288 100 INNOV 7 7 Dual band Yagi Some sporadic E  
MS 11 GI4GTY/P IO74 58 25,670 443 9A5ST 2019 100 7 ele yagi  
Open 12 G3PYE/P JO02 84 25,061 298 9A5ST 1543 400 6-ele YU7EF  
MS 13 M0MCG/P IO80 59 23,849 404 LZ9W 2363 100 5 ele Tonna 30 mins late on due to blocked fuel line on geny, so missed some Es. Nice to get some, though.
Open 14 G3SVJ/P IO91 86 22,214 258 YO2LEA 1728 250 6 element LFA Quad  
R 15 G3ZME/P IO82 82 21,644 264 9A5ST 1746 100 7 ele LFA Sp. E shut down just before the contest started. Typical !
MS 16 G3TBK/P IO93 75 20,705 276 EA8CQS 3149 100 6Y    
Open 17 G3RCW/P IO93 82 17,571 214 9A5ST 1705 300 6 El M0ZMF Delta Beam Great weather and a great social get together for the club members and their families. Radio wise it was mediocre but we had fun.  
Open 18 G8SRC/P IO91 74 16,805 227 9H5MC 2133 400 1x5  
R 19 G0ARC/P IO91 83 16,622 200 9H5MC 2111 100 5 ele  
R 20 G3PIA/P IO91 57 15,276 268 9A5ST 1599 100 4 ele of dual 4/5 ele Very little sporadic E but tropo conditions reasonable. Harwell ARS  
R 21 M0RDK/P IO91 75 14,809 197 9A5ST 1542 100 5 element tonna Thanks to all for points,hard work. 73 Phased Array DX group  
R 22 GW3SRT/P IO82 57 13,951 245 9A5ST 1762 100 7 ele Yagi  
R 23 G3TCR/P IO91 32 12,619 394 IK7EOT 1866 100 6 ele Yagi  
R 24 G0OLE/P IO93 40 11,173 279 9A5ST 1706 100 4 ele  
R 25 G4ATH/P IO83 38 9,972 262 9A5ST 1816 100 5 Ele  
L 26 G8IB/P IO91 43 9,945 231 Z68M 1971 25 7ELE M2  
MS 27 G4VFL/P IO84 39 9,861 253 G5LK/P 472 80 6ele G4VCQM Wx: Hot
MS 28 G7APD/P IO92 47 8,924 190 9A5ST 1626 100 9 Ele  
R 29 G3VLG/P IO92 32 7,007 219 9A5ST 1641 100 5 element tonna beam  
R 30 G0IVR/P IO91 24 5,727 239 9A5ST 1579 100 3 ele yagi Activity seemed down on 6m this year. Nice to get a bit of SP-E though.  
R 31 G3WKS/P JO01 19 4,444 234 Z68M 1850 100 4 ele Yagi  
L 32 G4FWC/P IO92 25 4,250 170 EI9E/P 428 25 Yagi 3 ele  
L 33 G3VEF/P IO91 11 3,657 332 9A5ST 1567 25 Vertical Colinear    
R 34 G1KAR/P IO91 11 3,515 320 9A5ST 1516 100 EVHF Vertical (Pineapple) Limited entry using EVHF vertical whilst at Capel Military Vehicle show.
L 35 M0NDA/P IO92 8 895 112 EI9E/P 350 10 5ele Tonna    
L 36 GW4WXM/P IO82 6 630 105 EI9E/P 255 25 5el yagi hot, first NFD , modest set up but great fun
L 37 M0CVO IO93 1 23 23 G3RCW/P 23 10 OCFD  
FSO 38 5B4AAB KM64 9 27,940 3104 EI9E/P 3647 400 3 ele Brief and very sporadic Es.  
FSR 39 9H5MC JM76 12 25,472 2123 EI9E/P 2568 100 HB9CV    
FSR 40 GW8ASD IO83 33 11,073 336 9A5ST 1782 100 5ele Yagi  
FSO 41 G3TXF IO71 31 9,014 291 GM4ZUK/P 649 400 6el yagi  
FSR 42 G3RLE IO83 33 8,375 254 9A5ST 1764 100 2 el HB9CV  
FSO 43 M1MHZ IO92 35 8,317 238 9A5ST 1605 400 6 ele 2h2m ops to give some points away. Fleeting SpE was nice. Thanks for all QSOs.  
FSR 44 G8ONK IO83 25 5,579 223 G0FBB/P 392 80 9 ele G0KSC Dualband  
FSR 45 G4CIB IO81 15 4,844 323 9A5ST 1676 100 4 ele yagi Enjoyable!
FSR 46 G3PHO IO93 15 3,762 251 EA5FX 1491 100 4 el yagi @ 9m Only on for less than one hour on Saturday
FSO 47 GM4BRN IO86 9 3,507 390 S51DI 1730 50 2/2 stack  
FSR 48 G5RS IO91 19 3,384 178 GM4ZUK/P 648 100 6ele LFA Flat. Having fun at the Guildford Model Engineering Societies annual rally. Tnks for QSOs: Guildford & DRS
FSO 49 G4FKA IO81 20 3,380 169 GM3HAM/P 392 400 Fixed wire dipole Just a few hours on to see what was about. No Es and poor tropo = few QSOs. Sad to see many stations stuck on FT8 and ignoring the contest.  
FSR 50 F1CBC JN09 10 2,768 277 EI9E/P 582 80 5 els yagi Very hard work, QSB noise, low signals. Thanks for QSO. 73 Philippe
FSR 51 G3XBY IO92 17 2,674 157 GM4ZUK/P 508 100 3el homebrew No workable Es here, tropo reasonable
FSR 52 G0TAR JO01 5 1,771 354 9A5ST 1476 50 HB dipole High local noise level and a bit of a struggle wid 5 only! 73 de Brian
FSR 54 G4AQB IO83 6 1,248 208 EI9E/P 318 50 Dipole  
FSR 55 G4DZL IO92 7 1,236 177 GM4ZUK/P 471 25 indoor dipole  
FSR 56 M0OMB IO83 5 830 166 EI9E/P 299 25 V2000  
FSR 57 G4XPE IO92 4 685 171 EI9E/P 362 10 Colinear    
FSR 58 G1MZD IO92 5 199 40 G3PYE/P 76 100 Tri Band Colinear Restricted by use of Colinear but glad to give a few points

70 MHz (46 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 EI9E/P IO62 110 41,177 374 S51DI 1755 200 10ele Heavy QRM from power lines, sorry to those we couldn't copy. Only one Es QSO, but good tropo.
Open 2 GM4ZUK/P IO86 81 40,037 494 EA8DBM 3375 150 8 ele Yagi Good tropo at the start which faded. Short Es opening to EA and EA8 was a bonus.
R 3 GM3HAM/P IO74 105 39,025 372 EA8DBM 3127 40 11 element It was a slow start, but tropo improved later. There were short spE openings to Spain and the Canaries. Excellent weather made it the best V
Open 4 GM6MD/P IO75 84 29,198 348 EA1UR 1373 160 2 x 5 ele yagi Activity level seemed low. The first 3 hours were quite busy but the last 3 hours were slow going. Thanks to all who worked us.
MS 5 GI4GTY/P IO74 68 23,112 340 G5LK/P 609 40 6 ele yagi    
Open 6 M0NFD/P IO94 81 21,183 262 PA4VHF 571 160 7 Element Reasonable band conditions although no ES. WX made the day. Thanks QSO's. DE op G0EHV
Open 7 G4RFR/P IO80 99 19,600 198 GM4ZUK/P 682 140 11 ele Yagi  
Open 8 G2BQY/P IO81 97 19,334 199 PA4VHF 652 160 8 ele    
Open 9 G3SVJ/P IO91 102 16,730 164 GM4ZUK/P 568 160 12 element home brew Yagi  
R 10 G2LO/P IO92 96 16,215 169 PA4VHF 564 40 INNOV 7 7 Dual band Yagi Very Little Sporadic E  
R 11 G4ALE/P IO91 77 14,412 187 GM4ZUK/P 651 40 5 ELE North East Surrey CG
Open 12 G8SRC/P IO91 81 14,159 175 GM4ZUK/P 609 160 1x5  
R 13 M0RDK/P IO91 77 14,044 182 GM4ZUK/P 656 40 5 Element    
R 14 M0HRF/P IO91 77 13,346 173 GM4ZUK/P 625 40 7 ELE LFA Great Weather and a fun weekend, Thanks for Qso's but finished early due to lack of activity.
Open 15 G3PYE/P JO02 69 12,517 181 GM4ZUK/P 558 400 7-ele YU7EF  
Open 16 G3RCW/P IO93 73 12,517 171 G7RAU 431 160 6 El M0ZMF Delta Beam Great weather and a great social get together for the club members and their families. Radio wise it was mediocre but we had fun.  
R 17 G0ARC/P IO91 70 12,144 173 GM4ZUK/P 629 40 6 ele  
R 18 GW3SRT/P IO82 63 11,704 186 GM4ZUK/P 474 40 6 ele Yagi  
MS 19 G3TBK/P IO93 55 11,149 203 EI7MRE/P 571 40 5 el Yagi Nothing heard from Europe  
R 20 G0OLE/P IO93 46 10,015 218 EI9E/P 436 40 5 ele  
R 21 G3PIA/P IO91 51 8,454 166 GM4ZUK/P 604 40 5 el of dual 5/4 ele Very hot weather, conditions reasonable. Harwell ARS  
R 22 G4ATH/P IO83 40 8,226 206 G5LK/P 417 40 5 Ele All operators are TCARS members
MS 23 G4VFL/P IO84 30 7,830 261 G5LK/P 472 25 7ele G4VCQM Wx: Hot
R 24 G0IVR/P IO91 24 7,490 312 GM4ZUK/P 658 100 5 ele yagi Better activity than last year  
MS 25 G7APD/P IO92 39 6,430 165 GM4ZUK/P 519 40 9ele 50/70MHz  
R 26 G3TCR/P IO91 25 2,182 87 G3XDY 189 40 4 ele Yagi  
L 27 M0NDA/P IO92 11 1,963 178 GI4GTY/P 352 10 6ele Tonna    
L 28 G3WKS/P JO01 13 1,247 96 G4RFR/P 202 10 4 ele Yagi  
R 29 G1KAR/P IO91 4 258 64 G5LK/P 117 40 EVHF Vertical (Pineapple) Token entry whilst at Capel Military show.
FSO 30 G4MBC JO02 46 9,165 199 GM4ZUK/P 550 150 7ele PowAbeam  
FSO 31 G3NPI IO92 45 8,580 191 GM4ZUK/P 557 150 6 OVER 6 LFA Time split between 4m and 2m
FSO 32 G3XDY JO02 30 7,586 253 GM4ZUK/P 594 150 6 ele Yagi Tropo conditions above average, no Es this year. Less time spent on 4m this year.
FSR 33 GW8ASD IO83 35 7,320 209 GM4ZUK/P 433 40 7ele Yagi  
FSR 34 G3MXH JO02 31 6,794 219 GM4ZUK/P 570 40 7 EL Powabeam QRV for two hours but found some good propagation to GM.
FSR 35 G4HGI IO83 31 6,769 218 GM4ZUK/P 385 25 9 ele Dual Band Just over 2.5 hrs Sweeping on 4m - all S&P tnx to all
FSR 36 G8FMC IO91 29 5,027 173 GM4ZUK/P 567 40 4el Moxon-Yagi Some major registered stations did not show?! Pleased to work all 4 registered GM's though. Less local noise than Thurs evenings!  
FSR 37 G4PDS IO80 20 4,806 240 GM3HAM/P 470 40 5ele Good fun hunting out the stations. Some usually easy UK squares missing.
FSO 38 G3TCT IO81 19 4,393 231 GM4ZUK/P 649 160 6 ele DK7ZB 1 hour only, condx mediocre
FSR 39 G4DZL IO92 14 2,468 176 GM6MD/P 337 25 outdoor dipole  
FSR 40 G4BCA IO81 13 2,378 183 GI4GTY 371 14 Dipole  
FSO 41 GM4BRN IO86 5 860 172 GI4GTY/P 269 50 4 el yagi    
FSO 42 GM3TAL IO86 5 860 172 GI4GTY/P 269 50 4 el yagi  
FSR 43 G4AQB IO83 4 825 206 EI9E/P 318 2 HB9CV A bit noisy on 4m, some stations just too weak to work.
FSR 44 M0SSN IO83 5 806 161 GM4ZUK/P 372 40 HORIZONTAL DIPOLE  
FSO 45 GM8IEM IO78 2 601 300 GM3HAM/P 379 160 6 el When not in QSO or calling CQ I was scanning the band, but little heard and low activity. Tnx especially to those operating /P.
FSR 46 M6JIJ IO93 4 516 129 G2BQY/P 248 10 Single element Dipole Came on for a bit of fun & give /P stations some points. not masses of activity. Condx fair, but no Es.  

144 MHz (82 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 G5LK/P JO01 687 267,794 390 SN1I 1038 400 4x11,4x6 Thanks for qsos
Open 2 M0HRF/P IO91 523 170,580 326 OL1C 1062 400 4 x 9 Ele LFA Great Weather and a fun weekend,
Open 3 EI9E/P IO62 338 138,837 411 DA0FF 1179 500 2x12+4x5 Well out of the action this year, other than a short opening to DL early Sunday morning.
R 4 G6IPU/P JO02 271 110,738 409 OE1W 1146 100 17 ele Yagi Only one band this year due to last minute problem with our usual site. Hot weekend, but enjoyable. Good conditions to Europe!
R 5 G0OLE/P IO93 276 103,408 375 SN7L 1157 100 11 ele Lack of G stations. Good conditions to the East.
Open 6 G3PYE/P JO02 310 94,513 305 OL7C 897 400 17-ele Tonna  
Open 7 G0ARC/P IO91 309 80,024 259 OL7C 1016 250 11 ele LFA  
R 8 GM3HAM/P IO74 244 77,654 318 F6KCP/P 839 100 17 element Slightly above average propogation and good activity
R 9 M0NFD/P IO94 221 76,586 347 SN7L 1183 100 12 ele LFA Good wx and good tropo to the east. Thanks for QSOs de G4FZN & G8HQW Northern Fells CG.
L 10 G3CKR/P IO93 261 76,536 293 DR1H 992 25 17 ELE M2 Slow going Sat but better conds OY beacon 59+.Heard OL1C/OL7C but could not raise on LP.Sunday hard going but some DL's very loud Tks Mike  
Open 11 G4RFR/P IO80 252 66,163 263 DA0FF 876 400 12 ele  
R 12 G0SAC/P IO91 267 62,819 235 OL7C 906 100 18ele Cushcraft North East Surrey CG
R 13 G3ZME/P IO82 259 61,255 237 OL7C 1110 100 17 ele Some good tropo Sunday early.
Open 14 GW3SRT/P IO82 221 60,985 276 DR1H 1048 400 Tonna 17 ele Yagi  
R 15 G3PIA/P IO91 175 48,073 275 DR1H 907 100 17 element Reasonable activity, especially from Europe. Very hot conditions Great Weekend! Harwell ARS  
R 16 G2BQY/P IO81 175 40,767 233 OZ1ALS 932 100 9 ele DK7ZB    
MS 17 GI4GTY/P IO74 113 40,297 357 F6JME/P 921 100 17 ELE YAGI Best wx for years - it made sleeping in tent quite pleasant ! Everything worked as should and nobody forgot to bring anything !!!
Open 18 G4ATH IO83 173 35,909 208 DF0GEB 931 300 17 ele Tonna  
Open 19 G3WKS/P JO01 138 35,217 255 DK2LB 771 250 11 over 11 ele Yagi No specially enhanced conditions.
Open 20 G3WM/P JO01 139 34,856 251 5P6T 776 400 2 x 9 Ele LFA Very Hot, Good openings, our best 2m score in ages
R 21 M0RDK/P IO91 160 34,017 213 DA0FF 753 100 17 element tonna conditions up and down made it hard work but good fun thanks to all phased array DX group
Open 22 G8SRC/P IO91 170 30,736 181 OZ1ALS 873 400 1x5  
R 23 G0IVR/P IO91 24 28,603 1192 DA0FF 799 100 8 ele LFA yagi Some nice DX, activity poor on Saturday, better on Sunday  
MS 24 M0MCG/P IO80 101 27,738 275 DL0GL 763 100 10 ele DL6WU Conditions normal down in the south west. Finished 30 mins before the end due to the geny running out of petrol!
R 25 G5FZ/P IO93 62 21,675 350 DA0FF 786 100 DK7ZB 2m (5 elements) / 70cm(7 elements) Beam  
R 26 G3TCR/P IO91 89 20,175 227 DF4T 842 100 9 element Yagi  
Open 27 G3SVJ/P IO91 92 19,535 212 DA0FF 744 250 2 x 9 element M2  
L 28 G3VEF/P IO91 80 17,178 215 DA0FF 788 25 14 Element Tonna    
Open 29 GM0FRC/P IO85 65 15,702 242 G0FBB/P 616 400 2 x 10 ele DK7ZB Wx excellent, band conditions good but only UK contacts achieved. Thanks to all.  
Open 30 M0SNB/P JO01 70 15,540 222 GM4PPT 522 400 9e LFA A check log, just having some fun in the sun and giving away some points. 4 Hrs operating check log.
MS 31 G7APD/P IO92 74 13,987 189 DA0FF 790 100 9 Ele  
L 32 G3RCW/P IO93 62 12,917 208 OZ1ALS 782 25 17 El Tonna Great weather and a great social get together for the club members and their families. Radio wise it was mediocre but we had fun.  
R 33 M0NDA/P IO92 68 10,501 154 F1LPV/P 531 100 17ele Yagi    
R 34 MU0WLV/P IN89 35 10,307 294 GM3HAM/P 616 50 Alaskan Arrow 2m elementsonly  
MS 35 G4GTH/P IO90 56 10,052 180 GB0SSB 597 95 5 Element Yagi Reasonably good conditions with some DX.  
R 36 G2DX/P IO91 44 8,849 201 HB9N 720 100 9 Elt Yagi  
L 37 G8IB/P IO91 41 8,446 206 F6JMT/P 787 25 19ELE HB    
MS 38 M0HCY/P JO01 36 8,345 232 GI4GTY/P 545 50 10 ele The 6m beam went high VSWR without a solution so 2m entry only. But good contest with excellent weather. Thanks for points, BARCG
R 39 G3VLG/P IO92 44 6,985 159 DL0WX 574 100 9 element yagi  
L 40 F/G3WJG/P JO10 15 4,155 277 DA0FF 546 15 6ele Homebrew Just on for 90mins on sun till my battery went flat and the car aux supply blew its fuse! Good fun though. 5/9 signals from UK/Germany.
L 41 GW4WXM/P IO82 22 4,094 186 G5LK/P 355 25 10 el yagi  
R 42 G0MCV IO92 21 3,522 168 EI9E/P 384 50 sandpiper beam  
L 43 MX0HFC/P IO93 15 3,346 223 EI9E/P 460 5 3 element yagi  
L 44 M0CVO IO93 20 3,345 167 EI9E/P 376 20 Diamond 10 ele  
R 45 M0OSA/P IO93 9 1,449 161 EI9E/P 345 50 Diamond SG7200  
L 46 M1KDJ IO81 11 1,099 100 EI9E/P 339 5 2 Element Beam  
R 47 G1KAR/P IO91 3 210 70 G0ARC/P 95 5 5/8 Wave Vertical Just playing with low power and vertical whilst at the Capel show.
FSO 48 G3XDY JO02 85 33,312 392 SN7L 1003 400 12 ele Yagi Good opening to OK overnight, near miss with 9A0V (JN95) at 0200z. Nice tropo conditions, shame about the solar panel noise East.
FSR 49 F1CBC JN09 71 24,200 341 DA0FF 709 80 9 els Good activity, Thanks for QSO 73 at all Philippe..
FSO 50 M1MHZ IO92 59 15,815 268 OL7C 933 400 2 x 12 ele Just under 3hrs early morning ops, some sleepy heads! A little nice DX and as many NFD stations I could find. Tnx all contacts.  
FSO 51 G3NPI IO92 72 13,573 189 F1LPV/P 851 250 8 el Powabeam Great conditions at the end...
FSO 52 GM4YEQ/P IO85 34 10,223 301 G0FBB/P 552 40 5 EL BEAM Dave Smith GM0KCN, Jim Keddie GM7LUN, Mike Askew MM3NTX,Dave Hegarty MM3UPZ Great day, looking for better site to access the SE of UK.
FSR 53 GW8ASD IO83 34 10,206 300 DK5DQ 736 100 12 ele M2  
FSR 54 G4PDS IO80 38 9,561 252 F6JMT/P 523 100 7 ele Good fun. No great DX and very hot.
FSR 55 2E0VPX IO92 38 9,190 242 OZ1ALS 706 50 8 element A few hours after the footie. Nice conditions. Well done all the /P stations. 73 Andy 2E0VPX
FSR 56 GD6ICR IO74 30 7,892 263 GM0HTT 550 18 11 ele cqm  
FSR 57 M0OMB IO83 36 7,526 209 G5LK/P 390 25 7 WIMO Ltd act.Sat.only no DX,hrd 1xPI but no qso.Hard going, mostly S&P.Little response to calling. Call rule relaxation maybe caught out FSS Stns
FSR 58 G8ONK IO83 32 6,853 214 G5LK/P 411 100 12 ele S and P only.
FSR 59 G3RLE IO83 31 6,548 211 G0FBB/P 348 70 5 El yagi  
FSR 60 G1MZD IO92 40 6,394 160 DF0DA 571 50 5 ele G4CQM Worked all I could hear, more Saturday, some qsb but reasonable conditions.
FSR 61 G5RS IO91 38 6,196 163 GM3HAM/P 473 100 13ele Flat. Non serious entry at The Guildford Model Eng Soc annual rally. Tnks QSOs, Guildford & DRS
FSR 62 M0NVS IO91 33 6,023 183 DA0FF 740 100 8 ELE LFA Got on early Sunday for a little dx. Hot even then. Enjoy the weekend everyone. 73 Phil
FSR 63 G0TAR JO01 29 5,597 193 GI4GTY/P 549 50 9 ele Nice to wrk EI again . 73 de Brian
FSR 64 G4AQB IO83 26 5,432 209 G0FBB/P 352 50 5 ele yagi Quite pleased, managed to work a lot of portable stations.
FSR 65 G4XPE IO92 28 5,035 180 EI9E/P 362 25 Jaybeam 10Y 10-element Yagi    
FSR 66 G6GEI IO92 23 4,579 199 DA0FF 762 50 6 Ele Yagi  
FSR 67 G4CIB IO81 23 4,275 186 ON4PRA/P 465 50 8 ele yagi Enjoyable!
FSR 68 G3MXH JO02 18 3,901 217 F5SGT/P 539 75 12 el Zl Special Only QRV for an hour but found lots of activity.
FSO 69 GM4BRN IO86 17 3,455 203 M0BAA/P 532 90 6 el yagi  
FSR 70 G4FAA JO01 20 3,410 170 EI9E/P 489 100 8 el horiz yagi  
FSR 71 M0SDL IO80 12 2,850 238 GM3HAM/P 459 50 3ele Quad  
FSR 72 G3PHO IO93 9 2,551 283 DM5C 743 50 9 el tonna yagi Less than an hour on Saturday
FSR 73 M6JIJ IO93 15 2,407 160 EI9E/P 370 10 Halo Was on for a couple of hours & give /P stations some points. Managed my best DX on both 4/2m. Fairly good condx with QSB in & out. tnx 73  
FSR 74 M6NHV IO91 13 1,972 152 EI9E/P 449 10 3 ele delta beam just 1.5hrs to operate on Sunday morning.  
FSR 75 G3YRZ JO02 13 1,958 151 GW3SRT/P 279 25 Indoor Slim Jim Condx up and down, QSB at the wrong times, but managed to give some points.  
FSR 76 G4DZL IO92 12 1,768 147 EI9E/P 373 25 yagi in loft  
FSR 77 G6XSY IO91 15 1,473 98 G6IPU/P 220 25 9 ele    
FSO 78 GM8IEM IO78 5 1,388 278 GD6ICR 447 400 9 el Vine Conditions slightly up on Saturday, but low activity. Better activity on Sunday, but poor conditions. Tnx to all for the QSOs.
FSR 79 M6FSJ IO92 06 1,103 184 EI9E/P 356 2.5 9 element tonna  
FSR 80 M0NRD IO93 5 1,012 202 EI9E/P 408 50 4-Element LFA Yagi grabbed 10 minutes to S&P, Yagi fixed pointing west so pleased with some DX
FSR 81 2E0JWJ IO81 10 992 99 EI9E/P 344 20 Watson tri-band vertical  

432 MHz (46 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 G5LK/P JO01 220 77,226 351 SN7L 992 400 4x28,2x21 Thanks for qsos
Open 2 M0HRF/P IO91 194 54,010 278 DF0XG 853 400 4 x 16 ELE LFA Great Weather and a fun weekend.
Open 3 EI9E/P IO62 125 51,837 415 DA0FF 1179 400 4x21 Too far west to take advantage of the good conditions. Thanks to all the stations who called in.
L 4 G3CKR/P IO93 100 31,112 311 HB9N 924 25 38 ele M2 Good sigs over wkend de DL/PA condns better than 144 at times also activity,helped by AS. Lots more pts than last yr.Tks Mick 70cm op.  
Open 5 G3PYE/P JO02 103 30,576 297 DH8WJ 811 300 2 * 21-ele Tonna  
R 6 G0OLE/P IO93 73 28,582 392 OK2A 1001 75 19 ele  
R 7 G2BQY/P IO81 85 21,321 251 OK2A 1080 100 19 ele KK9ZB    
R 8 G8IYS/P IO91 89 20,247 227 OK2A 906 100 28ele Loop Yagi North East Surrey CG
L 9 G3ZME/P IO82 86 20,020 233 DA0FF 917 25 LFA 24 ele Opening to DL early Sunday.
R 10 G3PIA/P IO91 73 18,097 248 DA0FF 796 100 21 element Hot, hot, hot! Low UK activity Saturday PM Better on Sunday Harwell ARS  
R 11 M0NFD/P IO94 63 17,980 285 DK1PZ 788 100 21 Element Tonna This is a difficult band to operate when 17Km LOS from RAF radar! Conditions OK, seems to be low activity U.K. Thanks QSO's. Ops G0EHV/G4FVP
R 12 G4BRA/P IO80 67 17,545 262 DA0FF 876 100 39 ele  
R 13 G8OHM/P IO92 74 15,801 214 F6KSD/P 787 100 28 ele Yagi    
MS 14 G3TBK/P IO93 52 15,614 300 DA0FF 776 50 21 el Yagi Some good tropo, but poor UK activity (or we were deaf!) Frustrating at times slotting QSOs in between those on 6 & 4m  
R 15 GW3SRT/P IO82 53 12,652 239 DA0FF 930 100 J-Beam 18-ele Yagi  
R 16 MM0GPZ/P IO85 28 9,770 349 DF0MU 826 100w 28 ele M2 Last minute entry. 3 hours 30 mins operating. Checklog
Open 17 G3WKS/P JO01 36 7,407 206 EI9E/P 516 250 21 ele Yagi  
R 18 G3RCW/P IO93 25 5,922 237 OZ1ALS 782 75 23 El LFA Great weather and a great social get together for the club members and their families. Radio wise it was mediocre but we had fun.  
L 19 G0ARC/P IO91 39 5,638 145 DF0MU 621 20 21 ele Tonna  
R 20 G5FZ/P IO93 15 4,408 294 DA0FF 786 100 DK7ZB 2m (5 elements) / 70cm(7 elements) Beam  
MS 21 M0MCG/P IO80 16 4,170 261 G3XDY 390 20 21 ele Tonna Conditions normal. Heart a DL once, but he couldn't hear me.
R 22 G3KMI/P IO91 24 3,707 154 DF0MU 593 35 21 element Yagi  
Open 23 G8SRC/P IO91 20 3,510 176 PI4GN 626 50 1x22 ele  
L 24 G8IB/P IO91 20 2,472 124 EI9E/P 397 25 8OVER8 SLOT  
L 25 G0IVR/P IO91 24 2,450 102 GM3SEK 458 20 18 ele Yagi A few disasters meant that we had to jury rig a station together so late on parade and limited in scope
L 26 G8TRS/P IO92 14 2,209 158 DF0MU 608 25 Yagi 16 ele  
L 27 GW4WXM/P IO82 8 1,434 179 G5LK/P 355 15 18el powabeam  
L 28 M0NDA/P IO92 6 735 122 EI9E/P 350 10 21ele Yagi    
R 29 M0OSA/P IO93 3 367 122 G3ZME/P 132 20 Diamond SG7200 Very quiet on Sunday morning. Worked all I heard. Thanks for the contacts. 73
R 30 G0MCV IO92 1 51 51 G3TBK/P 51 50 sandpiper beam  
FSO 31 G3XDY JO02 57 23,563 413 SN7L 1003 300 28 ele Yagi Nice conditions in the early hours, shame there was no activity then.
FSR 32 GM4JTJ IO86 25 16,815 673 DF0GEB 1018 100 21ele  
FSR 33 G0GDA JO01 24 6,186 258 OZ1ALS 734 10 Home Made Beam Bands poor and not many stations, Hard not to call CQ
FSR 34 M0NVS IO91 20 5,271 264 DA0FF 740 100 18 ELE LFA Fun early on this morning on 70cms for a few hours. I hope yr not all to burnt? 73 Phil
FSR 35 F1CBC JN09 19 4,282 225 EI9E/P 582 20 21els Good activity, Thanks for QSO 73 at all Philippe..
FSR 36 M0OMB IO83 14 3,020 216 G5LK/P 390 25 18 LFA Limited to Sat.only. Cdx abt. avg. Didn't even wrk own sq.
FSO 37 GM8IEM IO78 8 2,790 349 G3CKR/P 605 400 28 el Propagation as 2m. Main focus was on this band. Tnx all for the QSOs and the tries, especially from the portable stations.
FSR 38 GD6ICR IO74 11 2,628 239 GM8IEM 447 15 19 ele tonna  
FSR 39 GW8ASD IO83 11 2,417 220 G5LK/P 370 70 28 ele Yagi Conditions seemed poor and activity low.
FSR 40 G1MZD IO92 15 2,053 137 OR6T 419 20 13ele DL6WU difficult to find many on this band but fairly reasonable conditions
FSR 41 G0TAR JO01 11 1,751 159 EI9E/P 519 10 9 ele good contest EI9E for log on 70 vy gd! tnx points 73 de Brian
FSR 42 G3PHO IO93 9 1,734 193 EI9E/P 368 50 18 el yagi Only had time for around 30 mins in total, on Saturday.
FSR 43 G4AQB IO83 7 1,388 198 EI9E/P 318 20 8 ele yagi Managed to work EI9E/P on all bands including 23cms! Fairly quiet on 70cm most of the time.
FSR 44 G3RLE IO83 4 883 221 G2BQY/P 266 50 5 El yagi  
FSR 45 G6XSY IO91 8 795 99 G5LK/P 155 25 9 ele  
FSR 46 M6JIJ IO93 2 207 104 M0NFD/P 121 10 10 Element Yagi Not much activity heard on this band. but good to work John (LKD) G0OLE/p & Chris (FZN) M0NFD/p

1,3 GHz (24 scores)

Pos Callsign Loc Qs Points P/Qso Best DX Dist Power Ant Comments Email
Open 1 G3PYE/P JO02 62 17,540 283 OZ9PZ 717 400 55-ele Tonna  
R 2 G3OHM/P IO92 51 16,530 324 OK2A 1008 100 1m9 Dish Problems with an intermittent connection in a control line caused some difficulty  
R 3 G2BQY/P IO81 52 16,495 317 DL0LN 690 100 67 ele Wimo Disappointing number of UK stations QRV, not helped by the Finningley Roundtable being held on this weekend!  
L 4 G3CKR/P IO93 57 16,057 282 DF2VK 750 25 1.6m dish Weak front blocked condns some dirns.Good signals at times,strong UK bcns.Equip work well this yr.More pts than last yr.Tks Erik.23cm op.  
Open 5 EI9E/P IO62 36 13,062 363 PI4GN 909 200 4x35 Hard work.
R 6 G0OLE/P IO93 34 11,060 325 DK1VC 628 100 44 ele Wimo Favourable conditions across the North Sea. Many thanks to the few sweepers who answered my CQ calls.
R 7 GM3HAM/P IO74 30 9,623 321 PA0S 657 100 67 element Very poor propagation. Very few stations operating. Very hard going.
R 8 G3PIA/P IO91 31 8,514 275 DL0LN 598 100 55 Element Quiet on Saturday, beacons poor Suspect new 23cms RX system! Better Sunday Harwell ARS  
L 9 G3ZME/P IO82 38 8,167 215 DF0MU 693 25 64 ele Activity low, especially Sunday
R 10 G4RFR/P IO80 26 5,237 201 GM3HAM/P 468 80 2m dish    
MS 11 G4VFL/P IO84 11 2,278 207 G0VHF/P 411 10 24ele G4CQM Wx Hot
Open 12 G0IVR/P IO91 7 477 68 G4PDS 123 100 2 x 23 ele yagi Seemed very hard work. Calling CQ didn't work. Seems KST is essential.  
R 13 G3WKS/P JO01 4 472 118 G2BQY/P 204 100 70 ele Yagi  
FSO 14 G3XDY JO02 45 18,463 410 OK1MAC 986 400 4 x 23 ele Yagi Aircraft scatter for most of the DX but good tropo overnight and early Sunday
FSR 15 G4KCT IO93 17 4,605 271 ON7BV/P 569 100 70 ele Messed up big time , ran on last years rule,s , getting old is a beast . Thanks for the points  
FSO 16 G3TCU IO91 19 4,481 236 DK0PU 517 250 44 ele  
FSO 17 G3TCT IO81 14 2,678 191 GM3HAM/P 434 150 44 ele Part time only. Condx mediocre
FSR 18 F1CBC JN09 7 1,375 196 G3CKR/P 420 10 23 els Good activity, Thanks for QSO 73 at all Philippe..
FSR 19 G3UVR IO83 5 1,023 205 EI9E/P 262 90 23ele Tonna  
FSR 20 M0OMB IO83 7 944 135 G2BQY/P 265 10 44 Y Just 2 Hrs Sun. bf family do. Thnks for the pts.
FSR 21 GW8ASD IO83 5 891 178 G3PYE/P 240 10 67ele Yagi Failed with EI9E/P, and not much heard. Even more convinced I have a problem somewhere!
FSR 22 G4AQB IO83 3 601 200 EI9E/P 318 2 23 ele Tonna Pretty quiet on 23cms, but managed EI9E/P on 2w!
FSR 23 GD6ICR IO74 5 515 103 G3CKR/P 218 8 54 ele Wimo  
FSR 24 G4PDS IO80 3 232 77 G0IVR/P 123 100 Wimo 44 ele Disappointing conditions and then later linear problems. Gave up and migrated to 2m

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