70MHz Cumulatives # 2
Date #1 24 Feb Time 1000-1200 (UTC)
Date #2 10 Mar Time 1000-1200 (UTC)
Date #3 26 May Time 1400-1600 (UTC)
Date #4 23 Jun Time 1400-1600 (UTC)
Date #5 11 Aug Time 1400-1600 (UTC)
Band 4m
Exchange RS(T), Serial Number (starting at 001 on each date) and a 6 character (e.g. IO92JL) locator
Scoring One Point per Kilometre
UK Contest Callsigns Not allowed

Standard licence conditions and no antenna restrictions.

The power output must be not more than 100W PEP (40W on 4m) at the final output stage or external amplifier connection to the antenna.
Only one antenna may be used. Stacked or bayed antennas are not allowed. Backfire or parabolic dish type antennas must not exceed 2 metres in diameter.
Low Power

The power output must not exceed 10W PEP (4W on 4m) at the final output stage or external amplifier connection to the antenna.
Only one antenna may be used Stacked or bayed antenna arrays may not be used. Backfire or parabolic dish type antennas must not exceed 2 metres in diameter
General Rules
General Rules for all RSGB VHF/UHF/SHF contests can be found here
Special Rules for this Contest
Scores will be normalised for each band/session as follows.
Score for each band/session = (Score achieved x 1000) divided by (Band/session leader score).

For cumulative contests the overall score will normally be calculated from the best 3 normalised session scores

It is impossible for you to determine your best sessions without knowing everyone else's scores, so please submit your logs and scores from all sessions in which you were active and allow the adjudicator to calculate your best sessions.

Stations may move location between individual cumulative activity periods
Graham, G0NBI
Entry Date Within 7 days after each activity period
Log Entry Upload your log here
Log Generator Transcribe your log online here
Claimed Scores Enter your claimed score here
Web Results Date of results 23/08/19; Available here
Email Alerts Set up an Email Alert for this contest