RSGB SSB NFD registration 2024

Please answer the questions below and then press the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page.
You must choose a section and enter the callsign to be used for each band

Q1 Information about you and your club

Your Club Name  
Email to add you club to the list
Your Name  
Is your club affiliated to the RSGB (YES/NO)  
If yes, are all operators members of your club, if no are all UK operators members of the RSGB (YES/NO)  
Your callsign  
Your Home Address  
Post Code  
Home phone number  
Phone number during contest  
Email address  email

Q2 NGR of site Eg SP123456 (enter you NGR here to check it is correct)


Q3 Site Access information (maps are not required)

Q4 Section and Callsign entered

High Power Assisted Portable  
Low Power Unassisted Portable  
QRP Unassisted Portable  
Callsign to be used