
RSGB Contest Results 70MHz UKAC 2018   
v4.148 by G4CLA


It was perhaps to be expected that the number of entries in the December session would be down on the previous month, and this proved to be the case. There were 95 entrants (19 in section AO, 55 in section AR and 21 in section AL). Although this total is down by 8% on November, eleven of them were portables - for December, this shows considerable commitment! 159 different valid calls appear in the logs, from 21 big squares and 8 DXCC entities. Best DX was again between G4ASR and SP9HWY at 1546km. Entrants' comments were not very favourable, with conditions reported no better than average (and mostly poor or worse, although a couple felt they improved slightly towards the end). Activity was found to be lower than average, and our old 4m friends, noise and QSB, were reported to be a problem. And finally the weather was reported to be bad, and one portable had a flat battery! For those of a certain age who remember Stealers Wheel from the early 70s, M1MHZ's comment of 'Noise to the North of me (S7), Pulsing to the South, here I am stuck in the middle with....' captures it well. Rather a low key end to the season, but nevertheless several entrants commented that they enjoyed the series and passed on Season's Greetings. That being the case, they and others may wish to note that the first session of the 2019 season is on Thursday 17th January from 2000 - 2230 UTC.

Moving on to the 2018 series as a whole, the number of entrants varied for month to month between 79 and 133, with an average of 110 - 6% down on 2017. There was no clear pattern to the number of entries per month, although there was a slight peak in May probably due to the sporadic E season. Interestingly the highest and lowest numbers of contacts were made in consecutive months (October and September) but this seems to have been due to tropo conditions being particularly good and bad in those sessions. The balance of entries per section varied little between sessions, and the whole year average was AO 20% AR 61% and AL 19%. The number of valid calls appearing in logs varied between 124 and 205 (average 177), the number of large squares worked between 22 and 35 (average 28) and the number of DXCC entities worked between seven and thirteen (average ten). Numbers of valid calls and large squares were a few per cent down on 2017. The best DX worked exceeded 1000 km in all sessions. The best was 1621km, via MS between G4CLA and SP8SN in September. In a further six sessions the best DX was between G4ASR and SP9HWY at 1546km.

Thanks to all who took part, and congratulations to the certificate winners, as follows:

General Club section

Leading club - 807 ARO

Second placed club - Drowned Rats RG

Third placed club - Spalding & DARS

Local club section

Leading club - Hereford ARS

Second placed club - Worksop ARS

Third placed club - 93 CG

Section AO

Leading entrant - G4ASR

Second placed entrant - G3TCU/P

Third placed entrant - G4HGT/P

Leading non UK&CD entrant - PA5Y

Section AR

Leading entrant - G4CLA

Second placed entrant - G4FZN/P

Third placed entrant - PA5Y

Leading Foundation Licensee - M6KMB

Leading Intermediate Licensee - 2E0VPX

Leading non UK&CD entrant - PA5Y

Section AL

Leading entrant - G(W)1YBB/P

Second placed entrant - G0EAK/P

Third placed entrant - 2E0DKX/P

Leading Foundation Licensee - M6XAK

Leading Intermediate Licensee - 2E0DKX/P

Entrant providing other entrants with their best DX - PA5Y

That's it for 2018 - hope to see you in 2019.

Quin Collier G3WRR


This contest is part of the following contest series Overall UKAC