The procedures described below apply to societies entering the Local Category of the eight HF and VHF Affiliated Society Contests (AFS), on 160m, 80/40m CW/SSB/DATA, 6m, 4m, 2m and 70cm. They also apply to societies entering the Local Category of the 80m Club Championship and 80m Autumn Series Contests.
(1) Societies must be based in the UK and be affiliated to the RSGB. Each society may specify a Virtual Meeting Place -- a point from which distances are measured. The Virtual Meeting Place is simply a reference point chosen by the society which need not have any connection with the society's actual meeting place or its activities. A single Virtual Meeting Place (VMP) is used for all the contests mentioned above.
(2) A society's Virtual Meeting Place, defined by a UK Postcode or 6-character QTH locator, should be notified before the first applicable contest in each year, to, and that location will then be fixed for the 'contest' year. If societies do not specify a Virtual Meeting Place, the Usual (or Normal) Meeting Place which they formerly notified will be used instead. A list of societies which have specified a Virtual Meeting Place currently on file with the Contest Committee is at this web page. Societies intending to enter the Local Category of the eight AFS, 80m CC, Autumn Series and UKAC contests must also state that this is their chosen Category when notifying their Virtual Meeting Place.
(3) There are distance requirements for stations contributing to society scores, and these are checked by the contest committee robot when entries are submitted. Entrants will be required to specify the location of their station by means of a UK Postcode or 6-character QTH locator.
(4) Societies entering the 80m CC, Autumn Series, as well as the UK Activity Contests above 30 MHz, are reminded that all members contribute to society scores. In the AFS contests, society members contribute to 4-member Team scores. The adjudication software groups entrants automatically into Teams -- the highest 4 scores to Team A, the next to Team B, and so on.
(5) Individual logs that are not part of a society entry are of course very much welcome in all RSGB weekday and AFS contests.
RSGB Contest Committee |