2013 RSGB CONTESTS FOR JUNE / JULY 2013 (by Quin G3WRR & John G3XDY)
Further details including rules are available here (HF) and here (VHF).
Microwave Group has a 1.3/2.3/3.4GHz Contest on 2nd
June from 1000 – 1600 UTC, and a 5.7/10/24GHz
Contest on Sunday 30th June, from 0600 –
John G3XDY) Details of French events (English translation can be obtained by clicking on the “Translate” box in the Google toolbar) Details of German events (English translation can be obtained by clicking on the “Translate” box in the Google toolbar) The NAC Contests in Scandinavia RECENT
RESULTS (by Quin G3WRR & John
G3XDY) The
following results have been published or updated since
the previous Newsletter:
Quin G3WRR) Ed GW3SQX has now completed (indeed has significantly exceeded) his 3 year term as CC chairman. His place will be taken by existing CC member Ian G0FCT from 1 June. I’m sure all readers will wish to thank Ed for his chairmanship at a turbulent time, and to wish Ian good luck for his upcoming stint!
Steve G8GSQ)
The weekend
of June 15th /16th sees the
50MHz Trophy and IARU R1 50MHz contest. This contest
often presents some unusual situations regarding
logging. ROBOT
ACCESSING UBNs (by Pete G4CLA) Just a
reminder that the process for obtaining individual
adjudication reports (UBNs) has been changed. These
are no longer e-mailed to entrants but are available
via links from the contest results web pages. To
reveal these links (one for each contestant) click on
the “UBNs” link in the “Callsign” column of the
contest results table. The results table will now
contain a link at the right hand side of each row.
Choose and click the link on the row containing
your entry to access your UBN. To view your
UBN you will need the email address you used when you
uploaded your log and a Passcode. Your Passcode
will have been created by the log entry robot and sent
to you in the confirmation email for your contest
entry. The Passcode for your email address is fixed
and can be used for all contests that are submitted
using this email address. You can change your Passcode
using the link given in the confirmation email. Enter your
email address in the User Name field and your Passcode
in the Password field. It is possible to then
allow your browser to remember your Passcode so any
future UBNs can be viewed more easily. However it
should be remembered that if this is done, other users
of the same computer will be able to see your UBNs:
this may be a disadvantage – perhaps in a house
occupied be several amateurs….. If you have
any problems accessing your UBN then email Pete at
Any queries on the contents of individual UBNs should
go to the adjudicator of the contest. CENTENARY
AWARDS (by Ed GW3SQX) Last month’s Newsletter contained an announcement that special Centenary awards would be available for VHF NFD and the IOTA contest. Detailed information on these, and how they may be earned, are given here. HF (CW)
NFD (by Quin G3WRR) Registration for HF NFD has now closed, and it is pleasing to note that the numbers of registrations is up by 25% compared with the same date last year. However don’t forget that it is possible to enter NFD without having registered (although entrants doing so will not be eligible for awards). So if the weather for the weekend of 1st / 2nd June looks promising (perhaps the CC should ask Michael Fish to make a statement that it will be terrible, which should ensure a mini-drought and balmy temperatures), why not put on a simple station (a mobile rig in the car and a whip antenna have been successfully used on the past) and join the fun? And in the
context of joining in the fun, club members who are
not attending the NFD site themselves often come on to
give the club station a few points (frequently on
several bands). Supporting the local club in this way
is to be encouraged. However when such members only
give points out to their own club station, that can be
seen as not being in accordance with the spirit of the
contest: so please encourage your members to come on –
but also to spread the extra points round a bit! VHF NFD
Quin G3WRR) Looking a
month further out, don’t forget that registration for
VHF NFD is now open, and can be done on line here. AND
FINALLY Activity at the WRR QTH has been focussed on getting ready for NFD – bit of a long face right now, as the antenna switchbox I’ve just made up (using a nice clunky switch from a WW2 era Collins US Navy transmitter) is showing an SWR on 1.4:1 on 10m: guess I need to reduce the length of the wires from the switch itself to the connectors as much as I can – but hey, that’s what the hobby is all about…… That’s all for this month – good contesting to you all! 73, Quin G3WRR For RSGB Contest Committee |