RSGB Contests for July and August 2013 |
Other Contests in July |
Recent Results |
IARU Region 1 Meeting |
Portable Contests -- July |
Use of GV Prefixes |
Trophy Organisation and Presentations
Monday | 1st July 2013 | 80m Club Championship Contest (CW) | 1900 - 2030 UTC |
Tuesday | 2nd July 2013 | 144MHz UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Saturday - Sunday | 6th - 7th July 2013 | Centenary VHF National Field Day 50, 70, 144, 432, 1300 MHz |
1400 - 1400 UTC |
Sunday | 7th July 2013 | Third 144MHz Backpackers Contest | 1100 - 1500 UTC |
Tuesday | 9th July 2013 | 432MHz Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Wednesday | 10th July 2013 | 80m Club Championship Contest (SSB) | 1900 - 2030 UTC |
Tuesday | 16th July 2013 | 1.3GHz UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Thursday | 18th July 2013 | 80m Club Championship Contest (data) | 1900 - 2030 UTC |
Sunday | 21st July 2013 | 80m &40m CW Low Power Contest | 0900 - 1600 UTC |
Sunday | 21st July 2013 | 70MHz Trophy Contest | 1000 - 1600 UTC |
Tuesday | 23rd July 2013 | 50MHz UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Tuesday | 23rd July 2013 | SHF UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Saturday - Sunday | 27th - 28th July 2013 | Centenary Islands On The Air (IOTA) Contest CW/SSB 3.5, 7, 14, 21, 28 MHz |
1200 - 1200 UTC |
Tuesday | 30th July 2013 | 70MHz UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Saturday | 3rd August 2013 | 144MHz Low Power Contest | 1400 - 2000 UTC |
Saturday | 3rd August 2013 | Fourth 144MHz Backpackers Contest | 1300 - 1700 UTC |
Sunday | 4th August 2013 | ROPOCO Contest (CW, 3.5MHz) | 0700 - 0830 UTC |
Sunday | 4th August 2013 | 432MHz Low Power Contest | 0800 - 1200 UTC |
Tuesday | 6th August 2013 | 144MHz UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Sunday | 11th August 2013 | 70MHz Cumulative Contest #5 | 1400 - 1600 UTC |
Tuesday | 13th August 2013 | 432MHz UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Wednesday | 14th August 2013 | 80m Club Sprint Contest (CW) | 1900 - 2000 UTC |
Tuesday | 20th August 2013 | 1.3GHz UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Tuesday | 27th August 2013 | SHF UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Tuesday | 27th August 2013 | SHF UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Thursday | 29th August 2013 | 80m Club Sprint Contest (SSB) | 1900 - 2000 UTC |
Further details including rules are
available here
(HF) and here
OTHER UK CONTESTS IN JULY (by John G3XDY) The UK Microwave Group has a Millimetre Wave Contest on the 24GHZ band and above on Sunday 21st July from 0900 - 1700 UTC, and a 5.7/10/24GHz Contest on Sunday 28th June, from 0600 - 1800 UTC. Rules are at: UK Microwave Group Contest Rules OTHER EUROPEAN VHF/UHF CONTESTS IN JULY (by John G3XDY) Details of French events (English translation can be obtained by clicking on the "Translate" box in the Google toolbar) Details of German events (English translation can be obtained by clicking on the "Translate" box in the Google toolbar) The NAC Contests in Scandinavia RECENT RESULTS (by Quin G3WRR & John G3XDY) The following results have been published or updated since the previous Newsletter: 50MHz
UKAC REPORT BACK FROM THE APRIL IARU REGION 1 MEETING (by John G3XDY) These notes have been distilled from the official minutes of the IARU R1 committee C5 meeting. The full minutes can be viewed here. IARU Region VHF/UHF Contest Results Martin Henz DL5NAH will take over the running of the IARU contest robot on behalf of the German national society DARC for the next 3 years, and will rework the software, including recalculation of the September and October 2012 events. Coordination of Activity Contests The Norwegian society NRRL asked for a vote on adoption of their calendar of activity contests. The RSGB voted against this proposal, along with four other national societies. The chairman proposed that IARU Region 1 should publish a calendar of activities so that each country can adopt them if they wish. Proposed IARU Region 1 70MHz Contest It was agreed to look for consensus through a wiki, to check with the primary band user, and that VERON (the Netherlands national society) will act as lead. Definition of Contests to exclude Internet based aids It was agreed to progress this through a wiki to seek consensus, and subsequent formation of a sub working group to define the behaviour required. Standardisation of log submission periods It was agreed that logs must be sent not later than the second Monday following the contest weekend. Revised text was agreed for the VHF Managers Handbook. MAJOR PORTABLE CONTESTS IN JULY (by Quin G3WRR) The summer portable season is now well and truly with us, and two of the RSGB's major contests with a significant portable element take place in July, VHF NFD (on 6th/7th) and IOTA (on 27th/28th). Individuals or small groups who have previously felt unable to put on a portable entry for VHF NFD due to the need to establish and operate multiple stations may wish to consider entering the new Single Transmitter section as described in section 7.5 of the VHF NFD rules. By allowing a single station to operate on multiple bands, the new section is intended to provide an attractive option for smaller groups. Registration for VHF NFD is still possible here, but the closing date of 28 June is rapidly approaching. Although registration is not mandatory, entrants are encouraged to do so because by registering, their callsign(s) appear on the list of VHF NFD registrations which is used as a multiplier list for Fixed Station Sweeper entrants: this benefits both the portable stations and the Sweepers! And as a corollary, portable entrants are reminded to call CQ regularly as Fixed Station Sweepers are not allowed to call CQ. The IOTA contest towards the end of the month, while not specifically a portable contest, provides opportunities for both fixed and portable stations - particularly for groups who are prepared to travel to locations with their own IOTA identifiers (see the rules here). In the UK alone, in addition to the mainland, there are no less than 23 such locations (listed here). As mentioned in last month's Newsletter, special Centenary awards are available for these 2 contests, and details are given here. This web page also offers some hints for newcomers as to how they can obtain the award with a modest station. USE OF GV PREFIXES IN RSGB CONTESTS (by Quin G3WRR) Many readers will be aware (from information on the main RSGB website amongst other sources) that Ofcom have agreed to the granting of NoVs permitting the use the prefixes GV / MV / 2V between 5th July and the end of the month to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the RSGB. Readers may wish to note that these prefixes may be used in all RSGB contests subject to the recommendations contained in paragraph 6b of the HF General Rules and paragraph 7g of the VHF General Rules. TROPHY ORGANISATION AND PRESENTATIONS Introduction (by Ed GW3SQX) Readers will remember that this subject was introduced in the April Newsletter, together with a request for input from contesters. The purposes of the suggested changes were to reduce the cost to RSGB HQ of maintaining and managing the trophies presented at the RSGB Convention, to improve the efficiency and appeal of these presentations, and to provide a more lasting reminder of winners’ success in the contests entered. After discussions between the Contest Committee and RSGB HQ, a modified scheme was agreed, which will involve changes to be implemented this year and next. These are based on the original proposals, adding modifications which reflect the feedback received. We invited the Society’s General Manager, Graham Coomber, to write a summary for the Newsletter describing the operation of the new system, which appears below. Trophy Management (by Graham G0NBI) For 2013 only, the Society will fund the recall of trophies, and the recall letters will be sent out from HQ at the end of July. From 2014, recipients must ensure the timely return of trophies to HQ, paying the costs involved themselves Trophies (or bases upon which they stand) will continue to be engraved with the winners’ names. Trophies will no longer leave the custody of the society except when they are collected by the recipient (or someone acting on their behalf) and an undertaking obtained from the recipient to arrange and pay for the cost of their return. All winners are responsible for the trophy whilst it is in their possession, or in transit to and from HQ. Trophies not collected will be displayed at the National Radio Centre (NRC). For those who wish to attend the Convention to receive their award but not take it away, the trophies will be presented at the Convention and then returned to the NRC. All winners will receive a small plaque, suitably engraved that will be theirs to keep. The plaques will be presented at the Convention or posted to winners who are unable to attend, at the Society’s expense. A "Virtual Hall of Fame" will be provided on the Contest Committee website, listing past winners The Contest Committee will undertake all aspects of the management of the trophy system except for: Engraving of trophies These will remain the responsibility of HQ. AND FINALLY That's all for this month - good contesting to you all! 73, Quin G3WRR For RSGB Contest Committee |