Tuesday | 1st July 2014 | 144MHz UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Saturday - Sunday | 5th - 6th July 2014 | VHF NFD | 1400 - 1400 UTC * |
Sunday | 6th July 2014 | 3rd 144MHz Backpackers Contest | 1100 - 1500 UTC |
Monday | 7th July 2014 | 80m Club Championship Contest (CW) | 1900 - 2030 UTC |
Tuesday | 8th July 2014 | 432MHz UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Tuesday | 15th July 2014 | 1.3GHz UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Wednesday | 16th July 2014 | 80m Club Championship Contest (SSB) | 1900 - 2030 UTC |
Sunday | 20th July 2014 | Low Power Contest (3.5 / 7 MHz CW) | 0900 - 1600 UTC |
Sunday | 20th July 2014 | 70MHz Trophy Contest | 1000 - 1600 UTC |
Tuesday | 22nd July 2014 | 50MHz UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Tuesday | 22nd July 2014 | SHF UK Activity Contest (3.4 / 5.7 / 10 GHz) SHF UK Activity Contest (2.3GHz) | 1900 - 2130 UTC 2030 - 2230 UTC |
Thursday | 24th July 2014 | 80m Club Championship Contest (data) | 1900 - 2030 UTC |
Saturday - Sunday | 26th - 27th July 2014 | IOTA Contest (3.5 / 7 / 14 / 21 / 28 MHz, SSB / CW) | 1200 - 1200 UTC |
Tuesday | 29th July 2014 | 70MHz UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
* Times on different bands vary
Saturday | 2nd August 2014 | 4th 144MHz Backpackers Contest | 1300 - 1700 UTC |
Saturday | 2nd August 2014 | 144MHz Low Power Contest | 1400 - 2000 UTC |
Sunday | 3rd August 2014 | ROPOCO Contest (CW, 3.5MHz) | 0700 - 0830 UTC |
Sunday | 3rd August 2014 | 432MHz Low Power Contest | 0800 - 1200 UTC |
Tuesday | 5th August 2014 | 144MHz UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Sunday | 10th August 2014 | 70MHz Cumulative Contest #5 | 1400 - 1600 UTC |
Tuesday | 12th August 2014 | 432MHz UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Wednesday | 13th August 2014 | 80m Club Sprint Contest (CW) | 1900 - 2000 UTC |
Tuesday | 19th August 2014 | 1.3GHz UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Tuesday | 26th August 2014 | 50MHz UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Tuesday | 26th August 2014 | SHF UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Thursday | 28th August 2014 | 80m Club Sprint Contest (SSB) | 1900 - 2000 UTC |
The full 2014 contest calendars and rules for the above contests are available from here (HF) and here (VHF).
The UK Microwave Group Millimetre Wave Contest takes place on Sunday 20th July 2014 from
0900 - 1700 UTC, and the 5.7 / 10 / 24GHz contest on Sunday 27th July 2014 from
0600 - 1800 UTC. Rules are
OTHER EUROPEAN VHF/UHF CONTESTS IN JUNE 2014 (by John G3XDY) A consolidated list of IARU Region 1 contests can be found here.
For more data on a wide range HF contests, the SM3CER website is a very useful source of information.
RECENT RESULTS (by Quin G3WRR & John G3XDY) The following results have been published or updated since
the previous Newsletter:
50MHz UKAC The promised White Paper has been published on the RSGB Contest Committee website. To recap for those who missed last month's Newsletter, the White Paper is part of an initiative to consult with the contesting community over topics of mutual interest. It contains eighteen proposals and suggestions for changes to the RSGB contest rules for 2015. The White Paper is available from the RSGB Contest Committee website at or by clicking on this link. The response from the contesting community to the White Paper has almost universally been very positive and, as of 24th June, forty-two detailed comments (with the number rising at around two per day) have been received so far. The majority of the comments have revolved around the proposals and suggestions for the HF contest rules and only a few respondents have commented on the proposals for the VHF rules. Some of the responses have also contained new suggestions for rules changes, these are very welcome. There is still time to comment so please take a few minutes to read the White Paper and provide feedback on any of the proposals and suggestions. Additional feedback on the VHF rule proposals/suggestions will be very welcome. All comments will be reviewed by the RSGB Contest Committee and the revised rules for all RSGB contests will be published by the date of the RSGB Convention in October - earlier if possible. The revised rules will take effect on 1st January 2015. Please send your comments to no later than 14th August 2014. STOP PRESS: It is likely that an addendum to the White Paper will be published by early July to cover feedback on the current NFD rules. A special edition of the Newsletter will be distributed to publicise this. SHF UKACs (by Quin G3WRR) Entrants for the SHF UKAC on 22nd July are reminded that the special timing arrangements that applied for May and June (ie. 2130 - 2330 clock time on 2.3GHz and 2000 - 2230 clock time on the other bands) will also apply for the July event. From August, times on all the SHF bands will return to the 2000 - 2230 clock time that applies for all the other UKACs. IOTA (ISLANDS ON THE AIR) CONTEST REMINDER (by Ed GW3SQX) Please join us in the RSGB's Flagship HF Contest!
* No experience necessary! Guide for newcomers: REGISTRATION FOR VHF NFD (by Quin G3WRR) Clubs and groups intending to register for VHF NFD are reminded that the closing date is 27th June. Registration can be performed on line here. READBACK OF CONTEST EXCHANGE (by Quin G3WRR) The May issue of the Newsletter contained an item entitiled "A dubious practice..." regarding readback of contest exchange information. A couple of readers have commented that they feel that the guidance in the Newsletter item was rather over-prescriptive. While agreeing that readback should not be the norm when a contact is made on a clear channel with little or no scope for ambiguity, they felt that there may be circumstances when its use is justified (eg. where there is QRM, under very weak signal conditions, or when working a rare multiplier). A more detailed, but not exhaustive, set of guidance would be: * do not read back contest exchange information where you are satisfied that you have received it all OK - a simple acknowledgement (eg. "Roger, roger") is sufficient * if you uncertain about part of the exchange, preferably request a repeat of the information you are uncertain about, or read back and seek confirmation * if the contest exchange, in whole or in part, is correctly read back to you, merely provide confirmation * if the contest exchange, in whole or in part, is incorrectly correctly read back to you, make this clear (eg. "Negative, negative") and repeat only the erroneous part. Clearly, there is no "one size fits all" procedure - every QSO is different, and both ends must do what is necessary to be be satisifed it has been completed satisfactorily. But following the above guidance should help to reduce the unnecessary repeat of information. AND FINALLY That’s all for this month - good contesting.
73, Quin G3WRR For RSGB Contest Committee |