Saturday | 4th October 2014 | 1.2/2.3GHz Trophy Contest | 1400 - 2200 UTC |
Saturday - Sunday | 4th - 5th October 2014 | October 432MHz - 248GHz Contest | 1400 - 1400 UTC |
Sunday | 5th October 2014 | 21/28MHz Contest (CW, SSB & mixed) | 0700 - 1900 UTC |
Tuesday | 7th October 2014 | 144MHz UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Wednesday | 8th October 2014 | 80m Club Sprint Contest (CW) | 1900 - 2000 UTC |
Tuesday | 14th October 2014 | 432MHz UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Sunday | 19th October 2014 | 50MHz AFS Contest | 0900 - 1300 UTC |
Tuesday | 21st October 2014 | 1.3GHz UK Activity Contest | 1900 - 2130 UTC |
Thursday | 23rd October 2014 | 80m Club Sprint Contest (SSB) | 1900 - 2000 UTC |
Tuesday | 28th October 2014 | 50MHz UK Activity Contest | 2000 - 2230 UTC * |
Tuesday | 28th October 2014 | SHF UK Activity Contest | 2000 - 2230 UTC * |
* Please note that the UTC times for the 50MHz & SHF UKACs are an hour later than for the other October UKACs. This is to ensure that, despite the clocks
going back, the UKACs take place at a consistent clock time throughout the year.
Saturday - Sunday | 1st - 2nd November 2014 | 144MHz Marconi Contest | 1400 - 1400 UTC |
Tuesday | 4th November 2014 | 144MHz UK Activity Contest | 2000 - 2230 UTC |
Saturday | 8th November 2014 | Club Calls Contest (1.8MHz AFS) (SSB) | 2000 - 2300 UTC |
Tuesday | 11th November 2014 | 432MHz UK Activity Contest | 2000 - 2230 UTC |
Wednesday | 12th November 2014 | 80m Club Sprint Contest (SSB) | 2000 - 2100 UTC |
Saturday - Sunday | 15th - 16th November 2014 | 2nd 1.8MHz Contest (CW) | 2100 - 0100 UTC |
Tuesday | 18th November 2014 | 1.3GHz UK Activity Contest | 2000 - 2230 UTC |
Tuesday | 25th November 2014 | 50MHz UK Activity Contest | 2000 - 2230 UTC |
Tuesday | 25th November 2014 | SHF UK Activity Contest | 2000 - 2230 UTC |
Thursday | 27th November 2014 | 80m Club Sprint Contest (CW) | 2000 - 2100 UTC |
The full 2014 contest calendars and rules for the above contests are available from here (HF) and here (VHF).
OTHER EUROPEAN VHF/UHF CONTESTS IN AUGUST 2014 (by John G3XDY) A consolidated list of IARU Region 1 contests can be found here.
For more data on a wide range HF contests, the SM3CER website is a very useful source of information.
Another useful source of HF contest information is at , which can be reached by clicking
here, and clicking on "Contest Calendar". RECENT RESULTS (by Quin G3WRR & John G3XDY) The following results have been published or updated since
the previous Newsletter:
50MHz UKAC The consultation on the RSGB Contest Committee White Paper closed on the 14th August. Overall, 112 responses were received. Analysis of the responses revealed, as expected, a wide range of different opinions. Some of the proposals were very popular, some were unpopular and some had no clear majority for or against. The results of the analysis were considered at the recent Contest Committee meeting and after a discussion on every proposal, a collection of changes were agreed. Since the meeting, the Committee has been hard at work refining the agreed changes and drafting the revised rules for 2015.
Some of the rule decisions are: Once all of the new/altered rules have been reviewed, the complete set of contest rules for 2015 will be compiled and posted on the Contest Committee website. The target date for this is the RSGB Convention in October.
Readers may wish to note that the CC website has been updated to make access to the historical record of contest results easier. To access the results for a given contest in a particular year, go the the current year's results for that contest, and click on the target year shown in red on the line under the contest title at the top of the page. It is planned to extend the historical record further back im time (currently 1997 for VHF contests and 2000 for HF ones) in due course.
Many readers will already be aware that Ofcom has issued a consultation proposing the update of all classes of amateur licence, covering a number of aspects. The one that seems /.to have roused the most interest relates to the need to use the Regional Secondary Locator -RSL - (i.e. the M, W, etc in GM, GW, etc). This impacts the hobby in a number of ways, in which contesting is certainly one. Readers are encouraged to read the consultation document carefully and respond to it (responses can be made on-line, by e-mail or by post). The document is available at the following URL: or by clicking here. The closing date for comments is 20 October 2014. Following discussions with Ofcom at the pre-consultation phase, the RSGB conducted Litmus Tests on a number of the aspects covered, and responded to Ofcom accordingly. The results of this activity are shown at the following URL: or by clicking here. You may find it helpful to read these before composing your own reply - and don't forget that the more people reply, the better chance there is of us contesters being listened to! AND FINALLY
Some readers may have got as far as the "And Finally" paragraph at the end of last month's Newsletter. For the benefit of these worthy souls, there is a mildly amusing follow-up, which carries a lesson that may be worth remembering. Son of WRR and I finally fixed the generator (a problem with the low oil level sensor). On reaching our site for SSB FD, I complacently started it...or tried to. Zilch. Choke on, no dice. Choke off, ditto. Check fuel line - fine: fuel getting to carb - and all over me... After 10 minutes getting coated in unsavoury hydrocarbons, retire for tea and a serious cogitate. Once topped up with tannin, remember to turn on ignition and try again...starts first time. Hum ho...lesson - check the obvious things before diving in too deep... See you next month - good contesting!
73, Quin G3WRR For RSGB Contest Committee |