PREVIOUS NEWSLETTERS: 2013 -- January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. 2014 -- January, February, March, April, April special, May, May special, June, July, August, September, October, October special, November, December, December upissue. 2015 --
Monday | 2nd February 2015 | 80m Club Championship Contest (SSB) | 2000 - 2130 UTC |
Tuesday | 3rd February 2015 | 144MHz UK Activity Contest | 2000 - 2230 UTC |
Sunday | 8th February 2015 | 432MHz Affiliated Societies Contest | 0900 - 1300 UTC |
Tuesday | 10th February 2015 | 432MHz UK Activity Contest | 2000 - 2230 UTC |
Wednesday | 11th February 2015 | 80m Club Championship Contest (data) | 2000 - 2130 UTC |
Saturday - Sunday | 14th - 15th February 2015 | 1st 1.8MHz Contest (CW/SSB/mixed) | 2100 - 0100 UTC |
Tuesday | 17th February 2015 | 1.3GHz UK Activity Contest | 2000 - 2230 UTC |
Thursday | 19th February 2015 | 80m Club Championship Contest (CW) | 2000 - 2130 UTC |
Sunday | 22nd February 2015 | 70MHz Cumulative Contest #1 | 1000 - 1200 UTC |
Tuesday | 24th February 2015 | 50MHz UK Activity Contest | 2000 - 2230 UTC |
Tuesday | 24th February 2015 | SHF UK Activity Contest | 2000 - 2230 UTC except 2.3GHz 2030 - 2230 UTC |
Monday | 2nd March 2015 | 80m Club Championship Contest (data) | 2000 - 2130 UTC |
Tuesday | 3rd March 2015 | 144MHz UK Activity Contest | 2000 - 2230 UTC |
Saturday - Sunday | 7th - 8th March 2015 | March 144 / 432 MHz Contest | 1400 - 1400 UTC |
Tuesday | 10th March 2015 | 432MHz UK Activity Contest | 2000 - 2230 UTC |
Wednesday | 11th March 2015 | 80m Club Championship Contest (CW) | 2000 - 2130 UTC |
Saturday - Sunday | 14th - 15th March 2015 | Commonwealth Contest (BERU) (3.5 /7 14 / 21 /21 MHz CW) | 1000 - 1000 UTC |
Sunday | 15th March 2015 | 70MHz Cumulative Contest #2 | 1000 - 1200 UTC |
Tuesday | 17th March 2015 | 1.3GHz UK Activity Contest | 2000 - 2230 UTC |
Thursday | 19th March 2015 | 80m Club Championship Contest (SSB) | 2000 - 2130 UTC |
Tuesday | 24th March 2015 | 50MHz UK Activity Contest | 2000 - 2230 UTC |
Tuesday | 24th March 2015 | SHF UK Activity Contest | 2000 - 2230 UTC except 2.3GHz 2030 - 2230 UTC |
Tuesday | 31st March 2015 | 70MHz UK Activity Contest | 2000 - 2230 UTC |
The full 2015 RSGB contest calendars and rules for the above contests are available
here (HF)
and here (VHF).
For more data on a wide range HF contests, the SM3CER website is a very useful source of information.
Another useful source of HF contest information is at , which can be reached by clicking
here, and clicking on "Contest Calendar".
The following results have been published or updated since
the previous Newsletter:
70MHz UKAC Final 2014 result
432MHz UKAC Final 2014 result
1.3GHz UKAC Final 2014 result
SHF UKAC Final 2014 result
Overall UKAC Final overall 2014 result
144MHz UKAC Initial 2015 result
Overall UKAC Initial 2015 result
144MHz AFS
Christmas Cumulatives By band
Christmas Cumulatives Overall
IARU R1 Marconi Memorial 144MHz CW
2nd 1.8MHz
80m Club Sprint Final result
HF Championship Final result
AFS Superleague 2014/15
Following the successful IARU Region 1 conference held in September 2014, the VHF Managers Handbook has been up-issued to Version 7.0.
The new version of the handbook, which will be available to be downloaded from the IARU R1 website
(here) shortly, contains the IARU R1 band plans for all VHF/UHF/SHF bands and the revised rules
for all IARU VHF/UHF/SHF contests including the new 4m contest which will be run alongside the IARU 6m contest on 20/21st June.
The Contest Committee intends to repeat the White Paper Contest Rules Consultation this year. If anyone has any suggestions for rule changes, please send them to for consideration by the Contest Committee for inclusion in this year's White Paper.
Finally, following an exceptional request for a change to UK Activity Contest (UKAC) by the RSGB Board, made in order to enable increased
participation by remotely located stations, and after consultation between the RSGB Board and the RSGB Contest Committee (RSGBCC),
the RSGBCC has agreed to the following amendment to the rules of the UKACs effective from the 1st February 2015:
"The use of machine generated transmission modes (MGM) are permitted in the AX section of all UKACs and in all sections of the 23cm
UKAC and the SHF UKAC."
It was announced in a previous issue of the CC Newsletter that Harwell ARS had kindly offered to donate a contest award in memory of the late G4DEZ. It has now been agreed that this will be called the Bryn Llewellyn G4DEZ award, and that it will be awarded annually to the leading single operator station in the UKACs. It will be awarded for the first time for the 2014 UKAC series, the final results of which are shown here.
In accordance with the wishes of the RSGB Board for transparency, minutes of CC meetings are being published on the CC website. They can be access via the "info" link on the HF Page, or direct here.
The CC will be transferring its website and associated facilities (eg. robot) to a new, more powerful, server shortly. This will speed up response times and in particular solve the overload on the robot that has been experienced recently on some Tuesday nights after the UKACs have finished! There may be a slight disruption to service while the changeover takes place (this is scheduled for 30 January) but this should last for a few hours at most.
Following on from the above item, now that 2014 is behind us readers may be interested in a few statistics on the use of the server during
the past year:
Total number of visits = 288650
Average visits per visitor = 2.49
Busiest month = July (IOTA?)
Busiest day of week = Wednesday
Busiest hour = 0900 - 1000
HF logs submitted = 5408
VHF logs submitted = 10876
That's all for this month - good contesting to you all!
73, Quin G3WRR
For RSGB Contest Committee