Radio Society of Great Britain. Official HF. Contest Results.
Results. 1st 1.8MHz Contest, 2001.
1st 1.8MHz CW Contest, 2001.
The number of entries for this years first 1.8MHZ contest was up in both sections, particularly from overseas, compared with last year. Most logs were computer produced but some were of the software was not scoring correctly. SD users must use the DXCC.CTY file rather than RSGB.CTY. Whilst SD will only allow two-letter codes from UK stations, the American software sometimes counted the two letter returns from PA stations as UK Postcodes. There were eight faultless logs. Congratulations to Clive Penna, GM3POI, who was well clear of his competition to win the Somerset Trophy, Fraser Robertson, G4BJM, took second place and third was Terry Bucknell, GI4AFS. One entrant thought he had VU2JA for a nice bonus but unfortunately, it proved to be misread (or typed) UU2JA! Another operator was sending his old three-letter code but changed to his postcode during the contest but nobody lost points because of it. Congratulations to the overseas winners; Vyacheslav, RA1ACJ; Gerhard, DJ5BV, and Andrey, RW4PL. Thanks to all the entrants and also to those who took part but did not send a log. Please do it all again in the second contest on 17/18 November 2001. Sid Will, GM4SID.