Radio Society of Great Britain. Official HF. Contest Results.
Results. Low Power Field Day 2003.
Low Power Contest, 2003. The conditions were pretty tough at times, specially
on 80metres, which is pretty normal, with most of the
contacts being on 40mtres.The QRN on 80mtres was one
the reason that most stations moved up to 40 after a
couple of hours. The weather conditions seemed to be
perfect for portable operation. This was the first time that nearly every entry had submitted a computer log, and unfortunately not everyone checked the logs before they were sent. This caused some resubmission of logs, and with the help of Paul EI5DI (Logging program) we were able to decipher all the logs. Thanks to all concerned. Congratulations to Tim, G4DBL who wins section A and
receives the 1930 Committee Cup, G6KQ ( op -Keith G3RPB)
wins section B and receives the Houston-Fergus Trophy. Dave Mason G3RXP |
G4ARI/P "Conditions were generally poor, with very strange cndx on 40 in aft.A peak in G. sigs at 1423 for 25mins."
G4DBL "Nice contest, G5RV going surprisingly well."
G6KQ/P "80m is greatly underused, suggest compulsory 30min period after lunch."
SP6LV Tx consists of 8 tubes 30 years old RS old russian R250M type.
G2CP/P "Generator start up problems, but then a perfect day ,sunshine all day. 80m indifferent"
GM3JKS/P "80m poor, 40m opened up early. In GM lunch break always clashes with good propagation to south."
G3YMC "Only a few stations on 80m, there was some good skip in the afternoon if there had been any one on?"
G4DDL "Conditions better than expected, was pleased to work some 80m."
MM3BRR 80m dead after first half hour. 40m better in afternoon session.
G3IZD/P "Cndx not good, after 1300 80m dead and 40m
dying slowly. "
"Contest rules not clear on time/freq, contest supplement
and July Radcom differ?.Please sort for next year."
G4TSH/P "Impromptu appearance for pm session, to test out SOTA kit."
GU4YBW/P Conditions not to good.
G4DDX Computer problems so hope OK.(Fine G3RXP) As usual very enjoyable.
G3VIP "Sort out rules ref bands used in each session, must be confusing for newcomers."
G4AYM/P "80m dried up after a couple of hours, Reasonably good on 40m Very enjoyable although wind swept day."
MM0BQI/P "First day on holiday in the summer isles,very
high static level and thundery showers. Then glorius weather"
Will be back for more fun next year.
G3KKQ Site too near railway lines- didn?t spot the rule change
-re operate both bands. Invaded by two horses had to
drop ant before chasing them off?..
G3GMS Only two contacts on 80m otherwise band dead all day.conditions on 40 mostly good but low activity
G3ZRJ Glad to give a few point away.
G4XPE S8 white noise on 80m at start of test.poor propogationon
40m followed by disappearance on inter-g skip later.