Radio Society of Great Britain. Official HF. Contest Results.
Results. Ropoco 1, 2004.
Ropoco 1 Contest, 2004. Despite the good conditions, a considerable number
of regulars did not join the fun this time and many
entrants commented on the low level of activity. On
the other hand, there were scarcely any 'casual' participants
who did not submit a log. As a result, almost every
QSO was checkable, which is why this has to be the most
enjoyable of all contests to adjudicate. It's great
fun to watch the corruption processes at work as, say,
SE25 6HY turns into HE255BHY! Steve Knowles G3UFY.
Soapbox: G4BJM Good condx, activity seemed a bit down G0MTN My 30th birthday ... I think I deserve 50 extra points for getting out of bed! Difficult to explain "Send me your postcode, then send on the last postcode you received next time" quickly in the heat of battle! G3ZRJ Seemed a bit slow this session. Some crackingly wierd poastcodes taken. Getting used to the old ways with the PA dip & load is fun. G3RSD Condx seemed average, but too few participants G4EBK First hour busy. Second hour very slow. G3LIK Good conditions but few stations active. Nice to see Friendly calls. GM3JKS A struggle to raise QSOs in mid to south England G3XTT Where was everybody? G3ZGC I was very surprised to work two Europeans. I gave them zero points and used the postcode before theirs for the next QSO. G4ARI Great fun! G3HEJ Condx pretty good ... strong Scottish stations throughout the contest but not enough operators on! G3LHJ Good fun as usual G4XPE Condx: quiet at start but improved as time went on. QRM from concurrent OZ contest. G4FON Interesting not to get my own postcode back again. |
G3SET Good conditions ... had 20db pad in most of the time.
G2AFV S9 QRM from the nearby crematorium.
G3YEC Nice little contest. Why, oh why do one's grandchildren come to stay the night before and then expect Grandpa to play from 0600 onwards???
G0WBC Didn't seem to be many about and band got very noisy towards the end. Great fun! Best RSGB contest!
GW3SB The usual odd postcodes
G4CKH My first RoPoCo and enjoyed it very much. You need greated accuracy in sending and receiving than in other contests!
GM0DHZ Enjoyable, but vy heavy QRM in the last 3/4 hour.
G3VQO Seemed to be more badly-mangled codes than usual - not many M3 stations either!
G3JKY Usual moan about '599' when I'm sure I'm not. (Think I spotted a VK contest where '599' is specified as part of the exchange in the contest rules. Wonder if ARRL would lend us the Wouff Hong ???)
G3GMM Gremlins struck at about 0730 with a loose antenna joint after the high winds. Just the usual supporters taking par
G0IBN Late on parade, having been to a wedding the previous evening. G3GLL only 200yds away as the crow flies. I hope hams don't think me a plonker for asking them to repeat!