Radio Society of Great Britain. Official HF. Contest Results.
Results. Ropoco 2, 2005.
Ropoco 1 Contest, 2005. Almost everybody remarked that there was a lack of activity yet, surprisingly, the leading station made only seven fewer QSOs than did the 2004 leader. Entries are down by nearly 25%, however. A goodly number of the missing ‘regulars’ do actually appear in the logs but they were apparently active for only a short while, working just the stronger stations, and did not submit entries. Conditions were generally reported as difficult with rapid, deep QSB and this may have been a major influence on participation. Things were particularly difficult in GM, where propagation effectively died well before the end of the event. Further evidence of poor propagation, especially given the decreased level of activity and hence QRM, is the fact that only four entrants submitted error-free logs. Congratulations then to Fraser Robertson G4BJM, Lee Volante G0MTN and John Muzyka G4RCG, who receive certificates for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places respectively. The G3XTJ Memorial Trophy is awarded to Dennis Booty, G3KKQ, whose error-free log was placed fourth overall. The G5MY Trophy, for the highest aggregate score from both 2005 events goes to Fraser Robertson G4BJM, in recognition of his combined score of 1230 points. Steve Knowles, G3UFY Soapbox: G4BJM Always fun! Activity a bit low, a few regulars missing. Condx quite good - worked all I heard, no got-aways. G4RCG Condx were very good on a quiet band. Just not enough people on. Still think this test would be better on an afternoon instead of a morning. As usual this is a great contest. G0MTN With EUHF Championship finishing at 1am local I was too tired trying to operate this. I actually forgot my own postcode at the start. My CW receiving was truly awful - too many mistakes and repeats - sorry folks! I also found a big lack of activity this time. G3KKQ Conditions could have been better. High noise at times. It always amazes me how quickly postcodes become corrupted. Good fun, all said and done! G4EBK Not the best conditions - rapid and deep QSB. G3RSD An absolutely colossal signal from G4BJM. What was he using? GM3JKS Few early starters and propagation dropped out as more cam on. Couple of codes corrupted by the use of shortened numbers. Seemed to be fewer contesters hence a poorer score - worse than my usual from GM. GM3WUX Where was everybody? Activity down on the previous event. We should run this an hour earlier to make better use of conditions, that's an important issue from up here! G3LIK Very slow going with deep QSB on the distant stations. M0AJT Once again a nice contest, but not enough contestants. G3JJG Activity much lower than RoPoCo1. G4OGB Many well-known calls missing this time - can they all be on holiday together? It must be many years since I worked so few. G3LHJ Hard going - not so much activity this time. |
G0HIO Better than gardening! See you all next year.
G3JJZ Usual collection of "funies".
G3VIP First time in RoPoCo. Deep QSB on some signals.
G3WYW Didn't seem as much activity as previous years.
G3RFH Conditions fair but a lot of QSB. Didn't seem to be as many stations on as usual.
G3HKO Most enjoyable, although there were few people on unless the old RX has gone dead!
GM4SID I'm too far north for RoPoCo. I was not able to work any of the southern stations. The rate got steadily worse until I lost interest after an hour and a half.
G4RLS/P Band conditions not so good, also did not hear a lot of the familiar calls ... condx or summer holidays?
G3WRR Deep QSB on some QSOs - signals that were strong when you called them went right down into the noise. Some real duff postcodes going around but, hey!, that's RoPoCo.
G3VQO Late on parade today! Seemed less participation than usual, or maybe conditions...??
G3VYI Good condx at start, good fun again, then slowed up!
G3ZRJ Sorry couldn't do the full session.
M0NZA My first attempt at RoPoCo and what fun it was! With just 5W it was hard going but a good test of skill. Looking forward to next year.
G3HEJ Am attempting to get other CW ops in the Farnborough Club to have a go, but they are reticent. Perhaps next year there might be a "first-time entrant" award to get them going!
G4XPE Conditions noisy with periods of high QRN.
G0ADH Conditions not so good, with considerable QSB.
G4BJM K2/100 x 2. 400W Dipole + active loop RX
G4RCG IC756PRO3 Dipole @ 60'
G3KKQ FT1000MP MkV Doublet
G4EBK TS850 100W Inverted Vee Centre @ 10m and ends at 3m
G3RSD TS940S Inverted Vee
GM3JKS FT1000MP + Amp. Dipole
GM3WUX TS940S XCVR + amp - 400W to dipole.
G3LIK FT1000MP Inveted Vee apex at 35'
M0AJT FT1000MP + Acom 1000Am (200W) Dipole @ 47'
G3JJG FT900 66' doublet
G4OGB IC746 90W 176' doublet @ 15'
G0VQR FT1000MP + Acom Amp 400W. G5RV
G3LHJ FT990 100W Loaded dipole @ 30ft
G3JJZ TS940S 85' long wire
G4BVY TS850 40m dipole
G3VIP FT301S 40m long wire
G3WYW FT100MP MkV 80m doublet
G3RFH TS870 + doublet
G3HKO IC735 3W 150' long wire
GM4SID FT1000MP + Quadra Inverted Vee
GW3SB Alinco DX-70TH Long Wire
G4RLS/P FT920 80m doublet
G3WRR FT1000MP Inverted L 50' top @ 25'
G3GMS IC735 50W Short low dipole at 19'
GW4HDB Ten-Tec Argosy 2 30W Doublet 20m long up 6m
G3VQO FT920 100W Long wire
G3VYI TS930S + Amp 200W Half-wave inverted L
G3ZRJ TS850S 100W G5RV @ 28'
M0NZA IC756 5W 2m dia STL 1.5m agl
G4ARI/P FT817 5W Inverted Vee up 30'
G3GMM TS520S 65' long wire
G3HEJ FT-ONE 266' Inverted Vee uo 60'
G4XPE TS830S Trap dipole up 4m