Radio Society of Great Britain. Official HF Contest Results
Results. National Field Day 2010
Check logs are gratefully acknowledged from A65BD G0KPW/P G3LHJ G3RSD G4CKH G4LMW G5JJ/P G6CSY G8MIA GM0NBM GM4SID HA2MN K3ZO KG4W M5ALG OL0A/P SZ7SER/P YL3DX YO7ARZ & YU1ED Trophies are awarded as follows:
Quin Collier, G3WRR SOAPBOX: G0FBB/P Dry for setting up and taking down but unfortunately not for parts of the night or later on the Sunday so ended up with damp tent to put away. Some bright spark decided the operating tent did not need to be pegged down at the sides which was fine until the heavens opened in the night and the water started to pool on the roof. All equipment was moved to the centre of the tent and the sides pegged down. Said bright spark spent night asleep in tent that had been pegged down by someone else! Lightning got no closer than 5 miles so kept operating. Rig owner thought insurance would help pay for new K3! Laptop placed on top of rig more sensitive to overheating transceiver than transceiver - pa fan had become jammed when taken apart to make some keyclick mods. Ran for many hours and then the PC switched off. Someone had commented that something smelt warm but no one had identified it. G0KPW/P This was in fact a practice session for WRTC so we will only be sending in a checklog. We conformed to the antenna height rule with 402CD/TH5 on one tower at 60ft 80m 4sq and 160m dipole at 60ft but we broke the rest of the FD rules as we weren't portable hadn't put them up just for the contest operated from a permanent shack with mains and last but not least used two transmitters! G0MWT/P The number of participating stations seems less each year. Weather was good band conditions not so some Sporadic-E which did help with the 10m scores. We had a good time. G1FCW/P Heavy rain and static crashes overnight. Some time lost to social BBQ, bailing water out of tent and dealing with water ingress to antenna connector. Some strong QSB on the bands Thanks to the organisers ... first effort from ECWARC G2DX/P X-RADIOS: Kenwood with 10 Watts X-ANTENNAS: Long wire 200 ft end feed with counterpoise G3AKF/P Reading and District ARC, C team G3GWB/P Second operator unable to make it due to work commitments and had to close down due to violent thunderstorms on Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon. All that plus flooded tent after the first thunderstorm made this an NFD to remember! G3HEJ/P Conditions excellent but radio played up badly. (Chirp & poor keying.) Ran 6.1/2 hours all bands but closed dwn station early on sunday morning. G3IZD/P Good fun as always with fine weather and for the first time in many a year decent conditions on 10m. G3KTZ/P Awful conditions for qrp people just couldn't hear us. Re-configured ant through many types to no avail. after midnight local lightning strikes were seriously dangerous. Disconnected antenna with side cutters. Ant did get struck later. Went to bed After breakfast dismantled station...QRV for 6 hours Time out: 1600 to 1800(1hr) 1900 to 2000(1hr) 00:00 to 16:00 end. lightning stormclosed down at 1am local. SD works great for me. G3LHJ Great fun always brings back happy memories running TARS Contest G3NJA/P G3SAD/P Fun event. Firts g3sad nfd for a number of years and this time 4 operators including alex m0sfr breaking his nfd duck. We will be back next year bigger and better! No thunderstorms here only a little rain on saturday evening G3TBK/P Once again thunderstorms arrived on Sat. evening and stayed with us until dawn on Sunday - ruining our 160 & 80m effort! Had to go QRT 4 times & disconnect antennas losing almost an hour. Fantastic condx on 10m. FT1000D. Logger N1MM. Antennas Dipoles at 65 feet for 160 80 40m. Dipole at 34 feet for 40m. TH7 at 65 ft for HF. Gremlins struck with 40 minutes left - PSu fault in rig. Had to unpack spare rig and connect up. Lost another 20 minutes. G3UES/P K3 and 2x40m doublet G3ULT/P Good WX. Generator died 5 mins before end of time! G3XVR/P A hugely enjoyable event. Good openings on 10m and topband. Tested many new bits of club kit. Used K3 for the first time in the field with a small 700w generator. 10W to a 270ft doublet fed with 75 ohm flat twin. The K3's internal ATU coped superbly on all bands. Several ops using N1MM for the first time and were impressed. G4ALE/P Did catastrophically on the LF bands but 10m went very well and we seemed to be in the right place for the skip! Wx much better this year despite some rain Saturday night. But we broke 2 of the operators. G4ARN/P Great weekend as usual. We combined it with an open weekend of radio activities for the rest of club members and families. Nice to hear 28 open but the QRN was bad on LF. Mostly fine wx but it wouldn't be NFD without a downpour and a storm! G4ATH/P Rig suffered strong cross modulation especially when strong Continentals were splattering key clicks! Club's brand new generator performed faultlessly but needs a hash filter to reduce slight noise on 80m. Lack of operators! Good support team though. G4AYM/P Rig IC718 Antenna 270ft centre fed in inverted V centre at 11m ATU Heath Autokeyer homebrew Logging Software homebrew Power source 12V battery float charged by Honda generator. Conditions - 10m open both days QSO rate steady throughout. Everything worked perfectly - no technical problems. Weather - sunny and dry! Thanks for organising an enjoyable weekend. G4CKH Good e's made 10mtrs very usable. Hope next year to be out portable again G4FNL/P We had 3 ops this year which greatly helped. We had a terrible problem with S8 RX noise level right across 10m that cost us a huge number of QSOs. Our apologies if you called us & we didn't reply. We also had a terrifically high QRN levels overnight - & at one point we actually had sparks leaping over the 160M coil of the tuner from the static in the air. We've started planning for next year..... FT1000MP MK5 & 265ft doublet with a re-made homebrew switchable tuner for six bands. G4HRC/P 6 hrs only but enjoyable G4OBK/P A 7 hour solo effort with battery power from inside a cheap beach shelter on top of Bishop Wilton Wold which is also a SOTA Summit. Conditions average to poor on most bands but I enjoyed the sporadic e on 10m band and the 50 minutes of action on 1 60m before the midges and moths dive bombing my LED headlight inside my beach shelter and my last failing battery forced me off the air at 2145z. I used two 7 AH Lead acid batteries and two 5 AH Lithium Polymer ones to supply the 50-75 watts output from my FT-857 for my activity. G4WSM/P Off to a slow start due to faulty transceiver (changed) Good to be taking part in NFD after a long absence SD and PC logging worked excellently Good condx on 10 metres and topband Very enjoyable club event G5BK/P 10m very productive, lots of short skip. Pleased to be called by VK6LW on 40m early on Saturday evening - he was a surprisingly strong signal. Very heavy QRN on 160 and 80 - can't recall having to ask for so many repeats of serial numbers in previous years. A most enjoyable weekend. Roll on next year! (G3NKS) Had a great time in my first FD and I'll be back for more next year. (G4ENZ) Contest dominated by CG's, Proper clubs need a separate category to encourage some new blood into NFD. (G3LVP) G5GX/P Good week-end was had and enjoyed by all. G5JJ/P Using FT840 & dipole. New team dipping toes into contesting First time use of N1MM and some Qs lost due to QSY Wipe setting being checked!! G5LO/P Good fun as ever and even a few more operators this year. K3 with a tribander at 60 foot and dipoles for the LF bands. G5XV/P None of the problems like last years effort when the gen set decided to pack in just before the start Elecraft k3 100w force 12 beam mobile tower Honda generator. Started on 10m ES condx patchy but at times signals were strong. During the night Loud static crashes were really bad on LF hence our lowish score on 160m. G6CSY Always a pleasure to seek out the /P stations from G and give away a few points. Running QRP 5W to a trap vertical. Found 20m very quiet. Some sporadic-E on 10m. G6NRC/P We had to take part in the Low Power (12hr) section due to a lack of operators to participate over 24hrs. Good fun and good experience. Our break took place between 2056 sat and 0748 sun. G6UW/P RIG ICOM IC7000 ANTENNAS DIPOLES FOR EACH BAND (10M 20M ROTATABLE) LOGGER N1MM ALSO USED CWGET STATION LOCATED IN GROUNDS OF CHURCHILL COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE CB3 0DS First time for us at CUWS we were lucky to have good weather and fun was had by all. Somehow I ended up doing all the operating despite my CW not being nearly as good as a couple of the older members. Getting permission from the college to set up in the grounds was an interesting experience I don't think they understood what we were on about at first. Everything was very last-minute some of the dipoles didn't get their feeders until the Saturday morning when Rob M0VFC got out his soldering kit to put connectors on the coax. In the end we were 30 minutes late starting because we suddenly realised less than an hour before the start that we'd completely forgotten to get any lunch and the canteen was already shut. We also had some fun with our rotatable dipole; someone had forgotten to tighten a bolt and it was rotating of its own accord whenever the wind blew. After a couple of hours we decided this was no good; fortunately the pneumatic mast was down in five minutes and up in five more with the problem fixed. Condx on the bands were very good; 10m in particular stayed open surprisingly long. One thing that was disconcerting was the large number of stations with calls R41S + letter /P. Very grateful to the Camb-Hams (Cambs Repeater Group) for the loan of their van 'Flossie' with its pneumatic mast. Certainly intend to enter again next year - who knows we might even have /two/ operators! G6YB/P We were not at our usual site this year so we had low expectations of doing well. We entered the Open section after a few years in the Restricted so that we could try out a few new antennas ready for IOTA. We also used our new caravan for the first time. It was good to see 10m really buzzing for a change producing or highest score of any band. 20m gave us the greatest number of QSOs as usual. G8FC/P We closed down 3 times due to lightening losing about 5 hours. Otherwise we had a good contest. GD4IOM/P Field day always is held during the manx tt races making it difficult for operators to get to the site or requiring them elsewhere. This year was no exception and there was only one operator again this year. Ft2000 butternut vertical on the beach GM0ADX/P Having come back to NFD just 3 years ago after a number of years absence we've been getting more ambitious each time. This year we used a 3 element tribander at 45 feet with 40 80 160 dipoles hung on the same mast. The rig was an IC-756PROIII an d N1MM was the logging software. We also had a home brew 5 element yagi for 10m up 40 feet but the sporadic E stations were just as strong on the tribander. Conditions were fairly good most of the time and we maintained a steady and healthy rate (for us) throughout the contest. Rapid band changing was needed at times to keep the rate up. Great weather this year. The only rain was when we were packing up and our 70 year old ex-army tent got soaked. We left it on site to dry out. It's great to have a very friendly farmer as a host for situations like this. No equipment failures and everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed reaching our personal best NFD score. GM3BSQ/P New site near Aberdeen Lighthouse Sat weather hot & sunny Sun cool with heavy rain 10M extremely noisy weak signals hard to copy No major problems apart from feeder disconnecting in the wind causing high rf in the shack GM3UIN/P First nfd in several years for both ops f5vbu had to return to france early sunday so station was [closed early] GM4AGG/P Thanks to GM4TOQ and 2M0RMP for helping out on the day. 10m open to EU for most of the contest. Sunny weather apart from the last hour of the contest.Thanks to all who worked us. GM4GRC/P WX hot 1st day dismal on the 2nd. Station was inspected on 1st day pleased that we were legal. Plenty visitors to our the site but none showed any interest even though they passed within inches. GM4RGC/P 10W makes it hard going. Wx very wet after sunny start. 12hours off too long - too much time kicking heels. Perhaps 8 hours would be better? GU4YOX/P What a great weekend for radio, no bad weather and bands in reasonable shape. K2 and an inverted Vee and a ground plane antenna for 20M. 2 kW genny that needed filling every 3.5 hours. A great contest to celebrate my first NFD 40 years ago when I was 10. GW0AAA/P We normally try to visit a different UK site every year but this time we returned to an old favourite. We set up just outside Newport in South Wales close to the Bristol Channel. Our "tent" was the back of a rental van and our antenna was a lop-s ided 270ft doublet fed with open wire feeders through an auto-tuner. The rig was an icom 7800. The weather conditions were great and so was 28Mhz! It gave us our best points on that band in over 25 years of NFD operating. GW4BJM/P QTH Bangor University campus M0AAA/P Great Fun - wonderful weather Reading and District ARC, B team M0IRN/P Disappointing this year after feeling that we made progress last year. Electrical storms on Saturday night caused lots of QRN on 160m and reduced the opportunity for many more double-pointers. We lost a laptop when the tent gave way to a puddle on the roof and water dropped stright into the keyboard. The M0 prefix to the call-sign caused a mental block for lots of stations- our call-sign will be different next year. Station - K3 into a 270ft doublet. MM0BQI/P A quick operation down by the seaside. K3 running 10w to a 20m GP on a fishing pole. Worked well on 10 and 15 as well!