RSGB Club Calls Contest 2009
The aim of this event is
to encourage contacts between Affiliated Societies, to give their
callsigns an airing and to encourage new licensees to operate under
appropriate supervision. Note that to assist adjudication, please use preferred names from the list below, where possible.
The general rules apply to this contest
Saturday 14th November 2009
Time: 2000
- 2300 UTC
1870-1990 kHz
Mode: SSB
Exchange: RS
+ Serial No+ other data
1. Eligible Entrants:
All licensed amateurs in the UK.
2. Exchange:
RS + serial number + name of Club + "Club Station", "Club Member" or
"No Club", as appropriate. NB: the name of the club must be sent in
full. It must not be sent as initials. A Club Station must use a
callsign which is specifically issued to a Club or Society which is
affiliated to the RSGB. Use of special club station prefixes such as GX
etc by club stations is allowed in this event.
3. Scoring:
3 points per contact, plus bonuses of 5 points for contacts with any
club members, and 25 points for contacts with any Club
4. Awards:
The Ariel Trophy to the leading Club station.
Certificates to the leading club, individual club and non-club member.
The David Hill, G4IQM, Memorial Trophy will be awarded to the club
having the highest aggregate score of five club members operating
within a 30 mile radius of the club meeting place.
5. Logs: Paper
and disk entries must be postmarked no later than Saturday 30 November
2009. Online entries must be
submitted to
by 23:59:59 on 30th November. Entries must be in Cabrillo
format, see here
for information on preparing a Cabrillo entry.
Example of Club Calls Contest log.
Preferred Club
names to be used in the log
information regarding the Cabrillo Format