RSGB 80m Sprint Contests 2011
A series of short sprint contests to complement the 80m Club Championship events earlier in the year. These events will introduce different contesting skills through the ‘sprint’ format. This requires stations to QSY often, and not maintain a ‘run' frequency.
The general rules apply to this contest
August to November 2011 (see calendar for specific dates)
19:00-20:30 UTC (Aug, Sep, Oct) 20:00-21:30 (Nov)
CW &
SSB, see the calendar
Exchange: Other
station’s callsign +
Your callsign + serial number + name
(NB: for the order of the exchange, see here). Each
station may use only one name during each Sprint event.
Please note that
both stations
must repeat both callsigns during their exchanges.
1. Sections:
- 100W maximum power at the transmitter output;
QRP - 10W
maximum power at the transmitter output.
Entrants may change section from one event to another. Stations may be
single or multi-operator. In cases
some operators are members of an RSGB Affiliated Society (AFS) but not
RSGB members themselves, the Contest Committee may require an officer
of the affiliated society to confirm entrant's membership status.
2. Frequencies:
CW 3.520-3.570 (QRS Corral around 3.560);
SSB 3.600-3.650 & 3.700-3775
3. Special
QSY Rule: if any
station initiates a call (by sending CQ, QRZ?, etc.), they are
permitted to
work ONLY one station on the same frequency. They must thereafter move
2 (two) kHz before they may call another station or solicit
QRZ?, etc.) other contacts.
One point per. contact.
5. Entries: Each session is a contest in its own right, and log entries must be submitted to within seven days of the contest. For example for a contest on 12th August, the deadline is 23:59:59 on 19th August. Entries must be in Cabrillo format, see here for information on preparing a Cabrillo entry. In order to count towards the total for an affiliated society, the society name must be clearly indicated on the entry. Societies may wish to appoint a coordinator who can ensure that entries contain all required information and are emailed on time.
Entrants should set up their contest logging software as per the EUSprint contest, which is supported by SD, N1MM, Writelog, Wintest etc.
As an alternative to using logging software during the contest, details can be logged on paper and entered directly onto the web form here after the event
information regarding the Cabrillo