RSGB SSB Field Day 2011
A popular club activity.
Finding the best ratio of contact rate to country multipliers provides
a challenging back drop to weekend outdoors.
The general rules apply to this contest
3rd/4th September 2011.
Time: 1300
- 1300UTC
3.5, 7, 14, 21, 28MHz
Mode: SSB
RS + Serial Number.
1. Sections: All
sections are multi-operator. This is a portable contest as defined in
General Rule 6.
(a) Open
Section. Full licensed power. There is no restriction on the number,
height or type of antennas.
Restricted Section. 100W output power. One antenna only which must be a
single element having not more than two elevated supports and not
exceeding 15m above ground at its highest point.
3. Equipment:
(a) Open
Section. Linear amplifier, one transmitter and two receivers. The
receiver section of a second transceiver may be used as the second
receiver if desired, so long as the transmitter section is disabled for
the duration of the contest. Unused receiver sections must also be
disabled for the duration of the contest.
Restricted Section. One transmitter and one receiver or one
transceiver. Both receivers in a dual-receive transceiver may be used,
if desired. In all sections, equipment and antennas for packet radio
access above 30MHz may also be used, if desired.
4. Scoring:
For contacts with:
Fixed stations in IARU Region 1: 2 points
Stations outside IARU Region 1: 3 points
/P or /M stations in IARU Region 1: 5 points.
IARU Region 1 countries include those in Europe, Africa, USSR, ITU Zone
39 and Mongolia. For a more precise definition refer to the RSGB
Amateur Radio Operating Manual. Points must not be claimed for contacts
made by a competing station with members of its own group.
5. Multiplier:
One for each DXCC Country worked on each band.
6. Logs: Online entries must be
submitted to
by the date specified in the general rules. Entries must be in Cabrillo
format, see here
for information on preparing a Cabrillo entry.
Example of SSB FD Contest log.
information regarding the Cabrillo Format
7. Awards:
The leading station in the Open section will receive the Northumbria
Trophy and in the Restricted section, the G3PSH Memorial Trophy.